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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #3631
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    There's this trend now in the MCU where they tease or I troduced a character and then yank them right away. It happened with Quicksilver, it happened with Eddie Brock, it just happened in Hawkeye (probably not), it may yet happen with spider man and by all accounts it's going to happen in a big way in Multiverse of Madness.

    It's such a mean spirited and unfun way to do things and I'm pretty frustrated by it at this point.

  2. #3632
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    No Way Home was incredible. That's all I have at the moment...

  3. #3633
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    There's this trend now in the MCU where they tease or I troduced a character and then yank them right away. It happened with Quicksilver, it happened with Eddie Brock, it just happened in Hawkeye (probably not), it may yet happen with spider man and by all accounts it's going to happen in a big way in Multiverse of Madness.

    It's such a mean spirited and unfun way to do things and I'm pretty frustrated by it at this point.
    Hawkeye with the big Spoiler: XXXXX XXXX pull there at the end. Sorry, spoiler for another media so I'm just going to black it out entirely.

    And I counted three Stephen's Strange in the MoM trailer which is two more than we need so that's not a bad thing, overall.

  4. #3634
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    Loved the music ending. I'm re-reading Marvels so this line stood out to me:

    If the city is trashed when you take your bow
    We'll blame you then, but you're good for now
    It's a major theme of the book that the common folk are always quick to love the heroes but even quicker to blame them for whatever goes wrong.

  5. #3635
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    I can do this allllllll dddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYyyyYyy

  6. #3636
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    This has to be one of the best marketing ideas, ever. A friend grabbed one for me!

    I grabbed like 8 of those bad boys that day. Gave em out to a buncha friends and family.

  7. #3637
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    If you think you missed some things in Spidey 3 like I did, the above will help alot. Man was there alot going on in that flick.

    So I overall loved it like most everyone else. But not more than the first two. Basically because...I never asked for this. I never wanted a live action version of Into The Spiderverse. The reason Homecoming and Far From Home worked was b/c they finally corrected alot of the problems with the first two franchises (and he was in the MCU). That being said, they gave me the best possible version of what I never asked for. They really nailed it aside from some plot contrivances you kinda just have to forgive to get on with it & enjoy everything else they're throwing at us. I consider both those movies A/A+...and I would give this a B/B-.

    Random Positives:

    - Barnabus Wizardcock was great yet again as Strange. I think he actually gets better as the character with every appearance.
    - As said, the movie lets things breath between the three Spideys & thats when the movie shines. The scene between them right before the final fight is fantastic.
    - Garfield's performance. Prolly captures Peter the best of the three (although I think all 3 do a great job) & they really let him shine here.
    - Dafoe & Molina's performances bring much needed weight to the movie. Molina can't be bad in anything, and he's probably had the best turn as a Spidey villain. And Just absolutely menacing once again in this just like 20 years ago. But now it's not hidden behind that terrible costume! The man is gifted with such an animated face too. Can do so much with it.
    - the set piece on the highway with Doc Ock is phenomenal.
    - Loved the idea of adding Cap's shield to the Statue. Just makes you think yet again of what would happen in irl all around the world if an event like Infinity War/Endgame actually happened.
    - Turning Jameson into Alex Jones was genius.
    - Wong now being the Sorceror Supreme b/c of the blip makes total sense & is a reall cool idea that I'm sure will factor into Strange 2 greatly.
    - Although it was messy to get to, bringing Peter back to a no frills version for the next set of movies is perfect, and it's much more interesting this way after having seen him with tech, the Avengers, etc.
    - it appears we will NOT have that Tom Hardy Venom abomination interacting with the MCU Spidey, and if they do something with the symbiote, it will be a fresh start & hopefully not a fucking joke/more in line with the Tom Holland films.
    - he's a very good lawyer!!!!
    - the Inception sequence...while seemingly unnecessary for the scope of the fight they were having, looked great. Need to see it again to take it all in.
    - Same goes for the dimension breaking scene....i wanna see all the Spidey villain outlines again for myself!
    - when Tobey got stabbed by a giant blade in the back, I actually though they were gonna have the balls to kill him there, especially since they were being coy for a little bit about how bad the wound was. But then they made it clear it wasn't that bad. I would have been impressed with the cajones to do that there.
    - This made me REALLY excited for Strange 2, the various Kangs we're going to see, more Loki's perhaps, etc.

    Random Negatives:

    - the plot unfortunately rests on Peter suddenly being really, really stupid & also refusing to listen to Dr. Strange, a man he respects immensely, about something magic based, which he knows nothing about. I let it go b/c what we get the rest of the movie is awesome, but Peter's insistence on sending these random villains he's seen for about two seconds back to their own DIMENSIONS cured instead of just listening to Strange's VERY logical take on what needs to be done was a big eyeroll for me.
    - I found the outsized roles for May, Ned & MJ to be jarring after two films where they didn't have much to do with the big doings of the story. Maybe it's b/c I never jibed with their castings (well not Ned...he's fine) in the first place, but I prefer them to all be in the background. Aunt May out of nowhere suddenly being VERY involved with Spidey's actual decision making for the villain stuff bothered me, as well as the lazy notion of killing Aunt May for the bazillionth time (although I understand it had to be done...Tomei made it clear she was done with these movies after the trilogy).
    - shoehorning May giving Peter the Great Responsibility speech as she's dying was really cringe. If Uncle Ben isn't doing it, DON'T DO IT. And we all loved it when it wasn't forced into Homecoming, so just leave it alone! Not every trope box has to be checked!
    - Ned being magic sensitive is a fucking awful idea, please do not follow up with it. The idea that he could pick up Strange's finger thing and immediately just open portals is absurd and doesn't even jibe with how much work MCU Strange had to go through to perform magic, nevermind the comics. Not every character has to eventually have a role that ties into bigger things.
    - character CGI was mostly terrible. Lizard & Sandman especially. It all was too shiny and looked unfinished. And they knew it too b/c they hid Sandman in shadows as much as they could. Spidey alot of the time looked bad too. Doc Ock looked good at least. The de-aging for Molina & Dafoe was pretty damn good too.
    - How long you figure Hayden-Church was on set? One whole day?
    - Jamie Foxx is a terrible, unbelievable Electro yet again. I understand they had no choice but to use him here, but man casting him for a nerdy character was just awful. His "costume" looked stupid to me too. At least he wasn't blue and the lightning shots looked cool and realistic.

  8. #3638
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    Saw No Way Home with a few friends last week and I really enjoyed it! I hadn't been to a cinema since 2019, so sitting down and watching a new film for the first time in a few years was awesome. I haven't seen most of the newer Marvel movies so it was kinda confusing at first to follow what was happening in terms of everything carrying over from the films before, but once the story got going I was totally immersed in it. It's just a really well done modern Spider Man movie with cool nostalgic callbacks and surprises that reminded me of the days I watched the original SM trilogy countless times. Tom Holland, Zendaya and pretty much everyone was great in it! I went backwards and watched Homecoming today, and I'm definitely going to watch Far From Home when it pops up on Netflix in January.

  9. #3639
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    - the plot unfortunately rests on Peter suddenly being really, really stupid
    He's 16 or 17 years old. As someone who works with kids of that age, I can tell you without a doubt, that all of them are always really, really stupid. At least in terms of their ability to make rational decisions in emotional situations. And his decisions were made from a purely emotional place. As intelligent as some kids may be at that age, they're all still really dumb when it comes down to it.

  10. #3640
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    As someone with a 16 year old I can also confirm that they are really, really stupid.

  11. #3641
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    I want a still of Andrew and Toby before they jump down to console MCU Pete, along with the moon shot and all 3 of them posing after the superhero spidey landing. Cannot wait to see it again.

  12. #3642
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    As someone with a 16 year old I can also confirm that they are really, really stupid.
    How does someone who grew up after these movies respond to the other spider men?

  13. #3643
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    That's a great question, I don't think we've ever watched the trilogy with him and Amazing was just long-enough ago that he probably doesn't remember anything about them. Also he was seven / nine for both movies and I know we never watched them a second time at home.

  14. #3644
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    How does someone who grew up after these movies respond to the other spider men?
    Basically the same way they treated the other other Spider-Men from Into the Spider-Verse... there are many, we can deal.

  15. #3645
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    I straight up loved Hawkeye start to excellent finish. It more than made up for Hoki.

  16. #3646
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    There were multiple kids in the theater when I went to see it that wouldn't shut up about "The other spidey's", along with my 11 year old and 9 year old little cousins that lost their shit when they showed up with never knowing about them. I think just seeing more Spidey's other than Tom Holland made their brains pop.

  17. #3647
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  18. #3648
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Strange to think that was the case 25 years ago. Things have changed quite a bit since then, haven't they? Apple was also dangerously close to bankruptcy at this point in time, before purchasing NeXT and bringing Steve Jobs back in '97. Now both companies are massively successful powerhouses.

  19. #3649
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    Oh man, we had NeXT computers at my first college. That was an experience. They weren't terrible, just weird. also the school only allotted 10MB per account and it was the advent of .wav files so I remember being judicious in what songs I could download.

  20. #3650
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    I would absolutely LOVE Andrew Garfield to get another shot at Spidey. While I didn't really care for his adaptation of Peter, his Spider-Man is by far my favorite of the 3.

  21. #3651
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    I'm almost to the point of not wanting Spider-Man 4 or Amazing 3 just because of the number of people who are hyping it up and it's not going to be any of those things. Just let it live in memory and it will be better than anything they try to do.

    which is sort of sad.

  22. #3652
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    They should not do Tobey and Andrew, guys. Those ended horribly, they won't go well again. The current series is the only one that's really, really worked. They're coming back for secret wars, that's pretty much it

  23. #3653
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    If they had just left the villain's off it would be great. or maybe it's just "I'm floating away, I'm a space man" Electro that I'm concerned by. lol
    Last edited by allegate; 01-12-2022 at 06:01 PM.

  24. #3654
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    Since Eternals came out on Disney+ today, I gave that a watch. I liked it and see what it is in part building towards... but for those who didn't like the Bana Hulk or the first two Thor movies, well... I don't think it'll appeal much.

  25. #3655
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    Nanjiani is great in The Eternals and that’s the nicest thing I can say about that movie. He was the only character I cared about. What a mess of a script and just overkill on the CGI. I never want to hear Iron Man 2 referred to as the worst Marvel movie again.

  26. #3656
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    Thor 2 is the worst movie, so don't worry about that.

  27. #3657
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    As I'm reading early 80's X-Men, I just thought of a perfect way to introduce them into the MCU...

    Have Rogue, as a villain, steal Ms. Marvel's powers.

    Rogue, a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, attracts the attention of the X-Men.

  28. #3658
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    As I'm reading early 80's X-Men, I just thought of a perfect way to introduce them into the MCU....
    My wife heartily agrees with this as an introduction...

  29. #3659
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    I honestly do not understand the hate for Thor 2. It looks great, it's fun, and we get the first batch of anti-hero Loki, along with the beginning of him and Thor's chemistry and banter. It does have its flaws, but I feel it doesn't deserve the universal hate it gets all the time.

  30. #3660
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    Since Eternals came out on Disney+ today, I gave that a watch. I liked it and see what it is in part building towards... but for those who didn't like the Bana Hulk or the first two Thor movies, well... I don't think it'll appeal much.
    well stated.

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