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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #451
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    I'm about halfway through Daredevil and it really is incredible. Allowing it to be TV-MA was a fantastic choice for everyone involved, because it feels so real. As real as it can be, anyway. It feels a little bit like Game of Thrones, too, in how deep the corruption really goes. Spoiler: Watching the cops mercilessly kill each other and then that poor, uninitiated guy at the end of episode 6 was ridiculous. It never ends with this show.

    I also really appreciate the lengths it goes to to humanize as many characters as it can. The Russians, Fisk, they all felt real, and I keep getting twinges of empathy for them, even though I know that the Russians were heartless bastards and Fisk is literally the reason all of this is happening. Very, very good storytelling.

    Can't wait for the other three.

  2. #452
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    A co-worker just got to see an early Trade showing of Ultron, and he said it was boring and lacked all of the fun of the first Avengers film and even Guardians. 90 minutes of them bickering with each other and then your typical last hour of the film just people fighting and destroying buildings with no consequence.

    Just throwing that out there.

  3. #453
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    A co-worker just got to see an early Trade showing of Ultron, and he said it was boring and lacked all of the fun of the first Avengers film and even Guardians. 90 minutes of them bickering with each other and then your typical last hour of the film just people fighting and destroying buildings with no consequence.

    Just throwing that out there.
    I honestly kind of expect that. I hate to say it but I've definitely been getting kind of tired of The Avengers films. Daredevil is the most refreshing thing they've done. Every trailer for Avengers 2 seems built on convincing you that this is "the biggest threat yet" and I find it really, really hard to have any level of concern or tension when I know that half the cast already has more solo films announced, Civil War is next year and Infinity War is two parts. Kind of difficult to see Ultron as anything other than a placeholder villain. I really am starting to feel a bit of franchise fatigue. It's just hard to really care. I know I'll see it, I figure I'll enjoy it but I have no giant hype whatsoever.

  4. #454
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    Got our opening night IMAX tickets...I hope it's good but I'm worried from the previews I've seen as well. The plot seems a bit....lacking. Oh well, it'll be a fun Friday night.

    In other news, here's the mayor of Vancouver with Ryan Reynolds. They finished filming that big action scene downtown this morning.

  5. #455
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    Just finished Daredevil. I'm pretty far from a comic book guy and have only really liked the Iron Man movies, but this show impressed the hell out of me. I also loved the Nolan Batman series which this seems to have made many an homage to, but did it in the right way. I like that more time was spent on character development than busting heads, which wasn't too bad either.

  6. #456
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    Just finished watching Daredevil, too and right now, I would go so far to say it's my favorite thing put out by Marvel. The realism and horror of Hell's Kitchen is the perfect antithesis to the popcorn fare of their big-tent movies. The movies are starting to get darker in tone but, inevitably, there's stuff they have to either omit or allude to to appeal to a broader audience with a PG-13 rating. I'm so glad this and the upcoming Defenders titles are on Netflix, which has the capacity to be not only daring in it's content but also has the budget to do it justice.

    Also, I really like the suit.

  7. #457
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    I do have a bad feeling about ultron.

    There are, first of all, obviously too many characters, and too much going on. Personally, i would have left out Quicksipver and Scarlet Witch altogether. Theyre a messy property issue, could never sustain Their own movie, and theyre only crowding up the place. It seems like a better place to introduce future movie characters, although i cant help but believe that there will be an abundance of that.

    Also you have to wonder if whedon didnt bail on the next movies for creative reasons. Since the word is that marvels hand is in this one that much more, it seems like something scared him off.

    Its a shame because after Winter Soldier and Guardians and Daredevil, Marvel is really at their peak, heres hoping they can keep it going.

  8. #458
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    Well, in case you missed it, the guys who directed Captain America: The Winter Soldier are officially directing Avengers: Infinity War Pt. 1 & 2 after Captain America: Civil War annnnnd Joss Whedon hasn't completely ruled-out having SOME involvement with the third Avengers film anyway. So I think you should be okay there!

    Honestly, it sounds like Whedon would just rather sleep in and see his family more for the next few years instead of dealing with the COLOSSAL enterprise of yet another back-to-back double-feature run on the franchise (and WITHOUT a break in between next time, no less!)...I think that's reason enough, lol.

    And the Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver thing isn't as messy as you might think, either.

    As long as they don't call them "mutants" or mention Magneto/Wolverine/whoever-their-dad-is-this-week then it's pretty much fair game and open season.

    Plus, they were essentially RIGHT THERE for the start of the comic so I'd say bringing them in for the second Avengers movie makes sense. Especially considering the way tying them into the current, ongoing build-up with the Infinity Stones/Gems/w/e helps introduce/explain them AND sidestep the whole mutation thing.

    As for Marvel stepping in to meddle with the creative process, it's sounding more and more like Edgar Wright basically wanted Ant-Man to be a standalone movie while Marvel wanted it to be more intimately interconnected with the ongoing saga of the MCU, so if that's the case then I think Marvel made the right call and should keep it up, frankly.

  9. #459
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  10. #460
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I do have a bad feeling about ultron.

    There are, first of all, obviously too many characters, and too much going on. Personally, i would have left out Quicksipver and Scarlet Witch altogether. Theyre a messy property issue, could never sustain Their own movie, and theyre only crowding up the place. It seems like a better place to introduce future movie characters, although i cant help but believe that there will be an abundance of that.

    Also you have to wonder if whedon didnt bail on the next movies for creative reasons. Since the word is that marvels hand is in this one that much more, it seems like something scared him off.

    Its a shame because after Winter Soldier and Guardians and Daredevil, Marvel is really at their peak, heres hoping they can keep it going.
    Whedon has confirmed Ultron utterly exhausted him and that he set an almost impossible task for himself. This all makes me excited tho. In order to be a coherent plot and emotionally resonant it has to be well written as fuck.

  11. #461
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    Is this the right thread for this? God, I hope so.

  12. #462
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Is this the right thread for this?
    Well, since you, it is not.

    You see, the words "Marvel Cinematic Universe" (or "MCU") refer very specifically to the interconnected series of films, short films, T.V. shows, Netflix shows, tie-in comics, and soon-to-be animated series which are all intentionally meant to quite intricately co-exist within the same, single overall narrative "universe."

    Y'know, all the stuff that's wrapped-up in the various "phases" culminating in a new Avengers film every few years.

    Such as the Iron Man, Captain America, Incredible Hulk and Thor films, as well as Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Inhumans in the next few years, for example.

    Also included in the MCU is "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." and "Agent Carter" on network T.V. and "Daredevil" and "A.K.A. Jessica Jones" on Netflix.

    Soon enough we'll even have Spider-Man films included within the official MCU canon!!!


    However, all previous Spider-Man/Spiderman movies have nothing to do with the MCU. Same goes for all Fantastic Four movies, X-Men movies, Deadpool, all 3 Punisher films, all Hulk TV shows, TV movies, and the Ang Lee film. Not to mention older, random stuff like "Generation X," "Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.," all Marvel animated shows and movies (to date), Spider-Man's appearances on "The Electric Company," etc.

    It's pretty straightforward, despite all the confusion and befuddlement among laymen.

    I hope that helped sort things out for everyone.


  13. #463
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Well, since you, it is not.

    You see, the words "Marvel Cinematic Universe" (or "MCU") refer very specifically to the interconnected series of films, short films, T.V. shows, Netflix shows, tie-in comics, and soon-to-be animated series which are all intentionally meant to quite intricately co-exist within the same, single overall narrative "universe."

    Y'know, all the stuff that's wrapped-up in the various "phases" culminating in a new Avengers film every few years.

    Such as the Iron Man, Captain America, Incredible Hulk and Thor films, as well as Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Inhumans in the next few years, for example.

    Also included in the MCU is "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." and "Agent Carter" on network T.V. and "Daredevil" and "A.K.A. Jessica Jones" on Netflix.

    Soon enough we'll even have Spider-Man films included within the official MCU canon!!!


    However, all previous Spider-Man/Spiderman movies have nothing to do with the MCU. Same goes for all Fantastic Four movies, X-Men movies, Deadpool, all 3 Punisher films, all Hulk TV shows, TV movies, and the Ang Lee film. Not to mention older, random stuff like "Generation X," "Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.," all Marvel animated shows and movies (to date), Spider-Man's appearances on "The Electric Company," etc.

    It's pretty straightforward, despite all the confusion and befuddlement among laymen.

    I hope that helped sort things out for everyone.

    Kind of a dick reply, but OK.

  14. #464
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    How so?

    Apologies if it came across that way.

    I was just trying to be as clear and thorough as possible within an abbreviated overview since it seems to be so confusing for so many people who don't really have their finger on the pulse of the MCU.


  15. #465
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    Haz, love you bro. But even the "laymen" who don't have their fingers in the butts of the MCU still understand what is going on with the various studios. This isn't confusing to anyone. You're just literally the only person who cares enough to nitpick. Yes, Marvel Cinematic Universe can be a proper noun referring to only the interconnected Marvel studios produced films. But read literally, you can't say the other movies aren't part of a Marvel (check) Cinematic (check) Universe (check). I'm not a mod or even one of the cool kids here, so excuse me if this is stepping out of line... but let's all shut up and talk about cool Marvel movies without getting elitest and condescending about titles.

  16. #466
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    Weren't people trying to argue pages back or in another thread that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. shouldn't be included in discussion? YMMV.

    Thread title changed to better reflect the nature of discussion. This thread has been an umbrella for all things Marvel from page one so why fight against it? I know what is technically part of MCU, I just don't give a shit and neither should you.

  17. #467
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    I regret to report that the writing towards the end of Daredevil takes a nosedive in quality. It's all silly monologues, cliche dogpiles, non-sequiturs, and plot-driven b.s. This was becoming my favorite show until I saw 1x12. Bummer.

  18. #468
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    No, not really. I must adamantly disagree.
    It stays pretty fucking awesome the entire time. Plot driven is good last I checked. As opposed to what? No plot? You're going to have monologues. It's a fucking comic book series!

    "Emmy award winner Vincent D'Onofrio" has a nice ring to it.

  19. #469
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    I know this is a source of contention for some reason but I have to be anal and side with Hazekiah.

    There should be one MCU thread(Avengers, AoS, Daredevil, etc) and one Fox Marvel Films thread (Xmen, Deadpool, FF).

    If only because I stay out of the Marvel thread when say, I haven't watched the latest Agents episode, but I wouldn't mind to discuss the new Psylocke casting without being at risk to any spoilers.

    Theres nothing wrong with having one mega fan boy thread either, but given how many different projects are in the go now from the various studios it's just how I'd personally prefer it, for whatever thats worth.

  20. #470
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    The Marvel Thread

    Spin-off to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. rumored to be about Mockingbird and Hunter.

    edit: Oh, oh, oh! Ms. Marvel miniseries rumors now. *internally squeeing*

  21. #471
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  23. #473
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    Different show runner, though. Not sure how to feel about that yet.

  24. #474
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Different show runner, though. Not sure how to feel about that yet.
    They are replacing Steven DeKnight, who replaced Drew Goddard. Things like this will probably become par-for-the-course with Marvel having so many irons in the fire.

  25. #475
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    The show didn't suffer when DeKnight replaced Goddard, so I doubt we'll lose very much in this shuffle. The two new guys worked on the entire first season anyway, so they probably have a good feel for it.

    I've watched up to episode eight so far, and man, this show is so damn good. Episode seven was a bit directionless, but episode eight really brought it back. That end sequence with Kingpin, damn.

  26. #476
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    Still its really odd when companies, especially Marvel and ESPECIALLY Disney try to fix what isnt broke.

  27. #477
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    Who said anything about fixing? For all we know, DeKnight signed a contract for only one season, since that's all we were ever promised from Netflix. I'm sure Netflix hoped Daredevil would be a resounding success, which it has, but nothing was guaranteed. While there are some little easter eggs for a potential second season, the first season is really an encapsulated storyline.

  28. #478
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  29. #479
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    Just finished 'Better Call Saul'...trying to decide if I want to catch up on 'Agents of SHIELD' or 'Daredevil' on Netflix. I often let entire seasons of shows pass me by so I can binge watch them at my leisure. I'm interested to see how the new 'Avengers' flick affects AoS. Ahhhh what an exciting time to be a Marvel fan.

  30. #480
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    Re: Daredevil

    Go back and watch the scene where the sniper takes out the officers, and take a really close look at the sniper's bag. See if you get it.

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