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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #781
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    @cashpiles That is pretty much exactly what I was coming in here to write. Agree with just about everything you wrote. A 7 to 7.5 for me.

    Saw the movie on Saturday. A very fun film that pleasantly surprised me as I was fearing certain things like the humor just being juvenile and really dumb but honestly it was fine. I am happy for Deadpool supporters/fanatics who finally got the movie they wanted and am glad it has done extremely well but man is this film getting overrated like there is no tomorrow...mostly by fans (that is my opinion of course). Like I said I enjoyed the movie and it was really fun and I think the most important thing is that is laid a foundation for the character and future releases. Fun movie worth watching and a good start to a year that should have some quality comic book based films.

    EDIT: Actually would really love to see all the cut footage from this movie supposedly there is a lot so hopefully that'll be released in the Blu Ray
    Last edited by Tums206_BFY; 02-17-2016 at 01:46 AM.

  2. #782
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tums206_BFY View Post
    A very fun film that pleasantly surprised me as I was fearing certain things like the humor just being juvenile and really dumb but honestly it was fine. I am happy for Deadpool supporters/fanatics who finally got the movie they wanted and am glad it has done extremely well but man is this film getting overrated like there is no tomorrow...mostly by fans (that is my opinion of course).
    100% agree. I had a few friends tell me how amazing they thought the film was, but to me it really couldn't live up to that. It's an entertaining film, it has some nice gags, but it's not nearly as good or funny as I thought it would be. I think it's really cool that there's an R rated Marvel film out there and I love the whole "we don't give a shit" attitude, but I dunno – to me it's really not that mindblowingly awesome. I'd give it a solid 6.5/10.

    Still, I'm really happy to see the film being such a huge success.

  3. #783
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    Kurt Russell is confirmed for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

    Pom Klementieff will play new member of the team, Mantis. Elizabeth Debicki and Chris Sullivan join the cast and Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Sean Gunn, and Glenn Close are all returning.

    From James Gunn's Facebook page, also includes a new image from the set:

  4. #784
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    MINI-GROOT!!!!!!! YAY!!!

    BTW, did anyone see last night's 2-hour episode of Agent Carter? Please, please, please.... have Dottie as regular. I just love Bridget Regan's performance as she was just a total delight. I love the Dottie character. She's a bad girl I wanna be with. She is the Loki to Peggy's Thor. Bad guys who are just fucking cool.

  5. #785
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dream View Post
    Kurt Russell is confirmed for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

    Pom Klementieff will play new member of the team, Mantis. Elizabeth Debicki and Chris Sullivan join the cast and Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Sean Gunn, and Glenn Close are all returning.

    From James Gunn's Facebook page, also includes a new image from the set:

    so...we're pretty sure kurt is gonna be starlord's dad, right?

  6. #786
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    I'm still sad Bowie will never do the cameo...

  7. #787
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    MINI-GROOT!!!!!!! YAY!!!
    Toddler Groot? Any Groot is awesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    BTW, did anyone see last night's 2-hour episode of Agent Carter? Please, please, please.... have Dottie as regular. I just love Bridget Regan's performance as she was just a total delight. I love the Dottie character. She's a bad girl I wanna be with. She is the Loki to Peggy's Thor. Bad guys who are just fucking cool.
    I did and I have a huge girl crush on Dottie. And it's funny you should mention Loki because I was thinking "Loki would love her. They should be BFFs". And I'm so heartbroken about poor Jeeves. I think he's about to kick some serious ass over what happened.

    But yes: more Dottie!

    I also kind of wish we could see her fight Romanoff. Black Widow vs Black Widow. They are so different but yet so deadly in their own way.

  8. #788
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    If Reddit was a movie.

  9. #789
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post

    I also kind of wish we could see her fight Romanoff. Black Widow vs Black Widow. They are so different but yet so deadly in their own way.
    Black Widow vs. Black Widow....?

  10. #790
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    "Like Mother's milk."

  11. #791
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    I finally saw Deadpool! Really liked it. I was anxious about the movie ahead of time (and it's been so long that I've waited on it being made that I had full-on quit caring a while ago since it seemed like one those "Well, that would've been cool, but too bad" projects), and was worried it'd be 14 year old wish-fulfillment type stuff but it was actually a really great representation of the character and didn't just seem a slave to any one writer's run on the title.

    I didn't think it was the best thing or anything, and I definitely think it was God's gift to comic book movies, but I had a good time. It was funny as hell, and the Zamboni scene had me in stitches along with that "Are you there, God? It's me, Margaret" joke. Ajax was a weak, "we need a bad guy in the first movie" villain and I'm really, really tired of watching origin stories, but I also understand that Deadpool is the type of character who does warrant getting his origin told on film since most audiences don't know it (and the closest thing they might remember was total bullshit in that Wolverine movie). I left it very excited for the sequel, way more confident in it than I was when I entered it. The fan reaction had me interested, but then again, I saw a lot of people like Avengers 2, and that felt like a colossal waste of time to me and is happily at the bottom of my MCU movies aside from, maybe, Iron Man 2 or something.

    Great casting all around. Reynolds is Deadpool. Whoever was Colossus was great. TJ Miller continues to be great and I felt like there wasn't enough Weasel. The lady for Blind Al is perfect. I'm sad we'll never see proper Hydra Bob but regardless, I look forward to his future appearances.

    It gets a lot of forgiveness points from me just because, they actually managed to do it. I really figured I'd never see this get made, and that if I ever did it would be far from how it should, and this as about as good as anyone could have done, especially on their budget.

    Also it was fucking great to see some X-Men characters who looked like actual X-Men characters.

    Real 3.5/5 for me. Had a good time, really excited for what they do with Cable. I'd love a full-on Cable & Deadpool movie (that run was my intro to the character and I retroactively got into everything else).

  12. #792
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    I broke my rule and went to watch another Marvel flick-

    It wasn't bad. It was somewhat enjoyable, like Guardians of the Galaxy but ultimately forgettable. It's light (even though it's R rated) and doesn't do anything too crazy. It is what you expected it to be and for that i applaud them. It's definitely Deadpool. Good for Reynolds. A lot of people in the theater were enjoying themselves, the jokes were kinda funny but i felt like they were forced, and people in the theater were definitely force laughing. As like "ok this is supposed to be funny, it kind of is, so let me force it" ya know? Juvenile stuff but i guess that is Deadpool.

    I'll wait for the next one on VOD>
    Last edited by Rabbit; 02-18-2016 at 11:37 AM.

  13. #793
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    Just watched Jessica Jones. I thought the first half was stronger than the second half, which featured too much of Jessica yelling things like "you used your POWERS to RAPE me!"; there are some lines that should just never, ever, be uttered, even if they make sense in context.

    I enjoyed it, but I don't know if I'll have much interest in watching Season 2, now that the most fun to watch character is gone. Actually, I kind of wish Jessica had done what she'd considered in the middle of the series and teamed up with Kilgrave to teach him how to use his mind control for good. Granted, then all the feminists who loved it would have hated it instead, but hey, I would have watched that show.

  14. #794
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    Quote Originally Posted by KarenLeslie View Post
    Just watched Jessica Jones. I thought the first half was stronger than the second half,
    It had no business being 13 episodes long. It felt very padded out to me and the main plot and conflict was the kind of thing that should have been resolved by 8 episodes or so, and they stretched it way too far. By the time I got to the end it felt more like a "Well, finally" shrug than a "Yes!" victory to me.

    Plus I found Jessica really, really bland as a character. She was interesting at the start and I found her to be almost intolerable by the end, she becomes a real jerk towards pretty much everyone. They "will they/won't they"'d killing off Kilgrave so much, too. Between that and the fact that I didn't think the side characters were that interesting at all, I just couldn't click with it. It made me appreciate Daredevil even more (even though that did have the issue of being a couple episodes too long and having some filler, it didn't have half as much as I thought JJ did), and got me looking forward to Luke Cage.

    I had liked DD so much that it made me far more interested in Marvel's Netflix stuff (I'm not an MCU fan, to say the least) and JJ took the wind out of my sails for it. It really let me down.

    Plus, they had all that interesting headfuckery in the trailers and in the first episode of flashes of Kilgrave, his voice, etc. sort of haunting Jessica and that just stopped completely after that.

    Also, call me what you want, but I found everything that happened with the hermetically sealed chamber to be so unnecessarily cruel and horrible and it was treated as some sort of justice-y, great, triumphant thing. I don't care who the person is, or what they've done, torture isn't cool, nor is it just, nor is it satisfying to me. That show had the potential to explore a complicated, nuanced subject under-represented in contemporary entertainment and to do it very well and to give Marvel their first great on-screen female hero and it failed on all fronts as far as I was concerned.

  15. #795
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Plus I found Jessica really, really bland as a character. She was interesting at the start and I found her to be almost intolerable by the end, she becomes a real jerk towards pretty much everyone. They "will they/won't they"'d killing off Kilgrave so much, too. Between that and the fact that I didn't think the side characters were that interesting at all, I just couldn't click with it. It made me appreciate Daredevil even more (even though that did have the issue of being a couple episodes too long and having some filler, it didn't have half as much as I thought JJ did), and got me looking forward to Luke Cage.
    I didn't mind Jessica as a character, even at her most abrasive, but I know what you mean about the side characters. Once that poor guy in her building died trying to give her banana bread that should have been the end of that subplot, but his stupid sister was in like five episodes after that, dragging things out. Also they spent too much time on the divorce between Jeri and her partner-- I think there were about five scenes that just existed to tell us that Wendy was blackmailing Jeri and asking for lots of money. Trish was okay, but not that interesting.

    Come to think of it, the only side character who's arc really worked for me was Malcolm.

    Plus, they had all that interesting headfuckery in the trailers and in the first episode of flashes of Kilgrave, his voice, etc. sort of haunting Jessica and that just stopped completely after that.
    Yeah, I agree. As much as I like David Tennant (which was pretty much the whole reason for giving the show a try in the first place), I think we actually saw too much of Kilgrave and it robbed him of his impact. IMO they should have done more of the headfuckery and waited until later in the show to introduce him-- that way, the cat-and-mouse game wouldn't have become so interminably long and repetitive either.

    It's funny, because thinking about it, Tennant's other major role (for me anyway) suffered from the same problem. I loved him as the Doctor, but the show became way too focused on hero-worshipping him and it got annoying. The best episode of his run on the show, Blink, is the one he's barely in.

    Also, call me what you want, but I found everything that happened with the hermetically sealed chamber to be so unnecessarily cruel and horrible and it was treated as some sort of justice-y, great, triumphant thing. I don't care who the person is, or what they've done, torture isn't cool, nor is it just, nor is it satisfying to me. That show had the potential to explore a complicated, nuanced subject under-represented in contemporary entertainment and to do it very well and to give Marvel their first great on-screen female hero and it failed on all fronts as far as I was concerned.
    I didn't have a moral problem with what they did to Kilgrave (although maybe I should have), but I thought what they were trying to do was stupid. So you kidnap this guy and torture him to try to get him to use his mind control powers on camera...which doesn't seem like it would be admissible, since you're kidnapping and torturing him. Plus, even if he does use his mental mojo on camera, you wouldn't be able to see it because he doesn't get glowing eyes or anything when he uses his power, everything just looks normal. And of course, it was ultimately all for naught when they decided that the only way out of the situation was just to kill him and forget about proving anything in court.

    Thinking about it now, I think it's almost impossible to do a good story about a character with Kilgrave's power because it's so broken, and the plot twisted itself in weird ways to try to get around that. Without the whole "we need to prove what Kilgrave can do in court" angle, there would have been no show, but what they were trying to do strained credulity.

  16. #796
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    It had no business being 13 episodes long. It felt very padded out to me and the main plot and conflict was the kind of thing that should have been resolved by 8 episodes or so, and they stretched it way too far. By the time I got to the end it felt more like a "Well, finally" shrug than a "Yes!" victory to me.

    Plus I found Jessica really, really bland as a character. She was interesting at the start and I found her to be almost intolerable by the end, she becomes a real jerk towards pretty much everyone. They "will they/won't they"'d killing off Kilgrave so much, too. Between that and the fact that I didn't think the side characters were that interesting at all, I just couldn't click with it. It made me appreciate Daredevil even more (even though that did have the issue of being a couple episodes too long and having some filler, it didn't have half as much as I thought JJ did), and got me looking forward to Luke Cage.

    I had liked DD so much that it made me far more interested in Marvel's Netflix stuff (I'm not an MCU fan, to say the least) and JJ took the wind out of my sails for it. It really let me down.

    Plus, they had all that interesting headfuckery in the trailers and in the first episode of flashes of Kilgrave, his voice, etc. sort of haunting Jessica and that just stopped completely after that.

    Also, call me what you want, but I found everything that happened with the hermetically sealed chamber to be so unnecessarily cruel and horrible and it was treated as some sort of justice-y, great, triumphant thing. I don't care who the person is, or what they've done, torture isn't cool, nor is it just, nor is it satisfying to me. That show had the potential to explore a complicated, nuanced subject under-represented in contemporary entertainment and to do it very well and to give Marvel their first great on-screen female hero and it failed on all fronts as far as I was concerned.
    on the board, i've found that i normally either 100% agree with you on things, or comfortably disagree but totally understand where you're coming from.

    this is not one of those situations.

    for me, as a survivor of a) sexual assault and b) an abusive relationship, this show was SO IMPORTANT to me. for a whole ton of reasons. most notably the way it handled PTSD with such tact, and from so many different viewpoints.

    as for the stuff that happened in the chamber, i'll liken it to the scene in "the girl with the dragon tattoo" when lisbeth takes revenge on her social worker. incredibly cathartic for anyone who has endured any kind of abuse like that, because it's an over-the-top, fictionalized version of retribution. that doesn't mean it's not cruel, and (being a pacifist) i would never condone that kind of behavior in REAL LIFE, but it makes you feel avenged being able to watch it.

  17. #797
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    @eversonpoe I was molested as a child by my brother's friend as he kept watch so no one would catch him and spent four years with someone who now claims I hit her and gave herself bruises on her wrists just to show to her coworkers. I am unfortunately no stranger to abuse, sexual or intimate, and I am sorry that you are not either.

    I've also known the struggle of PTSD and I know how shit it is.

    All that said, I'm happy to hear the show did it for you, and I've been happy seeing how much it's meant to so many people who I've seen discuss that -- and I mean that, I really do. Anything that helps people is wonderful. The strangest things have meant the world to me, even, so a show directly dealing with the topic -- well, I can see what that means to some.

    It just failed for me. I didn't think it was particularly good to begin with, and don't think the writing was terribly engaging and found most side characters boring or forgettable at best. I found it to drag often and many episodes felt like two in length but one in terms of events. I felt it kept touching the deeper issues from a distance and I never found it to be something that explored the subject in a meaningful way for me. But I don't mean to discredit it, or dismiss that for many people, it did mean a lot to them -- that's great, I just wish it had been the same for me, too.

  18. #798
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    @eversonpoe I was molested as a child by my brother's friend as he kept watch so no one would catch him and spent four years with someone who now claims I hit her and gave herself bruises on her wrists just to show to her coworkers. I am unfortunately no stranger to abuse, sexual or intimate, and I am sorry that you are not either.

    I've also known the struggle of PTSD and I know how shit it is.

    All that said, I'm happy to hear the show did it for you, and I've been happy seeing how much it's meant to so many people who I've seen discuss that -- and I mean that, I really do. Anything that helps people is wonderful. The strangest things have meant the world to me, even, so a show directly dealing with the topic -- well, I can see what that means to some.

    It just failed for me. I didn't think it was particularly good to begin with, and don't think the writing was terribly engaging and found most side characters boring or forgettable at best. I found it to drag often and many episodes felt like two in length but one in terms of events. I felt it kept touching the deeper issues from a distance and I never found it to be something that explored the subject in a meaningful way for me. But I don't mean to discredit it, or dismiss that for many people, it did mean a lot to them -- that's great, I just wish it had been the same for me, too.
    :: big hug ::

    let me know if you ever want/need to talk.

    and i understand what you mean. they're murky waters for sure.

  19. #799
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    Jessica Jones? Yeah, I can't watch it for the same reason. I had a conversation today with another survivor about how odd we find it that many of our "I'm a feminist, rape is bad, don't be racist" friends seem to obsess over Game of Thrones, Jessica Jones, Hannibal, etc all of which I can't watch. I saw the first episode of JJ and just couldn't do any more; funny how none of these people bothered to put a trigger warning at the start of all of their (fb) posts glorifying it at the start of the year. /vomit


    Here are the reasons why I like Deadpool
    1. Not a typical comic book film
    2. Deadpool is an epic cunt in a good way
    3. Personally identifiable abuse victim, even if played up for japes (you had a dishwasher?)
    4. Hilarious, disgusting, fearless, pervert, antihero
    5. Blew the shit out of every record 50SOG set last year

    If all comic book films could stop being about shit being blown up and fancy costumes and more about this sort of thing, I'd start being a huge fan of the genre.

  20. #800
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    Let's not forget it was also a very sex positive movie: Wade didn't care that Vanessa was a prostitute or tried to "save her", the pegging scene, etc.

  21. #801
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    Jessica Jones? Yeah, I can't watch it for the same reason. I had a conversation today with another survivor about how odd we find it that many of our "I'm a feminist, rape is bad, don't be racist" friends seem to obsess over Game of Thrones, Jessica Jones, Hannibal, etc all of which I can't watch. I saw the first episode of JJ and just couldn't do any more; funny how none of these people bothered to put a trigger warning at the start of all of their (fb) posts glorifying it at the start of the year. /vomit
    that's really interesting, because EVERYONE i know who was talking about it (including me, once i watched it) was quick to put PLENTY of trigger warnings about that show. i definitely had a hard time watching parts of it. i cried more than i do watching all 7 seasons of buffy (which makes me cry a LOT). but ultimately, it was (in my opinion) very well done and very cathartic. but i'm not telling you or anyone they have to watch it. just talking about it.

  22. #802
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    few random thoughts on Deadpool:

    - I agree that some of the jokes were way too forced and did not land, but they were balanced out by the ones that did.

    - They really upped the ante on Stan Lee cameo scenes, eh? Good luck topping this one.

    - I've thought this since the trailers came out: Does anyone else think it NEVER looks remotely like Ryan Reynolds could actually be in that costume? They nailed the costume and the character's skinniness matches what I've read in the comics, but Reynolds just looks so much bigger when he isn't in costume. Particularly his head. Dude has a huge head, yet with the mask on it's all narrow and stuff. Just seems like they had a stunt double for all scenes when the mask was on. I dunno.

    - Hugh Jackman stapled-on mask

    - apparently they had a late budget cut, so they combined a bunch of characters that would have made up a group of villains (some overarching mad scientst leader type was one) and we got left with shitty Ajax as a result. In this budget cut they also had to lose a gun battle at the end, so they simply rewrote it that Deadpool left his guns in the cab. Pretty smart and funny.

    - In regards to Ajax, can anyone explain to me what his fucking goal was exactly? That whole part of the plot was a mess to me.

    - How much did they fuck with his origin from the comics? Does he become a mutant with an asterisk only b/c of experimentation in the books too? I thought he was part of Weapon X like Wolverine was. I'm too lazy to look it up.

    - credits at the beginning were pretty funny..."Some British Guy"..."a completely CGI character", etc

    - all the Professor X jokes were perfect, as were the Wolverine/Hugh Jackman lines. Oh and the line about the reason the same two people are the only people home at all times at the X-Mansion!!!

    - "wait, my bf told me this was a superhero movie & he just turned that guy into a fucking kebab"

    - glad to see the chick from Gotham get a role better than pile of shit show. What a wasted opportunity that has been.

  23. #803
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    - In regards to Ajax, can anyone explain to me what his fucking goal was exactly? That whole part of the plot was a mess to me.
    Before he found out Wade was coming after him, he was pretty much driven to do his doctor work he was doing in the secret lab. After that, his goal was pretty much what Wade was trying to do. Wade was hunting him down, so once Ajax got leverage on him, it was Ajax's plan to have a chance to take him out as well. At least that is what I got from it... wasn't that deep.

    - How much did they fuck with his origin from the comics? Does he become a mutant with an asterisk only b/c of experimentation in the books too? I thought he was part of Weapon X like Wolverine was. I'm too lazy to look it up.
    You're correct, he as part of Weapon X. My guess is the didn't completely delve into that entire backstory for Deadpool since it has very close ties with Wolverine and making that connection would just confuse stuff even more with Marvel and the X-Men's universe, hence why you didn't get Hydra or any labeled villains. I like that they changed the origin since it lets Deadpool earn his character a bit more instead of throwing everything in the middle with Wolverine.

    I enjoyed every moment of this movie. Hilarious, and just plain enjoyable. Reynolds was born for this role, and this has to be one of the first times that the fans spoke and we received something that we asked for after that Colossal fuck up with Origins. Yes, a couple of jokes didn't land, but it still made me chuckle and the movie was so fast paced, you didn't really mind. Seeing Colossus done the right way for once was a breath of fresh air, and he even made me laugh a ton with his manners and especially that titty pop from Angel. They didn't throw the romance down your throat and make you roll your eyes, and I think Vanessa having a similar attitude that Wade had made it even more enjoyable.

    Knowing that Cable is going to be in the next movie made me so giddy, and the entire audience with the exception of maybe three other kids cheered when he said the character would be in the sequel. Everyone was just like "Who is Cable??"

    Apparently the new Wolverine movie is supposed to be rated R, so that is also something to look forward to as well if that actually comes to light. It would be a freaking dream to have Deadpool and Wolverine in the same movie, and I really cannot picture anyone else playing Wolvy at this point. Jackman will be missed . It's going to be interesting to see how they tie this universe in with other films. I wasn't expecting to see the school, or that much interaction with the X-Men and that made me feel like a little kid all over again.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 02-23-2016 at 09:10 AM.

  24. #804
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    They did the Weapon X stuff pretty okay but I really missed him falling in love with Death. It's a pretty big part of his character and lacking it takes a bit away for me.

    Ajax was such a typical weak origin movie "we need an antagonistic force so I guess we'll have a villain" bad guy. Couldn't have been a more generic "look how evil I am" type character. Also I found it pretty funny that this huge secret facility intent on designing superhumans with unpredictable powers created under extreme duress (see: torture) had such lax security. In general I found that to be the weakest chunk of the movie by a mile.

    Colossus was all kinds of cool. I'm honestly very happy Fox has the X-Men. We never would have gotten this kind of stuff if it was all in the MCU umbrella. And if any chunk of Marvel can function on its own, sanctioned off little island, it's mutant stuff.

  25. #805
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    Wolverine is supposedly gonna be the Old Man Logan story, and rated R. That has some really great potential. Especially now that Fox has been rolling with higher quality movies since First Class. If Apocalypse is good (and it certainly looks like it will be), then that will make the anticipation for a good Wolverine movie even higher.

  26. #806
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Wolverine is supposedly gonna be the Old Man Logan story, and rated R.
    This is all I've ever wanted, oh my.

    It'll be rough not having all the characters from the source material involved, but whatever. If the MCU can do Civil War and not have people bitch then Fox can do this and it work fine. I've always figured it wouldn't happen, so this is awesome news.

  27. #807
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Wolverine is supposedly gonna be the Old Man Logan story, and rated R. That has some really great potential.
    Pure speculation but for continuity sake, if they are going to replace wolverine they could just have his son pickup where Wolverine left off in the franchise.
    That is of course depending if the Old Man Logan story is even adapted for a movie (which would be f'n incredible).
    It's a long shot I know but, who owns the movie rights to Daken?

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    Dying over the intro in episode 9 of Agent Carter.

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  30. #810
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    God damn I'm jacked for this to start.

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