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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #31
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    Kevin Feige says they have their movies planned through 2021

    This is what I'm hoping for.


    Avengers: Age of Ultron

    Doctor Strange
    Black Panther

    Thor: Nine Realms
    Captain America: The Last Avenger

    Avengers: Civil War
    The InHumans

    Daredevil: The Man Without Fear
    Doctor Strange: The Oath

    Heroes for Hire
    (The Black Widow and Falcon hire a team of the world's finest non-Avengers:

    Iron Fist, Punisher, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider, Luke Cage, Silver Sable, Blade)
    Guardians of the Galaxy: The Korvac Chronicle

    The Infinity Gauntlet (Bringing all the heroes and villains together to face Thanos)

    One could dream.

  2. #32
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    So by that list , you are telling me I have to wait 8 years to see thanos in a movie?

    Me no like

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    So by that list , you are telling me I have to wait 8 years to see thanos in a movie?

    Me no like
    No, Thanos is supposedly appearing in the Guardians of the Galaxy. He's the man behind the evil.
    The list is just what I was thinking as a time line, but who knows. They've only announced movies up to 2016, but they have a game plan (undisclosed) through 2021.
    It's a shame that DC doesn't have the same sort of forethought.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by wunderpanda View Post

    I am seriously excited for the Future Past movie, Trask site is very well done. Not a huge fan of Marvel movies except the X-verse, even liked the old Generation X pilot that aired on tv years and years ago.

    As for the Wolverine Origins, removing Deadpool mouth was nothing, giving him the powers of Mimic was the bad part. As an origin movie, it did it's job well enough, fleshed out which murky past they decided to use and fit it well with the chronology. The new Wolverine was better, with the exception of confusing Yukio, Yuriko and Mariko biographies, but at least they stayed reasonably consistent having already used Lady Deathstrike.

    I do wonder about continuity going forward, was this Wolverine 2, or was the first Wolverine really Origins 1 and not Wolverine 1, and is Future Past Origin 3 or XMen 4?

    As far as chronological order I would say

    First Class
    Wolverine Origins
    The Wolverine
    Days of futures past

  5. #35
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    Actually i think its more like:

    First Class
    The wolverine

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Actually i think its more like:

    First Class
    The wolverine

    I figured time travel would just confuse him

    Also, new Thor trailer

  7. #37
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    In the same interview, the director also upended early reports that said the new movie would be more of a sequel to First Class than a continuation of the original trilogy. In fact, in order to explain how the movie works he had to create a whole new term. Said Singer, "I’d say it’s not a sequel to one of the others. It’s an inbetwequel — that’s what I call it, for lack of a better word."
    Time travel is easy to follow, was more curious how it fit with the other parts. After reading a bit, the Past is early 70s and the Future is a decade after X3 with the current Wolverine somewhere in between. Just was thinking Origins would be a trilogy, X1-3 were a trilogy and wondering if Wolverine would be followed by Wolverine 2 or would it be Wolverine 3 because of origins.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by wunderpanda View Post

    Time travel is easy to follow, was more curious how it fit with the other parts. After reading a bit, the Past is early 70s and the Future is a decade after X3 with the current Wolverine somewhere in between. Just was thinking Origins would be a trilogy, X1-3 were a trilogy and wondering if Wolverine would be followed by Wolverine 2 or would it be Wolverine 3 because of origins.

    If I remember correctly, after the first trilogy, Fox planned to release the 'X-men: Origins' prequel trilogy. With each movie showing the origins of a specific character. Wolverine being the first, then a Magneto/Xaiver flick, followed by a third I can't remember. But after Wolverine Origins did so poorly at the box office, they dropped the name and took what we now know as 'First Class' in a different direction. 'The Wolverine' is really just stand alone wolverine movie(which we all wanted) and 'Days Of Futures Past' will be the third of the prequels.

  9. #39
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    Sweet lord almighty that looks fantastic!

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Sweet lord almighty that looks fantastic!

    Already taken down. ANybody able to steal it while it was up?

    and AgentofChaos:

    Any suggested readings for Guardians, I'm a complete newb to that comic but am pretty interested in the flick.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broadbent View Post
    Already taken down. ANybody able to steal it while it was up?
    Still up here:

    Click "close to play" on the player to see it.

  13. #43
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    The new Marvel NOW! series is only 5 issues in or so, so it's the perfect place to start. There was an issue #0.1 as well, if you want a bit of a prologue on Starlord and his daddy issues.

    In addition, there were 4 Infinite comics, each giving a detailed back story on the other characters leading up the relaunch of the title and how they came to reunite as the guardians. These were just collected in a mini trade titled GotG: Tomorrow's Avengers, I believe.

    If you want the whole new run collected in a torrent it wouldn't take me so long and I'd be happy to do it for you, or anyone else who may be interested. Just let me know.

    Previously, the book relaunched in '98 and had a 25 issue run and more or less wrapped up involvement in the Thanos imperative. There were 4 trades that collected this run; Legacy, War of Kings 1 & 2, and Realm of Kings. After that they had been relatively dormant for a couple years until their reappearance in a few early issues of Avengers Assemble at the end of last year.

    Now, if you want to go even further back, there was a run in the 90's and a lot of stuff before that, mostly in the 60's/70's, however it is a different incarnation of the team (Earth-691) so I'm not sure how relevant that it is to you. However its pretty good stuff and there are really only 3 main trades you need to read. You'll find some Ultron in there, some Claremont contribution, a little bit for everyone!

    Quest for the Shield (the original 6 issue run),
    and the two big collections Tomorrow's Avengers Vol 1-2 (note: these are different than the new mini trade mentioned above).

    Hope that helps.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Maybe someone should just go ahead and start a thread for The Wolverine so we can get back on-topic and start talking about the actual Marvel Cinematic Universe in here again.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    I'm not sure what you mean. It's a thread for Marvel movies. If a new Punisher were to come out, we'd talk about it in here, I'm sure. Just because you don't see Spiderman in the Avengers movie, you can just go ahead and assume he was swinging around town saving people dangling from things and saying stuff like "Hey, did you just see a guy with a big, horned helmet fly past on a rocket jet-ski? You did? Good, I'm not crazy. HEADS UP!" and then he has to drop them briefly after almost getting hit by a laser, but it's cool, because he shoots a web out that totally snags the person's wrist and swings them onto the rooftop of a police station, where the cops start shooting at him and he has to leap to safety shouting "Oh come ON! Same team, guys!" and JJJ runs an article the next day saying Spiderman was totally in on the whole invasion.
    Fun response and everything, but it's not really addressing my point.

    There is exactly ONE true "Marvel Cinematic Universe" worth of films going on right now. And that "universe" is comprised of the series of films produced by Marvel Studios and conceived, written, and executed in such a way as to make it blatantly obvious that they are all intricately interwoven with one another. It doesn't take any fanfic or shoehorning to connect them together, and that's pretty much the point of making them the way they've been made.

    All those movies -- Iron Man 1, 2, and 3, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America:TFA, The Avengers, etc. -- are clearly coexisting within the same greater narrative and made by the same studio for expressly that purpose.

    That is not the case with The Wolverine, the X-films, The Fantastic Four films, Daredevil, Elektra, Ghost Rider, Hulk, etc.

    Those films did absolutely ZERO legwork towards establishing ANY sort of interconnectedness whatsoever. Each franchise exists as a standalone continuity. There was never even the barest suggestion made anywhere that they took place in the same universe or had anything to do with one another at all.

    The Avengers and all the films tied directly to it were kind of a big deal for exactly that reason.


    Which films actually belong in this discussion should be pretty clear to everyone by now.

  15. #45
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    Definitely wouldn't have known what 'The Avengers' meant if it wasn't underlined.

    In other news...


  16. #46
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    I always knew Magneto was into kinky stuff.

  17. #47
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    The things I would love to do with Michael Fassbender. Him and Tom Hiddleston would make one great couple.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Definitely wouldn't have known what 'The Avengers' meant if it wasn't underlined.
    So now you're giving people shit for using correct punctuation?

    Go fuck yourself, ffs.

    Great job missing the point, btw.

  19. #49
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    All I really need to know is, is Fassbender wearing a black leather jacket? Or a chic black leather jacket?

  20. #50
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    If it were a more refined, sophisticated, and stylish reworking of an outdated and clunky old wardrobe, as is the case with April O'neil's shitty old jumpsuit vs. her sleek new jacket...then I'd say "chic" applies, yeah. Specific words DO mean specific things, after all.

    But anyway.

    Back to the MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE and all that.

  21. #51
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    Trask Industries release Sentinal blueprints! I'm surprised that the marketing for this started this far in advance, 8 months seems unheard of. Just hope they don't burn people out with the hype. Singer mentions in the write up that this will connect all the X films, so they too shall have an appropriate "cinematic universe" with as much continuity as time travel allows..... and they don't have to start wars to look like heroes.

  22. #52
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    So no AntMan in Avengers and he doesn't invent Ultron either, guess he fits in the universe same as Ghost Rider.

    Edgar Wright was asked about not having Ultron in his Ant-Man movie

    "It was never in my script. Because even just to sort of set up what Ant-Man does is enough for one movie. It's why I think "Iron Man" is extremely successful because it keeps it really simple. You have one sort of -- the villain comes from the hero's technology. It's simple. So I think why that film really works and why, sometimes, superhero films fail -- or they have mixed results -- because they have to set up a hero and a villain at the same time. And that's really tough. And sometimes it's unbalanced."

  23. #53
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    To be honest, I'm starting to burn out on all these comic book movies. The Avengers was excellent, the first two Iron Man films were very good, Captain America was fun, and everything else has ranged from average to bad. I'm not that excited by phase two. Will I see The Avengers 2? Yes. Will I see every film that takes place between future Avengers movies? Probably not. The only upcoming Marvel film I'm actually excited for is Guardians Of The Galaxy.

  24. #54
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    I wouldn't say I'm getting burnt out. However I can somewhat understand the sentiment and I might use the word disillusioned. Everything post Avengers to this point is just starting to feel really lazy and watered down. This is coming from someone who hated Iron Man 3 though, so take this with a grain of salt if you actually enjoyed that as a follow up to Avengers.

    Sure I am intrigued for Thor 2 with Alan Taylor (Game of Thrones) on board (didn't particularly love the first one), and I did like the first Cap so I have no reason to suspect the second one won't be half decent. And as with most, I'm also pretty interested to see how they pull off GotG. That said, it really wouldn't shock me if they were all junk unfortunately.

    And I also don't expect any of them will have any real impact on Avengers 2 either, which kind of defeats the purpose of all these supposed well-laid plans. Marvel is taking the easy route; make a bunch of stand alones, then just tranfix everyone in one giant mega movie. Will it work again? Maybe. I'd rather they build on the universes they've created, and have it be a serial mini-series so to speak. They brand themselves as such, but are continually lacking the substance to support that image. And I get why; it would be waaaay too complicated for them to have all of their screenwriters and directors in sync on that level. Except it really wouldn't be. But whatever.

    What *should* have happened is this. Iron Man 3 ends with Tony Stark blasting up into space to see what else is out there after shattering a bunch of worlds down here. Pym should have been introduced in that film as well, and IM3 should have been followed up by Ant-Man, and the trouble Pym gets into playing around with AI with Stark gone up in space (cue the GotG cameo) and Ultron is created. Thor and Cap have their standalone stories but during which times the "growing" of Ultron is referenced or cut to. In Avengers 2, Pym joins the team alongside a few other newbies (Wasp, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch), they defeat Ultron and just when they think the coast is clear Thanos arrives (to follow up on the end of GotG) and starts to fuck reign down on earth; cue Avengers 3 and the need to recruit Dr. Strange, Black Panther, etc.

    Instead we get a bunch of pointless stories that aren't even adapted properly from the comics instead. Now again, it's not to say they can't end up being good on an individual basis, it just totally has killed my buzz for what I thought they were trying to do. I am much more stoked for Days of Future Past than I am for ANY of the upcoming Marvel films. And that pains me considering where we where a year and a half ago. Who knows after Thor 2 things could change for me, maybe I'm still just really sore after that absolute fuckin disaster of IM 3. Fuck me I really wish I didn't hate that film so much. It's coming out shortly on blu, maybe another watch or two if I can sit through it will lessen my hatred. We'll see.

  25. #55
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    Iron Man 3 was definitely a disappointing kick-off for phase two. I almost don't care anymore. Maybe all of that will change with one or two good movies. It's hard to say. This specific universe is a billion dollar industry, so it's no surprise that they're milking it as much as possible, but I think the best thing they could do creatively is give us two more Avengers films (along with Guardians Of The Galaxy and maybe an Iron Man 4) and then call it a day. Again, that will never happen, but out of pure creative integrity I think it would be the right thing to do. One can only dream lol.
    Last edited by Hitman2110; 08-22-2013 at 11:52 PM.

  26. #56
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    While we're actually on the subject of the Marvel cinematic universe here for a change, I'd just like to add that I thought Iron Man 3 was a pretty cool bit of closure for its trilogy and likewise thoroughly enjoyable in and of itself, I just felt like it should have been more clearly intertwined with whatever Phase Two should clearly be building to by now. But in hindsight the mere fact that it's centered around Tony's cognitive dissonance following the events of The Avengers is ultimately enough in the long-run. I just wish the post-credits scene was less of a throwaway and more relevant to the big picture again. But I guess they're having trouble figuring out what to do with the Hulk now so the more Banner the better, whatever his context. Anyway, the point is fuck it. Iron Man 3 was awesome and so was Iron Man 2.:PHaha, one more thing! If you haven't yet than you should all listen to Whedon's commentary for The Avengers. Hilarious shit and it's worth the time wasted just to hear him geek out AND apologize for Hawkeye's underdevelopment and the "Queen Bee" deus ex machina at the end. Priceless! Also a mere buck or so at RedBoxes everywhere, lol.
    Last edited by Hazekiah; 08-23-2013 at 12:28 PM.

  27. #57
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    1 Post(s) mutant detection devices now standard ;D

  28. #58
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    The Wolverine was solid. I recommend it over the other flicks this year. I'm holding hope DOFP will kick ass.

  29. #59
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    Edgar Wright's Ant Man moved up to July 2015

    The movie was supposed to come out in November originally. The move means that it will open one week after Batman Vs Superman.

    It's going to be a great couple of weeks for comic book movies!

  30. #60
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    Iron Man 3... Ugh.

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