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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #1861
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Ok so I have a question that perhaps you guys can answer.
    The Mrs and I have never been into Marvel properties in general, but have REALLY dug the outings of Captain America, Deadpool, and Guardians of the Galaxy.
    So can we, should we, just watch this one? If not, which ones should we watch first?
    I'm probably not going to watch all of them (although I MIGHT at some point, that's not the point of my question here.)

    What would you hardcore fans say are the most important pieces of the story so far?
    You can forget Deadpool since he's not part of the MCU.

    The best shortcut you could take would be The Avengers; Avengers Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War. These 3 movies will introduce you to all the players of Infinity War except for Doctor Strange and the Guardians (but you already know GotG).

  2. #1862
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    You can forget Deadpool since he's not part of the MCU.

    The best shortcut you could take would be The Avengers; Avengers Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War. These 3 movies will introduce you to all the players of Infinity War except for Doctor Strange and the Guardians (but you already know GotG).
    Awesome. Thanks. This sounds like a plan. We were just discussing this and we have also seen Civil War. And we've seen Dr Strange, we just haven't seen the Avengers movies.
    Perhaps we will rewatch them. (The ones we have seen I mean, and catch the Avengers movies)

    Thanks @marodi
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-27-2018 at 08:29 PM.

  3. #1863
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Ok so I have a question that perhaps you guys can answer.
    The Mrs and I have never been into Marvel properties in general, but have REALLY dug the outings of Captain America, Deadpool, and Guardians of the Galaxy.
    So can we, should we, just watch this one? If not, which ones should we watch first?
    I'm probably not going to watch all of them (although I MIGHT at some point, that's not the point of my question here.)

    What would you hardcore fans say are the most important pieces of the story so far?

    Assuming you've seen all three Captain America movies, both Guardians of the Galaxy movies, and both Avengers movies, I'd say the most important ones to have seen after those are Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok, and Black Panther (which also happen to be the most recent releases).

  4. #1864
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    Assuming you've seen all three Captain America movies, both Guardians of the Galaxy movies, and both Avengers movies, I'd say the most important ones to have seen after those are Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok, and Black Panther (which also happen to be the most recent releases).
    that's also doable and sounds like fun. Thank you guys.
    My wife has recently been on a kick where she watches all the movies in a series: she watched all the Tolkien movies and then Indiana Jones, so I think this might be right up her alley.

  5. #1865
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    I think Infinity War helped me understand why I'm so fucking bitter about the Venom movie. I once again really enjoyed watching this incarnation of Spiderman and it had me reflecting on the long road to getting it right. We waited 16 years to get it right while so yeah squandered campy effects and compromised writing. Spiderman, venom and Carnage are all favorites of mine from my childhood, and through the course of that 16 years I waited patiently for those characters to make the big screen and at one point was teased and massively let down in that regard.
    Obviously it's a very difficult , 3 or 4 point arc to portray on the big screen but they did such a good job on homecoming, I was hopeful Spidey would find his black suit during infinity war, and the venom shit would go down I the homecoming sequel.

    But no. And here's the painful part. We aren't gonna see that ide of venom on the big screen for at least another 10 or 15 years. That's a long wait.

  6. #1866
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    and now, having just seen it myself, I know why my friend who is obsessed with The Leftovers absolutely adored this movie

  7. #1867
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    Isn't the Venom movie confirmed as standalone, though? I don't understand all the hope people have that Venom/Symbiotes will be involved with any of the MCU stuff, at least not at this time. Even if it's down the pipeline, why would they make a standalone Venom flick in the middle of Infinity War season and THEN and MCU-integrated Venom immediately after? Wouldn't that be unnecessarily confusing? Like what if they just announced a standalone Iron Man movie starring an entirely new actor and cast and story? That would make zero sense.

    I mean they can always just say fuck it and do what they want, sure - and I'll gladly eat my words if that happens - I just don't see any indication of that being a thing.

  8. #1868
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    That's exactly my point.

  9. #1869
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    That's exactly my point.
    Heh for sure. In all fairness, if they DO turn out to be connected, that'd be awesome. I WANT that to be the case. Unfortunately, though...*shrug*

    Friend of mine posted something that said "BATMAN DIES IN INFINITY WAR" and people were SO angry that they spoiled something for them. I am absolutely baffled that people will call themselves long-time Marvel fans but dont know the most basic information pertaining to Marvel vs D.C. properties. C'mon, guys.

    Spoiler alert: The Riddler defeats Thanos.

  10. #1870
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    Finally, I saw it. That was great, funny and brutal. It’s going to be a long year. I’m going to grab a pint of Stark Raving Hazelnuts while I wait.

    Spoiler: I think all of the dusters will be back. Strange even said, “This was the only way.” I think Loki and Gamora are permanently dead.

  11. #1871
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    Saw it last night in 3D IMAX and really, really loved it. I'd have to reeeeaaally nitpick to find things that I could say weren't good, but good. One of the first things I told my wife when we got to the car was how somewhere there's a DC movie exec sitting in the theater as the credits roll thinking 'Those pricks did it again​.'

  12. #1872
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    I've seen Infinity War twice now and I love it. Out of all the Marvel directors, I think I like the Russo brothers best. For me, their films are the perfect tone in terms of balancing drama and comedic moments (although, as usual, I could have done with a few less jokes in key spots). They do action well, they do drama well, and their stories seem to maintain a believability even with all the ridiculousness of superheroes and comic book stuff that goes along with them. All of their films (Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War) are up there in the MCU hierarchy.

    Infinity War, man, what a ride. I wasn't sure it was possible to have a 2.5 hour movie feel rushed, but this one almost did. There was so much going on! Thanos is easily my favorite villain to date, and Josh Brolin kills it. I wish they had more of his backstory, honestly, but the directors felt it wasn't necessary for the film. He managed to mostly live up to the hype though, in my opinion. He was badass, brutal, tender in the right moments, and relatively well-rounded, at least for Marvel villains.

    - Thanos. See above.
    - Breaking up the heroes into new teams. It was fun to see the fresh interactions that came with Stark/Strange, Thor/Rocket (Rabbit), and others.
    - Thor - they've really made him a great character since Ragnarok. The new weapon is badass, and I laughed a little every time he called Rocket "Rabbit."
    - The CGI. It was spotty in a few shots, but with a film that had so much CGI going on at all times, it was pretty fucking good overall. Makes Justice League look like a joke (and I'm a DC fan too).
    - Bucky's new arm. He didn't get to do much as a character, but man I love the black and gold of that new arm. Also loved him dual wielding a rifle and Rocket.
    - Red Skull! Even if it was only a tease, it was cool to see his whereabouts after all this time. Sucks that Hugo Weaving didn't do the voice.
    - Wakanda. The fight scenes were great. That last battle scene was amazing.
    - The pacing overall. With so many great characters, new teams, and heightened stakes, I was never really bored at any point during the movie. The directors did a great job of distributing the action and dramatic scenes.

    (Minor) Gripes:
    - Even for a 2.5 hour movie, it felt a bit rushed. I know why they didn't include them, but I would have liked to have at least seen a flashback to the destruction of Xandar or the initial attack on the Asgardian ship. Also would have liked more Thanos as a whole.
    - The Black Order - felt like they should have been a bit more formidable or memorable, but they were pretty 'meh' as a whole. Maw was the only interesting one and he got killed early.
    - I like the Guardians, and I get why they're comedic relief a lot, but I don't like that Drax is basically a walking punchline now. Don't get me wrong, a lot of his jokes land with me and they're funny, but the dude never seems to do anything serious anymore. He just says ridiculous things every so often and that's pretty much it.
    - Enjoyed the Thor side-plot, but it probably could have been shaved down by a few minutes in favor of some other stuff.

    Favorite interaction:

    Thor (to Cap): "This is my new friend: Tree." *gestures to Groot*

    Groot (while killing things): "I am Groot!"

    Cap (in all sincerity): "I am Steve Rogers!"


    All in all, loved it, and will probably see it one more time in theaters.
    Last edited by Mr. Blaileen; 04-29-2018 at 12:25 PM.

  13. #1873
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    ^^^ Get outta my head, man. Hahaha...

  14. #1874
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    I have a feeling that Infinity War parts 1 and 2 will be structured similarly to Kill Bill parts 1 and 2. We got the majority of the action out of the way - now we'll fill in some gaps in the story (probably with a couple flashbacks/time jumps that were cut from part 1 for time) and let the finale play itself out.

    Then again, maybe I'm completely off and the second half will be just as loaded as the second half! Either way, Marvel is on a roll lately, and I'm stoked to see what they have planned for part 2.

    Hey, is anyone still watching Agents of Shield? Are they even bothering to connect that show to the events of Infinity War/any MCU films anymore? I think I stopped around season 3 or 4. I remember liking it, but I feel like whatever they have going on now probably doesn't have anything to do with the films.

    Like how do NONE of the Avengers have any idea that Coulson is still alive (last I knew) after all this time? Not one person...?

  15. #1875
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    I just saw it (full review coming later) and man.... I felt I got my ass kicked in the worst way. Fucking Thanos. Man, he's an evil motherfucker. If there was a top 10 list of great film villains. He just made the list. The idea of him going against Anton Chigurh, Joker from The Dark Knight, and Hans Landa would catastrophic in terms of how much destruction would happen.

  16. #1876
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    This movie was the best Marvel since The Avengers and Winter Soldier. This has made my top 3 comic book movies of all time.

    “You should have went for the head.” ‘Snap’

    Amazing. Heartbreaking, and just plain bad ass.

  17. #1877
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    Did I not see the same film as the rest of you? I felt the story telling was choppy (as expected with this many characters) and that the CGI was low budget and kept taking me out of the film. Overall I felt pretty 'meh' when I left the theater....

  18. #1878
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    Did I not see the same film as the rest of you? I felt the story telling was choppy (as expected with this many characters) and that the CGI was low budget and kept taking me out of the film. Overall I felt pretty 'meh' when I left the theater....
    You arent the only one, its at 84% on rotten tomatoes. I disagree with he negative, but I can understand why.

  19. #1879
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    I mean, I thought Thanos' character design was astonishingly bad. They really should never have taken him out of the armor. That took me out of it a handful of times but to expect this stacked special effects extravaganza with 18 movies behind it to be immersive is asking a lot.

    I'm a picky guy, but I felt like it exceeded my expectations. I wish Ant Man we're in it, they always do great sequences with him. I don't know why they left him out.

  20. #1880
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    Here's my full review:

    How the fuck is the MCU going to top this?

  21. #1881
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    Spoiler: Spider-Man, goddamn. I feared up after that one. Him pleading to Tony how he didn’t want to die. I felt kinda bad that I was wearing a Venom shirt at the time.

  22. #1882
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    Drax and Mantis get a lot of hate in this thread, but I actually really like watching them, especially Mantis, I think that's a fantastic performance every time. I dont like every joke between the two but it's usually a bright spot for me.

  23. #1883
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    OK i've been doing some digging over the weekend (as well as my 2nd time with Infinity War) and i've found some finger licking good 'rumours' i'll spoiler one of them as it alludes to the next film...

    So i was saying the non crumble deaths need to stick, and i think they mostly will, however Spoiler: i recently learned James Gunn had confirmed he'd spoken with zoe saldana (Gamora) about given her a bigger part then Star Lord in the 3rd GotG film, so that all but confirms she'll be brought back! It'll also be about Adam Warlock, so don't expect him to appear in the 4th Avengers

    Also James Gunn wrote all the Guardians lines for Infinity War, which was why most of their jokes were on point (especially when they found Thor!)

    Talking of Thor, i noticed at the start they mention only 'half' of the Asgardians are left, suggesting some escaped (like Valkyrie)

    Slightly off topic, but the Venom film (which i'm 50/50 on) apparently Tom Holland has been seen on set (there are pictures as well) suggesting that it will be in the MCU, but not 'IN' the MCU (kinda like the TV shows, where they are there but nobody in the films EVER talks about them!)

    Anyway that's all i have right now

  24. #1884
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    Saw it yesterday and I'm rather 50/50 about this movie, but it was definitely one of the best movies Marvel ever put out and tied things together neatly.

    I really loved the interaction between Thor and the Guardians. Then again I felt this was a movie more about the Guardians than the Avengers in the first place. The latter seemed torn apart and pale after the events of Civil War and I was rather surprised that Black Panther had so little impact on the movie. Guess they will amp up his screen time after the huge success of his solo film.

    Major gripes for me: Spoiler:
    - no Valkyrie or any other character from Ragnarok
    - the first fight in New York seemed really pointless and over the top, it could have really been cut short in favor of more Thanos backstory or the Black Order
    - the fight with Thanos on Titan was also way too long imho and could have been cut short. Yet I liked how all of these were connected in the end with different characters teaming up like we haven't seen them before.
    - the fight on Wakanda was pretty pointless and over the top as well in my opinion. Apart from great scenes and teamwork it was just a big CGI show off and Wakanda itself played pretty much no role at all.
    - Captain America was rather underused in this and his connection to Bucky seemed very much tagged on
    - can we please get rid of Falcon and bring back Hawkeye instead?
    - while he is still my favorite character in the Avengers I thought that Iron Man came across as quite unlikeable
    - I'm very unsure whether I liked how they handled the "passing" of our heroes when Thanos won or not. Them fading away seemed eerie yet uninspired at the same time to me...

    What I liked:Spoiler:
    - the Guardians were amazing as ever. Really liked how fleshed out Gamora was in the end and I hope they resurrect her somehow.
    - the beginning and its dark and gritty tone were amazing. Loved how they handled Loki's death as it really had some gravitas.
    - Hulk getting his ass kicked by Thanos was quite breathtaking to see
    - loved how vicious Ebony Maw as, yet the other members of the Black Order seemed pretty face and useless...
    - the sound design was amazing in this one
    - there were some pretty dark scenes especially the one focused on Gamora and Nebula which I thought really added to the overall threat we are facing this time, no gibberish talking Ultron...
    - the CGI for Thanos was spotty in parts but sometimes they really really nailed it. Either way, Brolin really knocked it out of the park with his portrayal, yet I agree... some kind of armor would have grounded the character more in the world of the comics
    - really psyched for Captain Marvel right now

    It's gonna be a long year and apart from Captain Marvel there's nothing I want to see right now from the MCU. Ant Man is of absolutely no interest to me at this point and GoG3 as well as a new Thor in vein of Ragnarok can only happen after Infinity War 2.

  25. #1885
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    Man, a lot of your gripes seem nitpicky. Did you want no action in a movie called Infinity War?! Those battles weren’t pointless. In NY, the Black Order wanted Strange. In Wakanda, Thanos wanted Vision and to weaken Earth’s heroes. Titan was just awesome. Also, I thought everyone got used the best they could in a movie that featured just about everyone. Steve and Bucky’s connection had been well established in three other movies. Tony came across almost the same as always but I was impressed by how he’s seemed to have grown since Civil War.
    Last edited by Swykk; 04-30-2018 at 07:40 AM.

  26. #1886
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    I still felt drax to not be as badass as he was in the first movie, but they didnt make him do dumb poop jokes, so ill take that.

  27. #1887
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    Of course I understood the title but I wished for a little bit more clever fights than just dumb blasting around and deus ex machina moments. The execution felt a little lazy and was just literally throwing planets onto things for way too long as I would have enjoyed more of the drama which they executed fairly well.

  28. #1888
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    I noticed near the end of the credits a tv show was credited that didn't obviously appear anywhere in the movie:

  29. #1889
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    josh brolin's performance - A
    josh brolin's appearance - C-

    compare thanos' appearance to snoke's in last jedi and it's like day and night. snoke looks fucking REAL, despite being a mo-cap character. thanos looks like a california raisin did too many steroids and his chin turned into a ballsack (thanks, starlord).

    there was so much unnecessary CG in this film. why was the one female member of the Black Order completely CG? she was human-sized, with a weapon that could have been practical and makeup that could have been done with appliances. every time i saw her it made me mad because she could have been so cool, and she just looked stupid.

    overall, i really enjoyed it. i cried a lot near the end while i was also gasping over and over. i have no idea where they're going to go from here.

    one of my favorite lines:
    "what master do you serve?"
    "what, am i supposed to say jesus!?"

    also, peter dinklage was fucking awesome.

  30. #1890
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    Loved the movie and my positives echo what has been said already. My only criticism is the CGI. They did a good job with it, but I would have loved for there to be a way to use less. I just felt like I was watching a video game for very long stretches. I completely understand there is no practical way around this for large portions of the flick, but man did Thanos and the whole movie itself just look much better to me when it was in NYC and Wakanda. I still loved the movie.

    - they are Infinity GEMS, not stones! Hate that they changed this for no reason that I can surmise.
    - I called the cut-scene. Proud of myself.
    - Red Skull coming back and never, ever actually being dead is a nice shout-out to the comics.
    - Thor calling Rocket a "rabbit" the entire movie was great
    - physically filming an actress for Proxima Midnight & Ebony Maw probably would have made them look better.

    and, as usual, the guys deliver a great review (they LOVED it btw):

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