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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #2251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I just dont like the movie version of Antman.

    Edit: I also didnt watch the sequel to Antman, so I have no idea about the van. Another reason why I think universe building is a double edged sword, I didnt want to see this movie and now I couldnt catch what you just said nor know what it means. And if it werent for leaked pics from on set, I wouldnt know what "Antman" role was going to be in this movie.

  2. #2252
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    OK tin hat theory time.

    So we know (those of us that saw Antman and the Wasp) that Scott got stuck in the Quantum Realm. During the comics (i'm going to go spoiler here as this might be a spoiler) Spoiler: we know in order to defeat Thanos, Adam Warlock rose from the Soul gem (more or less, it's been awhile). Now Adam isn't in the MCU yet, so what if Scott was helped out of the QR by some of the souls that were wiped out and are stuck now in the Soul gem, in order to play the role of Adam and rally the troops for one last attack to get everyone back (whilst also adding his great charm and humour that he had in Civil War)

    I think this makes the most sense, but i'm excited to see how this plays out. There are a great number of films i'm excited for next year. Do i think they'll all be great?...probably not, but i'd rather go into a film excited at what i might see then apprehensive at what i might not like...i should try and apply this to my daily life lol.

  3. #2253
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    Totally unrelated to MCU stuff, but I just got back from a screening for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse and I had a fucking blast. Probably my favorite Spider-Man movie to date! Lots of fun and tears and style going on in that movie. Plus an absolutely genius post-credits scene.

    And don’t let the CG/“cartoony-ness” of the movie throw you off. The older I get and the more I see, the more I realize that wall is a ridiculous barrier to have holding you back from consuming some great and heart-felt art. They even address that very “what’s the problem with cartoons?” question a little bit in the movie. Go! You’ll have a fun time. I felt more watching that film than I have some MCU films, without a doubt.

    For the record: Into the Spider-verse dethrones Homecoming as my favorite Spider-Man film, for sure, but those two are right up at the top of the list.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 12-08-2018 at 06:14 PM.

  4. #2254
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  5. #2255
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    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 12-08-2018 at 09:33 PM.

  6. #2256
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheWiseJanitor View Post
    Totally unrelated to MCU stuff, but I just got back from a screening for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse and I had a fucking blast. Probably my favorite Spider-Man movie to date! Lots of fun and tears and style going on in that movie. Plus an absolutely genius post-credits scene.

    And don’t let the CG/“cartoony-ness” of the movie throw you off. The older I get and the more I see, the more I realize that wall is a ridiculous barrier to have holding you back from consuming some great and heart-felt art. They even address that very “what’s the problem with cartoons?” question a little bit in the movie. Go! You’ll have a fun time. I felt more watching that film than I have some MCU films, without a doubt.

    For the record: Into the Spider-verse dethrones Homecoming as my favorite Spider-Man film, for sure, but those two are right up at the top of the list.
    100% agree! Saw it at the weekend and bloody loved it! It's defiantly the best spidey film so far! (i do adore good animation mind you, and this one has BAGS of good and original animation ideas!)

    Honestly if your on the fence with this one go see it, it's a bloody good film, one of my Favorites of the year!

  7. #2257
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    I was under the impression that mysterious was a villain. I’m not too deep in spidey knowledge, but is this comic accurate?

  8. #2258
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    I don't want to discuss the Mysterio angle re: my (and many others) theory with this movie without potentially being a big spoiler if correct. I will say the way they're potentially going to use him seems to be really clever.

  9. #2259
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    I loved Venom. Am I alone in this one? It's 90 minutes of pure childish, unpretentious no-bullshit fun. Tom Hardy is cool. Venom is cool. Loved their "dialogue".

  10. #2260
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I was under the impression that mysterious was a villain. I’m not too deep in spidey knowledge, but is this comic accurate?
    Without saying too much here, technically it is. But like Bobbie said above, potential spoilers.

  11. #2261
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    The Defenders can’t appear on TV or film for at least two years

    "Recently, Netflix purged itself of three Marvel shows, canceling Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Daredevil all within a couple weeks of one-another. While Jessica Jones is likely living on borrowed time, it was widely assumed that Disney was shoring up these properties before the launch of its own streaming service next year, Disney+.

    However, Variety reports that due to a clause in the contract between Disney and Netflix, the characters won’t be able to appear onscreen anywhere for at least two years after the cancellation, and that’s if Disney decides to do so, which it hasn’t yet.

    When Netflix launched its initial quartet of Marvel shows there was a clause that stated they couldn’t appear in any non-Netflix related film or TV show for at least two years after cancellation. This would mean the earliest that the Man without Fear or the Heroes for Hire could show up would be in late 2020. Given that Jessica Jones is airing a third season in 2019, her character would be out of the running for the supergroup The Defenders until 2021. Again, that’s if Disney opts to bring these characters back into the fold. Whether or not they bring back the same actors is anyone’s guess at this point, though Daredevil’s Charlie Cox is hoping they do."

    Last edited by neorev; 12-13-2018 at 02:56 PM.

  12. #2262
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    Funny. That's about how long it takes to make a movie. Hmmm... (wishful thinking)

  13. #2263
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    OK so i went to see Spider-man Into the Spiderverse again...i think this might be my favorite film of the year, even more than Infinity War..seriously! (I am a sucker for Spider-man/Spider-Gwen and animation...and boy is the animation on point in this!)

  14. #2264
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    Can someone explain the spoilers Mysterio thing you guys are alluding to?

  15. #2265
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    Disney Exec Kevin Mayer says they may be able to bring the cancelled Netflix Marvel shows to Disney+ at some point.

    Sounds like Netflix might be getting a payoff if Disney is serious about this. I remember the level of excitement Marvel Studios had when they realized they could get Daredevil and Punisher back for practically free when the rights expired at Fox, so this news doesn't surprise me much, especially since Charlie Cox confirmed way back before DD season 1 that he had a clause in his contract that brings him over to the MCU films if the studio wanted him.

  16. #2266
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    Good, I could careless about the other shows, but Daredevil was the best out of all of them and it deserves to keep going.

  17. #2267
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Good, I could careless about the other shows, but Daredevil was the best out of all of them and it deserves to keep going.
    Same. I just want Daredevil and The Punisher to continue. They could do a Heroes of Hire show with Luke Cage and Iron Fish together.

  18. #2268
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    Twist ending: I finally saw Venom and I actually loved it

  19. #2269
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    I'm disappointed to say that even with my tempered expectations and cautious optimism, I found Venom to be mediocre at best. Despite Tom Hardy's performance, which I found to be fine (not bad, not great, just... fine), It's just another reminder of Sony's extremely incapable hands and complete misunderstanding of the titular character. I didn't hate the movie, but I think it's disappointing that the movie was as successful as it was because in Sony's eyes, it will validate/vindicate their handling (fumbling) of the character (and their exclusion of Spider-Man), as is already evident by their green-lighting of a sequel. Venom has been one of my favorite Marvel characters since I started buying & trading comic books and cards with my friends back in 1992, so I was really hoping it would be better. I was mostly on board with how Venom himself was portrayed, but none of the other characters in the movie were very interesting at all and the overall story was pretty lackluster, predictable, and kind of boring. I'd give it a 4/10.

  20. #2270
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    Pretty cool if true.

  21. #2271
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    I'm disappointed to say that even with my tempered expectations and cautious optimism, I found Venom to be mediocre at best. Despite Tom Hardy's performance, which I found to be fine (not bad, not great, just... fine), It's just another reminder of Sony's extremely incapable hands and complete misunderstanding of the titular character. I didn't hate the movie, but I think it's disappointing that the movie was as successful as it was because in Sony's eyes, it will validate/vindicate their handling (fumbling) of the character (and their exclusion of Spider-Man), as is already evident by their green-lighting of a sequel. Venom has been one of my favorite Marvel characters since I started buying & trading comic books and cards with my friends back in 1992, so I was really hoping it would be better. I was mostly on board with how Venom himself was portrayed, but none of the other characters in the movie were very interesting at all and the overall story was pretty lackluster, predictable, and kind of boring. I'd give it a 4/10.
    It's well documented that I wanted to hate this movie and badly wanted it to fail, but ultimately I found it charming and unique as far as that can mean in this genre. Hardy's performances basically carry the whole mvie, but I think they do it well. Eddie Brock is fun enough to watch on his own, when you add the symbiote it gets a lot better too.

    Yes the villain is bland and ridiculous, yes, there are silly plotholes and sometimes dumb set ups. Yes, the supporting characters are forgettable, but these are issues in 90% of the Genre. The MCU has done well to at least attempt to correct this as of late, but ultimately the superhero genre is loaded with faceless love interest and one note villains.

    On the otherhand, Superhero leads are rarely the standout performance in their own movie, with RDJ probably being the most notable exception. Hardy really did a fantastic job and made this movie a lot of fun. This movie won out by embracing absurdity. It was like an edgier Jim Carrey film.

    It's hard to imagine this movie WITH Spiderman. It's hard to imagine Hardy's Venom as Spiderman's villain, although luckily they left the door open for a Parker/Brock rivalry, it certainly would be nice to see it work.

  22. #2272
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    If they had just waited until after Infinity War and Endgame wrapped up, after Spider-Man had returned to Earth (after being in space and having the symbiote attach itself to Spider-Man while he was on Titan), then had a full Spider-Man movie dedicated to his struggle with the black costume, ending with him getting rid of it, THEN making a Venom movie in which Spider-Man plays a supporting role for both Venom and Eddie Brock to bond (pun intended) over their mutual hatred of Spidey, THAT would have been perfect. Or at least have a movie that just focuses on the Spider-Man black costume, his rejection of the costume, and the birth of Venom, culminating in a fight between the two (AKA what Spider-Man 3 should have been).
    Last edited by sonic_discord; 12-28-2018 at 12:06 AM.

  23. #2273
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    If they had just waited until after Infinity War and Endgame wrapped up, after Spider-Man had returned to Earth (after being in space and having the symbiote attach itself to Spider-Man while he was on Titan), then had a full Spider-Man movie dedicated to his struggle with the black costume, ending with him getting rid of it, THEN making a Venom movie in which Spider-Man plays a supporting role for both Venom and Eddie Brock bond over their mutual hatred of Spidey, THAT would have been perfect. Or at least have a movie that just focuses on the Spider-Man black costume, his rejection of the costume, and the birth of Venom, culminating in a fight between the two (AKA what Spider-Man 3 should have been).
    Avengers: Secret War would have been just fine.

  24. #2274
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    I mean, yes, that would have been great, I had said the same thing or something along those lines. The very existence of this movie proves the creators malice towards their own fans. But taken on its own merits I really enjoyed it.

    The problem with the venom-> carnage villain/ hero arc is that it is too elaborate or complex to properly execute in a single movie, you need to basically dedicate at least three movies to make it properly happen. Maybe plant the suit and Eddie Brock as minor details in a bigger, different plot, have a second movie where the black suit and venom are the central focus, and then have venom redeem himself in a maximum carnage style thing. You forgo a few cool Spiderman villains to do that, and every step of the way you risk the franchise falling apart in some quality or logistic related way, over the course of 6-10 years. Franchises just aren't that resilient and don't have that kind of longevity and continuity. Even if I'd like it to. Maybe there's still a chance to bring him into the MCU fold. That would be great
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 12-28-2018 at 12:57 AM.

  25. #2275
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    However things "Should have been" or how introductions to the black suit and Spiderman could have been handled better... I am just happy we got anything at all. Saw Venom for the second time and enjoyed it as much as the first time. I find this news very intriguing hearing the introduction to Spiderman in the sequel?!?

  26. #2276
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    However things "Should have been" or how introductions to the black suit and Spiderman could have been handled better... I am just happy we got anything at all. Saw Venom for the second time and enjoyed it as much as the first time. I find this news very intriguing hearing the introduction to Spiderman in the sequel?!?
    I'll believe it when I see it, but that has potential to be awesome if it turns out to be true. Maximum Carnage was a favorite comic storyline of mine as a kid, so to see Venom, Carnage, and Spider-Man sharing the silver screen 25 years later would be awesome. Not as awesome as how I felt seeing Civil War and Infinity War for the first time, but still, there's potential there. Having said that, I find it hard to believe that Marvel Studios would be willing to let their carefully crafted MCU begin to blend with the haphazardly planned "Sony’s Universe of Marvel Characters." I feel like this might turn out to be like when Amy Pascal seemed to suggest that Spider-Man could live in both franchises. Then again, I never expected Sony to share Spider-Man to begin with, so I guess anything is possible (however unlikely it may be). I just hope the sequel is better than its fairly mediocre predecessor.

  27. #2277
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    I agree with this Dorkly fella...

  28. #2278
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    I HATED the Raimi Spider-Man movies... HATED them. Tobey McGuire sucks.

  29. #2279
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    I'll believe it when I see it, but that has potential to be awesome if it turns out to be true. Maximum Carnage was a favorite comic storyline of mine as a kid, so to see Venom, Carnage, and Spider-Man sharing the silver screen 25 years later would be awesome. Not as awesome as how I felt seeing Civil War and Infinity War for the first time, but still, there's potential there. Having said that, I find it hard to believe that Marvel Studios would be willing to let their carefully crafted MCU begin to blend with the haphazardly planned "Sony’s Universe of Marvel Characters." I feel like this might turn out to be like when Amy Pascal seemed to suggest that Spider-Man could live in both franchises. Then again, I never expected Sony to share Spider-Man to begin with, so I guess anything is possible (however unlikely it may be). I just hope the sequel is better than its fairly mediocre predecessor.
    Me as well! Owning the entire Carnage series and still have them to this day. Yea, I was skeptical when Pascal said that. Reading what they said in that article is a pretty friggin' bold statement, so seeing that idea come into fruition still makes me intrigued if they can clean their act up in the next film with a better structure for the plot and some of the dialogue (Even though I enjoyed quite a bit of it in Venom). Spider-Man and all of these characters in his universe has always been my favorite since I was a tiny, so I do get a bit more excited than some, but it in no way blinds me when it comes to what Hollywood comes up with and spews out most of the time. Seeing how much it actually made surprised the hell out of me, so hopefully they utilize that and come out with a bang in the second film. It would still have a pretty odd feeling not having Spidey anywhere near this, even if the sequel is somewhat above average.

  30. #2280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Me as well! Owning the entire Carnage series and still have them to this day. Yea, I was skeptical when Pascal said that. Reading what they said in that article is a pretty friggin' bold statement, so seeing that idea come into fruition still makes me intrigued if they can clean their act up in the next film with a better structure for the plot and some of the dialogue (Even though I enjoyed quite a bit of it in Venom). Spider-Man and all of these characters in his universe has always been my favorite since I was a tiny, so I do get a bit more excited than some, but it in no way blinds me when it comes to what Hollywood comes up with and spews out most of the time. Seeing how much it actually made surprised the hell out of me, so hopefully they utilize that and come out with a bang in the second film. It would still have a pretty odd feeling not having Spidey anywhere near this, even if the sequel is somewhat above average.
    Yeah, hopefully the success of the first movie gave them enough confidence to give the sequel a considerably larger budget, hire better writers, and get a better director. We'll see...

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