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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #2341
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    Sharing from the NIN store thread - NIN and Marvel just put up a pre-order for two Captain Marvel crossover shirts -

  2. #2342
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    When I saw Infinity War, I got the very last ticket to the first screening. Tonight, I got the very first ticket to the third screening of Captain Marvel! Can’t wait. Y’all already know what shirt I’m gonna wear.

  3. #2343
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Sharing from the NIN store thread - NIN and Marvel just put up a pre-order for two Captain Marvel crossover shirts -
    That's awesome but it's difficult to justify their shipping prices for a t-shirt.

  4. #2344
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    Movie was alright. Lead character has all the personality of a Block of wood...

    Wears a NIN shirt for like half the movie, but no NIN music :/

  5. #2345
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    I'm seeing it tomorrow, still debating if i'll post a mini review like i always do on Insta, can see me getting a load of hate from some corners on the web if i end up enjoying it...jebus that's a depressing sentence!

  6. #2346
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    Really enjoyed Captain Marvel but agree that it’s missing something to make it a top tier Marvel movie. Larson is great (wearing a NIN shirt only adds to that).The Goose gags (one is literal) all worked. I liked how Fury is heavily influenced by Danvers. To be honest, Jude Law’s Yon-Ragg is the weakest link here, whose dialogue all consists of cliche shit you’ve heard out of every action movie mentor character of the past. The Skrulls were very cool.

    Thanos, your purple ass is grass.

  7. #2347
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Really enjoyed Captain Marvel but agree that it’s missing something to make it a top tier Marvel movie. Larson is great (wearing a NIN shirt only adds to that).The Goose gags (one is literal) all worked. I liked how Fury is heavily influenced by Danvers. To be honest, Jude Law’s Yon-Ragg is the weakest link here, whose dialogue all consists of cliche shit you’ve heard out of every action movie mentor character of the past. The Skrulls were very cool.

    Thanos, your purple ass is grass.
    I agree. Jude Law was probably the most cliche type of character he could have been. A liiiittle of what he says and does is clearly intentionally written and plays into some of the feminist themes of the movie, but overall I couldn’t have been much less impressed by him.

    There are a couple other beats that hold the movie back a bit, but I feel like they’re the same problems that Marvel movies typically suffer from. I still really enjoyed it, though! Danvers and Fury were great together. Goose stole the show. The Stan Lee cameo was super low-key but also one of my personal favorites. Seeing Captain marvel just CLEAN. THE FUCK. UP. once she had a hold of her powers was super fun.

    It admittedly wasn’t a perfect movie, but I still had a great time! Might check it out again.

  8. #2348
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    Seeing it after work tonight. Can't fucking wait.

  9. #2349
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    The movie was good, not great. Def. built a solid foundation for a potential sequel to be excellent.

    I agree that Larson was a bit stiff throughout large portions of the movie. She's an excellent actress though, so I'm going to chalk it up to an acting choice on how to play such a confused, conflicted woman who has spent her life in a structured military setting. She's very stoic at times, which again makes sense, but got boring. I thought Jude Law was fine. His arc was telegraphed imo, but maybe not so much for others? Biggest distraction for me whenever I see Jude Law these days is his ever-moving hairline. It's fascinating.

    Annette Benning as the Supreme Intelligence (not a spoiler) was strange. Felt like they simply wanted to shoehorn a beloved older actress in the feminist movie. Michelle Pfeiffer fits better in the Ant-Man movies.

    Went into the movie not paying attention to much re: the plot. Was surprised at the buddy cop angle with Fury and how long that went on. Was fun. I don't agree with how happy-go-lucky Sam Jackson played Fury, but it wasn't bad. Just not really in line with the character history. If they use this as a starting point to show how time has hardened him by the time we see him in Iron Man, then it will work well though.

    HATED what happened with him and the cat. SO goofy. We have enough goofy in these movies.

    As said, Stan lee cameo was great. It's a unique one, and plays heavily into the 90's thing. The Stan Lee homage before the opening credits was great too.

    They did about as good as one could expect with simplifying Carol's insanely convoluted comic book origin. It worked well for the screen.

    As also said above, once Carol fully understands her powers, she is not fucking around. Was great. Thought the CGI looked pretty damn good throughout the movie too.

    Had no idea they were gonna do the Goose/Chewy stuff. Pretty damn funny.

    Biggest complaint BY FAR was the over reliance of extremely on-the-nose musical cues throughout. I love the 90's setting, the references and i love alot of the songs they chose (they focused heavily on 90's alternative). But man they were clumsy, and went to that well a few too many times. I audibly groaned by the time they used the one during a Carol fight scene towards the end of the movie. TRUST YOUR AUDIENCE, STOP HOLDING OUR HANDS.

    first cut scene was great. Didn't stay for the second. But apparently it was a humorous one, not needed for the MCU type stuff.

  10. #2350
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Sharing from the NIN store thread - NIN and Marvel just put up a pre-order for two Captain Marvel crossover shirts -
    As my sister pointed out, it would've been great to make the Captain Marvel/NIN shirt available FOR WOMEN too, not just in men's!

  11. #2351
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    Did my mini review for my cineema thread but yeah i enjoyed it! It was a good couple of hours at the movies and a solid introduction of CM to the MCU. It's probably mid tier in terms of marvel films (Infinity War, Winter Soldier etc being top tier and Thor, Thor 2, Incredible Hulk etc being low tier) but that's not a bad thing, and it leads nicely into End Game (and i'm looking forward to her letting rip in that!)

    NOW Marvel...where are my Nova and Shehulk movies you COWARDS!

  12. #2352
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    The movie was good, not great. Def. built a solid foundation for a potential sequel to be excellent.

    I agree that Larson was a bit stiff throughout large portions of the movie. She's an excellent actress though, so I'm going to chalk it up to an acting choice on how to play such a confused, conflicted woman who has spent her life in a structured military setting. She's very stoic at times, which again makes sense, but got boring. I thought Jude Law was fine. His arc was telegraphed imo, but maybe not so much for others? Biggest distraction for me whenever I see Jude Law these days is his ever-moving hairline. It's fascinating.

    Annette Benning as the Supreme Intelligence (not a spoiler) was strange. Felt like they simply wanted to shoehorn a beloved older actress in the feminist movie. Michelle Pfeiffer fits better in the Ant-Man movies.

    Went into the movie not paying attention to much re: the plot. Was surprised at the buddy cop angle with Fury and how long that went on. Was fun. I don't agree with how happy-go-lucky Sam Jackson played Fury, but it wasn't bad. Just not really in line with the character history. If they use this as a starting point to show how time has hardened him by the time we see him in Iron Man, then it will work well though.

    HATED what happened with him and the cat. SO goofy. We have enough goofy in these movies.

    As said, Stan lee cameo was great. It's a unique one, and plays heavily into the 90's thing. The Stan Lee homage before the opening credits was great too.

    They did about as good as one could expect with simplifying Carol's insanely convoluted comic book origin. It worked well for the screen.

    As also said above, once Carol fully understands her powers, she is not fucking around. Was great. Thought the CGI looked pretty damn good throughout the movie too.

    Had no idea they were gonna do the Goose/Chewy stuff. Pretty damn funny.

    Biggest complaint BY FAR was the over reliance of extremely on-the-nose musical cues throughout. I love the 90's setting, the references and i love alot of the songs they chose (they focused heavily on 90's alternative). But man they were clumsy, and went to that well a few too many times. I audibly groaned by the time they used the one during a Carol fight scene towards the end of the movie. TRUST YOUR AUDIENCE, STOP HOLDING OUR HANDS.

    first cut scene was great. Didn't stay for the second. But apparently it was a humorous one, not needed for the MCU type stuff.
    No Doubt the music was awkward.

  13. #2353
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    Man, that cameo. Spoiler: If you've ever heard Kevin Smith talk about Stan, especially his Fatman Beyond episode/eulogy, you have to know what that scene means. God, just thinking about how much Kevin loved that man and that they chose to make that connection makes me misty-eyed. It's hard to explain, feeling feelings for someone else's feelings? I dunno.

    If you haven't listened to that episode of the Fatman Beyond podcast, you really should.

  14. #2354
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    Movie was pretty darn good. Nothing over the top, but it is a welcomed addition to the MCU. I am DYING to see what else they can do with Captain Marvel with this giving her powers a backseat due to the origin material, because when she flourishes, fuck is it beautiful to watch. Brie Larson was just fine... Her being a block of wood with no personality is highly inaccurate, for I saw the complete opposite most of the film with her being sarcastic, confident, and at times, rebellious. There were a few scenes that were extremely ordinary, but we get that in each Marvel film sometimes, or even hero movies in general.

    Jude Law was generic but didn't bother me, with his payoff being quite fantastic. Annette Benning killed it with what she had to work with, no complaints there. Samuel L. Jackson as Fury here was fun to watch since him and Larson had great chemistry throughout the entire movie, also with his amateur moments here and there. It was a nice touch with all the 90's nostalgia and the music didn't bother me at all. The weakest part of the movie to me were the Skrulls. I loved the banter and comedy relief from Ben Mendelsohn, but the plot line for them was just a bit meh in the end.

    What intrigues me is how Captain Marvel will fit into with what Avengers we have left. Cannot believe it is so close!

  15. #2355
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    i cried no less than 5 times while watching this film today. i feel almost exactly the same as @Self.Destructive.Pattern but i had no issue with the skrull storyline (and actually quite liked it).

    the humor in this film was so perfect. i hope the lady next to me didn't get too annoyed with how many times i laughed pretty loudly (though, to be fair, two thirds of the theater was also laughing).

    the beginning of the movie felt a bit slow, and i am a bit surprised they didn't take any opportunity to play a NIN song, but those are my only complaints.

    that post-credits scene had me rolling around in my seat.

  16. #2356
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i cried no less than 5 times while watching this film today. i feel almost exactly the same as @Self.Destructive.Pattern but i had no issue with the skrull storyline (and actually quite liked it).

    the humor in this film was so perfect. i hope the lady next to me didn't get too annoyed with how many times i laughed pretty loudly (though, to be fair, two thirds of the theater was also laughing).

    the beginning of the movie felt a bit slow, and i am a bit surprised they didn't take any opportunity to play a NIN song, but those are my only complaints.

    that post-credits scene had me rolling around in my seat.
    Given the time it was set based on the music they did play, i dunno if there was any NIN that would have fitted from that period (would have been funny as fuck to hear closer though)

  17. #2357
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    Something else i was thinking about after i watched CM...this was the first superhero film i can remember (correct me if i'm wrong please) that didn't have a love interest. You could argue that maybe that was Jude Law's character in the beginning, but that felt more like a teacher then anything else. It was actually quite refreshing not having "main lead will end up/heavily hinted with supporting character" which is in everything!

  18. #2358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Brie Larson was just fine... Her being a block of wood with no personality is highly inaccurate, for I saw the complete opposite most of the film with her being sarcastic, confident, and at times, rebellious.
    I don't really understand this complaint either, I thought she was quite warm and she had great screen presence! I loved her!

  19. #2359
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    I agree Brie was very likeable, i would say she didn't feel as confident in the role as we've come to expect from actors in these films, but to label her a 'block of wood' does seem a bit harsh. Especially considering the actual blocks of wood we used to get *cough Electra cough* I expect her to be much more at ease in End Game and future movies.

    Would also seem audiences are liking her as well as it's nearly hit 500 million already That could just be down to the NIN shirt though i'm sure!

  20. #2360
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    I really thought she was a boring and underdeveloped. Like I get she's got this amnesia plot, but I think that led to too much of her being a blank slate. Ultimately I'd have a hard time describing her without describing her looks or powers, compared to some of the other characters in the movie.
    Other than Jude Law, the supporting cast all were entertaining enough. I enjoyed the few scenes that were homage to Independence day. I really liked the sense of intrigue and conspiracy that peppered the first half. I did overall like the movie

    Ultimately I don't feel strongly about the movie either way. Mid tier Marvel. Along with the first Captain America or the Doctor Strange movie, for instance. It's no GoG or Homecoming or Infinity War.

    I mostly just know Captain Marvel from getting her powers stolen by rogue... Anyone see that happening now that the x men can play?

  21. #2361
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    I could see them doing the Rogue storyline cuz it would be really friggin' cool, but that would be years and years away. Like, probably closer to 10 years than 5. Think about all the work that would need to go screen first to establish the X-men in the MCU, soft or hard reboots etc. And a Captain Marvel sequel or two in the mix too.
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 03-11-2019 at 03:56 PM.

  22. #2362
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I enjoyed the few scenes that were homage to Independence day.
    Would you explain which scenes you're referring to (in spoiler tags, if necessary)? I guess it's been a long time since I've seen ID4 because I may have missed the scenes in question.

  23. #2363
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    So who's starting a collection of screenshots of young people on the internet asking what the symbol on her shirt meant?

  24. #2364
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
    So who's starting a collection of screenshots of young people on the internet asking what the symbol on her shirt meant?

    Sorry not sorry.

  25. #2365
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    Would you explain which scenes you're referring to (in spoiler tags, if necessary)? I guess it's been a long time since I've seen ID4 because I may have missed the scenes in question.
    One for sure is the scene in ID4 in the canyons right before Smiths character is downed in the desert. There are actually a few homage scenes from other things as well; there is a video somewhere on the tube of them.

  26. #2366
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Mostly just know Captain Marvel from getting her powers stolen by rogue... Anyone see that happening now that the x men can play?
    Christ on a Bike i forgot all about that! I remember that being in the cartoon...i also remember rouge being freaking awesome, i wouldn't mind seeing this play out when Brie and Marvel are ready to move onto the next phase (this'll be WAY far down the line though, we shouldn't expect x-men for a good 3-4 years. Maybe they could adapt House of M, but just have Sacrlett Which change reality to make Mutants appear in the MCU timeline...that could work)

    Edit : wait, it was Captain Marvel, but in her Mrs Marvel persona (not sure Captain Marvel Carol was a thing yet?)
    Last edited by Haysey_Draws; 03-12-2019 at 03:54 AM.

  27. #2367
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    I didn't enjoy it all that much and thought it was rather boring. What I did like is that it stepped away from some things other MCU movies estbalished so this was a nice change of scenery here and there. And apparently I quite like the sci-fi aspects of the MCU alot, as I loved both Guardians and the latest Thor. I came to like Brie Larsson as the title character throughout the movie, but all the social commentary on the internet doesn't really hold a candle to what the movie portrays in the end - it's just a cool sci-fi comic-flick with great action and a likeable lead actress... nothing more and nothing less imho or is that feminist already? if what was being shown was extraordinary or controversial in that regard than we seriously have a lot of problems to take on in our society.

    What I really enjoyed were the fight scenes with the Skrulls, Captain Marvel rocking her powers and of course the cat, although I am not a cat person by any means.

    Very curious on how they will incorporate her in the next Avengers movie. But overall this is totally a mid-tier Marvel movie for me on par with Ant-Man, Iron Man 2 and Captain America.

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  29. #2369
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    I already know to never ever click on that video.

    153 million domestically. 500 global.

    You failed, doofy fanboys/incels/MRAs. As usual.

  30. #2370
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    I think, the first half of that RL video is worth seeing for their discussion about woman in movies and critics as "old white dudes" etc., because I, too, fail to see the "relevance" that seemingly everbody is projecting onto movies like this (like Black Panther or even non-Marvel stuff like the Ghostbuster remake). To me, those movies are generic blockbuster flicks that have nothing to say, really. Everyone likes a dumb action movie from time to time, but why pretend being "woke" for enjoying kids movies? Yet, an intelligent sci-fi movie like Annihilation - with an almost all female cast and a strong subject matter - gets criminally overlooked. I don't get it.

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