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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #211
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    Not liking Patton should be a criminal offense.
    Last edited by AgentofChaos; 04-24-2014 at 09:49 AM.

  2. #212
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    Nice catch.

    Although i suppose you might want to edit that last bit of yours as well.. @AgentofChaos Spoiler: since someone might be able to deduce something by how focused you are on loving a character in the past tense.

  3. #213
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    So I saw Captain America 2 last night(then immediately caught up on 3 weeks of agents of shield) and I was pretty disappointed with it(see rant in Cap2 thread). I would rank it pretty low amount the other MCU flicks, but it gave me the idea to rank them all and figured you guys would have fun doing this too so lets hear em!

    1. The Avengers
    2. Iron Man
    3. Captain America
    4. Iron Man 3
    5. Thor
    6. Hulk
    7. Iron Man 2
    8. Thor 2
    9. Captain America 2

  4. #214
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    1. The Avengers
    2. Captain America
    3. Iron Man
    4. Winter Soldier
    5. The Dark World
    6. Incredible Hulk
    7. Thor
    8. Iron Man 2

    9. Iron Man 3

  5. #215
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    1. The Avengers
    2. Iron Man
    3. Winter Solider
    4. Thor, The Incredible Hulk, The Dark World, Iron Man 3, The First Avenger,
    5. Iron Man 2

    I do what I want!

  6. #216
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    My list with minor explanations here and there:

    1. Winter Soldier: for me it isn't just the hype, either, it's that when I was younger Captain America was my favorite superhero for a period of time, and finally seeing him done right, and seeing him appreciated as a character is really something else; plus I just found it to be a genuinely great and satisfying movie. It's cool to see a solo film in the MCU have a (presumably) broad impact on the franchise at large, as this kind of stuff happens plenty in comics. The only large criticisms I've heard are of cars getting product placement, something I barely noticed and couldn't care less about, and that there's no explanation for the other Avengers being present, to which I say: They establish the Avengers were founded to distract the heroes from Hydra, as revealed in the post-credits scene, so to assume they had the other Avengers away and doing something else isn't a broad leap; Thor leaves Earth all the time and doesn't care much anyway; Iron Man had his own shit to deal with if you assume this is at the same time as Iron Man 3 and even then Stark is far from focused on any friends. Not to mention this is something that happens in literally every solo comic series across Marvel and DC, so if we're liking the MCU for feeling like comics then let's not bitch about things that are inherent elements of them. The brief nods to Thor and Iron Man were good enough for me.

    2. The Avengers: The first of its kind, a turning point for superhero films, bright and shiny and lovable and something I never thought would ever be a thing. I remember when Marvel first announced their plan for Phase 1 way way back, and I thought it wouldn't ever pan out. I loved being proven wrong. Plus, as someone who got origin story fatigue from all of the films leading into it, seeing all of these characters in one place without forced backstory was great. It was like watching Joss Whedon play with action figures for a few hours, and that's all I really wanted.

    3. Iron Man

    4. Iron Man 3: I thought it was a great, serious take on Tony Stark as a character, and couldn't care less about them changing things; considering they take a lot from the Ultimate Universe, what they changed actually made it into if anything a blend between Earth 616 and Ultimate universe versions of that character. Also as a fan of Shane Black and Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, this was almost like a sequel to that in a sense. As a whole I found it fun, entertaining and an interesting take on Iron Man, while actually showing repercussions of things from The Avengers taking a toll on Tony; while it isn't the first superhero movie to show psychological impacts of being a superhero, it's the first of the Marvel films to really hone in on it.

    5. The Incredible Hulk: I just found it fun, enjoyable and so much better than the 2004 Hulk that I think I over-looked the flaws so many found in it; haven't seen it in years now, so I might just be remembering it as better than it was.

    6. The First Avenger: Not bad not great. Don't really know what to say. I enjoyed it as a Cap. in WWII story, but it's definitely not what I was interested in seeing. It came out at the point that I was getting truly sick of the origin stories, and Hugo Weaving felt really underutilized.

    7. Thor 2

    8. Thor: I'd tie it with Thor 2 almost; what can I say, I really don't find Thor in the films all too compelling and Loki is basically becoming fan-bait.

    9. Iron Man 2

  7. #217
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    Holy shit Agents of Shield!

    Spoiler: Coulson was behind the T.A.H.I.T.I project? I never saw that one coming. Never, ever. That means that Coulson was the head of a project that was doing human experiments. Sweet, unassuming, adorable, Super Nanny fan Coulson? Bloody hell. I think I love him even more! Also I so wanted Skye to let that s.o.b Ward die! And Fitz needs to stop freaking out. Get a grip. man!

  8. #218
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    I feel like this won't be very popular, but I am so fucking sick of Fitz's whiny bullshit and his complete inability to grow a god damn pair. All he does is get pointlessly angry, be a dick to Triplett because Triplett's better than him, and then pussyfoot around Simmons every chance he gets. I hope Ward puts a bullet through his stupid face. Several bullets.

    Other than that, this show has been great. This episode in particular had huge revelations that were just astounding. And Cobie Smulders, of course. Love her.

  9. #219
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    Yeah, I can't stand Fitz.

    So who was the original test subject of T.A.H.I.T.I.? Spoiler: A mortally wounded Avenger? Hmmm.

  10. #220
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    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. renewed for a second season.

    Agent Carter is a go!!!! Don't fuck this up!

  11. #221
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    Season finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is tomorrow night and Clark Gregg keeps dropping weird "clues" about it:

    So happy...but by Odin, u best listen to the Son of Coul: You miss the season finale of #AgentsofSHIELD on Tues, u will be verrry sorry.
    Tmrw night #AgentsofSHIELD S1 finale 8/7c. A visit from 2 old friends & maybe a ghost.Hey,Hydra-#HailThis Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

  12. #222
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    Oh, come on, it won't be Thor.

  13. #223
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    You never know!

    It's the ghost part that I find most intriguing.

  14. #224
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    The ghost is most likely to be Spoiler: Nick Fury, seeing as he's been in the previews. (spoiler tagging just in case someone managed to miss that)

    I don't think Clark Gregg is in any position to hype this show, considering that, though it has gotten much, much better, it's not something a huge amount of people are ever going to be excited about, given the atrocious quality of the first half.

  15. #225
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    Clark Gregg is the show. A big part of the show's problem is the time it took to like and/or care for the other characters.

    As for his tweet: Spoiler: Since it's already known that Fury's in the finally, I'm counting him as one of the 2 friends. The ghost may be Graviton since apparently no one knows that Hill survived being pulled inside the gravitonium. More outlandish theories are that it's the Winter Soldier (he was called a ghost in the CA:WS movie) and the least likely one (but the most fun) is that it's Loki since he's "dead".

  16. #226
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    Hahahahaha no. :/

  17. #227
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    Yeah I figure Fury and Hill are 2 of the three. Other options as I see it could Selvig, Falcon, or possibly Widow or Hawkeye. We haven't heard much from Hawk since Avengers. Fury being the ghost, and two old friends being the non super hero Avengers?

    Also if Hill is in it, they might reference her going to Stark. Which could include anyone from Rhodey to Pepper or Happy or even Stark or Banner although I think its probably safe to say we could rule out anyone on that scale (although it would be no different that filming a stinger on set and just saving it to use on the show for a brief minute near the end).

    They might also try to cross reference Agent Carter to pump that show, include a flashback scene etc which could feature a slew of people from Cap 1 that could be on that show including Carter, Chester Phillips, young Howard Stark, some of the howling commandos.

    There are a ton of options. My personal hope is that reveal that Red Skull is back and was behind Pearce's actions in Winter Soldier and they flesh out Hydra some more, especially in connection to what role they may play in AoU.

  18. #228
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  19. #229
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    Channing Tatum as Gambit: oh fuck no. No no no no no. NO. Fuck that shit.

    Haweye in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. finale? Please please please please please please please please please yes.

    Anyway, this review of the finale calls it a game changer that affects all of the MCU franchises.

  20. #230
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    Gambit's not for the MCU though right?

    Still sucks though... I have a few friends who are about to off themselves.

  21. #231
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    Well no, the X-Men are not MCU but they are Marvel that don't belong to Marvel so...

    I'm still in total denial about this. That guy can't act. And he has no neck although it's not related to the fact that he can't act. They should have brought Taylor Kitsch back and give him a proper speech/accent instructor.

  22. #232
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    I don't even hate Channing Tatum he's not a bad actor, and while physically he's not the right look or build, I would maybe have been ok with it if Taylor Kitsch hadn't already played the role. It didn't exactly work the first time you cast a young whitebread piece of cake in the role, so why are you going down the same path again? Doesn't make sense to me.

    I want to give the benefit out of the doubt here but I don't see him capable of knocking it out of the park hard enough to justify a whole film about the character. As a team member on X-Force or something MAYBE (even though that wouldn't exactly make sense), but a Gambit solo movie starring Channing Tatum? Takes real balls from some hollywood dummies to imagine that somehow it will be pulled off well enough to be received properly. And not Heath Ledger as joker kind of balls although like I said at least Tatum has some acting chops so its not like they gave it to a completely talentless meathead.

    Just give it the role to Josh Holloway already and be done with it (and have the character be successful first in an ensemble before justifying a solo flick). He's a bit older than you probably want but him scumming it up in the swamps of new orleans with a true detective vibe would definitely be a perfect fit in my eyes.

  23. #233
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    In regards to SHIELD:

    Well, that sucked. That's literally all I have to say.

  24. #234
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    I have to respectfully disagree. It did not live up to the hype maybe but it did not suck. We did get our two old friends and our ghost.

    Spoiler: We just saw the resurrection of SHIELD under the guise of Director Coulson who, in the eyes (eye?) of Nick Fury is an Avenger which is the "why" he was brought back to life. Deathlok is out there on his own, Quinn left with his gravitonium which is more than that; Skye's father is creepy and Coulson has learn a new language. Fitz is in a coma, of which he'll hopefully wake up less whiny. And how many Koenigs are there? We got answers to questions, we got some well deserved ass kicking, we got a gory scene I can't believe made it pass the censors. And there's enough left open to make for a potentially awesome season two.

    And this time, Couslon knows what it does!

  25. #235
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    The episode was worth it alone to watch Melinda kick the ever-loving shit out of Ward. I had a good laugh over Garrett's last scene.

  26. #236
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    Maybe it was just the feel of it that I wasn't fond of. And the lack of any resolution for Skye whatsoever - they kept talking about "what she is" and the "monsters in her," but they wouldn't fucking tell US. Infuriating.

    Garrett's last scene had a real Men in Black feel to it that I didn't like all that much, either. Aside from that, all of his scenes were great.

    And, plus, a ton more Fury than I expected. Like, wow, he was in over half the episode. I wonder who they sacrificed to get that to happen.

    I think, really, that I was just disappointed with the lack of resolution to some of the season's plot threads and I was more annoyed about it immediately afterward than I am now. Oh well.

  27. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Well no, the X-Men are not MCU but they are Marvel that don't belong to Marvel so...

    Is it possible the MCU could do its own version of the character though? I don't quite get how the property shit allows them to do Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Is there hope?

  28. #238
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    ^ No. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were unique because they are mutants, started in the x-books, but for the majority of their careers were Avengers. So both studios had rights to them. But there aren't very many, if any, other characters, who would cross those boundaries.

  29. #239
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    It's all about where characters are seen most prominently. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are primarily known as Avengers moreso than being associated with the X-Men, so they can be part of both franchises. Characters like Wolverine and Spider-Man, however, are unmistakably their own franchises, so there will never be any degree of "sharing" between Marvel Studios and Fox/Sony for the forseeable future with them.

    I believe the Kingpin falls under the same/a similar rule, because, though he began as a Spider-Man villain, he has become primarily identified with Daredevil, which is why Marvel Studios will likely be able to use him in the Netflix series.

  30. #240
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    The deal with Fox regarding Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch is that Marvel Studio can use them for Age of Ultron as long as they don't call them "mutants" because the term "mutants" (as in X-Men mutants) belongs to Fox. That's why, in The Winter Soldier first credit scene, Baron von Strucker calls them "miracles" and it is imply that they were the result of experimentation with Loki's staff.

    Here a very cute graphic that explains who owns what:

    Last edited by marodi; 05-15-2014 at 08:13 AM.

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