I just got back from The Wolverine..I thought it was pretty good. It is a comic book movie, so I don't mind overlooking some of the absurd happenings/details that take place throughout these movies. The 'Silver Samurai' and 'Viper' were a little cheesy in how they were presented/their dialogue, but I'm used to the villains being a little on the cartoony side in the X-Men movies. Jackman does a fantastic job as Logan as usual. I liked that their were fewer mutants in this movie than in Origins, as I felt it allowed the movie to maintain focus. The setting took me a little bit to get used to, but it had grown on me by the end of the movie. Oh yeah, and the train sequence was pretty baller. Overall, I'd give it a solid 'B' grade.

LOVED the post-credits scene. The X-Men movies do those best, in my opinion.