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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #1
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    The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

    From Random TV/Movie News -

    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Joss Whedon confirms that the Avengers sequel will be called The Avengers: Age of Ultron

    He also says that there'll be no Hank Pym in it (say what?) but there'll be more Hawkeye (YAY!).

    So: Vin Diesel as Vision? I can see that happening.

    ps: we need a comic book movie adaptation thread, darn it. Someone start one!
    Ta-da! Hope you don't mind a Marvel thread. We can bring DC in here, too, but I figure those two universes could at least get their own threads if desired. Or does anyone else think it should just be a comic book adaptation thread? I can always just change the title to whatever everyone else thinks.

  2. #2
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    A think a separate thread for DC and Marvel will suffice. I mean, it's not like people are clamoring to discuss R.I.P.D., for example.

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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    I mean, it's not like people are clamoring to discuss R.I.P.D., for example.
    Huh. Ryan Reynolds should concentrate on getting the Deadpool movie done. I think he was the only decent thing from the mess that was Origins (aside from Jackman who can do no wrong and Liev Schreiber who was totally creepy).

  4. #4
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    Giving X-Men: First Class another shot. Still a cinematic abortion, sorry. Hokey as fuck.

    In other Marvel news, I saw this on a bus stop yesterday and thought "Best fucking movie poster of all time":

  5. #5
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    All of the Wolverine posters look sick as fuck! Not too sure if I wanna see the movie, though. I haven't heard anything about it. Most people are turned off simply because of how Origins turned out.

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    As long as he gets to go full-BlendTec and make himself some ninja juice, I'm a happy camper.

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    In the comics, Ultron is a big bad robot hellbent on destroying humanity, but Joss tells Marvel LIVE that he'll be changing the villain's origins for the movie -- saying "We were crafting our own version of it where [Ultron's] own origin comes more directly from the Avengers we already know about."
    Bolding mine, because I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and predict that gonna go haywire and robo-jack one of Tony's suits, or secretly build his own. HEARD IT HERE FIRST, PEOPLE.

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    Nice prediction, Fixer. I like that.

    Was I the only one thinking that the Destroyer technology from Thor would play a part in Ultron's creation?

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    Maybe a combination of both our theories...? Yours sounds quite plausible as well!

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    J.A.R.V.I.S. and The Destroyer sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g. Moments later, baby Ultron is born. Tony Stark is one pissed off grandpa.

    Oh yeah, I'd watch this.

    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Must have these.

  12. #12
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    Since I couldn't find a thread for The Wolverine, I'll just say it here.

    (Wolverine Spoilers)
    Spoiler: The mid-credits scene at the end got me so fucking pumped for Days of Future Past. It would've been even more mindblowing if James McAvoy and/or Michael Fassbender was there too. Maybe to help audiences realize that the two series are connected.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SeeOhDeeWhy View Post
    Since I couldn't find a thread for The Wolverine, I'll just say it here.

    (Wolverine Spoilers)
    Spoiler: The mid-credits scene at the end got me so fucking pumped for Days of Future Past. It would've been even more mindblowing if James McAvoy and/or Michael Fassbender was there too. Maybe to help audiences realize that the two series are connected.

    That was easily the best part of the movie for me. I'm pumped!

  14. #14
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    I thought the Wolverine was pretty good. For what it was. The constant bombardment of Japanese cliches and stereotyping almost killed the rest of the movie, but the pacing and the action made it work. I'm shocked that all those cliches were able to make it past the filter that is the process to release.

    Sometimes it was pretty dumb too. lots of things happened for no reason.

    Spoiler: like how Logan leaves Mariko at the end, saying that he has more important things to do, and then promptly doesn't know where he's going. Or the entire character of her childhood boyfriend. or the Snake lady.

    also, in the stinger, Why would they confront Logan in the airport of all places? and why have magneto be the first to talk to him, instead of professor X, or Bishop (who you can see).

    The movie was at it's best when it was being minimal, or during the action scenes.... paradoxically.

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    ^ Yeah, agreed. I actually loved the small character moments, especially with Mariko and Yukio. There were some really long stretches of non-action/intimacy which was really nice even if it made the pacing a bit weird. Most of the action was great, but Silver Samurai and Viper were too cartoonish for me... even for a movie that features a (pretty badass) fight on top of a bullet train. Their presence wasn't so bad in itself, but their presentation was too much.

    So I have mixed feelings, but there was definitely some stuff I really enjoyed. My friend did not like it. Maybe I wouldn't have either if X-Men Origins didn't come before it...

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    I actually loved how they handled the silver samurai...

    My disappointment with Origins was that they really ditched the origin thing. That early moment where they fast forward 150 years in his life kind of ruined the whole movie for me. It kind of jumped from one akward placement ot the next in a really jarring way... i haven't seen it in a while though. The most infuriating part of Origins was that it took three of my favorite X-Men characters (Gambit, Sabretooth, and Deadpool) and flushed them down the toilet... They got the casting right and teased us with that and then ripped them away from us in a way that makes it unlikely they'll come back down the line.

    This didn't throw in very many extraneous characters. It was about Wolverine and they never diluted it by throwing in some random spastic crap.

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    Saw The Wolverine on Friday, liked it. I would even say I liked it more then Iron Man 3.

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    I liked Liev Schreiber as Sabretooth, but his character was all over the place, like they didn't know how to write him. And one of the things I loved about X2 was that they just hinted at the Weapon X process, that one shot of Logan naked and drenched in blood after coming out of the tank and crazy-slaughtering everyone in the room. Origins was a muddled shit sandwich, like First Class, but I'm still going to see The Wolverine.

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    If i recall correctly from the incredibly stoned state in which i wat hed the bootleg version before it came out, they completely blow past his entire time on Weapon X, basically before the story gets started, and so theres almost no reason for Wolverine and Sabretooth to hate each other. That whole movie was an enigma. I dont understand why they approached it that way.

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    Maybe someone should just go ahead and start a thread for The Wolverine so we can get back on-topic and start talking about the actual Marvel Cinematic Universe in here again.

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    There we go, back on track.

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    Speaking for myself only, I think it's fine to speak about things X-Men related since they are Marvel even if they aren't MCU. And Hugh Jackman said that he wants Wolverine to be in the Avengers so...

    I want to see Logan call Thor "bub".

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    I just got back from The Wolverine..I thought it was pretty good. It is a comic book movie, so I don't mind overlooking some of the absurd happenings/details that take place throughout these movies. The 'Silver Samurai' and 'Viper' were a little cheesy in how they were presented/their dialogue, but I'm used to the villains being a little on the cartoony side in the X-Men movies. Jackman does a fantastic job as Logan as usual. I liked that their were fewer mutants in this movie than in Origins, as I felt it allowed the movie to maintain focus. The setting took me a little bit to get used to, but it had grown on me by the end of the movie. Oh yeah, and the train sequence was pretty baller. Overall, I'd give it a solid 'B' grade.

    LOVED the post-credits scene. The X-Men movies do those best, in my opinion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Maybe someone should just go ahead and start a thread for The Wolverine so we can get back on-topic and start talking about the actual Marvel Cinematic Universe in here again.
    I'm not sure what you mean. It's a thread for Marvel movies. If a new Punisher were to come out, we'd talk about it in here, I'm sure. Just because you don't see Spiderman in the Avengers movie, you can just go ahead and assume he was swinging around town saving people dangling from things and saying stuff like "Hey, did you just see a guy with a big, horned helmet fly past on a rocket jet-ski? You did? Good, I'm not crazy. HEADS UP!" and then he has to drop them briefly after almost getting hit by a laser, but it's cool, because he shoots a web out that totally snags the person's wrist and swings them onto the rooftop of a police station, where the cops start shooting at him and he has to leap to safety shouting "Oh come ON! Same team, guys!" and JJJ runs an article the next day saying Spiderman was totally in on the whole invasion.

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    Viral marketing for Days of Future Past. Let the games begin! This has me all kinds of excited.
    Last edited by theburningreptile; 07-30-2013 at 01:03 PM.

  26. #26
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    that is so awesome!!!!

  27. #27
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    Saw Wolverine yesterday, it was OK, so much better than "Origins" (not difficult...), yet i thought the story was badly done, obviously they where going to change a lot of stuff from the Claremont/Miller original storyline, yet i think there where lots of unnecessary things like Viper, the constant apparition of Jean Grey or the mutant power of Yukio (it would only make sense if they use her ability in "Days of the future past", but i think they'll just forget that character...)
    Still the movie was decent and and shot so much better than most X Men films... oh and the post credits scene is the one that made everything worthwhile, can't wait for "Days of the Future Past".

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    Oh yeah... i hated yukio. Thats the exact kind of power you should never put into amy kind of story. The rules behind it will always have to be broken.

    Origins was horrid. They took a character who's nickname is "Merc with a Mouth" and REMOVED HIS MOUTH! I rarely say or believe this, but someone should be fired for that one.

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    I am seriously excited for the Future Past movie, Trask site is very well done. Not a huge fan of Marvel movies except the X-verse, even liked the old Generation X pilot that aired on tv years and years ago.

    As for the Wolverine Origins, removing Deadpool mouth was nothing, giving him the powers of Mimic was the bad part. As an origin movie, it did it's job well enough, fleshed out which murky past they decided to use and fit it well with the chronology. The new Wolverine was better, with the exception of confusing Yukio, Yuriko and Mariko biographies, but at least they stayed reasonably consistent having already used Lady Deathstrike.

    I do wonder about continuity going forward, was this Wolverine 2, or was the first Wolverine really Origins 1 and not Wolverine 1, and is Future Past Origin 3 or XMen 4?
    Last edited by wunderpanda; 08-07-2013 at 02:30 AM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by wunderpanda View Post

    I am seriously excited for the Future Past movie, Trask site is very well done. Not a huge fan of Marvel movies except the X-verse, even liked the old Generation X pilot that aired on tv years and years ago.

    As for the Wolverine Origins, removing Deadpool mouth was nothing, giving him the powers of Mimic was the bad part. As an origin movie, it did it's job well enough, fleshed out which murky past they decided to use and fit it well with the chronology. The new Wolverine was better, with the exception of confusing Yukio, Yuriko and Mariko biographies, but at least they stayed reasonably consistent having already used Lady Deathstrike.

    I do wonder about continuity going forward, was this Wolverine 2, or was the first Wolverine really Origins 1 and not Wolverine 1, and is Future Past Origin 3 or XMen 4?
    I think the chronology goes:

    1. Origins: Wolverine
    2. First Class
    3. Days of The Future Past ("Past" sequences...)
    4. X-Men
    5. X2
    6. X-Men: The Last Stand
    7. Wolverine 2
    8. Days of The Future Past ("Present" sequences...)

    ...just like in the comics, the X-Men timeline is a mess! lol...
    Last edited by henryeatscereal; 08-07-2013 at 10:15 AM. Reason: Cyclops was right...!

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