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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #1681
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    Black Panther succeeds by not landing in Marvel's biggest pitfalls:. It has a compelling villain, and it's humor still allows for the conflicts of the film to have tension and weight.

    It does have possibly some of the worst cgi of any marvel movie, and the action is a little uneven, some of it is very exciting and some of it is extremely uninteresting.

    The supporting characters of the film, especially Shuri and Okoye are all interesting to watch. I really hope this movie convinces Marvel to abandon its awful, Racist practice of placing women and people of color in disposable side kick roles

    I read some of the Coates panther run leading up to this and I would love if the sequel were able to pull something as though but and deep as that.

  2. #1682
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    I was going to see the film this weekend but I'm going to wait next weekend so that the crowds will die down and hopefully get a good seat and not deal with phone users. I hate phone users. I need an Alamo Drafthouse in Atlanta.

  3. #1683
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I really hope this movie convinces Marvel to abandon its awful, Racist practice of placing women and people of color in disposable side kick roles
    To be fair, most of that stems from the source material.

  4. #1684
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    Saw Black Panther yesterday. I enjoyed it. I felt like it dealt with some important stuff. Like choosing to do the morally right thing or stay alive and be safe.
    I am interested how Black Panther will be in the next Avengers.

  5. #1685
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    I saw Panther last Thursday but have had a really busy weekend so I didn't get to say anything about it yet. It was a ton of fun -- I've not been avidly into superhero movies for a while and don't feel too engaged by most of them, but this was very kinetic, visually rich and thoroughly entertaining. The ensemble approach to the characters made it stand out from a lot of their other solo movies and almost everyone got some solid screentime and development.

    It felt like they tried to do a lot within a genre that's been a little sleepy conceptually in recent years and almost all of it worked. I didn't feel wrapped up in it as much as I expected to, and I was surprised that Kendrick's soundtrack wasn't as present as they made it sound, but it was still a totally good time. I've been getting over the flu the last couple weeks and this was my first time getting to go out to a movie in a bit so it was great for it to be something this solid and all-around well made. Great actors, a script that made sense and wasn't a simple point A to point B story, a third act that didn't lose its steam, a villain that brought something to the table and caused the hero to change -- I can't really think of anything glaringly flawed about it. The biggest criticism I could think of is that I wanted to see more of Wakanda, and if this is the start of a franchise then leaving the audience wanting more seems like an overall good thing.

    It's also great to see a movie that has a lot going for it ideologically/socially but doesn't spend the entire movie patting itself on the back for it. There's a lot of lazy art out there that feels like it's checking boxes to make it impossible to criticize without being on the wrong side of things politically without focusing whatsoever on being good art first and foremost and Black Panther was a genuinely fun, good movie as well as being progressive as fuck for the genre and for blockbuster movies at large. The way it dealt with some of the concepts felt a little surface level, but they also are making a movie that younger audiences need to be able to understand and I don't think many people want 2 and a half hour superhero movies where characters ramble and debate their politics for long sequences, so it's kind of cool they had what they had inside of it.

    I'm really excited to see more of these characters and how exactly they'll fit into the MCU at large. I'm terrible at remembering character names but the sister who was all about technology interacting with Banner and Iron Man is a scene I'm really looking forward to. They all had enough of their own flavor and character to feel unique while also feeling like they could slide right into place beside a lot of these other established characters, and that's awesome. The longer the MCU goes on the harder it has to be to be able to introduce Earth-based characters and keep it feeling natural and organic and they made it feel effortless in this.

    I am kind of in love with Marvel's amazingly insane yet warranted confidence in their audience seeing everything they ever make regardless though. Playing an Infinity War trailer featuring Black Panther despite the audience seeing it currently sitting in a theatre to see that movie, set before the movie they're playing an ad for, and still being expected to get wrapped up in any sense of danger for that character is mind-blowing. But then again Black Panther focuses a lot more on the threat of Wakanda being harmed/put in peril and in that way it was very Batman-esque -- you're usually not expected to be worried about if Batman is going to make it or not, it's more about bad things happening to Gotham and wanting to preserve something inside of it, be it other characters or ideology-based. The MCU has had a real lack of cool, story-producing locations outside of their cosmic side and Wakanda adds a ton of story potential to these movies.

  6. #1686
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    I still smiling to myself thinking of Shuni, she was my absolute favourite character in the film and so much fun (i know the "sneakers" line was a bit cheesy, but it did really make me laugh) I'm looking forward to seeing her more.

    Now the countdown to Infinity war begins!

  7. #1687
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    Thor: Ragnarok, the best comedy in YEARS, and I mean it as a huge compliment. I had no idea I will enjoy it this much, it feels as if everyone was having mega fun time and there was almost no script. :-) (which is not true of course) And if you saw it, just reading this thread will make you laugh out loud again, so NSFW! :-D
    Too many jokes to mention just one example, I'm definitely going to watch it again. This is the best Marvel movie.

  8. #1688
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    A lot of Marvel fans didn't like how comedic it was, but I'm with you, absolutely loved it. I hope Feige et al. aren't put off taking a similar direction in future.

  9. #1689
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    when i saw Looper with a group of friends & my wife in the theater, a group of middle-aged folks came in 15 minutes late, all talking (pretty sure they were drunk?) and looking at their phones. after another 10 minutes of this behavior, i asked them if they could put their phones away, and they basically told me to fuck off. i said "what is wrong with you people?" and one of the guys said "what do you mean we people?" my wife later heard him talking to his friends about kicking my ass after the movie, so she spent the whole time crying and being terrified. nothing actually happened afterwards, but i realized when the lights came up that because it was a group of black people, they must have thought i was being racist rather than just being pissed off at them for being extremely rude in a movie. i felt bad about that part, but they were still jerks.

    needless to say, this is a big contributing factor for my wife only ever going to opening night star wars showings with me, and otherwise never visiting the theater.
    Sadly, i had a teenager on her phone on one side of me and a loud older guy to the other. When I asked the girl to put her phone away she did it w/o incident and was fine the rest of the flick. The guy was repeating lines from the movie, plopping into his chair, lifting his boots off the floor and down again. Ignored my wife when she shhh'd him. Real asshole. Sadly a big movie like this is going to attract lowest common denominator people.

    Also, why is so hard for so many theaters to get the air temperature right? My theater was pretty hot, and the air only turned on intermittently. These places HAVE to eliminate all these annoyances if they want people to keep coming out in this new era of Netflix etc.

    OK, get off my lawn time is over.

  10. #1690
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    As said above...apart from some REALLY bad CGI (part. that final set piece underground...sheesh!), Panther delivered. So stylish, so cool. Great performances from Jordan, Bozeman (hopefully he loosens up a little more with the character in the sequel), Lupita & Angela Bassett. The chick who played his sister stole the movie. She got all the good lines! Only person whose accent was done poorly was Whitaker imo.

    Obvious comment: I loved how unabashedly BLACK this movie was. Yes you can gleam that from the trailers, but man they did not pull away from it at all. Marvel did not get in the way of the source material (part. the Christopher Priest stuff) or Coogler at all.


  11. #1691
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    Black Panther is about 2.5 hours long, and the Black Panther is only in about 10 minutes of it. Still, it’s one of the best Marvel films since Civil War. I’d put it up there with The Winfer Soldier.

  12. #1692
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    What are thooooooooooooooose?

  13. #1693
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    I'm at work and wanna be brief, I do wanna say I think Black Panther is my favorite Marvel movie so far.

    That isn't to say it's the funniest, or has the best story, or that it's objectively better than the others as a film - although it scored high marks in all those categories for me. Even Killmonger almost instantly became one of my favorite Marvel villains. I won't spoil anything, but the way he's COMPLETELY within his right to do what he wants to do (excluding maybe the "starting a world war" stuff, heh) adds SO much to the dynamic of the story and makes him interesting any time he's on screen. To a point, you could even watch the film from the perspective of his character being the main role rather than T'Challa and it STILL holds up as a hero tale. That's good villain writing. Michael B Jordan knocked it out of the park. (UUUGH THAT LINE HE GETS. YOU KNOW THE ONE.) Not to mention, the social and political importance of this film was immeasurable, and I'm glad to see Marvel using the platform they have to give their MCU audiences something important AND entertaining.

    Anyway, I'd honestly feel comfortable giving this movie a 9/10. Gonna see it again tonight for sure.

    Also kind of spoiler but not really: I was SO happy to not see a single Avenger swoop in to save the day. Good choice.

    Side note: Shuri. UGH. Super huge celeb crush for Letitia Wright. <3 So many just plain BEAUTIFUL people in this movie.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 02-28-2018 at 10:26 AM.

  14. #1694
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    Princess Shuri is my favorite character right now. I hope she's in the Avengers movie. She's such a joy to watch. I saw it this past Sunday and man, it kicked a lot of ass. I'm even more happier that the film is doing extremely well and is having a positive effect on people. I read last night that Big Boi rented a theater for hospice patients to see the film for free and have free snacks. Isn't that cool?

  15. #1695
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    this is pretty funny.

  16. #1696
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    Princess Shuri is my favorite character right now. I hope she's in the Avengers movie.
    Maybe she came to the States for some of the filming. And maybe she made it to Coachella while she was here.

  17. #1697
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Maybe she came to the States for some of the filming. And maybe she made it to Coachella while she was here.
    There were drawings of her at Disneyland. She is the #1 Disney Princess.

  18. #1698
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    Black Panther was brilliant, but I much preferred Andy Serkis' villain to Michael B Jordan's. I was rooting for Killmonger at the end though hoping they'd keep him alive and heal and reform him. I am itching to watch it again a second time though!

    One DVD I am gonna be picking up is Ragnarok. That still holds up as one of my favourite recent Marvel films.
    Last edited by Jord; 03-01-2018 at 03:27 AM.

  19. #1699
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    How important would you say is it to watch this one in cinemas? I can barely make it to the movies right now... I enjoyed Ragnarok on home video a great deal, but do I really have to make time for Black Panther?

  20. #1700
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    Marvel Studios‏Verified account @MarvelStudios 6s6 seconds ago

    That’s a FANTASTIC idea! Done.

    Avengers: #InfinityWar in theaters everywhere April 27th.
    Holy shit.

    The original weekend is "Comic Book Movie Weekend" as Free Comic Book Day is always that Saturday. I wonder if this will change how that weekend is perceived next year.
    Last edited by allegate; 03-01-2018 at 02:25 PM.

  21. #1701
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    Just to widen the gap between it and Deadpool 2, Solo, etc. I assume...either way, sweet lol.

  22. #1702
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    Did they just up the release date?

    My MAN!

  23. #1703
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    Most needlessly pointless bitching ever: UGH, my birthday is May 5. THANKS, MARVEL...

    For real though, awesome news!

  24. #1704
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    How important would you say is it to watch this one in cinemas? I can barely make it to the movies right now... I enjoyed Ragnarok on home video a great deal, but do I really have to make time for Black Panther?
    I just got back from seeing it. A lot of cool stuff going on here in the world of Wakanda, along with it being the most diverse Marvel film of the bunch and a very nice welcome into my top five favorite Marvel films. If you enjoyed Ragnarok at home, you will enjoy this just as much.


    I really enjoyed this overall, but the pacing seemed a bit off to me at times. The very first fight scene I couldn't see a damn thing thinking maybe it was just the theater, but other than that the movie looked fantastic. I read there were some that had a problem with the CGI with Black Panther himself, but for me it seemed just fine using it where they had to, but I do wish there were a bit more scenes where it was them in the actual suits; the challenge fight scenes were much more superior for me. The whole bondesque feel with T'Challa and Shuri was very cool to see, and with Shuri being one of my favorite characters, even thought there are many more to like here. The cast all had great chemistry, and Michael B. Jordan was fantastic as Killmonger bringing some morality to a villain for once. There were times I was even rooting for him.

    Really liked how they shed some light on good ol' Bucky during the end credits. I thought we were going to be shafted again like we were with Spider-Man when it opened with the little kids just staring at the screen. Ugh, April cannot come soon enough.

    Edit: Andy Serkis was also very good here and hilarious to boot. Wish there was a little more of him here.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 03-01-2018 at 10:18 PM.

  25. #1705
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    Andy Serkis singing "What is Love" fucking killed me.

  26. #1706
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    Last edited by allegate; 03-02-2018 at 12:12 PM.

  27. #1707
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    It's getting harder and harder for me to get excited about solo flicks in either comic universe, so I'm very much ready for Infinity War. Can't wait!
    Last edited by Mr. Blaileen; 03-03-2018 at 03:10 PM.

  28. #1708
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    This is incredibly well done

  29. #1709
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    Finally got to see Thor Ragnorok.

    I was expecting to get a movie as lame as GOTG vol. 2. I am glad that I didnt. Not only did I get a naturally funny movie, I also got a Thor movie inside of it as well.

    Do I need to see Black Panther before I watch IW? If not, I can wait for the blu ray .

  30. #1710
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    "Need"? No, not really. Though considering that a very high percentage of the shots in the trailer are in Wakanda...


    Last edited by allegate; 03-08-2018 at 12:39 PM.

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