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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #2311
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I thought they were fighting The Elementals? There was no mention of hydro man nor sandman. Unless thats what you guys are calling them.
    It seems as if they are going to fight the Elementals, but down the line in media over the years, they have pretty much been replaced with Hydroman and Sandman for the everyday fan. I didn't notice the first time in the trailer, but it seems as if Zephyr is there as well, just not fully shown.

    To add, there are also many Easter eggs pointing to old issues of Hydro-man and even Molton Man, so there is another reason for speculation.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 01-17-2019 at 01:30 AM.

  2. #2312
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I thought they were fighting The Elementals? There was no mention of hydro man nor sandman. Unless thats what you guys are calling them.
    I think the fact that they look virtually the same has most of the internet confused and calling them by the wrong names because Sandman and Hydro-Man are definitely more well-known to most fans than Magnum and Hydron. To be fair, the fire elemental (Hellfire) only shows up for a split second and the wind one (Zephyr) doesn't look like anything beyond just a storm cloud with lightning above the bridge.

  3. #2313
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  4. #2314
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    Wait there was ANOTHER trailer?

    ...OK do i hold off and just wait for the film as i already know i'm seeing...must...resist...clicking...PLAY

  5. #2315
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    finally watching Ant Man & The Wasp and i'm loving it! the humor is just as perfect as the first film, i love the story, and it's a welcome relief from the intensity of infinity war. and also my friend was one of the VFX artists so that's pretty freakin' cool.

  6. #2316
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    finally watching Ant Man & The Wasp and i'm loving it! the humor is just as perfect as the first film, i love the story, and it's a welcome relief from the intensity of infinity war. and also my friend was one of the VFX artists so that's pretty freakin' cool.
    I adore the Ant-Man movies! Even though, I'm still quite curious on how long it took him and his daughter to create that step/house luge in the beginning.

  7. #2317
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    I adore the Ant-Man movies! Even though, I'm still quite curious on how long it took him and his daughter to create that step/house luge in the beginning.
    he'd been under house arrest for almost two years, so it probably took a while. either way, it's AWESOME. i wanna do that!

  8. #2318
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  9. #2319
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    SPOILERS IN THAT TRAILER! Major character death is revealed! I'm not kidding friends; I've just read an article about why they chose to spoil that. So if you want to go see it as spoiler free as possible DO NOT WATCH IT.

    There, I've done my best to spare you folks who don't like spoilers. I love them, by the way.

  10. #2320
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    SPOILERS IN THAT TRAILER! Major character death is revealed! I'm not kidding friends; I've just read an article about why they chose to spoil that. So if you want to go see it as spoiler free as possible DO NOT WATCH IT.

    There, I've done my best to spare you folks who don't like spoilers. I love them, by the way.
    Care to link to the aforementioned article? I'd heard speculation as to the character's death, but was also surprised to see them reveal it up front in the first few seconds of the first trailer.

  11. #2321
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    Care to link to the aforementioned article? I'd heard speculation as to the character's death, but was also surprised to see them reveal it up front in the first few seconds of the first trailer.

    I assumed it was just a swerve.

  12. #2322
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    Actually, this is the one I read but they both say basically the same thing:

    @Archive_Reports Just to be clear: my post wasn't a jab at you in any way. ❤

    I may love spoilers but not everyone does and to have a studio put out such a huge one at the beginning of a trailer is a bad move.
    Last edited by marodi; 02-28-2019 at 02:51 PM.

  13. #2323
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    Doesn't Mystique look really weird in this trailer? Like more cosplay-looking or something? It can't just be me. She looks different somehow and I was thrown off by it immediately.

  14. #2324
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    Doesn't Mystique look really weird in this trailer? Like more cosplay-looking or something? It can't just be me. She looks different somehow and I was thrown off by it immediately.
    It looks like they tinted J-Law's face blue in post.

  15. #2325
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    The potential this series had... Story arc with Magneto and Quicksilver would have been much more intriguing.

  16. #2326
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    Not sure why but I've not been able to get as excited for this next one as I was with all the previous ones. They've had a great run so far since First Class, so I'm hoping this film follows on.

  17. #2327
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jord View Post
    Not sure why but I've not been able to get as excited for this next one as I was with all the previous ones. They've had a great run so far since First Class, so I'm hoping this film follows on.
    It looks better than Apocalypse, but I'm kind of with you as far as not being able to get too excited about it. It's not going to come anywhere close to the high-water marks of X-Men 2 and Days of Future Past (or even First Class, for that matter). I'm definitely going to see it and I'll probably see it in the theater even, but my excitement for this series is probably at an all-time low (unless we include X-Men Origins: Wolverine). Like most people, I'm just looking forward to seeing the X-Men being reinterpreted my Marvel Studios and integrated into the MCU. I only wish it could have happened before the probable retirement of great characters like Captain America and Iron Man, who I would have loved to see interact with characters like Professor X, Wolverine, Gambit, etc.
    Last edited by sonic_discord; 03-01-2019 at 08:59 PM.

  18. #2328
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jord View Post
    Not sure why but I've not been able to get as excited for this next one as I was with all the previous ones.
    Probably because we've already seen the Dark Phoenix in X3 and watched her "kill" Professor X... this kind of seems like a step down.

    BUT, with that said, I am curious about the movie and will watch it with no hesitation.

    I'm more curious about it than the new Hellboy.

  19. #2329
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    It looks like they tinted J-Law's face blue in post.
    Just saw the still and yeah, no kidding. Wow.


    Last edited by allegate; 03-04-2019 at 08:37 AM.

  20. #2330
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    So...there's a thing currently going on the socials with more right leaning celebs* asking fans to go see Alita instead of Captain Marvel to teach the SJW's in Hollywood a lesson.

    ...ooooooook? Genuinely confused. I quite liked Alita and i'm excited to see Captain Marvel, don't see why pinning them against each other is a thing suddenly but whatever.

    *well James Woods.

  21. #2331
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    So...there's a thing currently going on the socials with more right leaning celebs* asking fans to go see Alita instead of Captain Marvel to teach the SJW's in Hollywood a lesson.

    ...ooooooook? Genuinely confused. I quite liked Alita and i'm excited to see Captain Marvel, don't see why pinning them against each other is a thing suddenly but whatever.

    *well James Woods.
    They can't stop Captain Marvel simply because it's part of the MCU. It may not do as well as Black Panther, Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, or an Avengers movie, but it'll still be very successful, especially for a fairly unknown second-tier (or even third-tier) character/intellectual property. It's just inevitable at this point, especially coming off the heels of their most successful entry (Infinity War) and right before Infinity War's final conclusion in Endgame.

  22. #2332
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    Also: Alita is a Fox movie. Guess who bought Fox.

  23. #2333
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Also: Alita is a Fox movie. Guess who bought Fox.
    Yeah this is what confused me, it's ALL going to what's the point? It's all just seems a bit pointless

  24. #2334
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Yeah this is what confused me, it's ALL going to what's the point? It's all just seems a bit pointless
    as are many of the crusades undertaken those kinds of people. outraged by inclusion and social progress because they insist on being the most important and prominent members of a society that is moving away from their hegemony and no longer abides by their fear- and anger-influenced values. they think that having female and/or non-white characters is offensive because it supposedly takes things away from them...even though white dudes have basically an infinite number of things to watch that are catered specifically to them (as they have been for years). they just don't want to let anyone else have the same privilege they do, of looking at a piece of entertainment and seeing themselves represented, because they feel the need to be the most special out of everyone.

    the best analogy is always the cookie analogy:

    one child is given two cookies, another is given one cookie. the first child then complains that the second child received any cookies, as opposed to the third cookie going to the first child, and says that it isn't fair.

    can't remember if that's exactly how it goes, but that's the gist of it.

  25. #2335
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    A lot of this nonsense comes from Ethan Van Sciver. Please do not look up his videos on YouTube and give him the ad revenue - his Twitter feed will suffice. He led a huge campaign against Rose Tico from TLJ and loves to throw out terms about SJWs, Soy Boys, etc. He's a disgraced, black-listed comic artist who torpedoed his existing relationships going all the way up to Geoff Johns at DC and even got into a spat with Darwyn Cooke's widow on Twitter who told him to fuck off forever. He hasn't even seen Captain Marvel yet but is already posting tweets about how the movie sucks and how awful Brie Larson is.

    He was also notoriously late on his comics as well so he also sucks in that regard.

  26. #2336
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    I think the problem is that Brie Larson could be nice and welcome everyone to watch and enjoy this movie. She seems to have taken a more aggressive approach against those who made comic books (and cbm) a thing in the first place: men.

    Needless to say that as Black Panther this movie will be above any criticism and anyone who has says anything negative about it will be called sexist, bigot, fascit whatever.

    I'm glad I'm not into blockbusters that much. To me, politics and movies simply don't mix. Just want a good story. Couldn't care less about groups being represented or not. I want good, life-changing stories, regardless of colors, genders, etc.

  27. #2337
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricardo View Post
    I figured you'd make your way over here for this. Read this -

    And make sure you read this part (bolded emphasis mine) -

    “About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male,” Larson told Marie Claire interviewer Keah Brown, a disabled journalist the actress handpicked for the gig. “So, I spoke to Dr. Stacy Smith at the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, who put together a study to confirm that. Moving forward, I decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive. After speaking with you, the film critic Valerie Complex and a few other women of color, it sounded like across the board they weren’t getting the same opportunities as others. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, they all had different excuses.”

    The quote was picked up by film sites last month and regurgitated under headlines that emphasized the words “white and male” rather than “inclusive,” priming men’s rights activists and so-called “incels” to mobilize online over an imagined slight. To them, a call for expanded access to opportunities for women and people of color in a space traditionally dominated by white men (like a Marvel film’s press junket) is not only an insult—it amounts to a threat to take away what they consider theirs. And at this point, five years after Gamergate established the playbook for how online harassment campaigns target those who advocate for diversity, websites and content creators have caught on, to their benefit.
    Brie has welcomed everyone to watch and enjoy this movie - she was prioritizing interviews with women who weren't getting the opportunities from their editors and bosses to interview actors at press junkets. There's a difference.

    Regarding Carol Danvers herself, the only thing Brie cared about was that she wouldn't have to wear the black swimsuit Carol wore as Ms. Marvel for years (which is a ridiculous superhero outfit anyway) -

    As Kelly Sue Deconnick and Jamie McKelvie did in 2012, she wanted to make sure she wasn't going to be in a skimpy outfit. From white male EP Kevin Feige -

    Feige recalled a meeting at Marvel where Larson spotted some back issues of Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel, showing some of the more scant outfits Carol Danvers used to don (like this).

    “If you look at the comics, the further you go back, the less clothes Carol Danvers seems to be wearing,” Feige said. “Oftentimes it’s a one-piece bathing suit, basically, with outrageous comic proportions...Brie pointed it out on the wall, and we went, ‘Yeah, just so you know, that’s not what we’re doing.’ She goes, ‘Okay. I didn’t think so, but I’m glad you said that.’”

  28. #2338
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    A lot of this nonsense comes from Ethan Van Sciver. Please do not look up his videos on YouTube and give him the ad revenue - his Twitter feed will suffice. He led a huge campaign against Rose Tico from TLJ and loves to throw out terms about SJWs, Soy Boys, etc. He's a disgraced, black-listed comic artist who torpedoed his existing relationships going all the way up to Geoff Johns at DC and even got into a spat with Darwyn Cooke's widow on Twitter who told him to fuck off forever. He hasn't even seen Captain Marvel yet but is already posting tweets about how the movie sucks and how awful Brie Larson is.

    He was also notoriously late on his comics as well so he also sucks in that regard.
    Ugh, I had forgotten about him.
    Quote Originally Posted by ricardo View Post
    I think the problem is that Brie Larson could be nice and welcome everyone to watch and enjoy this movie. She seems to have taken a more aggressive approach against those who made comic books (and cbm) a thing in the first place: men.

    Needless to say that as Black Panther this movie will be above any criticism and anyone who has says anything negative about it will be called sexist, bigot, fascit whatever.

    I'm glad I'm not into blockbusters that much. To me, politics and movies simply don't mix. Just want a good story. Couldn't care less about groups being represented or not. I want good, life-changing stories, regardless of colors, genders, etc.

    "Hey lady, why don't you smile more!" is what you sound like. Good job.

  29. #2339
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    I like the new mystique look. If you can save the poor woman 7 hours in a make up chair, by all means

  30. #2340
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    A lot of this nonsense comes from Ethan Van Sciver. Please do not look up his videos on YouTube and give him the ad revenue - his Twitter feed will suffice. He led a huge campaign against Rose Tico from TLJ and loves to throw out terms about SJWs, Soy Boys, etc. He's a disgraced, black-listed comic artist who torpedoed his existing relationships going all the way up to Geoff Johns at DC and even got into a spat with Darwyn Cooke's widow on Twitter who told him to fuck off forever. He hasn't even seen Captain Marvel yet but is already posting tweets about how the movie sucks and how awful Brie Larson is.

    He was also notoriously late on his comics as well so he also sucks in that regard.

    it's a shame he's like this, because his art is gorgeous. he's such a talent there. GL Rebirth has some mindblowing images in it.

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