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Thread: The DC Extended Universe Thread

  1. #391
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    hoping the wonder woman movie works. the tone seems right, actors are good, lets hope the story isnt fucked.

    the more i see of suicide squad the worse it gets

  2. #392
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I fixed that like 5 seconds after I posted it, buddy.
    Last edited by Millionaire; 07-23-2016 at 07:13 PM.

  3. #393
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    Quote Originally Posted by Millionaire View Post
    I fixed that like 5 seconds after I posted it, buddy.
    I posted the trailer above your post

  4. #394
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    Does this count as DC extended universe?

  5. #395
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    I would count it. I wanna see this!!!!

  6. #396
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    Quote Originally Posted by Millionaire View Post
    I fixed that like 5 seconds after I posted it, buddy.
    Aright? Sorry jeez.

  7. #397
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    I posted the trailer above your post
    Oh yeah, sorry. I'll delete it if I can.
    Last edited by Millionaire; 07-23-2016 at 08:13 PM.

  8. #398
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    Sorry to be Negative Nancy...but something felt off about this one from the very beginning and nothing I saw ever changed my mind, so I had no intention of seeing this. Now this comes out, and it shows DC still overall simply CANNOT get out of their own way:

    The Killing Joke is a 30-year-old Batman graphic novel that goes to ugly places, especially in what it does Batgirl. And when folks expressed anger at Barbara Gordon’s portrayal in a new, controversial scene in the upcoming film adaptation during a DC panel, things got ugly in real life.
    Batman: The Killing Joke is most infamous for the moment where the Joker shoots and paralyzes Barbara Gordon, a gruesome scene that serves as a mere adornment to a Batman-Joker fight. We already knew that, almost impressively, DC’s animated adaptation of this comic was going to make a bad Batgirl story much, much worse. And then, at the movie’s Comic-Con panel on Saturday, things managed to turn into a complete shitshow.
    That certainly sounds good on paper, but fans first learned something might be amiss when this scene began circulating online:

    If for some reason you can’t see it, it’s Batgirl and Batman, i.e. Barbara Gordon and Bruce Wayne, making out and having sex. It’s a very unusual pairing in that Barbara is usually shown to be the same age as the first Robin—and is frequently romantically paired with him. In almost all media, Batman has had a primarily parental relationship with Barbara, which makes this scene problematic for many fans on its most basic level.

    Unfortunately, it’s what comes before and after the sex scene in The Killing Jokemovie that makes it so much worse. Reports from fans who saw the movie at Comic-Con indicate that the first 30 minutes are an all-new prologue, before the remaining 45 minutes address the storyline of the original graphic novel. In that opening, we meet Barbara Gordon as a young librarian who has started donning the Batgirl costume in order to attract the attention of Batman—not just in crime-fighting prowess, but sexually, telling co-workers that she has “a man in her life” (throughout, Batman is apparently portrayed as emotionally distant from Barbara).

    This culminates in the sex scene moment mentioned above. After the encounter, Batman keeps away from Barbara, refusing to speak with her, leaving the young woman spurned (the film shows Barbara waiting for Batman to call her on the phone).

    there's no fucking need for any of that. Who is clamoring for Batman fucking Batgirl? This isn't fan fic assholes. Jesus Fucking Christ. DC cannot help themselves and try and make everything edgy with their properties, and it mostly blows up in their faces.

    Also, I fucking hate that Flash costume from the JLA pic. Ridiculous. Aquaman's sucks too. The others are nice.

  9. #399
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    my take on all those DC trailers:

    - WW looks like it will be good, potentially VERY good. They did a great job setting that up. Very interested in that.

    - whoever is behind these SS trailers deserves a huge raise or promotion. These trailers have all been edited really really well. Great job. YET, I still think the movie looks like trash b/c I don't trust the trailers enough. They do a great job with keeping things moving, funny lines, syncopating things with the beat & sound efx, etc but they can't hide that this still looks like a big ol loud neon mess.

    - Who's the guy doing his best Tom Hardy impression? That's the guy they brought in when Hardy pulled out, right? He certainly is trying his darndest to fool people into thinking he's Hardy.

    - that JL footage was pretty good overall. Batman, Flash & WW look good, Aquaman does not. Didn't like anything I saw from Momoa. Is Ezra Miller supposed to be Barry Allen? Cuz I liked what he was doing there acting-wise but that wasn't Barry, or Wally even. That was Peter Parker. And the costume is fucking garbage. Cyborg looked good, but I could care less if I ever see or read that character again. Snoozefest.

    - Lego Batman looks incredible. I laughed my ass off the whole time. Easily will be better than that SvB abortion.

  10. #400
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post

    there's no fucking need for any of that. Who is clamoring for Batman fucking Batgirl?
    The fact that people are surprised by Batman being shipped with Batgirl in a Bruce Timm related release is baffling to me. Do people really not remember these scenes? Note, I'm not trying to defend the sex scene as I haven't even seen the movie, but I'm just surprised people are surprised by the shipping.

  11. #401
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    not the same thing at all. come on man. I'm well aware of what BtAS did with her. This is DC going "hey, we're making an R rated animated movie, so have some cursing, blood and BAT SEX IN YO FACE! EDGY EDGY EDGY!"

  12. #402
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    not the same thing at all. come on man. I'm well aware of what BtAS did with her.
    I didn't mean it specifically about you, I meant in general. There are people out there that are acting like this some brand new thing when it's not.

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    This is DC going "hey, we're making an R rated animated movie, so have some cursing, blood and BAT SEX IN YO FACE! EDGY EDGY EDGY!"
    I looked up the sex scene online, and it isn't graphic in any way. Hell, it isn't even technically a sex scene. It's a scene that cuts off before any sex actually occurs, and there is no nudity. But I can't really talk about the emotional aspects of the scene considering I'm seeing it out of its original context. With the way people are talking about it though, I expected to see something graphic.

  13. #403
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    it's really hilarious to see the about face they are trying to pull I Justice League as far as the tone is conelcerned. you could tell it was really tough.

    also the Batgirl/ Killing Joke expanded story thing... such a misfire. such bad taste. just pulling open that wound....

  14. #404
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    it's really hilarious to see the about face they are trying to pull I Justice League as far as the tone is conelcerned. you could tell it was really tough.
    Chris Terrio said ages ago that the plan was for BvS to be their darker movie and that the tone would lighten up from there. Lots of people didn't believe it but judging by this, I think it's safe to say he wasn't lying.

  15. #405
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Does this count as DC extended universe?
    Is it just me or does Batman's son look like Carrie Kelley?

  16. #406
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    Even though BvS sucked, the new Justice League trailer is reeling me in.

  17. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Is it just me or does Batman's son look like Carrie Kelley?
    And voiced by Michael Cera.

  18. #408
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    I'd just like to put in that the cinematic adaptation of The Killing Joke is an abortion in visual form

    Thank you

  19. #409
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    I'd just like to put in that the cinematic adaptation of The Killing Joke is an abortion in visual form

    Thank you
    Yeah I dl'ed it last night and was going to watch it after work today. I think I'll pass...this is all I've heard about it. fml.

  20. #410
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    Random sure, but David Ayer just confirmed that the theory of Leto's Joker actually being Jason Todd isn't true.

  21. #411
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    Hmm. Okay, The DCAU isn't exactly the DCEU but I guess we're doing this in here anyway. Whatever.

    Personally, I'm pretty excited about The Killing Joke and seriously disappointed that I'm too far out in the middle of nowhere right now to have made it to any of the theater screenings for it. Very much looking forward to buying it soon, though!

    I always loved the story and seeing it tied-into the DCAU and/or the "Batman: The Animated Series"/"Batman Beyond" continuity is pretty fucking cool and epic. And with MOST of the original voice actors, no less! So fucking cool. Mark Hamill's been practically BEGGING to do this for AGES so I really can't wait to hear him sink his teeth into it.

    And I'm not really sure why everyone's so upset about with the Batman/Batgirl thing all of a sudden. It was STRONGLY suggested in the cartoons and pretty much spelled out for everyone in the spin-off comics.

    So, yeah.

    Nothing new here, folks. They just needed to beef up her role and took the opportunity in a rare, R-rated feature to elaborate upon previously established lore. More of a "miscarriage" than an "abortion" btw, lol.

    And besides, COME ON. If YOU were a lonely, single Batman and a hot-ass BATGIRL was YOUR biggest know you would.


  22. #412
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    I love that I'm going on a vacation this weekend but I'm totally bummed I won't be seeing Suicide Squad till a week later after.

  23. #413
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    Seeing it Thursday night. Thus far, the reviews have been....not the best. As of now, 38% on Rotten Tomatoes.

    edit: Make that 36%.
    Last edited by october_midnight; 08-02-2016 at 12:00 PM.

  24. #414
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Seeing it Thursday night. Thus far, the reviews have been....not the best. As of now, 38% on Rotten Tomatoes.

    edit: Make that 36%.
    HAHAHAHAHHHAHA *Jack Nicholson joker and Heath Ledger joker combined evil laughter*

    I'm still holding out hope for Justice League.

    Plus this doesn't mean that you won't love or really enjoy Suicide Squad... but I will go with the critics on this one.

  25. #415
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Know who established that in the B:TAS series and the associated associated spin-off comic? Bruce Timm. Know who helmed TKJ's adaptation? Bruce Timm. It's all basically the work of one guy.

    It's an unpleasant habit of his to pair off Bruce and Barbara. Absolutely nobody with a brain sees Bruce's charges as anything but his 'Bat-Family' - there's a reason that term exists. Batgirl's part of it; Bats is basically a secondary father/mentor figure to her (as he is in a more pronounced fashion to Dick, Jason and Tim). Bruce Timm is the only guy that writes it, and it's embarrassing to watch.

    Barbara and Dick Grayson - AKA Robin 1 AKA Nightwing - have been an established couple on and off in the books for decades, but BT likes to conveniently ignore Dick Grayson's presence as often as he can to get his weird-ass master-student/older man-younger woman fetishes on screen. Very few people out there investing in Bat-lore approve; when the associated comic from which the above image came from emerged, there were similar grumblings of disapproval.

  26. #416
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    Suicide Squad not getting good reviews...

    And 35% on Rotten Tomatoes...

  27. #417
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    Gee what a surprise.

  28. #418
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    Despite what critics and the press are saying atm I am more than curious on what the international press and box office has to say about Suicide Squad.

    There are bits and pieces that I really like so far but the overall picture indeed looks like a complete mess. As I went to the movies in Germany with some friends today to see Star Trek Beyond absolutely no one near me knew what was going on with this movie and the trailer they were just shown. Not even the Joker was recognized as such at first sight and only the brief glimpse of Batman got people to realize in which particular universe this is happening... I really had to explain in great detail who these characters are and what their connection to Batman is. Anybody else of my fellow Europeans felt like this before? And yet I have never read a single comic book from Suicide Squad and only a couple of Batman and of course the animated series is where I know people like Killer Croc and Harley from.

    As I mainly hang out with people in their early thirties I really wonder how much of a clue other people will have concerning Suicide Squad and the larger DCEU. Even if I will think this movie is any good, I expect this rather to be a flop internationally as sad as it is...

  29. #419
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    From what I've read, it seems like some of The Joker's scenes were cut and he's only really in the movie for like 7 minutes.

  30. #420
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    Yet again editing is a complaint amongst -- well, every reviewer, even those who are positive overall.

    So it's safe to say this is honestly a studio problem at this point? It's been easy to put all the blame on Snyder's shoulds up till now, but, c'mon -- Ayer is a more than capable director with a respectable filmography. I am really, really hoping the changes in the power structure for this franchise that have happened recently make a positive difference in future films.

    I'll probably end up seeing this, but I'm less than thrilled now. It'll probably be a matinee for me at best. This is my favorite comic book universe ... Why they can't take the absurd wealth of quality source material and translate it into amazing movies is beyond me.

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