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Thread: The DC Extended Universe Thread

  1. #631
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    Well this couldn't be real CGI-heavy stuff, could it? The movie is out November... anway, I hate that people jump to conclusions whenever something about the DCEU could be interpreted as negative. Go watch the movie and then we can talk about how things might be messed up.

    Wasn't intending to see Wonder Woman for real, but with everyone going ape shit over it, I might give in.

  2. #632
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    I wish they'd change Cyborg, he looks awful.

  3. #633
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    It was bland, uneven in a kind of unremarkable way, Lots of stuff happens for no other reason than to move along the plot. The villain is insanely miscast. but its deepest sin is essentially being a movie where wonder woman cobtinuously have the world explained to her by a man. After the first fifteen minutes, female characters are scarce. This movie weirdly bows to a variety of sexist tropes
    I thought the idea was that war was run by men (as it was in real life too, there were no female soldiers in WW1) and female characters would've been indeed scarce... If the scene where Diana, a woman, is the first one to cross the "no man's land" battlefront was any more on the nose it would've been laughable. She might have a male guide, but she's not an obedient princess who is waiting for permission to do the right thing. I didn't feel that it followed sexist tropes at all!

  4. #634
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    It was bland, uneven in a kind of unremarkable way, Lots of stuff happens for no other reason than to move along the plot. The villain is insanely miscast. but its deepest sin is essentially being a movie where wonder woman cobtinuously have the world explained to her by a man. After the first fifteen minutes, female characters are scarce. This movie weirdly bows to a variety of sexist tropes
    LOL. There's a woman stronger than any men around saving their asses and being completely awesome and you still complain about sexism. Jesus Christ how I hate the modern world we live in.

  5. #635
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    I am totally down for this as long as this changes the rumored "Bad Superman" angle. I hope so. One of the many reasons that Wonder Woman worked was that the movie and herself felt like a true hero. I loved BvS and adored Man of Steel, But I am ready to have the heroic superman on screen.

  6. #636
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    i have a lot of faith in whedon stepping in, and hope it brings some better story telling to zack's world, but i don't get why so many people don't like or are put off by the "evil" superman stuff honestly. its been around for decades, guys! way before the injustice stuff, which is interesting, but def not my favorite take. the best one imho is after superman is killed and buried (like we saw in bvs) "superman" returns as a clone pretty much controlled by luthor, but no one knows and this leads to the real superman showing up in the black solar suit to take on and battle luthor's evil superman. i could see this in the jl film and have no problem with it. with the league thinking their on the up and up with superman back just to have him turn on everyone and create chaos until black suit superman shows up. cavil has hinted at being "as tough as green lantern" and things of that nature on his instagram, i think this means that we will see a epic fight between evil clone superman vs lantern - could be great if done right!

  7. #637
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    I thought the idea was that war was run by men (as it was in real life too, there were no female soldiers in WW1) and female characters would've been indeed scarce... If the scene where Diana, a woman, is the first one to cross the "no man's land" battlefront was any more on the nose it would've been laughable. She might have a male guide, but she's not an obedient princess who is waiting for permission to do the right thing. I didn't feel that it followed sexist tropes at all!
    As i mentioned to Space Suicide, the in universe excuses dont really hold. The WRITER chose to set it in world war 1 and the WRITER decided that, in this fantasy setting, there was no way to add a more substantial cast of female characters. Thats just bullshit. The biggest case and point being Dr. Poisons role as a yes man side kick. In another poor choice, the movie lands the weakest twist in recent memory when Ares arbitrily turns out to be a different person. But why not have the key villain be Dr. poison, or why not have ares be her? Lots of opportu ities to correct this. The movie has earned a disproportionate amount of social capitol on the strict basis that it has a female lead. It isnt enough
    Lets looks at the context of that No Man's Land scene: Wonder Woman wants to cross No Man's Land, but dude points out what we know from history, it doesnt make a difference. That part of territory had robably traded hands a dozen times. She goes in and sets it u for the men to clean up. IN THE END, the town gets wiped out anyway. So her naievity is proven in a few layers of the narrative. Sure she pphysocally overpowers everyone in the movie, and sure theres a heavy handed metaphor. But where are the other women? How much does wonder woman really gef to control her own destiny.

  8. #638
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    What setting would you have wanted this movie in then? Not a smart ass question or ideas.

  9. #639
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    It isnt enough
    this sums up the pathetic feminist agenda very well.

    WW kicks ass.

  10. #640
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    Wait, they were going to do evil superman? I didn't even know this (tbh i hadn't spent that much time following it's production)

    I dunno, if the re shoots make the film better then i'm all for them. Now that Wonder Women has me interested in the DCEU again i'm looking forward to it. Not as much as Spiderman or Thor, but enough.

  11. #641
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    What setting would you have wanted this movie in then? Not a smart ass question or ideas.
    My point is it could have been anything and the setting itself doesnt justify those shortcomings because EVERY detail is created by the writers.

    Im not attached to a particular setting for the film, I am attached to the film having better reppresentation, and that's possible even within the WW1 setting. Especially because it's a comic book movie.

  12. #642
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Wait, they were going to do evil superman? I didn't even know this (tbh i hadn't spent that much time following it's production)

    I dunno, if the re shoots make the film better then i'm all for them. Now that Wonder Women has me interested in the DCEU again i'm looking forward to it. Not as much as Spiderman or Thor, but enough.
    It was rumored that superman will come back as a villain under the control of steppenwolf. Making that vision Batman had about superman being this tyranical monster due to Lois's death happen ( I loved BvS, and althought it wasa visually awesome, I was not a fan of it and made no sense to the rest of the film. )

    But since Superman saved the day sacrificing himself, there is no need for that. And if the rumor were to be true, that would make Superman's sacrifice useless.

    like I said before, I am ready for these movies to have a Superman that rebirth went back to. I am glad Wonder Woman got her fantastic movie in and is now the center of the picture, and I am loving the Batman love. Now is the time for Superman to rise. Especially in these times where shit is just constantly always being spoiled by bad acts of human violence and invasion of orange puppet people.

  13. #643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    But since Superman saved the day sacrificing himself, there is no need for that. And if the rumor were to be true, that would make Superman's sacrifice useless.
    It was useless as WW could have easily gotten to Doomsday. There was no need for the one hero who was allergic to Kryptonite to be carrying a spear made of it.

  14. #644
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    Saw Wonder Woman last night. I had tears in my eyes at times; it may be somewhat hyperbolic, but this feels like an important film. There were many young families in the audience, some of which included little girls. Finally, after all of the Bat/Super/Spider/Iron/Ant Men, the Thors and the Hulks and even the ensemble pieces like Guardians that don't feature women as primaries, those girls have representation in a lead. Because representation is important.

    After all, why would any of those girls want to be it, if they don't see it?

    It was far from perfect, but it's a milestone nonetheless.

    And it was good! So good. Better than most MCU films, and certainly a cut above the rest of the DCEU. Patty Jenkins got so much right.

  15. #645
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    Danny Elfman to score Justice League


    Also: the reshoots of the movie are supposed to put more Wonder Woman into the movie. Because we all need MORE Wonder Woman. Because the movie is AWESOME. Like I said it would be when a lot of people were doubting it.

    Sorry, I refrained from boasting as long as I could.

  16. #646
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    It wasn't awesome, but it didn't suck. There were still a good amount of problems in WW, but they were small compared to the disasters that preceded it. If this was the first DC Universe movie, it would have been a good starting point and we could hope they could improve stuff like the bad dialogue (at times...there was good dialogue too), that green screen hodge podge ending, and small nitpicks I had (her and her team of misfits not wearing helmets in the middle of the literal front of the war).

    But now Justice League is probably going to suck b/c of Snyder, and we'll have taken a step backwards if that's the case. I doubt Whedon can do THAT much to save this from Snyder.

  17. #647
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  18. #648
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    This was inevitable, really. Ben stepped down as director ... they tossed out the script he wrote ... Reeves wants to do a trilogy.

    After everything Ben has been through, I'm sure playing Batman in a series that introduced him more as a marketing ploy than a natural progression of a story is going to end up being a sour note for him. He most certainly wants out.
    Last edited by thefragile_jake; 07-21-2017 at 01:18 PM.

  19. #649
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    Man, to get that big (literally) and then walk away? That's a lot of training time.

  20. #650
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    The man is dropping projects left and right because he wants to get his life together. He is going to be at Comic con tomorrow. If he does step down, I wont blame him, life is more than just movies.

  21. #651
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    I saw this earlier on and I think it's a shame. When Affleck was first announced as Batman, my knee-jerk reaction was the same as most people's; that it sounded like a terrible idea. However, when I finally saw Batman v Superman, I actually thought he was one of the better parts of the movie, despite the movie itself being fairly disappointing (though I don't think it deserves as much hate as it tends to get online). WB/DC have finally got their cinematic universe off the ground and it's already falling apart. I've always been more of a Marvel fan (although Batman might be my favorite superhero), but it's disappointing that they can't seem to match the quality and consistency of Marvel's MCU. As a fan of comic books and comic book movies in general, I'd really like to see both companies succeed.

  22. #652
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    Oh wait, wrong thread.

    No, I agree, though I liked him way back when. Drove my wife crazy because she hates him because he dared star in a Kevin Smith film. Man she hates those guys. Anyway. I was looking forward to the Batman movie and his work in BvS and what we've seen of JL looks good.

    Guess we're getting an Azrael storyline?

  23. #653
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    FWIW at SDCC about 15 min ago, Affleck just debunked the story during the JL panel. He praised Matt Reeves and appears really stoked on being Batman. Footage of it can be seen at the JoBlo twitter acct if you're so inclined. Also his agent apparently said yesterday that his contract is for JL 1, JL 2, and the solo film, so there's that.

    On a slightly related note, DC finally announced officially that their next animated Batman film will be Mignola's "Gotham By Gaslight" which holds a special place in my heart as the first graphic novel I ever bought. Pumped...

    Movies confirmed at the DC panel:

    Flash Point (The Flash)
    Suicide Squad 2
    Justice League Dark
    Green Lantern Corps
    WW 2

    New JL trailer!!
    Last edited by october_midnight; 07-22-2017 at 02:56 PM.

  24. #654
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    That trailer was awesome. Also Jeffery dean Morgan is down to play batman in flashpoint.

  25. #655
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    November is going to be a good month for movies with JL and Ragnarok.

  26. #656
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    edit: Affleck talking about the recent claims of him leaving at about 4:50 in or so)
    Last edited by october_midnight; 07-24-2017 at 11:11 AM.

  27. #657
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    definitely optimistic for future dc films, i think im most excited for flashpoint over any of the other solo films. i cannot wait for jl in november so of course i cant stop watching the trailers - here are a few screencaps:

  28. #658
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  29. #659
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    A Joker origin movie? This is worst idea I've ever heard since Blomkamp's Alien sidestep flick. Mike Myers did not need an origin story and neither does The Joker, especially when it's directed by Todd Phillips. This reeks of desperation.

  30. #660
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    Martin Scorsese producing has me interested, I have to admit.

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