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Thread: NIN Live Archive, Audio/Video Recording Thread - Download Links

  1. #871
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    I had to get this posted today. Some people here collect more concert recordings than NIN, so you may be familiar with JEMS. It's a group of tapers from across the country and they have taped pretty much everything since the late 70's. A group of collectors are going through their archives and digitizing the collection. One of them reached out to me and told me that they had a NIN/Bowie recording from the 10/28/1995 show. Although there is a DAT master from that show already, it's amazing to see old recordings be dusted off and played for the first time in 20+ years. I was able to add it to the archive and it is now available for download on the archive.
    Legend. RIP Jared.

  2. #872
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    Quote Originally Posted by FULLMETAL View Post
    When I was a kid. I lived like 3 blocks from him in East Detroit. Small world.

  3. #873
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    Thats awesome. I feel the same about the tapes I have made, that im not doing anything wrong, I just want to enjoy the concert again later.

    And the Jedi mind trick, "these are not the droids youre looking for," cant say I havent used that before...

  4. #874
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    - Added D. Merz's audience recording to the 02/07/1995 Sioux Falls show. I had a mislabeled recording from this date and this is the fixed and true recording from this show.
    Also, the venue is called "Sioux Falls Arena", I know this because the building is 5 miles from my home.

  5. #875
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    I had to get this posted today. Some people here collect more concert recordings than NIN, so you may be familiar with JEMS. It's a group of tapers from across the country and they have taped pretty much everything since the late 70's. A group of collectors are going through their archives and digitizing the collection. One of them reached out to me and told me that they had a NIN/Bowie recording from the 10/28/1995 show. Although there is a DAT master from that show already, it's amazing to see old recordings be dusted off and played for the first time in 20+ years. I was able to add it to the archive and it is now available for download on the archive.

    KeithM also taped them on 3 other occasions. Lollapalooza San Diego, Irvine and San Diego State 1994. I suspect that the SDSU 1994 may be the tape that circulates now... But maybe not.

    Anyways, you can download it now. This may be the last update for the next few weeks for me, as I am getting ready for another round of exams. So if I don't respond right away, don't think I forgot about you.
    Thanks, Ryan. Thank you & good luck on your exams!

  6. #876
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    I was looking through Wolfgang's/Music Vault and noticed this recording of 10/21/1995. It is Bowie's set, but contains Subterraneans through Hurt.

    "Here we present the Bill Graham Archive master recordings of David Bowie's performance from that legendary night. The recording actually begins toward the tail end of the Nine Inch Nails set, with the hauntingly atmospheric guitars and rumbling drums of "Subterraneans.""

  7. #877
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    I was looking through Wolfgang's/Music Vault and noticed this recording of 10/21/1995. It is Bowie's set, but contains Subterraneans through Hurt.

    "Here we present the Bill Graham Archive master recordings of David Bowie's performance from that legendary night. The recording actually begins toward the tail end of the Nine Inch Nails set, with the hauntingly atmospheric guitars and rumbling drums of "Subterraneans.""
    It's wrong. It's the same Riverport Amphitheater soundboard recording that has circulated a million times as, I swear to god, every single show on that tour.

  8. #878
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    Apparently an FM recording of QOTSA from the first NIN/QOTSA show 2014 exists:
    I wonder if there's a NIN source from the same date still not circulating?

  9. #879
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    Apparently an FM recording of QOTSA from the first NIN/QOTSA show 2014 exists:
    I wonder if there's a NIN source from the same date still not circulating?
    Interesting.. I don't know anything about this. I will as QOTSA Live if they know anything about a NIN recording. I highly doubt it.

  10. #880
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    Interesting.. I don't know anything about this. I will as QOTSA Live if they know anything about a NIN recording. I highly doubt it.
    Thanks for the video of NIN @ the Gorge in Washington. Still 1 of the best shows I've ever seen. The pit was insane at that show! Younger, wilder days....

  11. #881
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    How come so many of these new uploads on the archive are DVDs? Isn't that very outdated, very lossy and very inconvenient for pretty much everyone? Especially with something like the Buenos Aires Pro-Shot, where a normal video file clearly has to exist since this was captured from an online live stream.

    I'm not complaining, I was just wondering what the reasons for this could be.

  12. #882
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    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    How come so many of these new uploads on the archive are DVDs? Isn't that very outdated, very lossy and very inconvenient for pretty much everyone? Especially with something like the Buenos Aires Pro-Shot, where a normal video file clearly has to exist since this was captured from an online live stream.

    I'm not complaining, I was just wondering what the reasons for this could be.
    Likely the only version available so something is better than nothing?

  13. #883
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    Quote Originally Posted by klyrish View Post
    Likely the only version available so something is better than nothing?
    Every proshot are available in h264, dvd is destroying this, it is far from being the best solution. MPEG2 should be forgotten if not only source, dvd is very outdated.

  14. #884
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    Quote Originally Posted by klyrish View Post
    Likely the only version available so something is better than nothing?
    Again, I'm not complaining. It just seems unlikely to me that someone would capture an online stream and then go through the hassle of creating a DVD (which doesn't compress as effectively as modern codecs and therefore uses up more space) and then delete the original source. Since I don't know where those files are coming from I'm just curious.

  15. #885
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninjaw View Post
    Every proshot are available in h264, dvd is destroying this, it is far from being the best solution. MPEG2 should be forgotten if not only source, dvd is very outdated.
    And if no one has the pro-shot, a DVD is the best source available, key word being "AVAILABLE." Not "in existence"

  16. #886
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    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    Again, I'm not complaining. It just seems unlikely to me that someone would capture an online stream and then go through the hassle of creating a DVD (which doesn't compress as effectively as modern codecs and therefore uses up more space) and then delete the original source. Since I don't know where those files are coming from I'm just curious.
    I didn't say you were complaining and I'm not arguing with you, I'm telling you the most logical reason for this, especially for these shows from 1994-2005. I'm sure that these aren't brand new bootlegs that were just created in the last few months from decades-old sources in a decades-old format. Ryan likely had these and has been sitting on them for a long time because they're a pain in the dick to upload and he's finally doing it to clear out backlog.

    Yes, there are likely better sources out there for some of these, that doesn't mean he has them. What's being shared is the best than can be shared and in the event he is holding out on high-quality versions, it's likely so he has something to trade for other uncirculated sources.

    A DVD is better than nothing and if you don't want the DVD, don't download it.

  17. #887
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    Quote Originally Posted by klyrish View Post
    And if no one has the pro-shot, a DVD is the best source available, key word being "AVAILABLE." Not "in existence"
    Note that I am not complaining about a video being available on ninlive (except that woodstock), but no one owning a proshot is rare.

  18. #888
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    Even 10 years ago, I am not sure there were great screen caps. These are what I have in my collection. Most of these DVDs were authored in the early 2000s. Data was still very expensive and DVDs were the most logical format. It will be very hard to find the masters for many of these recordings. So, this is what I have for most of them. They play (and for the most part), look good.

    I am still learning what is best for video format. h265 might be good for now, but in 10 years that will definitely be dated.

    Unless someone can send me better versions, these are what will be hosted on the archive. Send masters or low gens everyone!

  19. #889
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    I do plan to eventually make multicam edits of two NIN shows I filmed, one from the Fragility tour and one from NIN/JA. Curious to know what format people think I should encode them in.

  20. #890
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrfang View Post
    I do plan to eventually make multicam edits of two NIN shows I filmed, one from the Fragility tour and one from NIN/JA. Curious to know what format people think I should encode them in.
    H264 the whole world is in h264, h265 isn't supportd everywhere and mainly focus on 4k

  21. #891
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrfang View Post
    I do plan to eventually make multicam edits of two NIN shows I filmed, one from the Fragility tour and one from NIN/JA. Curious to know what format people think I should encode them in.
    I would do an .mkv and .mp4 encapsulation for H.264 (as already mentioned).

    MP4 is much more widely supported mainstream (especially important/true on mobile).

    If lossless audio, MKV supports FLAC while MP4 does not. MP4 does support ALAC, but that's (mostly) just Apple devices. ALAC has been open-source for years, but still does not have mainstream support on smart devices. Both support MP3. Just something to be aware of if you weren't already.

  22. #892
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    @ninlive . Any updates on the 2000.4.20 video? I ask because there isn't any date on the page for the show.

  23. #893
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    @ninlive. Any updates on the 2000.4.20 video? I ask because there isn't any date on the page for the show.
    It was on YouTube, but I never got a response from them. I think now the account has been deleted. That's why I only have the source on the archive. It's this one:

    I did have a taper from Japan 2000 that emailed me on Friday about sending me over their DAT masters and helping me gather a few sources from Japan that I don't have access to. Mainly from 2009 and 2018. So that's exciting! They also have these DAT recordings from the Fragility tour from Vancouver, George and Sacramento. I have been looking for these recordings since 2005 or so when I was going through the DATHEADs digest archive. Seemed like no one had these tapes. So I am looking forward to hearing them! I assume the quality will be good!
    Last edited by ninlive; 03-11-2019 at 07:26 AM.

  24. #894
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    Is there an ELI5 on how to download and actually listen to these files? I'm relying on my friend to download and convert everything for me, but I'm sure he is likely getting tired of it.

    I can sometimes get them to work on my phone when I try, but never on my computer.

  25. #895
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Is there an ELI5 on how to download and actually listen to these files? I'm relying on my friend to download and convert everything for me, but I'm sure he is likely getting tired of it.

    I can sometimes get them to work on my phone when I try, but never on my computer.
    There are many different ways, from plug-ins to command line utilities. The most user-friendly one I've come across is changing the "" portion of the URL to "". This redirects you to a page to download the video (.mp4), as well as the audio in various formats and bitrates (.mp3, .m4a, .webm):

  26. #896
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Is there an ELI5 on how to download and actually listen to these files? I'm relying on my friend to download and convert everything for me, but I'm sure he is likely getting tired of it.

    I can sometimes get them to work on my phone when I try, but never on my computer.
    Are you talking for FLAC files? You can play them with VLC on your computer.

    I have a Mac and use Max to convert to mp3 if I really want to. But for the most part, I listen to this stuff on my computer.

  27. #897
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    NIN Drive v3.0 has been released! Real excited to finally get this out to everyone.

    You can read all the updates since v2.0 was released in December of 2014:

    You can download the torrent here:

    Seems like it's been an easy transition for the people who have the older version of the drive. You may have to change your directory to '1 - NIN Drive' for the main folder as this is what my NIN Drive is in. Then the folder will be updated with the new stuff!

    Enjoy! Lots of work went into this and like I said, really happy to share it out. Very proud of it.

  28. #898
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    Nice! Is there anything exclusive to the drive? I've been keeping up on additions since 2.0 came out and just wondering what the difference is.

  29. #899
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    Nice! Is there anything exclusive to the drive? I've been keeping up on additions since 2.0 came out and just wondering what the difference is.
    Nope, pretty much the same. I may have changed some filesets around. But there is a text file above you can verify you have added everything since 2.0!

  30. #900
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    Downloading now; will seed for a long, long time.

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