Quote Originally Posted by ninjaw View Post
You mean on android ? It's hard to do without it, however I succesfully downloaded it without registering or logging it, and on sdcard, for such large files it was a lot simpler to use the MEGA app (you speak about MEGA right). On PC, no, no apps.
On any other sites other than mega, yes this isn't free, it's what they are doing.

Also the very last solution is my jheberg link, it offers http://dl.free.fr/getfile.pl?file=/vMWndJky that's a very popular french ISP, so it's probably the only serious 100% free solution there ... but it's made to be slow downloading (except if you are using this ISP)

Thanks for the reply! I meant on Mac. It stops everytime after around 40% saying I've reached the quota and it offers to install the MEGA app instead. I'll try the other link