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Thread: Breaking Bad. (SPOILERS)

  1. #241
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    Skyler has been the dominant one in the relationship for a long time, and now she's not. She's going to lash out about that for sure.

  2. #242
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    Man, I don't know whether to put spoiler tags or not, because I know some people are still catching up on the show, or maybe are caught up but just haven't seen this week's episode yet (though, I wouldn't come in this thread at all if I hadn't seen the latest one yet, so...maybe I'm being too paranoid). So...yeah. I won't tag it, but spoilers if you're not totally caught up (and that's probably unnecessary, anyway).

    Anyway, so...anyone else kind of bothered by Mike telling Lydia (it was Lydia, right?) that he would kill her daughter if she came in the room? I know Mike's a bad guy, but I have to think he has his limits. He's not Walter, after all, who apparently has no qualms hurting children (maybe even killing, depending on how you interpret the events of season four, i.e., did Walt know EXACTLY how much to use so Brock, for sure, would only get sick, or did he really risk the kid dying and was just hoping for the best). It's probably because I like Mike so much, but I really don't want to believe that he would really do that, that even if it meant he might get caught, or he might have to run, he just wouldn't murder a child.

    I guess we'll never know (probably). I'm hoping it was just a scare tactic to get Lydia to keep quiet.

    Also, if he really wanted to scare her, he could have offered her a Lipton tea with sugar. Would have shut her right up.

  3. #243
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    @Theruiner, remember that two of Mike's men died because of her, one of which Mike had to kill himself because she hired him to kill him. If she had it her way 11 of his men would have died just so she could live comfortably. After Gus killed Victor it seems he's pretty pissed when people mess with his men like when Walt called the police on Tyrus when he was watching Hank's house.

  4. #244
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    I loved that Mike's instinct was to pull out his gun on Gus very briefly after Victor's death.

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipfinator View Post
    @Theruiner, remember that two of Mike's men died because of her, one of which Mike had to kill himself because she hired him to kill him. If she had it her way 11 of his men would have died just so she could live comfortably. After Gus killed Victor it seems he's pretty pissed when people mess with his men like when Walt called the police on Tyrus when he was watching Hank's house.
    But I'm not talking about killing Lydia, I'm talking him potentially killing her five-year-old daughter. There's no doubt in my mind Mike would have no problem killing Lydia.

    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    I loved that Mike's instinct was to pull out his gun on Gus very briefly after Victor's death.
    Really? Ha! I never noticed that. I'll have to watch that again.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    But I'm not talking about killing Lydia, I'm talking him potentially killing her five-year-old daughter.
    I think he could do it. Then he'd cry, and ask himself what he'd done, but he could do it. He has two people in one body and when the killer takes over, the other side is completely blocked.

  7. #247
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    haha I love skinny pete... also it was nice to hear someone tell marie to shut up.... been waiting 4 seasons for that to happen

  8. #248
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    "Just because you shot Jesse James. It doesn't mean you're Jesse James."

    Great season so far. Yet to really get going though. Just a matter of time until Jesse catches onto what Walt did to the kid. He's going to blow his top. Wouldn't be surprised if (next year) it's everyone against Walt.

  9. #249
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    What DID walt do to the kid? I completely forgot... and was that walt threatening jesse at the end.... i couldnt quite pick upwhat he was getting at..

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    What DID walt do to the kid? I completely forgot...
    Poisoned him, then made Jesse think Gus did it.

    *edit* Spoiler: Jesse breaking up with Andrea was pretty sad... But Walt doesn't even care, right after that talk they had? Fuck... It's by far not the worst thing he's done, but that moment spoke volumes about how little he cares about anyone but himself.
    Last edited by ibanez33; 07-30-2012 at 04:14 AM.

  11. #251
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    @ibanez, I don't think that was a completely heart to heart talk he had with Andrea. He was manipulating Jesse into feeling like he would ruin their relationship at some point because of those secrets and Jesse caved and just broke it off now.

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipfinator View Post
    @ibanez, I don't think that was a completely heart to heart talk he had with Andrea. He was manipulating Jesse into feeling like he would ruin their relationship at some point because of those secrets and Jesse caved and just broke it off now.
    Damn, I think I completely missed out on some parts there... I thought it was just "can you trust her?". Missed the other stuff I'm guessing.

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipfinator View Post
    @ibanez, I don't think that was a completely heart to heart talk he had with Andrea. He was manipulating Jesse into feeling like he would ruin their relationship at some point because of those secrets and Jesse caved and just broke it off now.
    Totally agree - Spoiler: the more Jesse thought about what had taken place in the past, it looks like he concluded that Andrea would never stay with him if she knew the things he had done, which Walt implied that Jesse needed to tell her (for 'honestly'). Walt wanted Andrea/Brock out of the picture because he doesn't want Brock to figure out what happened and concluded that Jesse would break up with Andrea rather than tell her about his past actions. You could see Walt sneaking a look at Brock, and Brock briefly looking quizzically at Walt as in 'haven't I seen you before?'

  14. #254
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    Yeah... Spoiler:

    He totally recognized Walt.

    I'm just waiting for shit to really hit the fan, and we All know it will.

  15. #255
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    Anyone else think that Mike is likely to take out Jesse's friends at some point?

  16. #256
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    Maybe. I've been waiting for the hammer to fall on at least one of Jesse's friends since season one, but so far they've been resilient (and surprisingly reliable).

  17. #257
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    I'm not sure I agree with the assessment that Walt is only completely concerned with himself. He obviously cares more for his family than he does for himself, and at the end of the day he feels an allegiance to Jesse. He could have completely ditched him and worked with someone else. He also saved Jesse's life, and doing so put his own life in significant danger (and led to the complete fallout with Gus).

    I also think it's definitely implied that Walt didn't intend for the child to die. He's a fucked up guy, no doubt, but if he was truly indifferent and really wanted to manipulate things in his favor no matter what, he would have resorted to a poison that wouldn't have left any loose ends.

    And no, I doubt that Mike is going to kill Skinny Pete or Badger. There seems to be some kind of real bond between him and Jesse, and not just because Jesse saved his life.

  18. #258
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    I don't know man, doesn't really seem like he gives two shits about his family anymore. He didn't even realize that Skylar was about to flip the fuck out, he should have seen that coming if he was paying attention at all.

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus T. Cosmonaut View Post
    Maybe. I've been waiting for the hammer to fall on at least one of Jesse's friends since season one, but so far they've been resilient (and surprisingly reliable).
    Forgot about Combo? His death is the main reason for the fallout with Gus. And Walt does care for his family. Perhaps too much. Skyler wants nothing to do with Walt now. He still loves her though and is in complete denial about it. He wants things to go back to normal with his family, which will never happen. And when he poisoned the kid, he knew perfectly well that it wouldn't have killed the kid. It was temporary enough to divert Jesse's attention to Gus, and it worked. Walt would never kill a child.

  20. #260
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    Wow, somehow i missed the implication that walt poisoned the kid!

    But im actually on the side of the fence that believes Walt is now completely self abosrbed. Hes totally lost it. And at the moment, hes the only vollain the series has. That scene where they divide the money really underlined that. He's the only person left who can screw anything up and it all coming from his giant ego.

  21. #261
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    Oh, his ego is what has gotten him into every mess he's ever been in (Tuco, Gus, etc). I think he still has his humanity though. His way of thinking and justifying his actions are questionable, as always.

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Wow, somehow i missed the implication that walt poisoned the kid!
    Yeah, it was the very last shot of the season 4 finale. The plant in Walt's backyard was a Lily of the Valley plant, which was the one that made Brock sick (Jesse informed Walt of this at the end of the finale). Of course, Jesse just thinks that Brock stumbled across the plant and ate some of the berries off of it. Little does he know...

    Anyway, good episode. I think the scene with Skyler telling Marie to shut up was the highlight. Anna Gunn was fantastic in that scene. I feel so bad for her.

    And who knew that two people sitting on a couch together, saying nothing, could be so intense?
    Last edited by theruiner; 07-31-2012 at 02:25 AM.

  23. #263
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    I don't think watching Scarface helped any...

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    I don't think watching Scarface helped any...
    Exactly, he didn't give a flying fuck that she was having a breakdown. I think he was actually annoyed by it and decided to watch a loud ass movie with the kids to wake her ass up. The guy has turned into a complete egotistical prick, I have a feeling I'll easily be rooting against him by the end of this show. Not saying that's a bad thing, he's an awesome character, but he's still an asshole.

  25. #265
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    He's had the careless ego since he was diagnosed. Maybe he was making point. But he probably thinks she'll eventually "get over it".

  26. #266
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  27. #267
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    It is still going to take a while for me to feel sorry for Skylar though. She was so obnoxious in seasons 1-2 that while Walt has really turned, I just don't feel that sorry for her, except in the scene with Marie who is even worse. Those women don't know when to shut up (clearly).

  28. #268
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    I feel bad for her now. She used to annoy me, though I wasn't ever really rooting against her or anything, but man, is she in a bad spot. I've watched that "shut up" scene a few times now, and part of me wants to laugh, because I think on one level she's telling Marie what we've all been thinking since the beginning (even though Marie has really grown as a character and is likeable now, but still) but then on another level it's just so incredibly sad to hear the desperation in her voice, and know what's really motivating that outburst. A lot of people are predicting a Skyler suicide, and while I doubt that would ever happen (she loves her family too much to do that) I also don't see this ending well for her.

  29. #269
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  30. #270
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    Bryan Cranston will always be Tim Whatley

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