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Thread: Breaking Bad. (SPOILERS)

  1. #961
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    Part of me thought Walt was finally going to try his own product, and would start hallucinating during fade out when the cops arrived. That maybe could have been cool. Not sure. I can't decide.
    I'm glad he never tried his own product during the show's run. Being a man of science he had to be totally aware of what it would do to his system. And I'm sure he was aware of the idea of not getting high off your own supply at some point early on.

  2. #962
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    With regard to Jessie being a fugitive and no one ever knowing what really happened. You guys do realize that the Nazis had the dvd of the confession Jessie made and that they watched it in there hide out which was found by the cops at the end. Also Marie knew about Jessie and has NO reason not to tell everything. Also Jessies finger prints would be all over the lab, all over the chains that were used to strangle Todd, all over the pit that he was living in. Also you are forgetting that Walts print would be on the gun that killed Jake, the car that had the machine gun that killed everyone. Unless they are the most incompetent police in the world, and do no investigation at all, they should be able to put together a general idea of what happened.

  3. #963
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobochic View Post
    Isn't Jesse's involvement with the DEA as a witness already established? And wouldn't Marie also help confirm Jesse's collaboration with Hank and Gomez to capture Walt? And if someone still has a copy of Jesse's DEA video wouldn't it confirm him as a protected witness? I see no reason for Jesse to become a fugitive unless I missed something.

    The thing that bothered me about Hank and Gomez was how the really didn't care to protect Jesse but just wanted to use him (read: sacrifice him) as bait to capture Walt. Made watching Hank die easier.
    Jesse's involvement as a witness meant he would get a lighter sentence. Homeboy's ass was still going to jail namsayin?

  4. #964
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    And I'm sure he was aware of the idea of not getting high off your own supply at some point early on.
    Man, you've been watching too much Miami Vice. That ain't happening here, yo!

    Also I just re-watched the last 2 episodes and they're infinitely more soul-crushing when you already know how it's going to end.

  5. #965
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    Think about it. One of the unspoken reasons as to why Walt is so evil I think is that he knowingly is contributing to what is a scourge upon humanity, for what he sees as are logical reasons. He would have to know the effects of the drug upon the user, if he is so good at making it.

  6. #966
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    One thing I always felt was missing from Breaking Bad was how it avoided to zoom into the different scenarios/effects of his blue meth in society. I would've loved to have episodes now and then starting with random strangers of all kinds being introduced to blue meth in creative ways, kinda like the Six Feet Under intros with people dying in the least expected ways. It would've worked best if it avoided clichés and portrayed people you'd never suspect to be "meth heads" and slowly turned them into addicts. Think "faces of meth". It would've added an extra layer of darkness to how shitty Walt and Skyler's business had become and how nonchalant they were to reality.
    Last edited by hobochic; 10-03-2013 at 01:53 AM.

  7. #967
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Think about it. One of the unspoken reasons as to why Walt is so evil I think is that he knowingly is contributing to what is a scourge upon humanity, for what he sees as are logical reasons. He would have to know the effects of the drug upon the user, if he is so good at making it.
    True, but one could probably make the argument that Walts meth, being so much more pure than the shit-grade meth that was out there before, was actually better for the users.

  8. #968
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  9. #969
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    This show will definitely be missed. Although what I won't miss is how emtionally damaging it could be at times.

  10. #970
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    essentially Norm Macdonald's theory is that from the moment the keys fall down from the visor in the car, its Walt's fantasy of how he would have liked to end things and that in reality he went into a coma and was found by the police in the car. It makes perfect sense looking back at it much as i sort of loved Walt redeeming himself and finally being honest with skylar, all the loose ends were wrapped up too nicely.

    best. show. ever.

  11. #971
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    The Norm McDonald theory (as it will be known for all time) is interesting and worth considering.

    It would certainly make the show's finale more bitter sweet.

    I don't not believe him. You feel me?


    How come no one is bringing up the fact that no one ever explained what happened in regards to Walt leaving Grey Matter. Gretchen mentioned she didn't know why Walt left and Walt seemed to think that he was cheated.

  12. #972
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    Shit, that's impossible to ignore now that I know of it! Damn, if that is indeed the intention of the writer(s), that's pretty awesome. Not because it's original, it's been done before, but because it's an extremely bleak ending! But more fitting somehow. Not that I'm not satisfied with the non-fantasy version mind you. This show, this damn show...

  13. #973
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    This show should be categorized under Horror, its everyone's worst nightmare, just demonstrated what happens when people fall through the cracks into the underworld sometimes by accident Andrea being perfect example.
    It was already over before the final episode, despite things going the way he wanted with regards to Jesse its not like Walt won anything really, he is responsible for Hanks death has fucked everyone up and lost 70 Million his family and life. The real ending was that Ozymandias episode in my opinion. Jesse has a very uncertain future he is damaged beyond repair anyway.
    I enjoyed watching this show immensely in the space of a few months, however i agree with people the last few episodes despite being great were painful to watch, the show would just leave me feeling destroyed! After Ozymandias i dreaded the next episode, This has never happened to me with another show to this extent.
    I did for a while want Walt to get away with it, but it was always unlikely.

  14. #974
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    So, I finally got around to watching the final episode and I thought it was good, but not great. It was much less satisfying than I'd hoped. Maybe part of it was the hype leading up to it, I don't know. Then again, there have been a lot of episodes that completely lived up to the hype (that huge event in the desert a few episodes back- maybe the biggest set piece of the entire series- that definitely lived up to the hype and then some).

    Anyway, still one of my top five favorite shows of all time and I definitely still feel the show was amazing but I wish the ending had been better.

    And before everyone jumps down my throat, no, I don't quite know exactly what I felt was missing but something definitely was. If I was a TV writer then I would be a TV writer and maybe I could come up with some ideas as to how it could have been improved. I'm just a fan and that's how I felt.

  15. #975
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I don't quite know exactly what I felt was missing but something definitely was. If I was a TV writer then I would be a TV writer and maybe I could come up with some ideas as to how it could have been improved. I'm just a fan and that's how I felt.
    That's the thing. If a show is this great, and it keeps building up and getting better as it goes along (which is something that never seems to happen), how do you end it? The hype and expectations that the final episode has to be the best episode of television ever CANNOT ever be met.

    I honestly can think of only one show where I was completely satisfied with the ending, and it was the English version of The Office. Maybe it was because I wasn't expecting them to pull out something powerful there. I guess I wasn't super hyped for it either. I was just watching the dvd box set over the course of a couple days. I wasn't sitting on the hype train for literally YEARS waiting for it to conclude. In fact I didn't even know it was officially over. Add to that the fact that it was only two seasons as opposed to six.

    When I think about it that way, I'm pretty sure that I'm thrilled with the ending of Breaking Bad. There's a nagging feeling that it could have somehow been more satisfying, and maybe it wrapped everything up too neatly, but I think it's just that itch that's impossible to scratch. None of the critical dissections of the episode touch on that intangible missing factor for me. I think it's just that you cannot completely deliver on that much expectation. It's why Return of the Jedi was a disappointment to everyone, even though it was great.

    I think there's also a subconscious sad association with acknowledging that something you liked is now over. In time, I think when you look back at it, you might appreciate the conclusion more without the surrounding circumstances. I really can't think of too many things they could have done better.

    I only have one huge gripe with the finale, and that's the part where Jesse is brought into the final showdown with Jack and his crew. The rationale for bringing him in there felt so forced and fake. "Oh, you're calling me a liar? Well, I'm going to now strategically position Jesse to be in the center of this situation, because the writers couldn't think of a better or more believable way to get him in the room, so you can conveniently tackle him onto the ground."

    Yeah, that was a little much, but I can forgive it.

  16. #976
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    Late to the party on this show, and I've been spending most of my free time for the last few days watching it. I find it fun getting into a show late because most or all of the episodes are done and you don't have to wait to know what happens next. You can just marathon through the whole thing and get nothing else done.

    This show reminds me of the California desert I grew up in during my teens with its own meth issues. It captures the southwestern US desert vibe quite well. All the crazy characters in the show are actually not that far from reality; the deserts do have their fair share of freaks. Jesse and his cartoon gangsta buddies, the zombified methheads, the casually racist fat cop, even Tuco; I feel like I've met versions of these people in real life.

  17. #977
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    So, remember that video I posted here like, 13 times? I just found out the guy did a re-edit to include footage from the final episodes.

    SPOILERS EVERYWHERE. Seriously, spoilers out the ass, here. I can never stress it enough.

    Edit: Alright, so this one feels rushed as is missing somethings that made the first one great. But it's still alright. I just feel like it turned more into a "this is what happens in the last 8 episodes" segment when those parts came along. I'd suggest searching for the original video on the uploader's channel first.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 10-14-2013 at 03:38 PM.

  18. #978
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    I've seen a couple of episodes but never 2 in a row,just bought seasons 1 to 4 dvd's..

    I feel so lucky that i have th whole show to look forward to and enjoy but dunno how i'm gonna find the time to watch.

    I like binge watching so im thinking of doing it next sunday.

  19. #979
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  20. #980
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    i thought i read somewhere that there would be an alternate ending on the DVD box set..maybe thats it? in this one he gets away?

  21. #981
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    Never watched the show when it was on TV and still being aired new. I ended up getting free money on Vudu and managed to buy season 1 with free credit last week. I've watched 5 episodes out of the 7 and I like what I'm watching so far. I will probably get the show via the DVD releases since seasons 1-4 are $9.99 at Best Buy currently.

  22. #982
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    I'm on season 3 episode 3 and i don't know what to say,this show is genius..

    I love the 2 main characters,one of the best ones in tv history.its written in a very clever way,very dramatic and yet sometimes hillarious.
    I watched season 2 with my girlfriend last sunday and it was a great experience,i promised her that we'll watch season 3 together this weekend but cheates,3 episodes in and s3 is looking great.

  23. #983
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    Was unemployed the last 3 weeks (got a job THANK GOD) watched the entire series, absolutely incredible

  24. #984
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    I just finished up last night. Assuming Norm McDonald's theory wasn't correct, I was disappointed by the ending.

    Walt got away with it all. At the beginning of the series he told the doctor that, best case, he had two or three years left due to the cancer. Well, he died well within that timeframe. He got his Hiesenberg legacy to live on after touching the metal drum with his bloody hand, his family will get the money, and he doesn't see the inside of a jail cell. Was there collateral damage? A ton. But, other than having a sociopath for a husband/father/brother-in-law, his family will be better off than they were at the beginning. Financially, anyway.

    Jesse's ending was also unsatisfying. I was hoping for more of a "showdown" between him and Walt to end the series. I don't mean with Walt dying by Jesse's hand either.

    Probably the best show of all time, but the finale lacked a bit, IMO. The Shield, another favorite, had the best finale ever.

  25. #985
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    I just finished up last night. Assuming Norm McDonald's theory wasn't correct, I was disappointed by the ending.
    Wasn't his theory, and it's not correct. There's no way Walt would have known things like Jesse was Jack's meth slave if he had been in the car fantasizing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Was there collateral damage? A ton. But, other than having a sociopath for a husband/father/brother-in-law, his family will be better off than they were at the beginning. Financially, anyway.
    Better off than before? You put "Financially, anyway." at the end of that but it seems like an afterthought. Walt completely destroyed his family and Walt. Jr and Skyler don't want shit to do with his money at this point. Even if Gretchen and Elliot do give Walt Jr. the money at that point it in no way makes up for anything Walt did and based on Granite State Walt Jr. will reject the money again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Jesse's ending was also unsatisfying. I was hoping for more of a "showdown" between him and Walt to end the series. I don't mean with Walt dying by Jesse's hand either.
    It felt kind of like that at first but it was a fitting end to their relationship to me. Walt went to the compound with every intention of killing Jesse along with the Nazi's but once he saw what they did to him he decided to save him instead. After everything Walt put Jesse through he at least gave Jesse a chance at a new start.

  26. #986
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipfinator View Post
    Wasn't his theory, and it's not correct. There's no way Walt would have known things like Jesse was Jack's meth slave if he had been in the car fantasizing.

    Better off than before? You put "Financially, anyway." at the end of that but it seems like an afterthought. Walt completely destroyed his family and Walt. Jr and Skyler don't want shit to do with his money at this point. Even if Gretchen and Elliot do give Walt Jr. the money at that point it in no way makes up for anything Walt did and based on Granite State Walt Jr. will reject the money again.

    It felt kind of like that at first but it was a fitting end to their relationship to me. Walt went to the compound with every intention of killing Jesse along with the Nazi's but once he saw what they did to him he decided to save him instead. After everything Walt put Jesse through he at least gave Jesse a chance at a new start.
    Walt paid the relocation guy for another hour of his company in the cabin. Who's to say that a rumor of Jesse being chained up and made to cook meth wasn't discussed?

    Walt Jr. would reject the money if he knew it was from his dad. From those two? Probably not. Elliot and Gretchen had everything to lose so one would expect them to follow through.

    I guess that the Jesse/Walt semi-standoff just felt rushed. I'm glad Jesse came to the conclusion he did, but it lacked.

  27. #987
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    Just finished this yesterday. Watched it all in a month.

    I feel empty.

  28. #988
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    Man I miss that feeling. It's a nice empty though right?

  29. #989
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    I just read Norm Macdonald's theory, and I actually like it. Pretty sure I don't buy it, but it's pretty well reasoned.

  30. #990
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    Quote Originally Posted by rampface View Post
    Man I miss that feeling. It's a nice empty though right?
    Yeah, I'd say so. I'm just looking for something new to watch now but I guess that'll be kind of hard when you start at the best and go backwards haha.

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