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Thread: Breaking Bad. (SPOILERS)

  1. #1
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    Breaking Bad. (SPOILERS)

    I recently marathon-watched all four seasons of Breaking Bad in about four days. I certainly see what all the fuss has been about. I thought it was pretty well executed for the most part. Of course, Bryan Cranston is a great actor and looks like a total badass with a shaved head and goatee. I think the retard son should have died off in the first or second season, but I guess I understand that he's needed for character development and whatnot. Bob Odenkirk is great, of course. I laugh every time I hear 'Saul Goodman' (S'all good, man). Mark Margolis is pretty cool too, even if he didn't really do a whole lot.

    I know some of you guys must watch this show.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry_Seaward View Post
    I think the retard son should have died off in the first or second season
    I think the word you're looking for is 'disabled.'

    In any event, glad to see another thread for this show. I was bummed the board wasn't around after the season finale.

    I know spoilers aren't technically needed since the show already aired, but I'm going to do it anyway.

    So, how about the season finale, huh? Specifically Spoiler: Gus finally getting what was fucking coming to him. With the exception of him walking out of the room with half his face blown off (which I initially hated but have come to have mixed feelings on), that was an absolutely perfect scene. Once again, can't believe that the show actually made me feel bad for Hector, but it did.

    The finale definitely felt conclusive, enough so that it could almost have served as a series finale. Of course, we have another season to go, and since it's the final season, all bets are off. Can't wait.
    Last edited by theruiner; 11-30-2011 at 11:47 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I think the word you're looking for is 'disabled.'
    Just being a dick.

    So, how about the season finale, huh? Specifically Spoiler: Gus finally getting what was fucking coming to him. With the exception of him walking out of the room with half his face blown off (which I initially hated but have come to have mixed feelings on), that was an absolutely perfect scene. Once again, can't believe that show actually made me feel bad for Hector, but it did.
    I dunno, I still pretty much hate that scene with Gus you mentioned. It felt totally out of place. It might have been the lowest point in the show for me. The scene before that with Spoiler: Hector and Hank was pretty great though. It's kinda strange though, because the episode where Spoiler: Gus, Mike, and Jesse go to Mexico made my feelings towards Gus change drastically. I was actually kinda rooting for him against those Narco guys. But then when he goes apeshit again and threatens to kill Walters family, you pretty much lose any positive feelings towards him. Also, that scene where Skyler tells Walt that she gave that money to Beneke and he starts laughing maniacally was probably one of the best scenes in the show for me. That really seems how someone would act in that situation.

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    Loved the entire season - they built up the tension between all the characters perfectly and the finale blew me away (no pun intended)

    Only one more season to go and not many loose ends left (other than Mike, who I'm sure they'll just write out)

    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I think the word you're looking for is 'disabled.'
    Quote Originally Posted by Harry_Seaward View Post
    Just being a dick
    I'm pretty sure cerebral palsy doesn't involve mental retardation (I know it may seem like nitpicking, but retardation and physical disability are two very different things) Although I do agree that he is a dispensable character, along with the rest of Walt's family.
    Last edited by Presideo; 12-01-2011 at 12:11 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Presideo View Post
    Although I do agree that he is a dispensable character, along with the rest of Walt's family.
    BULLSHIT! Skyler has the best lines!

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    I am really excited for next season. I predict that it will involve more Walt trying to tie up all the loose ends and hide them from his brother-in-law. I still want to know more about Gus and his background and the large German corporation that his company is apart of. They mention it as if it was an important thing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by konstantin View Post
    BULLSHIT! Skyler has the best lines!
    I don't know about the best lines, but she's got the best heavy breathing of anyone on TV.

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    I love this show and can't wait for the next season - I also watched it marathon-style, because Johnbron had spoken so highly of it. I started out hating Skyler, but she's gotten less annoying in season 4. Very mixed feelings about Gus. I've turned against Walt somewhat - he has been so horrible to Jesse who is basically a good person.

  9. #9
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    Breaking Bad is one of the best shows to ever air on television. I love it all flows like it's part of the same overarching scheme and mindset. Although I will say **SPOILERS**

    Spoiler: Gus's death was sooo cheesy and over the top.
    Last edited by Collin; 12-01-2011 at 01:21 PM.

  10. #10
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    ^^Yeah, that last shot was a bit much. But everything up to that point was wonderful. Save that very last part, that scene was awesome.

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    I love this show, watched all of the 4 seasons within a few weeks. There have been some scenes that just left me speechless (like that with TV on the Radio music in the background), definitely one of the best series I know along with GoT.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry_Seaward View Post
    Mark Margolis is pretty cool too, even if he didn't really do a whole lot.
    Didn't do much, but with limited options and screen time he still managed to put in a better performance than half the cast, and on a show of this caliber that's saying something. His intense expressions are particularly interesting in contrast to the rather muted unconcerned-yet-mildly-annoyed gaze we see him wear in flashbacks.

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    When seasons 1-3 were added to netflix I couldn't stop watching and caught up for the last three episodes of season 4. So freaking good. It puts me on the edge of my seat just like Dexter does. Definitely now one of my favorite shows. And season 4 was so awesome. I don't even know how I feel about Walt now, but I do love Jesse, bitch.

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    I must say, I abso-fuckin'-lutely hate television. This is the only show that I bother to watch. In a world where the quality standards of televised entertainment are sinking at a terrifying rate, Breaking Bad gives me a dim flicker of hope. I find it amazing that I am actually more enthralled by the show now, in its fourth season, than I was when it began, as opposed to something like Weeds, which started off fantastically, but then, well, you know... *facepalm*

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    I also recently had a marathon of this... isn't the next one the last?

    Spoiler: I tbasically has to come to the real showdown between Hank and Walt right?

    Also, FTR I enjoyed Gus' death season. It perfectly represented his "two faced" nature. Ha! Seriously though a lot of this show can be cheesy so it didn't bother me.

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    Dude, there's a lot of amazing television out there. You just have to know where to look.

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    Best show I've ever seen, hands down. Been getting my girlfriend to watch it recently and we've been tearing through the series every time she's come over recently.

    I've followed it from the start and having to wait between seasons is Hell. When it's over I may as well cancel cable altogether.

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    This show is pure fucking win, every episode.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reser D View Post
    I must say, I abso-fuckin'-lutely hate television. This is the only show that I bother to watch. In a world where the quality standards of televised entertainment are sinking at a terrifying rate, Breaking Bad gives me a dim flicker of hope. I find it amazing that I am actually more enthralled by the show now, in its fourth season, than I was when it began, as opposed to something like Weeds, which started off fantastically, but then, well, you know... *facepalm*
    you should watch some Mad Men aswell then. prolly the best TV show ever, just probably.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    you should watch some Mad Men aswell then. prolly the best TV show ever, just probably.
    My fiancee and I got 2/3 the way through season 2 of Mad Men and gave it up. It just. Never. Went. Anywhere. I get why it's so popular and anyone who says 'it sucks' is an idiot but still...Breaking Bad to me anyways is a far superior program. I even know what has all happened in Mad Men, at the end of Season 2 and just didn't move me I guess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reser D View Post
    I must say, I abso-fuckin'-lutely hate television. This is the only show that I bother to watch. In a world where the quality standards of televised entertainment are sinking at a terrifying rate, Breaking Bad gives me a dim flicker of hope. I find it amazing that I am actually more enthralled by the show now, in its fourth season, than I was when it began, as opposed to something like Weeds, which started off fantastically, but then, well, you know... *facepalm*
    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    Dude, there's a lot of amazing television out there. You just have to know where to look.
    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    My fiancee and I got 2/3 the way through season 2 of Mad Men and gave it up. It just. Never. Went. Anywhere. I get why it's so popular and anyone who says 'it sucks' is an idiot but still...Breaking Bad to me anyways is a far superior program. I even know what has all happened in Mad Men, at the end of Season 2 and just didn't move me I guess.
    i only watched the first season. sure, it's quality TV, like Boardwalk Empire, but why exactly do we need to care about any of those highly stylized characters?

    i think the only show that comes close to BB in terms of tone is Six Feet Under. the way i see it it's all really a commentary on American culture (all those problems bubbling under the surface), with great character development. sure, it's an anti-drug show, but it's not preachy. just the right amount of nihilistic, just the way i like my entertainment.

    and i'm really glad they actually know when the show is ending (one more season) so that they don't turn it into the joke that True Blood and Dexter have turned into.
    Last edited by konstantin; 12-03-2011 at 06:43 PM.

  22. #22
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    I'm not sure the best TV is that which tells you why to care about its characters—you do, or you do not, and maybe sometimes it's precisely the point that you do not. Is it inconceivable that one could be into a program, just totally addicted, without being emotionally attached to one or more characters? Obviously there are clear points out of Screenwriting 101 to offer in response, but these typically address the problem of getting the audience to come all the way to your side. What if you're trying to appeal to a different audience, one willing to do a little extra work?

    Anyway, if we're talking about best shows, I think 'The Wire' still beats 'Breaking Bad', but that's a whole 'nother sack of potatoes. The most important point is that they're both stellar, riveting, brilliantly-done shows, and television is better for their existence.

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    I think there are a lot of shows better than Breaking Bad, but it's still a great show. Flawed, certainly. Makes me bang my head into a wall sometimes, absolutely. But I still love it.

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    I think what is so interesting about Breaking Bad is the complex, convoluted relationships and loyalties. You find yourself liking people, then not. (I never thought I'd feel sorry for Mike but I do right now) Watching Walt's metamorphosis from the beginning of the show to where he is now has been riveting. It is like trying to watch a plant grow. You don't see it happening in large pieces but he is not the same person now he was at the beginning of season 1. He isn't just pretending anymore. He really is the guy 'who knocks' now.

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    A lot of people in this thread need to watch The Wire.

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    I thought The Wire was the best show on TV.. until Breaking Bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Reser D View Post
    I must say, I abso-fuckin'-lutely hate television. This is the only show that I bother to watch. In a world where the quality standards of televised entertainment are sinking at a terrifying rate, Breaking Bad gives me a dim flicker of hope. I find it amazing that I am actually more enthralled by the show now, in its fourth season, than I was when it began, as opposed to something like Weeds, which started off fantastically, but then, well, you know... *facepalm*
    I highly disagree. I feel television has become more exciting than most films in recent years. There are SO many good shows. Like someone else said, you just gotta know where to look.
    Last edited by imail724; 12-04-2011 at 09:40 PM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    I thought The Wire was the best show on TV.. until Breaking Bad.
    That's because 'The Wire' isn't on TV anymore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    I highly disagree. I feel television has become more exciting than most films in recent years.
    Yup. I'm pretty much over movies at this point, but television continues to blow me away. And I've got probably ten shows on my list that I still want to watch. I think the best shows on TV absolutely are on the same level as the best movies out there.

    Quote Originally Posted by redshoewearer View Post
    I think what is so interesting about Breaking Bad is the complex, convoluted relationships and loyalties. You find yourself liking people, then not. (I never thought I'd feel sorry for Mike but I do right now) Watching Walt's metamorphosis from the beginning of the show to where he is now has been riveting. It is like trying to watch a plant grow. You don't see it happening in large pieces but he is not the same person now he was at the beginning of season 1. He isn't just pretending anymore. He really is the guy 'who knocks' now.
    I agree with everything you've said.

    One of the things that consistently amazes me about this show is how much I will hate a character, and then, in one episode, I'll suddenly be sympathizing with said character. Then the next episode I'll be back to hating them again (Gus and Hector come to mind). Or, I've found myself rooting against and for someone at the same time (Hank). All the characters are really complex, all are shades of gray and they find the perfect way to change the way you feel about a character on a dime. It's brilliant.

    And yeah, Walt's very, very slow metamorphosis is also incredible. It really has been so slow and subtle that you almost don't notice it.
    Last edited by theruiner; 12-05-2011 at 12:26 AM.

  29. #29
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    The Wire is the most well and smartly crafted show to ever be on television. Just about everything about it is perfection. However, a show like The Wire requires your full attention which can be a tad exhausting at times. Breaking Bad gives off that same aura of greatness but also giving the viewer that same "I can't wait the week to find out what happens next!" feeling which is something that very few shows have ever obtained let alone sustain. It has it's flaws sure like all shows but it's my favorite program on TV at the moment.

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    Season 4 was probably my favorite yet. If you go back and watch the 1st season, it almost feels like a different show with different characters. So many shows on television get away with no character development at all and when they do, it feels unnatural and forced. Breaking Bad might be the best example of letting characters grow naturally.

    I think season 5 is going have a lot to do with Walt vs Hank vs Jesse/Mike. We'll see what happens but there are so many roads this show can go down for the last 16 eps.

    I watched all of the The Wire right after BrBa ended this season and was blown away.

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