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Thread: What's this concert footage? (UPDATE: It's Further Down the Spiral, and IT'S HERE!)

  1. #1
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    What's this concert footage? (UPDATE: It's Further Down the Spiral, and IT'S HERE!)

    OK, let me tell you the story.

    Back in about 1995 I was working in the library (storeroom, yeah?) of a video production facilities house in Camden, London. We handled a lot of pop and rock music stuff - promos, live concerts, that sort of thing. We had all the footage from Glastonbury turn up when Channel 4 UK had the rights to show it, for instance. Anyway, one day a whole stack of films tins arrived. There were scores of them - close to a hundred, I guess - and they were all marked 'Nine Inch Nails'. Well, my curiosity was piqued, 'cause I was a fan; so when, a few days later, the director turned up in an edit suite to put all this stuff together, I went down to ask him what he'd got.

    He told me it was footage from a recent NIN concert, and the reason there was so much of it was that it had been shot by far more cameras than usual, to get as many different angles as possible. There was backstage stuff too, shot on handicams. In short, it all sounded pretty awesome. I paid regular visits to the edit suite as the guy worked on, watching over his shoulder whenever I could.

    Eventually, after a few weeks, he'd got the thing finished. The film cans all came back to the library, and he jetted off to LA, for a meeting with Trent, who would give the movie his approval. Except... he didn't. The director came back a couple of weeks later totally crestfallen, telling us that Trent had changed his mind - rather than wanting an epic production shot from all angles, he now wanted the record of the concert to be more intimate. So the completed movie was shelved, and we never saw the director again.

    Except the story doesn't end there. A few weeks on again, and who should suddenly turn up in our library but the imposing figure of Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson, founding member of Throbbing Gristle and Coil, and experimental music promo director. He had been recruited by Trent to rescue the movie, by re-cutting much of the footage. So that's what he did. And shortly afterwards I left the company, so I guess most of you have a better idea of what happened to Sleazy's version of the concert than I do. I presume it found favour and was released in its truncated form, but I haven't checked the NIN filmography.

    But... wait. If you've been following me, I know what you're thinking. Doesn't that mean that the extended version of this concert footage is still hanging around? The one that the original director took to Trent Reznor? The one with all the angles? Someone must have the master tape, yeah? Well, I couldn't say exactly where the master tape is now - last time I saw it, it was sitting on the 'N' shelf of the video facilities house library. But I know where a VHS copy of master tape is. It's on my desk, right here. I had one of the tape engineers make it for me, when I found out it wasn't going to be released. Let me look at the track listing...

    Mr Self Destruct
    March Of The Pigs
    Gave Up
    Happiness In Slavery
    The Downward Spiral
    How Does It Feel
    The Only Time
    Down In It
    Head Like A Hole
    Lost Souls
    I Do Not Want This
    Something I Can Never Have

    I wish I could remember the name of that first director. Ginger hair, is all I can recall. The name totally escapes me. It was a long time ago! I thought it was such a shame he got the rebuke from Trent, after all that hard work.

    CAVEAT: All the above is true. But for all I know, a hundred other copies, and copies of copies, were made of that master tape, and there are a million versions of it sitting on people's hard drives. Hell, I haven't even checked YouTube. But for a while, mine was unique.

  2. #2
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    You might want to message @Leviathant about this. There was no full-length concert officially released from the Self-Destruct tour, so you might happen to have a great piece of NIN history on your desk!

  3. #3
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    I'll be the first to ask if you'd like to get that properly transferred and archived for everyone to see?

  4. #4
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    Hi there @Norton Canes - I only skimmed this, but wanted to say that I would love to talk to you about lending that tape to @ItsJustDave

    Edit: Bonus points for the delivery of your story, dude, haha. Private Message Sent!

    P.S. Simon Maxwell is credited for directing the videos for Hurt, Eraser, and Wish on Closure. I'm guessing he's the ginger.

  5. #5
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    What's this concert footage?

    NTSC or PAL?

  6. #6
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    WANT. What a great story, and what a great tape you've got there. If you intend to share this, I'm sure the entire community would be eternally grateful if you decide to share this. I, for one, absolutely would. Thank you for making my day!

  7. #7
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    Mother of god....
    ....Mother of god.

  8. #8
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    @Norton Canes:

    Do you have any ideia if this video is part of that footage you have?

  9. #9
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    Candidates, anyone? (slow day at work and I feel like helping). This could be narrowed down via presence of Wooley or Clouser:

    Tampa (incomplete setlist?) -,_FL

    Winston-Salem -,_NC

    Pittsburgh -,_PA

    Boston -,_MA

    Baltimore -,_MD

    NYC -,_NY

    Topeka -,_KS
    Last edited by Shadaloo; 08-08-2013 at 02:18 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton Canes View Post
    OK, let me tell you the story.

    Back in about 1995 I was working in the library (storeroom, yeah?) of a video production facilities house in Camden, London. We handled a lot of pop and rock music stuff - promos, live concerts, that sort of thing.
    Wait is that the one in Kentish Town

  11. #11
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    @spiralhate : The irony is that we don't have a VHS player any more, so I can't actually watch the thing. From what you've all said, though, it seems like it's something worth exploring - so I'll sort out getting it converted sometime very soon.

    @Levianthant: Simon Maxwell - yeah, that was him. Really nice guy.
    @sheepdean : No, it was right in the middle of Camden. It shut down ages ago though, and the building's been demolished since - no idea what happened to the stock.

  12. #12
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    Also, some possible dates from the point in the tour that NINwiki has no info on, after they dropped Ruiner from the setlist:

    1994/11/25 Hampton, VA
    1994/12/28 Cleveland, OH
    1994/12/31 Detroit, MI
    1995/01/08 Cleveland, OH
    1995/01/12 Kalamazoo, MI
    1995/01/13 Toledo, OH
    1995/01/15 Chicago, IL
    1995/01/16 Chicago, IL
    1995/01/21 Indianapolis, IN
    1995/01/22 Evansville, IN
    1995/01/25 Columbia, SC
    1995/01/27 Orlando, FL
    1995/01/31 Little Rock, AR

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Also, some possible dates from the point in the tour that NINwiki has no info on, after they dropped Ruiner from the setlist:

    1994/11/25 Hampton, VA
    1994/12/28 Cleveland, OH
    1994/12/31 Detroit, MI
    1995/01/08 Cleveland, OH
    1995/01/12 Kalamazoo, MI
    1995/01/13 Toledo, OH
    1995/01/15 Chicago, IL
    1995/01/16 Chicago, IL
    1995/01/21 Indianapolis, IN
    1995/01/22 Evansville, IN
    1995/01/25 Columbia, SC
    1995/01/27 Orlando, FL
    1995/01/31 Little Rock, AR
    From the NINWiki Entry on the Hurt video:

    The footage used for this (as well as the live videos for "Eraser" and "Wish") was shot in Dallas, Texas and Omaha, Nebraska in February of 1995. This video was released after a fully produced music video was scrapped. Both the scrapped studio video and the final live video were directed by Simon Maxwell.

  14. #14
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    Nice. Damn, missed it by that much, haha

    My failure to refresh a thread as I excitedly sift through NINwiki aside...this is a pretty goddamned amazing find. I've always wondered what the rest of those shows were like. Holy shit...
    Last edited by Shadaloo; 08-08-2013 at 04:08 PM.

  15. #15
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    I've always wanted a Self Destruct tour show DVD (in this case VHS) with decent audio/video. Closure has too many random cuts, it's definitely not an accurate representation of seeing one show start to finish.

    *edit: Also, why is there a song labeled How Does It Feel, isn't that just Suck?

  16. #16
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    Oh. My. Jesus. The lost Simon Maxwell footage has been my personal holy grail of NIN for years. Would love to eventually get my hands on it.
    Last edited by piggy; 08-09-2013 at 03:22 AM.

  17. #17
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    Jesus! Please tell me this is going to surface!!!!!! Ahhhh

  18. #18
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    Dude, you surface this and you go into the hall of fucking fame in the NIN community for life

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    Lost souls dead souls. Tomato tamato

  20. #20
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    If it is indeed the full Maxwell footage... well, WOW. I've always wanted to see this, and there has always been a considerable gap in the history of "Closure". The story goes that Trent was dissatisfied with the quality of the supposedly too polished pro-shot material in "Closure", and that he subsequently went with a rawer, "audience POV" style for "And All That Could Have Been".

    This story has always made me go "WTF". Yeah, yeah, the music videos for "Eraser", "Hurt" and "Wish" are definitely squeaky clean, but the rest of the live footage on "Closure" is deliberately shitty, with stuff shot on old film stock, off CRT TVs and whatnot. Why would Trent find that footage too clean? Did he want every NIN live video to look like it was flushed into a toilet or what?

    The story makes a lot more sense now. Of course Maxwell shot more and of course it's this footage Trent was dissatisfied with because of its look and feel. But wow, do I want to see this. The aesthetic on "Closure" was cool for a while, but ten years after the fact, it becomes disappointing that Trent's infatuation with rougher art ensured that we have almost no live footage from this era that doesn't look like crap. This could bridge a huge gap. I so badly want to see it.

  21. #21
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    When this get released, I vote that it be called "Closurer".

  22. #22
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    Some Info on this show

    Quote Originally Posted by Norton Canes View Post
    OK, let me tell you the story.

    Back in about 1995 I was working in the library (storeroom, yeah?) of a video production facilities house in Camden, London. We handled a lot of pop and rock music stuff - promos, live concerts, that sort of thing. We had all the footage from Glastonbury turn up when Channel 4 UK had the rights to show it, for instance. Anyway, one day a whole stack of films tins arrived. There were scores of them - close to a hundred, I guess - and they were all marked 'Nine Inch Nails'. Well, my curiosity was piqued, 'cause I was a fan; so when, a few days later, the director turned up in an edit suite to put all this stuff together, I went down to ask him what he'd got.

    He told me it was footage from a recent NIN concert, and the reason there was so much of it was that it had been shot by far more cameras than usual, to get as many different angles as possible. There was backstage stuff too, shot on handicams. In short, it all sounded pretty awesome. I paid regular visits to the edit suite as the guy worked on, watching over his shoulder whenever I could.

    Eventually, after a few weeks, he'd got the thing finished. The film cans all came back to the library, and he jetted off to LA, for a meeting with Trent, who would give the movie his approval. Except... he didn't. The director came back a couple of weeks later totally crestfallen, telling us that Trent had changed his mind - rather than wanting an epic production shot from all angles, he now wanted the record of the concert to be more intimate. So the completed movie was shelved, and we never saw the director again.

    Except the story doesn't end there. A few weeks on again, and who should suddenly turn up in our library but the imposing figure of Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson, founding member of Throbbing Gristle and Coil, and experimental music promo director. He had been recruited by Trent to rescue the movie, by re-cutting much of the footage. So that's what he did. And shortly afterwards I left the company, so I guess most of you have a better idea of what happened to Sleazy's version of the concert than I do. I presume it found favour and was released in its truncated form, but I haven't checked the NIN filmography.

    But... wait. If you've been following me, I know what you're thinking. Doesn't that mean that the extended version of this concert footage is still hanging around? The one that the original director took to Trent Reznor? The one with all the angles? Someone must have the master tape, yeah? Well, I couldn't say exactly where the master tape is now - last time I saw it, it was sitting on the 'N' shelf of the video facilities house library. But I know where a VHS copy of master tape is. It's on my desk, right here. I had one of the tape engineers make it for me, when I found out it wasn't going to be released. Let me look at the track listing...

    Mr Self Destruct
    March Of The Pigs
    Gave Up
    Happiness In Slavery
    The Downward Spiral
    How Does It Feel
    The Only Time
    Down In It
    Head Like A Hole
    Lost Souls
    I Do Not Want This
    Something I Can Never Have

    I wish I could remember the name of that first director. Ginger hair, is all I can recall. The name totally escapes me. It was a long time ago! I thought it was such a shame he got the rebuke from Trent, after all that hard work.

    CAVEAT: All the above is true. But for all I know, a hundred other copies, and copies of copies, were made of that master tape, and there are a million versions of it sitting on people's hard drives. Hell, I haven't even checked YouTube. But for a while, mine was unique.
    I have heard all this footage is in the 'Valuts' at Interscope. The Director you might be referring to, who did the 'Closure' 'Self-Destruct Tour'??? His name is Jonathan Rach, I've been trying to find the 'real' one for a year or two. I have a 'Self-Destruct tour' Itinerary with everyone who was on the tour & their jobs, its got a lot of pretty cool info in it. But a lot of the stuff isn't current because it was The J Artist Days, Hope this video/audio can surface!!! Thanks TRAjiK SiN aka J

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    When this get released, I vote that it be called "Closurer".
    Should we continue the trend of naming it after a lyric in a song from the album? ex: "Nothing Can Stop Me Now", "All That You Want", "So Far Away" "Something That Matters", "A Million Miles Away" "Got Me A Big Old Dick", etc.

  24. #24
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    i have been hoping for this for so long. i had always hoped interscope would release this at some point. as much as i love closure i thought in terms of the live footage the wish and eraser "videos" were the highlights. even if it was super polished.

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    "crawl right up on your knees!"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    "Got Me A Big Old Dick"
    It has been decided.

  27. #27
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    "Something I Can Never Have". Wrong era? Sure, but it ends the show.

  28. #28
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    Can someone tell me the history of this Simon Maxwell concert film? From what I'm hearing Trent hired Maxwell to shoot a concert film of the Self Destruct Tour, Trent said "no manches" and then had it recut into Closure?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    It has been decided.
    Actually, "You Know, Just For the Fuck Of It" would be a wonderfully non-committal title for a release. Though I suppose a more fitting one would be "Now Doesn't That Make You Feel Better?"

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fred View Post
    Actually, "You Know, Just For the Fuck Of It" would be a wonderfully non-committal title for a release. Though I suppose a more fitting one would be "Now Doesn't That Make You Feel Better?"
    I'm still mad we didn't call any of the with_teeth bootlegs "flip flop flip flop flip"

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