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Thread: Game of Thrones - Spoilers

  1. #2071
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    I think that's an interesting trope I hadn't really considered, and given that it's played out twice now in this series alone with both Dany and Sansa, I think it's fair to call it out.

    At the same time though, almost every fantasy character is built around trauma of some kind...

  2. #2072
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    Game of Thrones - Spoilers

    I’ve spoken to other women about it and they stare at me blankly. I love the show but the way it held up rape culture is regrettable imo. Especially that moment with Sansa and the hound where he brings it up to her.

  3. #2073
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    What did I just watch... this felt awkward, uneven, and the tone was all over the place. We got Jon petting Ghost... that was satisfying enough.

  4. #2074
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    I'll say it again, now that I've seen the final episode.
    It was a damn fine season, but it felt a little rushed.

    All in all, I certainly enjoyed it.

    And I'm slightly annoyed by all this "worst ending ever" bullshit all over the internet. It's not YOUR story, fanboy. If these people think they could tell a better story than GoT, they should get to writing, instead of talking shit online.

  5. #2075
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    It's not a bad season. Way too many plotholes. Very clearly rushed. That's really what hurts this season and held it back from what it could've been.

    Maybe I'm just too blindsided by the finale to truly enjoy it. Still in "what the fuck" mode.

    It got me to finally want to read the books. So it did something right.

  6. #2076
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    Yeah I don't know about those people. I mean first of all the notion of an ending is challenging to begin with, particularly in a series like this one... What really is an ending? What else would really be satisfying?

    I'm not sure. I've never been the biggest fan of this show, in fact I only just started liking it so it's hard to get into the head of a game of thrones super fan for me, and what's good about and mechanically where it should end up and why.

    As entertaining as it is, Game of Thrones is astonishingly shallow as far as metaphor and theme go, so there's nothing to really wrap up in that department either

  7. #2077
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    I kinda wonder if Benioff and Weiss were just burned out on GOT after being utterly devoted to it for a fucking decade and were just ready wrap it up and dive into some new Star Wars shit. I mean, that IS a long time to work on just one project.

  8. #2078
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    All hail Bran the Broken! Good move making Tyrion the Hand.

  9. #2079
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    Watched the finale again last night and I really like it. The last two episodes definitely felt pretty rushed but overall I'm satisfied with how it ended. Jamie and Cersei could've had a better send off but everyone else was wrapped up nicely.

    This season was nothing like what I expected it to be, and that's Game of Thrones as fuck.

  10. #2080
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    I liked it.

    I think the funniest thing about this whole season are the complaints from people who didn't - and don't seem to even realize this - that the big issue here is the show's inability to give a trite Hollywood ending where everything works out for the good guy.

    I mean...this is medieval times, people. Shitty things happen. A lot. The good guys don't always get rewarded. The bad guys don't always get the big public hanging the bloodthirsty crowd wants. And fortunes can turn on a dime. I know in movies and TV everything is supposed to be all planned out and neat and scripted and have some grand master plan to it. But that's not how LIFE works. And in that regard, this season felt more realistic than any eye-rolling cookie cutter crap that's out there. It was refreshing.

    I joked about Bran being king years ago because he had the most experience sitting around telling people what to do, but I was not expecting that outcome. I like it, and I like that Sansa reclaimed Winterfell as an independent territory. And for those bitching that she was the only one who should have been queen: I think the fact that she wanted Winterfell to be independent speaks to the notion that she doesn't even like the idea of a massive kingdom. I think overseeing Winterfell is a better fit for her than overseeing Westeros.

  11. #2081
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I liked it.

    I think the funniest thing about this whole season are the complaints from people who didn't - and don't seem to even realize this - that the big issue here is the show's inability to give a trite Hollywood ending where everything works out for the good guy.

    I mean...this is medieval times, people. Shitty things happen. A lot. The good guys don't always get rewarded. The bad guys don't always get the big public hanging the bloodthirsty crowd wants. And fortunes can turn on a dime. I know in movies and TV everything is supposed to be all planned out and neat and scripted and have some grand master plan to it. But that's not how LIFE works. And in that regard, this season felt more realistic than any eye-rolling cookie cutter crap that's out there. It was refreshing.
    You're so wrong about this. I think what made people like the show so much initially was it's willingness to go against typical Hollywood tropes and to do things that were more realistic and not what the audience expected. This last season was the complete opposite of that.

  12. #2082
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    You're so wrong about this. I think what made people like the show so much initially was it's willingness to go against typical Hollywood tropes and to do things that were more realistic and not what the audience expected. This last season was the complete opposite of that.
    "It's so absurd that they could just kill a dragon that didn't see the attack coming!"
    "Jamie was totally an awesome guy with a redemption story and they just ruined that!"
    "Jon snow murdered the queen and the had the audacity to punish him for it?!?!!"

    This is literally people rooting for the Hollywood "things happen at a nice predictable pace" or "happy ending" themes.

  13. #2083
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    Still satisfied with the finale but it doesn't mean that I don't have some constructive criticism (aka whining) to do. There are after all some questions that were not answered.

    Fortunately, the WaPo also has some questions that are eerily similar to mine: https://beta-washingtonpost-com.cdn....rom%20%251%24s

    The second one is a no brainer though: everyone knows that Jon killed Dany because he told them, like the stupid man he is.

  14. #2084
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Fortunately, the WaPo also has some questions that are eerily similar to mine: https://beta-washingtonpost-com.cdn....rom%20%251%24s
    Yeah, the third question is something I thought about too, and it's a good representation of the somewhat random, nonsensical writing that became more prevalent in recent seasons. It's hard for me to care that much, but none of Grey Worm's actions after Dany's death make much sense at all.

    It kinda felt like they just didn't want to hassle with the narrative logistics of writing a more realistic/logical Grey Worm reaction since they were so close to the end, so they just bypassed his character's agency altogether and made him do and say whatever was required to get this thing wrapped up how they wanted.

  15. #2085
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    really, my biggest complaint was the awkward-feeling comedy relief moment where they sat around politicking. Ah tee hee.

  16. #2086
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I think the funniest thing about this whole season are the complaints from people who didn't - and don't seem to even realize this - that the big issue here is the show's inability to give a trite Hollywood ending where everything works out for the good guy.

    I mean...this is medieval times, people. Shitty things happen. A lot. The good guys don't always get rewarded. The bad guys don't always get the big public hanging the bloodthirsty crowd wants. And fortunes can turn on a dime. I know in movies and TV everything is supposed to be all planned out and neat and scripted and have some grand master plan to it. But that's not how LIFE works. And in that regard, this season felt more realistic than any eye-rolling cookie cutter crap that's out there. It was refreshing.
    I don't think that's right though, I think we did in a lot of ways get a very Holywood style ending.

    Most of the fan favourite characters from the last few seasons survived, Tyrion, Jon, Sansa, Arya, and for realism at least some should have died. Episode 3, the Night King was defeated with a last second dagger to the heart, which seemed so similar to Return of the King that it's almost like they just copied it. In episode 4 they tried to create some suspense around the battle with Cersei, who they then defeated in the next episode. In episode 5 they tried to build some suspense around Dany being a new villian, and in episode 6 Dany was vanquished with all the gusto of a rom-com trying to make you feel bad for a broken-hearted dumbass who doesn't understand why they're being dumped.

    Then they followed it up with an epilogue where we find out that everyone is happy now. Lots of minor characters are on the high counsel and they're all happy about it. Tyrion gets to try to make the world better, and he's as happy about it as he could possibly be. Bran gets to be king, and he seems to enjoy it. Sansa gets to be queen of the north, and she seems pretty happy about it. Arya looks pleased on her boat westward. Jon gets to go camping with his friends in the north for the rest of his life, I can't imagine he's unhappy about that, especially with their no longer being any threat north of the wall. There doesn't seem to be any conflict anymore, the unsullied are leaving and the dothraki don't really seem to care (which also, didn't they all die in episode 3? I don't understand how they came back in episode 5, when in the aftershow the writers even come right out and state that what you're watching is essentially the end of the dothraki)

    At the end, the good guys are happy, and the bad guys are dead. I get that a lot of people didn't want Dany to be a villain, but she did slaughter thousands of civilians, so whether we wanted her to become bad or not, she did.
    Last edited by M1ke; 05-22-2019 at 11:56 AM.

  17. #2087
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  18. #2088
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    Overall, I think it was alright. I don't think it was ever going to be as good as it could have been with the writers being unable to rely on GRRM's material for the last few seasons. If the books had been released first, and seasons 7-8 were the regular amount of ten episodes, I think it would have been MUCH easier to digest everything that went down during this last season. It felt a lot like they told 2/3 of the story over 6 full seasons and then crammed the last 1/3 into a measly 13 episodes.

    Regarding the finale itself (and the rest of the season honestly), it was decent, and I didn't have a huge issue with what happened for the most part.. but it just felt rushed.

    - I didn't hate Dany's turn (again, just rushed), and Emilia Clarke did some really good acting in those final moments - she genuinely portrayed that her character believed what she was saying. She did great given what she had to work with.
    - Cheers to Peter Dinklage, who did some great acting this whole season and the finale in particular.
    - Why is anyone listening to Grey Worm? Just because he has an army? I'm nitpicking here, but I was just wondering why they bothered taking his demands seriously.
    - Everything worked out nicely for the Starks, though I didn't see the Bran bit coming at all.
    - Thought Jon got shafted, and it bothered me at fist, but now I see it as fitting..especially for a GRRM story. He saved the world several times over and was never truly acknowledged or rewarded for it. Hopefully he gets to fool around with a bunch of wildlings and live out his days in peace.
    - Really hoped Cersei was going to be ALIVE and on the brink of death and that Tyrion would have to kill her - thus fulfilling that prophecy that they teased.
    - Wish we found out where Drogon went.
    Last edited by Mr. Blaileen; 05-24-2019 at 08:19 AM.

  19. #2089
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    Honestly, my favorite scene in the whole finale was when Tyrion got up and went around the table straightening up all the chairs. Shit was hilarious.

  20. #2090
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    Honestly, my favorite scene in the whole finale was when Tyrion got up and went around the table straightening up all the chairs. Shit was hilarious.

    I'm already missing Tyrion so much. God, I love him. But not as much as I love Peter Dinklage. He was so very good in that final episode. He deserves all the awards in the world.

  21. #2091
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    really, my biggest complaint was the awkward-feeling comedy relief moment where they sat around politicking. Ah tee hee.
    I honestly thought this scene was thrown in on accident; they all seemed as if they were laughing as themselves, and not as the characters.

  22. #2092
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    I will not read the books until George RR Martin actually finishes them. I'm not going to invest all the time in reading the story only to have it left unfinished.

  23. #2093
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    I just keep wondering why Daenerys was written so inconsistently. If she was supposed to be a villain from the beginning, why did the writers bother to show her doing good things in Essos and trying to make the world a better place? I read somewhere that writer Bryan Cogman hated her character the most. She was a feminist icon to so many women. Many celebrities like Madonna and Lilly Singh have worn Daenerys costumes in the past 9 years. Hundreds of babies were also named Khaleesi.

  24. #2094
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boots View Post
    I just keep wondering why Daenerys was written so inconsistently. If she was supposed to be a villain from the beginning, why did the writers bother to show her doing good things in Essos and trying to make the world a better place? I read somewhere that writer Bryan Cogman hated her character the most. She was a feminist icon to so many women. Many celebrities like Madonna and Lilly Singh have worn Daenerys costumes in the past 9 years. Hundreds of babies were also named Khaleesi.
    I don't understand why she was a feminist icon though. From the very beginning she was literally all about being a dictator. Sure, she claimed she wanted to make the world a better place. But if your entire path to leadership is based on "I was born to this person so I, and only I, may EVER be your leader," then you're not about equality. You're about class / caste systems and dictatorship. Your intentions mean fuck all if you think you have an unquestionable mandate to rule the world based on who your parents were

    I love seeing powerful female characters in mainstream media. I was so overjoyed as a Doctor Who fan to see Jodie Whittaker cast as The Doctor, for example. But when they're all about murdering anyone who wants to try to stop them from claiming something that they have no real right to claim in the first place, they don't strike me at all as feminist. (And yes, I think worshiping a prince / king / whatever is stupid too)

  25. #2095
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    Everything Daenerys ever did, she did because it was beneficial to her; not because it was the right thing to do from a moral stand point. Everyone around her were there because they were useful to her. That she cared for some of them did not matter. Didn't she left her lover behind because she could not see what good he could be in her plans for Westeros?

    Feminist icon? No. Celebrities dressing up like her? Well, she did have great costumes. Parents naming their daughters Khaleesi? That's just plain stupid. First it's not a name, it's a title. Second: people like to give kids cool names but sometimes, it backfires.

    In other news: who's watching The Last Watch tonight?

  26. #2096
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post

    In other news: who's watching The Last Watch tonight?
    What's that?

  27. #2097
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    What's that?
    Documentary about the making of the show... I think specifically the making of the last season... which, given this huge fan backlash (that, to be clear, I'm not entirely understanding really) is badly timed maybe... but I'm watching.

  28. #2098
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    What @Jinsai said. It's a behind the scene of the last season. I really love that stuff; I've watched several of them for different movies over the years and I've always found new points of view when watching the stories again.

    I think it's also a chance to say goodbye to the actors and the characters we've watched and loved for so many years.

  29. #2099
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    I wouldn't call it a back lash, it's not really ubiquitous, I'd call it polarizing

  30. #2100
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    The Last Watch was pretty cool. It reminded me a lot of the special features on the extended editions of Lord of the Rings. Every episode was basically a movie production.

    Would've liked to see more interviews with the main actors but it's definitely worth it.

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