Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post

It'll be nice to have books four and five smashed together and told chronologically though. Martin's been saying that book 6 is going to be 1500 pages long though, so maybe they'll have to split that into a couple seasons as well. It's kind of a drag though, and it's the main reason I have a hard time convincing myself to read these sort of long episodic stories. I didn't pick up The Dark Tower until King finished it. It's also the main reason I stopped reading The Wheel of Time after book 1. I saw that there were about ten other books in the series (at the time), each of them a very long read, and that the author had no concrete plans to stop anytime soon and wrap the story up. I just looked at that and said "this guy is just stalling, he's never going to finish these books. He's going to die before he finishes it." And sure enough...
Wow, 1500 pages... that's the missing-editor-syndrome. As far as I know, the Harry Potter books got bigger and bigger as well. As these series' go on, the authors become more and more convinced that people really, really want to read every tiny detail of their world. That makes me a little queasy... Also, some authors become a prisoner of their own creations. Even Douglas Adams, who wrapped up The Hitchhiker's Guide in a pretty definite way, once said that he intended to write another book to give the series a more optimistic ending (he felt miserable when he wrote the final installment). And Stephen King also wrote another Dark Tower book after he finished the series. Let's see...