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Thread: Game of Thrones - Spoilers

  1. #1441
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Has to be Wildfire under the Sept so she can go Mad Queen on everybody, giving Jaime reason to then kill her, fulfilling the prophecy.
    Prophesy is for her kids to die, not her. And I definitely don't see Jaime killing her. If anything, I see her killing herself after Tommen croaks.

  2. #1442
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Prophesy is for her kids to die, not her. And I definitely don't see Jaime killing her. If anything, I see her killing herself after Tommen croaks.
    Here's how it's written in the books (according to le internet; I don't remember to which extant it was said in the series)

    Cersei: Will the king and I have children?
    Maggy: Oh, aye. Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.
    I think Cercei has always believed that the word valonqar (meaning little brother in High Valiryan) is referring to Tyrion. I may be mistaken though; it's been a while since I've read the books.

  3. #1443
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Prophesy is for her kids to die, not her. And I definitely don't see Jaime killing her. If anything, I see her killing herself after Tommen croaks.
    She'd die at the hands of the Valonquar, AKA little brother -- Jaime was born right after Cersei, which makes him a little brother. Cersei has ironically spent her life convinced it would be Tyrion only for it to be the sibling she loved and trusted unlike anybody else. Would totally fit RR Martin's style of poetic irony and general twists on prophecies.

    Cleganebowl was entirely predicated on the Valonquar idea, too -- since it could be any younger brother, and Sandor is the Mountain's baby sibling. The idea that the High Septum would choose Sandor as their fighter in a trial by combat against Gregor Clegane, resulting in Sandor defeating his brother by using fire, overcoming his fear and condemning Cersei to her death. This could also result in Cersei, in a mad attempt at at least getting even, trying to ignite the wildfire and "burn them all," causing Jaime to become not only the kingslayer but the kinslayer for the exact same reasons.

    I have zero faith in D&D to deliver satisfyingly on any of this and will just have to wait for the books though, unfortunately.

  4. #1444
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Jaime's entire character development is non-existant
    To be fair, this part is more or less like it goes in the books. I'm guessing you're talking about Jaime getting all vicious with Edmure Tully and threatening to catapult his child.

  5. #1445
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandros View Post
    To be fair, this part is more or less like it goes in the books. I'm guessing you're talking about Jaime getting all vicious with Edmure Tully and threatening to catapult his child.
    No -- the "I love Cersei, I love Cersei, I'll do anything for Cersei, god I sure love Cersei" dialogue just keeps on coming. Their relationship by this point is pretty different in the books if my memory serves correctly.

  6. #1446
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    Oh I see...this I don't remember at all to be frank.

  7. #1447
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Here's how it's written in the books (according to le internet; I don't remember to which extant it was said in the series)

    I think Cercei has always believed that the word valonqar (meaning little brother in High Valiryan) is referring to Tyrion. I may be mistaken though; it's been a while since I've read the books.
    The valonqar part wasn't mentioned in the series. They stopped at gold their shrouds.

  8. #1448
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    Hmm... Arya stabbed the Waif straight in the eyes. Gregor Clegane's only weakness seem to be his eyes.

  9. #1449
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    Really cool video of Scott Ian getting done up in White Walker (is that a proper noun?) makeup.

  10. #1450
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    BastardBowl tonight, get hype! Obviously the popular pick to receive the pointy end is Ramsay, but who else do you guys see taking a long nap? I think it's a lock that a couple of our favorites won't be among the living come Monday morning, and sadly Tormund and Davos are both at the top of that list. I hope I'm wrong but we'll find out in a few short hours.

  11. #1451
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    If ramsay comes out on top im going to be pissed

  12. #1452
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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but even if the Knights of the Vale do join the Stark army, they're still greatly outnumbered, right?

    The Stark troops are pretty much all hardcore elites, so looking at history, it's the sort of situation in which a Julius Caesar, Hannibal Barca or Alexander the Great would pull off a glorious slaughter against all odds. And we do know that Robb Stark had natural tactical acumen, and that Jon Snow has commanded small forces to decent effect.

    But this is Game of Thrones, so surely if the odds aren't good, and a lifeline has been yanked with the surrender of Riverrun's forces, and we're relying on Littlefinger of all people, we're in for some REALLY bad news right? Surely some major goodie has to die here. I'm also not looking forward to seeing how Rickon's been holding up.

  13. #1453
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    I hope they kill Jon again that would be laughs

  14. #1454
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    That episode was fantastic

  15. #1455
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    I was satisfied. Some of the editing made my eyes hurt and I'm not even sensitive to motion sickness, but overall it was pretty good and I'm just glad we're done with Spoiler: the Cartoonishly Evil Shenanigans Taking Up Precious Screen Time saga after all these years (AKA the Increasingly Maniacal Decisions of Ramsay Bolton). Knights of the Vale "twist" was painfully obvious but well-shot and how in the fuck that stag didn't burn is beyond me, maybe it's Targaryen wood, who knows.

  16. #1456
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    That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

  17. #1457
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    Still cackling over seeing my sister's boyfriend being one of Ramsay's archers.

  18. #1458
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    Great episode.

  19. #1459
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen.
    Spoiler: Were you "helping" Jon punch Ramsay's face too? I never did so much boxing in my life.

    I've never been so tired after having watched an hour of television.

    So who else wants Dany to marry Yara when she finally puts her behind on the Iron Throne?

    Also: I need to have some dragons in my life. Dragons are awesome!

  20. #1460
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post

    So who else wants Dany to marry Yara when she finally puts her behind on the Iron Throne?
    I definitely "ship it" as the kids say

  21. #1461
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I definitely "ship it" as the kids say
    Yarnerys is the ship name, lol. Yara needs a salt wife!

  22. #1462
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    That episode was more satisfying than a blowjob.

  23. #1463
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    Bolton's surrounding the enemy strategy to win was absolutely sickening and i believe something we've never seen on TV before. It was also brilliant and probably would have worked if not for the Vale. They did a good job of actually teasing up to believe Jon might die.

    I understand they needed Rickon off the board going forward for plot reasons. But they could have came up with a more logical way of killing him. If someone is shooting arrows at you like that, you would zig zag and stop/start your running and almost certainly not get hit. Instead they have this character stupidly, and kind of unbelievably, run in a straight line at full speed the whole time just so their little scenario plays out.

    The Greyjoy children must have teleportation devices aboard their ships. In situations like that, it would help to have a line or something that lets us know that a considerable amount of time has passed. Seems like they arrived in Mereen in just a few days.

  24. #1464
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    The Greyjoy children must have teleportation devices aboard their ships. In situations like that, it would help to have a line or something that lets us know that a considerable amount of time has passed. Seems like they arrived in Mereen in just a few days.
    Well, they did the Iron Fleet's 'fastest ships', IIRC. Also, Volantis is the closest of the Free Cities to Meereen, so it is possible they would be there in a few days.

    Also, upon watching a non-fuzzy stream, I'm pretty sure my sister's fella was actually one of Jon's archers that you can see in Winterfell. All that mud makes it hard to tell.

  25. #1465
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    Great episode. Whoever they got as the cinematographer for this should get hired to shoot the whole show. It looked movie quality, even better than most movies.

  26. #1466
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    I'm conflicted on this episode.

    Dany is back to being to being all kinds of awesome, and now has finally checked everything off her to-do list - she has dragons, an army, tyrion and now ships. that being said it seems like she is utterly devoted to being a sideshow and is off to storm the iron freaking islands. I just don't give a fuck about the iron islands.


    Jon seems to have stocked up on stupid pills, he seems to know he is completely outmatched, but just says "fuck it, lets go boldly to our deaths..." as someone who had been built up to be some great figure the entire episode just made him look small and dumb.

    Sansa on one hand seems to have learned a thing or two, yet still keeps the knights of the vale secret from Jon - there may be an interesting question of why? but it goes unanswered.

    Wun Wun - why didn't he have some kind of club weapon?

    Ghost - where were you?

    Ramsay - every bit as one note as ever, and while his end was somewhat satisfying, I would have much rather seen his allies at least on some level break faith with him. they tried to show that with the dogs, but imho it wasn't quite enough.

    The Battle of Winterfell - small scale it looked pretty awesome, with all the grit and blood and mud that one should expect from medieval style large scale combat. Larger scale ti just seemed confusing - where did the wall of bodies come from? where did all that foot infantry come from?

  27. #1467
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    Doesn't it seem as though everything is going a little too well for our main characters lately? Arya has retaken her name and is on her way back to Winterfell after completing her training. Ramsay has been defeated (honestly, I'll miss him) and gotten some comeuppance. The Starks have retaken Winterfell. Khaleesi unleashed the dragons to defeat the slavers and joined up with the Greyjoys. Something really bad is going to happen soon, yeah?

  28. #1468
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Doesn't it seem as though everything is going a little too well for our main characters lately? Arya has retaken her name and is on her way back to Winterfell after completing her training. Ramsay has been defeated (honestly, I'll miss him) and gotten some comeuppance. The Starks have retaken Winterfell. Khaleesi unleashed the dragons to defeat the slavers and joined up with the Greyjoys. Something really bad is going to happen soon, yeah?

    Well there is the looming invasion of an undead army. That could end up pretty bad.

  29. #1469
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Doesn't it seem as though everything is going a little too well for our main characters lately? Arya has retaken her name and is on her way back to Winterfell after completing her training. Ramsay has been defeated (honestly, I'll miss him) and gotten some comeuppance. The Starks have retaken Winterfell. Khaleesi unleashed the dragons to defeat the slavers and joined up with the Greyjoys. Something really bad is going to happen soon, yeah?
    agree completely. Have a bad feeling about next week b/c there's been so much positive for the more honorable characters on the show. And I ain't talking about Tommen dying if that happens.

    As far as Sansa, I don't know if the show was trying to make us look at her differently (negatively) b/c she enjoyed watching Ramsay die/pulled the secret move with the Vale. I am GLAD that she is finally getting down in the dirt with the rest of the people of this world, as it is the only way for her to persevere. If they want us to be scared of what she might do next, that is def. not where my head is at. I back the girl 100% at this point.

    Def. want to watch the behind the scenes on the filming of the battle. The CG was flawless (that scene towards the beginning of the fight with Jon fighting his way through all the oncoming horses and soldiers was beautiful) & that had to take almost as long or as long to film as Hardhome did. This show is such impressive filmmaking.

  30. #1470
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    agree completely. Have a bad feeling about next week b/c there's been so much positive for the more honorable characters on the show. And I ain't talking about Tommen dying if that happens.

    As far as Sansa, I don't know if the show was trying to make us look at her differently (negatively) b/c she enjoyed watching Ramsay die/pulled the secret move with the Vale. I am GLAD that she is finally getting down in the dirt with the rest of the people of this world, as it is the only way for her to persevere. If they want us to be scared of what she might do next, that is def. not where my head is at. I back the girl 100% at this point.

    Def. want to watch the behind the scenes on the filming of the battle. The CG was flawless (that scene towards the beginning of the fight with Jon fighting his way through all the oncoming horses and soldiers was beautiful) & that had to take almost as long or as long to film as Hardhome did. This show is such impressive filmmaking.

    I saw the making of the battle, and that shot when Jon draws his sword in front of all of the horse was not CGI. I would imagine that is scary to shoot.

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