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Thread: Game of Thrones - Spoilers

  1. #1501
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    I need to see that episode again just to take everything in. Wow.
    For real, though.

    This was for me what Battle of the Bastards seemed to be for everybody else. This was like a condensed and perfect example of why I love this series. Amazing interconnecting character arcs and story lines, well-developed and laid out plotlines paying off beautifully, acting that's both subtle and commanding, unbelievably beautiful and cinematic in scope and scale visuals and settings, and, good Lord, that score -- that score was unbelievable. For a show that's always had wonderful music, that was a peak.

    That whole episode felt like it was peaking. It could've ended on "Shame!" and I would've considered it a top 5 for me. Lena Heady had goddamned better get an Emmy for this role. The entire King's Landing story was, without a doubt, one of the most incredible and satisfying things of the entire and complete series. Cersei's church BBQ. Tommen's big scene -- that was so visually rich, and I was both gawking at the painting-like framing and visuals, the incredible colors and yet just feeling stunned by what was happening. That evil bell lady's comeuppance (I guess I DO support waterboarding after all, huh). All of that was utterly, unbelievably perfect. That was everything I wanted from her story line for ages now and it was done better than I ever anticipated it to be.

    And that's not even getting into any of the other plot lines because they were just to numerous in their perfection to count. Lady Mormont needs to be president already. Kit Harrington has come into his own as an actor like never before. The shot of Peter and Sansa at the Weirwood was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen on TV. Tyrion and Dany legitimately made me cry -- his face when she put that pin on him was, just, ugh. Amazing, amazing stuff. Amazing writing, beautiful imagery and cinematography that looked more like a major movie than anything I've ever seen on a TV, a score that's to die for and some of the most incredible pay-off I've ever seen. I could gush forever about it.

  2. #1502
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    Best episode of the series hands down. Holy shit

  3. #1503
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    Aside from Cersei, that was a whole lot of triumph. I got goosebumps like four times. You're going down, Cersei. All. The. Way. Down.

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  5. #1505
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Aside from Cersei, that was a whole lot of triumph. I got goosebumps like four times. You're going down, Cersei. All. The. Way. Down.
    Man, watching Cersei take down the High Sparrow as his follower's own fanaticism caused their own deaths by blocking the doors, condemning shame bell lady, losing the last of her children and in doing so losing both her only real weakness and her only real heart and becoming a strong and emotionally empty Mad Queen as her brother who she likely assumes will now be the one to fulfill the prophecy she was condemned to live out when she was just a little girl in the woods was about as narratively satisfying as anything in the entire series to me. She's endlessly interesting and constantly a catalyst for major plot and change and they seem to be going in the absolutely perfect direction with her.

    Lena Heady is the greatest leading lady on television right now and the way they've had her character's arc develop has been pitch-perfect. The music throughout all of that first chunk was just unbelievable, the camera angles were amazing, the acting from everyone was wonderful. Natalie Dormer was fantastic as she cast aside the facade of the faith only too late. The candles on the wildfire was just so visually beautiful. That was amazing story telling and technical excellence all the way through. Loved it to death.

    Oh and no one's brought it up yet -- Arya not only finally did something, but she did quite possibly the greatest thing she possibly could. I instantly forgot all of Braavos in those moments, and I actually almost expected her to show up at the dinner with Jaime when Walder mentioned the Starks and said "and where are they now?" That was just so well-done. The way this show has taken all the Stark children and made us both thrilled to see them do what they do and yet heartbroken watching them all get steeped in the darkness of the world around them is so expertly done. Sansa last week, Arya this week -- they're not little girls getting pet direwolves and playing with sticks and dolls anymore. The differences in their mutual ruthlessness are so well-done.

  6. #1506
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    I agree, but Sansa's still got some learning to do. If she were truly ruthless she'd have outed Littlefinger on murdering Lysa there in front of all the bannermen and taken his head after that look he gave her.

  7. #1507
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    Quote Originally Posted by skip niklas View Post
    I agree, but Sansa's still got some learning to do. If she were truly ruthless she'd have outed Littlefinger on murdering Lysa there in front of all the bannermen and taken his head after that look he gave her.
    I cannot wait to see what's going to happen with him. Isn't that the first time he's flat-out told her the Iron Throne's his goal? And then suddenly the North after all their flirtations with Alzheimer's finally remembers thanks to the most kick-ass girl in the world, Ms. Mormont herself, and Jon's being hailed as a king, and she now realizes that that has to mean that he's now an enemy as far as Peter's concerned -- I'm so interested in how that's going to play out. It really seems like we're getting back into the thick of the politicking, manipulating, Machiavellian power schemes of the series again and that's why I fell in love to begin with so I am beyond excited.

  8. #1508
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    Arya shocked me and so did Margaery gtfoing. Glad so many things remain unpredictable!

    The significance of the Tower of Joy absolutely did not come across whatsoever. There was zero link to Rhaegar reflected in this episode. It was rendered effectively pointless to split the scene the way they did. Even people who get into the show fresh and power through this season in a few days won't get it. Just... poorly done altogether.

    And what the hell Varys! He can teleport now?

  9. #1509
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    The scene where Tommens jumps to his death; the segue from baby Jon to still knows nothing Jon, King in The North, heir to the Iron Throne were absolutely breathtaking.

    So was Creepy Psycho Arya Stark.

    Ser Davos had me sobbing when he spoke of Shireen.

    Lady Olenna has nothing left to lose so she will fight to annihilation.

    Sansa said it best: anyone who trusts Littlefinger is a fool. It will be interesting to see if she will fall into that trap herself.

    Oh the look on Sam's face when he saw all those books...

    Dany's greatest feat: she gained Tyrion Lannister's absolute devotion. She's going to need her Hand... and Varys.

    They only forgot to bring down the Wall but I'm sure that's going to be taken care of next season.

    I love this show so much... that is until it gives me another reason to hate it again.

    Can we just name Lyanna Mormont President of the World already?
    Last edited by marodi; 06-26-2016 at 11:22 PM.

  10. #1510
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    Quote Originally Posted by seasonsinthesky View Post
    Arya shocked me and so did Margaery gtfoing. Glad so many things remain unpredictable!

    The significance of the Tower of Joy absolutely did not come across whatsoever. There was zero link to Rhaegar reflected in this episode. It was rendered effectively pointless to split the scene the way they did. Even people who get into the show fresh and power through this season in a few days won't get it. Just... poorly done altogether.

    And what the hell Varys! He can teleport now?
    I don't think they're done with Tower of Joy. After all, Jon doesn't know his true parentage yet. We didn't get to hear the full conversation between Ned and Lyanna but enough was gleamed to determine that the baby is Rhaegar's.

    Also, Lady Olenna with the clapbacks at the Sand Snakes!

  11. #1511
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    @marodi good lord Davos shaking and practically weeping with sorrow and rage as he spoke was about the most heartbreaking thing possible. I love that man so much.

    @orestes watching Olenna Tyrell, Sassmaster of the 7 Kingdoms dish it out to them made all of Dorne so shockingly delightful. Her and Varys teaming up, they wouldn't even need an army to take people down, they just need some quills and a couple ravens to deliver their burns throughout the realm.
    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 06-26-2016 at 11:27 PM.

  12. #1512
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    Did anyone else notice the Martell and Tyrell banners amongst Dany's armada?

  13. #1513
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Did anyone else notice the Martell and Tyrell banners amongst Dany's armada?
    I'm like almost totally certain we're gonna see King's Landing invaded and when Cersei, now with nothing to gain or lose, knows she can't win, she'll go all Mad Queen and tell Qyburn to set off the wildfire caches in the city and saying "burn them all," causing Jaime to kill her as a younger queen flies in on the back of a dragon, fulfilling the prophecy entirely and giving meaning to Dany's vision of the Iron Throne with ash raining upon it.

    Also how great is it that Cersei had Bran pushed out a window and now caused her last child to leap out a window?

    Edit: MFW I come back home from the Riverlands

    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 06-26-2016 at 11:59 PM.

  14. #1514
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    need to watch 3 more times.

  15. #1515
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    Quote Originally Posted by seasonsinthesky View Post
    And what the hell Varys! He can teleport now?
    He borrowed Littlefinger's magic ship. Duh.

  16. #1516
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    I assume Dany is making her way to Dorn and will dock there for a little while, right?

  17. #1517
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I'm like almost totally certain we're gonna see King's Landing invaded and when Cersei, now with nothing to gain or lose, knows she can't win, she'll go all Mad Queen and tell Qyburn to set off the wildfire caches in the city and saying "burn them all," causing Jaime to kill her as a younger queen flies in on the back of a dragon, fulfilling the prophecy entirely and giving meaning to Dany's vision of the Iron Throne with ash raining upon it.
    Add in Arya taking down the Mountain and I'm right there with you.

  18. #1518
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    Quote Originally Posted by skip niklas View Post
    Add in Arya taking down the Mountain and I'm right there with you.
    I'm sorry I want Cleganebowl too much to let that happen

    It's still possible; it has to be!

  19. #1519
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    I've seen people comment that Varys can teleport around now.... I looked at the map. Mereen and Dorne are both in the south, Mereen is to the East. Why is it so unlikely that Danearys and company would leave Mereen with Greyjoy and company, and then stop off at Dorne, pick up the Dornish and that Varys would jump on the boat then, and that the fleet was actually leaving Dorne and heading to Westeros in that shot?

    The only thing I'm unsure of is why they redacted part of the reveal about Jon's parents. Ok, so now we know conclusively who the mother is, and while I guess we'd just assume that Rhaegar is the dad, then why didn't they just say it? Why "bleep" that part out? Can anyone here read lips (it was removed from the closed captioning too).

    But yeah, like everyone is saying, that might have been the best episode ever. Holy shit. I wonder how big the budget has been for these last two episodes? Huge 2 hour long Hollywood blockbusters that pull off anything close to that scope cost around 200 million dollars.

  20. #1520
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    The only thing I'm unsure of is why they redacted part of the reveal about Jon's parents. Ok, so now we know conclusively who the mother is, and while I guess we'd just assume that Rhaegar is the dad, then why didn't they just say it? Why "bleep" that part out? Can anyone here read lips (it was removed from the closed captioning too).
    Yeah that was pretty lame that they didn't just come out and say it, why reveal one and not the other? Doesn't really matter though, Rhaegar all the way. The last 2 episodes were so insanely good. Watched Battle of the Bastards again before the finale, gonna watch this one again tonight. Next year can't get here soon enough! I've given up any hope of having the next book anytime soon.

  21. #1521
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    @kleiner352 Cersei's a great villain that I can't wait to see get what's coming to her. All of her children have died because of her desire for power. Did you see Jamie's face? Even he knows how bad this is.

    Did anyone else get a Dune-ish "And how can this be? He IS the Kwisatz Haderach!" vibe during the Snow reveal?
    Last edited by Swykk; 06-27-2016 at 07:39 AM.

  22. #1522
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    Yeah that was pretty lame that they didn't just come out and say it, why reveal one and not the other? Doesn't really matter though, Rhaegar all the way..
    Unless it's not Rhaegar, and this is a total curveball. George RR loves this shit. He made that fan theory seem pretty obvious right? It was guessed a long time ago.

    Martin is all about the red herring... I mean, look at this Black Fish character? Black Fish? Red Herring? A character that seems to be really important and powerful and is going to be a big deal in the larger story, but whoops, he'd dead and never mind.

    And Rickon... who names his dire wolf "shaggy dog." That's a reference to a type of story that seems to go on and on and ultimately goes nowhere

    That's two... I'm sure there's dozens of hidden jokes he's planted in this thing for himself.

  23. #1523
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    That's true, it's possible, but I don't think it's the case. Anything's possible with Martin.

  24. #1524
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    Now that was some serious television right there.

    The lone nitpick for me is still the aftershocks of the battle of the bastards, in building Ramsey up into this amazing military strategist who was absolutely grinding Jon's forces to meat until the timely arrival of the unplanned Knights of the Vale - this diminishes Jon significantly. Jon didn't win a battle of equals. He was beaten on every level by Ramsey, but got lucky that Sansa had a trick of her own.

    As a result his elevation to "King in the North" seems forced and unearned.

    Lady Mormont continues to be awesome though.

    King's Landing was incredible start to finish, I was expecting a scene where Tommen or Jaime asks Cersi "what have you done..." alas - there will be time for that.

    All that being said - Amazing episode.


    Thoughts going forward - since book one it seemed like the path was set on some coalition of the seven kingdoms putting house Lannister to the sword, with Dany and her dragons playing a big role in that destruction.

    Now I'm not so sure, I can see a thread where it makes more sense for Dany's forces to be re-routed to face the Night King and most of the action is focused there, meanwhile King's Landing slowly tears itself apart - both the books and the show have gone into some detail on how precarious their position is: they are in heavy debt to the iron bank, their strongest allies are dead or have been turned against them, winter is now here and I wonder about their food situation. Wildfire and the Mountain can only carry Cersi so far...


    I also wonder if the show never dove into Lady Stoneheart, because that will be Arya's plot-line going forward, which seems to be off to a strong start.

  25. #1525
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Unless it's not Rhaegar, and this is a total curveball. George RR loves this shit. He made that fan theory seem pretty obvious right? It was guessed a long time ago.

    Martin is all about the red herring... I mean, look at this Black Fish character? Black Fish? Red Herring? A character that seems to be really important and powerful and is going to be a big deal in the larger story, but whoops, he'd dead and never mind.
    Do we know that Martin had anything to do with this part of the show?

    Amazing final two episodes to the season.

  26. #1526
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    Two killer episodes in a row. Hell, its been a killer season. Any concerns I had of them not going by the books have been dissuaded.

    One thing, though: I don't think they showed Margery Spoiler: blowing up. Could she possibly have survived? Doubt it, but she was one of the more interesting characters to me and I thought she had another turn to play. Oh well.
    Last edited by Millionaire; 06-27-2016 at 11:18 AM.

  27. #1527
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    ^ I don't think so, the High Sparrow's goons weren't letting anyone leave as far as I could tell.

  28. #1528
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    Whoever did Little Finger's hair this episode needs to be fired.

  29. #1529
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Do we know that Martin had anything to do with this part of the show?

    Amazing final two episodes to the season.
    Not directly anymore, but as a contractual condition upon starting the show, the creators had Martin make an outline detailing where the major events would go and how things would more or less turn out.

  30. #1530
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    Quote Originally Posted by Millionaire View Post
    Two killer episodes in a row. Hell, its been a killer season. Any concerns I had of them not going by the books have been dissuaded.

    One thing, though: I don't think they showed Margery Spoiler: blowing up. Could she possibly have survived? Doubt it, but she was one of the more interesting characters to me and I thought she had another turn to play. Oh well.
    They showed her looking at the High Sparrow when he blows up, and the next shot is of the entire crowd around him being engulfed, followed by an exterior shot of the whole place blowing up.

    I don't recall actually seeing her body go up, but....I mean, even in the "you didn't actually witness them die" world of GoT twists, there's just no fucking way anyone standing in that hall survived.

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