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Thread: Game of Thrones - Spoilers

  1. #2041
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    Since it's our last chance at making predictions (and mine are almost always wrong, which I like): Jon kills Dany because she's gone mad and because Ned once told his kids that when you render a death sentence, you need to execute it yourself ( that was in S01E01 I think). Tyrion gets the Throne because he's the best person for the job and because Jon doesn't want it and anyway, he would be a bad leader. He was the Lord Commander of the Night Watch and he managed to get himself killed by his own men, after all. Ser Davos is Tyrion's Hand.

    I said earlier that GoT is going to be the new Lost since we'll be left with more questions than answers. I predict that GoT is going to end the same way Lost did; if you remember, the last scenes of Lost were of Jack Shepard, mirroring the first scenes of the show. So the last scenes of GoT are going of someone North of the Wall finding dead people arranged in the manners of the White Walkers (because I don't believe they are gone). Preferably, the finders would be Tormund and Ghost because I want to see them one last time.

  2. #2042
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    Dam, that last paragraph... Das gooood. I was thinking the same thing about the walkers. But you had to bring up that mirroring scene from Lost with Jack; made me cry so hard.

  3. #2043
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    I saw Lost's series finale once, when it aired. I haven't been able to watch it again because I still cry a river just thinking about it. Jack watching the plane fly over him and the dog lying next to him... I just can't.

  4. #2044
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    its grand finale day. just got home from avengers waiting for GoT

  5. #2045
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    All complaints aside, there's no denying that this show has been a hell of a ride. Hard to believe this is the last new episode.

  6. #2046
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    Goddamn it, Drogon; Gandalf's sword was in there!

  7. #2047
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    Sorry about the double post but I have a case of the feels.

    I'm sure I'll find a lot to whine about tomorrow but overall, I'm satisfied with that ending. I did not see that coming though.

    Can we have a spin off about the meetings of the High Coucil?

  8. #2048
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    I'm pretty satisfied. Surely ending this show is an uneviably difficult task. This tied things up as well as anyone could expect.

    I will say that the first half of this episode had me furious with Jon, but ultimately super happy that the writers didn't plot armor Dany until the very end, for bullshit reasons. This was the most intelligent way for things to go.

    I wonder: how much money was lost for bets, with Bran as king

  9. #2049
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    This was the best episode from a rushed season. I believe it to be the weakest season.

    I am completely fine with how things ended, but holy fuck, the internet blows.

  10. #2050
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    Someone explain to me what jurisdiction Greyworm has over ANYTHING now that his Queen is dead? He's got an army... big deal.

    Bran was just elected King and has to agree to his terms? gtfo

  11. #2051
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    I don't know what to think right now. Gonna have to sit on it for a bit. Jon going back to the watch just feels like the dumbest thing ever. Everything else is ok. Don't think i even mind King Bran as shocking as it is.

    Off to read the books and hope Martin lives long enough to finish them.

  12. #2052
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    Jon didn't go back to the watch. He "went back to the watch." There is no watch. He went to live with the wildlings.

    Bran being king I think is one of the only desirable out omes no one saw coming

  13. #2053
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    But he's still banished. But Yeah, I guess he's just a wildling now.

  14. #2054
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    The way thwy handled him in general was the only thing I didn't like though. Like he was still beyond stupid and slow seeming

  15. #2055
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    That sucked. I felt no suspense around Dany dying, it felt like going through the motions rather than anything with any heft.

    And Bran is king? Why do they all believe in this three eyed raven stuff anyways?

    John killing Dany didn't feel well executed, and everything else felt tacked on.

    This season kinda sucked, for me at least anyways. Still not signing the petition though.

  16. #2056
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    Wasnt the best season but it kept me entertained. I enjoyed it.

  17. #2057
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    perhaps the most innteresting thing about it is how unremarkable it is. Everything that happens is so reasonable as to be unexpected, for a show that won it's audiences on twists and surprises.

    The episode is even set up in a way that leads it's audience to believe that the lead, infuraitingly, won't do the one reasonable thing he should do, and we've spent all week assuming some other thing would have to happen. And from there, everything is unnervingly fine. It isn't even exactly clean! Just fine, and in Westerns things usually aren't

    I especially appreciated Arya's send off, and in a more subtle way, I appreciate the notion that the unsullied, finally found true freedom. The whole thing was quite fine.

    The only thing that I really hated about it was the cheese ball "in the end one of the characters writes the book you are reading" thing, which should be banned under the Geneva convention. GoT is at least the second show this year to go with that ending, but at least didn't make it the principle element of it's conclusion.

  18. #2058
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    Got some closure from that finale. It wasn't perfect, but I'm not mad at it. The show is still 10/10 for me overall.

  19. #2059
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    Bran gotta be one of the most pointless characters I've ever seen in any series. The explanation they give for him to be special are so abstract it makes me feel the writers had no idea what to do with him at some point. If I'm not mistaken his character did not appear at all for a whole season.

    It's a shame because the "magic" part of GoT was much more interesting to me than the whole bad written soap opera thing they got going post-GRRM. Obviously, I loved the politics and the game of power of the early seasons.

    It just doesn't make sense to me that the army of the dead and the long winter were not the ultimate threat for humanity. Even if the Lannisters are evil personified.

    I was looking to know more about Night King, maybe his motivations were actually legit. Maybe he was actually running away from something even more evil and dangerous even far up North than the North (I love this theory lol).

    The Drogon scene was amazing. This show was really well done. They had the time, budget and source material to take a fantasy story to an unmeasurable high level. What we got was a sequence of anti-climatic deaths, stupid decisions and Khaleesi's new cuck Jon saying "She is my/our/the queen" about 500 times. Meh.

  20. #2060
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    The source material argument is 50/50. GRRM gave them plot points and I think that was about it. Seems like GRRM also had little to zero input on this season as well, which could explain a lot of the season.

    I just started reading the books. My main hope now, is that the future books (if ever finished) will expand on the events and give them more meaning and purpose.

    Season should never have been six episodes.

  21. #2061
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    I don’t have as many complaints as most people do when it comes to this. I preferred seasons 6 and 7 to the others so that dumb horse drawing going around the Internet does nothing for me.

    —I loved Arya’s ending most of all and she was my favorite character, so I’m quite happy in regards to that.

    —I also enjoyed Sam, Brienne and Tyrion’s conclusions as well.

    —As for Sansa? She should be queen, full stop. I’m glad she at least said, “Fuck this bullshit, I’ll take my own kingdom, thank you.” I see people complaining about her inability to keep secrets but the now 6 kingdoms could’ve used some transparency. At least the North will have it.

    —Dany got the death she got because it had to be done that way. Any elaborate scheme would’ve likely failed. And I absolutely do not understand the bitching about her heel turn. It’s been coming for 8 seasons. If you did not see it, that’s kind of on you.

    —Bran, who’s done jack shit, as king is the second most bothersome thing about this ending. This sucked despite the rather clever “Electoral College” vs “real democracy” discussion that came before this idiotic decision.

    —The most annoying letdown was how light Cersei got off. She needed to die much more painfully and publicly.

    —And lastly, Jon, whose lack of ambition fucked him again, might have had the most appropriate send off. He was never happy, never wanted the throne, so he’s all too willing to go live among the wildlings. Who enforces the no wife and family policy, by the way? I have a feeling no one apart from Grey Worm cares.

  22. #2062
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    I felt like an entire season could have been devoted to Stalin-Dany.

    And hopefully the books will do that for me... otherwise Bravo, and for the first half, I thought it was one of the best episodes ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    The only thing that I really hated about it was the cheese ball "in the end one of the characters writes the book you are reading" thing, which should be banned under the Geneva convention. GoT is at least the second show this year to go with that ending, but at least didn't make it the principle element of it's conclusion.
    Yes yes, this, CHRIST, this.... also, upon review, now we have to picture GRRM during that uncomfortable sex scene w/ Gilly, lying on his back, going "oh Yesssssssmrrrrrr"
    Last edited by Jinsai; 05-20-2019 at 11:43 AM.

  23. #2063
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    Ser Brienne ending up being Commander of the Kingsguard was so right. She killed me when she wrote that Jamie died protecting his queen. It speaks volumes about her. Also: Ser Podrick. Spoiler: Isn't Podrick dead in the books?

    Drogon acknowledging Jon as a Targaryen twice was fabulous. If Dany hasn't been so far gone in her madness, she would have recognized that her dragons knew Jon was telling the truth. I wonder where he did bring her body?

    Dany saying that she had always imagined the Iron Throne a a huge thing was a nice Easter Egg for those who have read the books.

    My man Tyrion having a real chance at living a fulfilling life and even a chance at happiness is so great. I still want a spin-off series about that small Coucil. And one about Arya's adventures.

    "Sit down, uncle."

    But I also realize that both House Targaryen and House Stark were going extinct, since Jon is the last Targaryen and is forbidden to marry (so no legitimate descendents) and Bran, the last male Stark, can't have children. Maybe Queen Sansa will find a way around that?

    I'm still pleased about how it ended. But it's not really the end since there's still two unpublished books in the series.

    And Jon petted Ghost, telling him what a good boy he was so everything is alright with the world.

  24. #2064
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post

    —The most annoying letdown was how light Cersei got off. She needed to die much more painfully and publicly.
    This is one thing I'm also disappointed with. However, I do not fault the show writers too much for deciding not to go that route. The amount of backlash they would have received had they given Cersei a death at least comparable to some of the more gruesome ones we've seen in the series would have been pretty significant as well. You unfortunately can't get away with say, for instance, crushing Cersei's head like they did Oberyn's, not in the current culture. This was a damned if you do, damned if you don't instance really.

    I think the fact that Jaime went back to comfort her is what irks me most. It felt like the show was leading us to the point where he would have been the one to kill his sister. Though instead he died in her arms? Ick.
    Last edited by Bachy; 05-20-2019 at 01:54 PM.

  25. #2065
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    On the post GRRM era, isn't that almost exactly when the shows ysogyny tampers down and it's fixation with rape and torture ends?

  26. #2066
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    Its feminist agenda became much clearer, yes.

  27. #2067
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    Wow that response speaks volumes about you dude.

  28. #2068
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    On the post GRRM era, isn't that almost exactly when the shows ysogyny tampers down and it's fixation with rape and torture ends?
    Maybe. But they did have Sansa claim to not want to change anything about being raped and tortured by madman. The trope of the a strong female who only got stronger by being raped is rape culture bullshit. It’s my biggest complaint about the final episodes.

  29. #2069
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    Winterfell going independent isn't too surprising. If Ned had survived, I'm pretty sure he would've wanted that too. Sansa in a way is honoring that and sharing that same belief. My issue is how easy it went down and how everyone was so cool about losing a kingdom.

  30. #2070
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    Maybe. But they did have Sansa claim to not want to change anything about being raped and tortured by madman. The trope of the a strong female who only got stronger by being raped is rape culture bullshit. It’s my biggest complaint about the final episodes.
    Yeah absolutely, I'm not claiming that it disappeared, just that it subsided. Even the ending sees a lot more dicks at the table than I think anyone would have bet money on

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