So I have a music blog that I updated a couple times a week with reviews and such. In January I started my Year of the 70s project where I'm running through P4k's Top 100 albums of that decade in an effort to better acquaint myself with older music. It's gradually spilled over to 60s stuff too, since of course the previous decade informed a lot of what was to come. I started my Bob Dylan project in June, where I take one week to listen to each of his albums (he's got so many, I'm up to 1974 right now and haven't even listened to the Witmark Demos or the Basement Tapes yet, omg). It's going splendidly.

I thought about doing a Year of the 80s next year but it's too much new music to keep up with, so I'm putting that off till probably 2015. But I still want to do some interesting things and I need your help!

Right now I'm thinking about an ongoing project for 2014 where I listen to one album every day over the course of the whole year, just because I've never really done that before, even with stuff I love. I want to see how my perceptions of it change, what new insight I can get from it six months down the line, seven months, eight. I'd like it to be an album that I've never listened to before, one that is really historic and groundbreaking and still has a following after a long time. Maybe one that changed the rules, or created a new genre. Bonus points if it has books and articles dissecting it or films inspired by it.

It can be anything - popular and obvious or completely unknown. I just want it to be enough to engage me through 365 playthroughs.

Any other ideas about projects, feel free to suggest them. I'd like to try getting into metal and country (omg if you have a suggestion that combines both), just because they're two genres I'm generally meh about and want to at least be well educated if I'm going to reject them.

Thanks for your input, ETSers.