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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #361
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    Re: How fucked was your day?

    My laptop has begun crapping out of me. I could probably reformat, but I don't know if it's really worth the trouble. Think its a virus that none of my anti viruses can do anything about. So now I consider coughing up the cash for a windows disc or just sucking it up until my tax return and buy a new laptop. Considering the latter. Gonna still ask around to see if someone has a disc for me to borrow in the meantime though.

    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    So it's come out that my father used to rape my mother. BONZA!
    Wow... They aren't still together, are they...?

  2. #362
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    So it's come out that my father used to rape my mother. BONZA!
    That is dreadful. I don't really know what else to say, except that it is good she has you as a loving daughter.

  3. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    So it's come out that my father used to rape my mother. BONZA!
    Family time bombs are the worst; my heart goes out to your mother and to you.

  4. #364
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    My god.

  5. #365
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    took the dog down to the vet and they tell me that this giant growth on his gum (which is swallowing up his tooth) might be a tumor?!?! But bring him back in 3 days if it isn't gone, and then they'll do a biopsy and tell me if it's cancer.

    My dog is 2 years old. Fuck that. You tell me now what it is. I'm bringing him back tomorrow and if they don't have a better answer I'm taking him somewhere else.

  6. #366
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    So...I've basically been fired from my job. They aren't going to renew my contract for the next academic year, meaning my last day is Aug 31st. This sucks.

  7. #367
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    Just found out that one of my best friends growing up has stage IV colon 26.

  8. #368
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    So it all started back in 2009 when i quit doing drugs (ie. snorting heroin, coke, popping pills etc). I had to cut all of my druggies 'friends' out of my life. It was part of my self-imposed detox/get-my-fucking-life-together program. The 4 major people that are involved are Jake, TJ, Raf (short for Raphael) and Jake's mom, Mrs. T (short for Thompson). I kept NO contact with these people from march-april of '09 until last summer, when i got a phone call from TJ that Jake had died in his sleep. Come to find out it was suicide. He couldnt keep the drug thing going, and felt he didnt have the willpower to quit. That is something im still coping with and getting better about, but not the issue. I went to the funeral, at the request of Mrs. T, and had a nostalgic time talking with all of 'the boys,' TJ and Raph included. They were all still junkies. A month goes by (we're in august of 2012 now) and i get a frantic phone call from Mrs. T telling me that 'the boys' are in her basement (they hung out there, even longer story) and despite her requests, they were shooting up. She didn't have the heart to call the cops, but I did. They all got time for possession and shit. TJ pleaded out, ratted their dealer and got out early. He is now almost 150 days clean, and making something of himself, out of state. About a month ago, Raf gets out, and starts running his fucking mouth, sayin he is gonna kick my ass if he sees me (ive got 10 inches and about 100lbs on the guy) so i go to where he is staying to clear any shit and resolve it like adults. I arrive, Raf is coked out, and attacks me. Needless to say, i walk out rather unscathed.

    Fast forward to tonight. He has been calling me, leaving me voicemails and texting me, threatening not only me, but my family. Cops are being shitheads and saying shit like "if it persists, then we can take action." I dont wanna hafta teach the motherfucker a lesson again, but i might have to. i do not like being violent, but i dont like my family being brought into this, either.

    Lesson of the day: dont involve yourself with Junkies.

  9. #369
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    A good friend of mine is going to die of cancer soon. He's probably the only person I have ever met that I felt like I could actually speak my real mind to who understood what the fuck I was saying and just took it for what it was without judgment.

  10. #370
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    I was on a weekend break in Dublin on friday and after a brilliant night, was pickpocketed for my 2 week old iphone 5 that I saved for months to buy. At the end of the day a phone is a phone and thankfully no harm was done to anyone, but damnit I am pissed.

    Especially seeing as the bank can't guarantee an iphone 5 replacement.

  11. #371
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    A good friend of mine is going to die of cancer soon. He's probably the only person I have ever met that I felt like I could actually speak my real mind to who understood what the fuck I was saying and just took it for what it was without judgment.
    I'm so sorry! Cancer comes with so much bad for so many good and important people in our lives. My best thoughts to you and your friend.

  12. #372
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    A good friend of mine is going to die of cancer soon. He's probably the only person I have ever met that I felt like I could actually speak my real mind to who understood what the fuck I was saying and just took it for what it was without judgment.
    Oh man, that's terrible. Spend as much time as you can with him!

  13. #373
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    I hate to be "that guy" who brings this thread back to the first page of the SYM section, but whatever.

    My bipolar ex has been trying to get a hold of me through various phone numbers I haven't blocked (since her's is), but I've managed to not make a big deal out of it since this happens once every couple months or so and it hasn't been much hassle for me to simply tell her to move on (without engaging her emotionally) or ignore her altogether.

    One of my closest friends went on a sort-of date with her last Thursday, which was purely platonic (or so he says). He was supposed to leave Wednesday for a road trip to see family, but made plans with her at the last minute to take her to dinner and wound up spending the rest of the day with her. I only found out about this yesterday after he posted a slew of statuses on Facebook contemplating suicide -- she had turned him down completely after he told her that he fell in love with her that same day (like, "let's get married, have kids and pay a mortgage together" love).

    I'm unsure what to think. In her case, I wouldn't put it past her to try and lead him on to pit me in another one of her mind-games since I've managed to move on and not be bothered by her for the past year. However, using him is just an INCREDIBLY shitty thing to do considering the condition he's in (he was diagnosed with SLE two years ago, losing well over 100lbs since then and nearly died last year before being induced into a coma; his kidneys are in very poor health and needs dialysis on a weekly basis). The last thing he needs is emotional torment of any sort.

    In his case, he is just really terrible with women. He's the typical friendzone-hater that is extremely clingy and co-dependant. I mostly try and help him focus on himself as to maybe increase his luck, but he's been stubborn in that area and I kind of suck at negative reinforcement. As a matter of fact, he had only met her through me after he offered to have us stay a night with him out of town which ended up being an entire weekend wherein he contemplated to her details about his personal life that should be reserved for close friends or even therapists. He spent literally no time apart from us except for restroom breaks and sleep.

    Needless to say, I'm pretty pissed at both of them. I'm just wondering if I need to cut him out of my life as well since I have enough baggage that 23yo's shouldn't be dealing with in the first place.

  14. #374
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    My iPod of seven years finally stopped working.

    We've been through a lot old buddy.

  15. #375
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    Grandma's been diagnosed with early onset dementia.

  16. #376
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    ^^ Oh, god, not good.

  17. #377
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Grandma's been diagnosed with early onset dementia.

    My maternal grandmother had that. She did eventually die of it (because the symptoms made her anorexic) but she had a good couple of decades of sweet old granny left in her first!

  18. #378
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    Yeah, it's early yet, she can just be a bit forgetful- and embarrassed when she asks something she asked 10 minutes ago- but so far not too bad. Doesn't help, though, that her doctor freaked out and had her driver's license yanked.

  19. #379
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    How fucked was your day?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Grandma's been diagnosed with early onset dementia.
    Grandma and early onset don't compute. Regardless, hang in there.

  20. #380
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    How fucked was your day?

    There are lots of forms of dementia.

    My stepmother was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's in her mid-40s.

    She died from it at 62.

    It's hereditary.

    My half-brother is freaked out.

    Dementia doesn't bother the person who has it; it devastates families.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-05-2013 at 11:22 PM.

  21. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Grandma and early onset don't compute. Regardless, hang in there.
    Whatever you want to call it, but thank you.

  22. #382
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    How fucked was your day?

    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    There are lots of forms of dementia.

    My stepmother was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's in her mid-40s.

    She died from it at 62.

    It's hereditary.

    My half-brother is freaked out.

    Dementia doesn't bother the person who has it; it devastates families.
    40's - that's what I call early!

    Both sides of my family have had Alzheimer's. it scared the shit out of me until I read this novel.

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Grandma's been diagnosed with early onset dementia.
    My grandmother (who is in her 90's) has dementia. She's still very much herself but her short term memory is shot. She'll call my mother like 30+ times a day and things like that thinking that nobody is visiting her or forgetting why she's calling, maybe. I don't know. Dementia sucks, I'm sorry, dude.

  24. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Grandma's been diagnosed with early onset dementia.
    I'm very sorry, Fixer. Hang in there and try to enjoy and cherish all the moments you spend with her; they will bring you great comfort later on. Especially the little things.

    I'll keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

  25. #385
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    Thanks guys. It's early yet, so I'll have to try to find time to pop home for the weekend every now and then (it's a 2.5-3.5hr ferry ride each way).

  26. #386
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    Yes cherish her while she's here.

  27. #387
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    Ended up in ER tonight for intense abdomen/stomach pain. I had never felt a pain like it before. Had my roommate take me. They couldn't figure out exactly what was wrong but there's a chance it could be a gallstone complication or something with my liver. But for now I've been instructed not to drink or take advil or similar until I can visit my regular doctor and have them take a look. I'd gladly give up those to never feel a pain like that again. It happened last night too but went away quickly. I really hope I don't feel it again today.

  28. #388
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    Yesterday landlord calls to tell me they need to move into my place in July. Now today, my car won't pass state inspection (needs major frame/bodywork). So basically I need a new car and a place to live.

  29. #389
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    Grr this week off has been crap, after migriane and fuzzy head on Monday and Tuesday I now feel drained of energy! gah!

  30. #390
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackholesun View Post
    Ended up in ER tonight for intense abdomen/stomach pain. I had never felt a pain like it before. Had my roommate take me. They couldn't figure out exactly what was wrong but there's a chance it could be a gallstone complication or something with my liver. But for now I've been instructed not to drink or take advil or similar until I can visit my regular doctor and have them take a look. I'd gladly give up those to never feel a pain like that again. It happened last night too but went away quickly. I really hope I don't feel it again today.
    Find out what that is and don't just hope the pain away.

    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Yesterday landlord calls to tell me they need to move into my place in July. Now today, my car won't pass state inspection (needs major frame/bodywork). So basically I need a new car and a place to live.
    Kick you while you're down - dam you base god.

    Grumble grumble - fucked, but nothing I can't fix with just a swift kick in the ass.

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