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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #31
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    My soon to be x wants the cat out of our house. I can't have cats at my apartment.

  2. #32
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    Cats are easy to have without a landlord or management company knowing. Sneak in kitty.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by sublimaze View Post
    Hope he's ok, anita.

    Hula, I'm so sorry. Pets are furry children.
    Thanks. He's at the animal hospital until Monday. He had a urethral blockage. They had to sedate and catheterize him. I feel bad because he's in a kennel. He usually sleeps in my bed or my roommate's bed. Le sigh.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Cats are easy to have without a landlord or management company knowing. Sneak in kitty.
    Unfortunately, I travel a lot so alone kitty is a dead kitty. I just know why you'd separate the cat from the dog. They might be different species, but they do keep each other company. I think they'd miss each other.

  5. #35
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    Oh, they would miss each other, absolutely. My Sammy (cat) and Cookie (dog) are best friends. They both came from the same house to our house, but Cookie lived with us at least a year before we brought Sammy over, and they definitely missed each other, it was so sweet when they were reunited.

    And your cat will definitely be lonely without a friend.

    Does your ex hate the cat or is he just being a dick to fuck with you?

    Anita: i've had a few male cats with that same urethral blockage, I hope he gets better soon.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-05-2012 at 08:46 PM.

  6. #36
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    My great grandma died today (at the ripe old age of 102). We weren't close or anything (she was always nice, although a bit senile / at a younger age, I think I was afraid of her glass eye), but besides feeling a bit sad, it's also one of those moments that abruptly reminds you that life is finite and I'm finding myself being pulled toward a re-evaluation of how I've lived so far.

  7. #37
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    I did that when my granny died. Things are so much brighter on the other side

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Oh, they would miss each other, absolutely. My Sammy (cat) and Cookie (dog) are best friends. They both came from the same house to our house, but Cookie lived with us at least a year before we brought Sammy over, and they definitely missed each other, it was so sweet when they were reunited.

    And your cat will definitely be lonely without a friend.

    Does your ex hate the cat or is he just being a dick to fuck with you?
    I'm going to go with the he's bing a dick to fuck with me. He's in the emotional stage. He think the cat pisses in the cellar, but has never been able to find the evidence. I think it's his stinky ice hockey equipment, but who am I?

    The animals are staying together. I would love to have that cat. Henry is wicked cool cat, but I don't have the support near me to take care of him while I travel.

  9. #39
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    you're certain the ex isn't going to do something bad to Henry?

    edit: I make G keep his stinky ice hockey equipment in the GARAGE, ew, yuck.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-08-2012 at 11:35 AM.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    you're certain the ex isn't going to do something bad to Henry?
    Interesting question. My immediate answer would be no. He's nice to a fault, but this relationship breaking thing really brings out the most unlikely behavior in everyone. Worst case, Henry's an indoor cat and he sneaks out and doesn't get chased. I think he's conscious would get the best of him, but like I said - strong feelings get you to do things no one would ever expect you to do. I wish a cat could talk. "Henry honey, where do you want to live? Stay with the dog and in this big house or come with Dra and go about your usual behavior of trying to trip her in the morning to get her to feed you?"

    Yeah, I have this thing for ginger animals

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torgo View Post
    My great grandma died today (at the ripe old age of 102). We weren't close or anything (she was always nice, although a bit senile / at a younger age, I think I was afraid of her glass eye), but besides feeling a bit sad, it's also one of those moments that abruptly reminds you that life is finite and I'm finding myself being pulled toward a re-evaluation of how I've lived so far.
    From what I've gleaned, you've done pretty good! Condolences nonetheless.

  12. #42
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    My boss is going all fucking out on me. The last couple months she's begun to get passive aggressive with me, and when it's not passive I get blamed for doing things I was told to do directly by her. We share work, she has a bit of extra accounting on the side on day of the week- and yet everything but only a couple odd things get done by me now. She actually passed on all the daily tasks to me one by one by not telling me to do them, but getting angry at me about not doing them. So every time I pass her office, she's either on her company iPhone or on Facebook while I've got so much stuff to do I probably can't finish it in the day. So while I'm busy doing everything, she's constantly messaging me about low-priority things that haven't been done yet- she knows I'm busy and she knows she could do them in the time it takes for her to tell me this. She's been sabotaging my work- telling me specifically to do something, I do it, and then she redoes it a different way. A couple days ago, she was purposely messing up large amounts of things I was printing by changing the database in the middle of it. I asked her to stop, she said she did, then two minutes later it's fucked up again.... wasting company money. While she knows I'm very busy, she comes up to me about something that supposedly was told to us in an email she just looked at from the other day.... what? She tried telling me what I was doing was wrong because of something that didn't actually happen... then when I located what she was actually talking about (no issue in any way) she just laughs it off because all she was doing was trying to waste my time and stress me out. Because I'm not getting any help I have to constantly tell clients this week "Sorry, I don't think I can get that done for you today" when it should be no issue at all to get things to them within the hour and therefor I get shit from them on top of it. I went to hyperventilate in the bathroom yesterday. The problem is all of this is passive aggressive little things that can barely be proven, and I work in such a small company she's either fired or I leave- there can't be any fixing the issue.
    Last edited by Tea; 02-09-2012 at 11:32 AM.

  13. #43
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    would it be hard to get a different job? Cause it sounds like the one you're at is fucked?

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    would it be hard to get a different job? Cause it sounds like the one you're at is fucked?
    I'm looking. At this point, I'd honestly be less stressed in fucking retail again.
    Oh and I didn't mention that her desktop image is herself- to give a bit more of an idea of what I'm dealing with.

  15. #45
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    Tea, from someone who has had a passive-aggressive boss who does things that are purposefully ambiguous to the outside world but is fully intended to harass you in such a way that he/she can get away with it-I can sympathize. Though it sounds like you have it much worse than I did. I'm really sorry to hear you're going through all that. Working at a job you hate or is causing you an enormous amount of stress really, really sucks. I've been there, too. There are a lot of jobs that aren't much fun, but they're jobs and you get through them ok. Then there are places where it gets so awful that you wake up every morning dreading going to work, or spend your nights and weekends with it still hanging out in the back of your mind. I hope you find something else soon and can get the hell out of there. In the meantime, hang in there!

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    I'm looking. At this point, I'd honestly be less stressed in fucking retail again.
    Oh and I didn't mention that her desktop image is herself- to give a bit more of an idea of what I'm dealing with.
    Sounds like she feels threatened by you. And she's a middle school mean girl. I agree, get out. No one should have to suffer like that.

    Not that this is good advice, but getting passive aggressive back might make you feel better. Such as "Boss, I wasn't able to take care of that client because you have me doing XYZ" The saddest thing is that someone who has people reporting to them should understand that the people that work for them and their success is a reflection on their management and leadership. By sabotaging you, she's making herself look bad. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work because PEOPLE ARE STUPID.
    If only someone was asking you.

    I just spent the morning surveying three different people in my company on how they handle a particular process. All do it differently, now I have to figure out what's the best way for me. Gah. This thing, I just want to be handed the instructions and do it, but noooo, I have to think about the best way for my situation and I don't think it's what my boss is going to agree with.
    Last edited by Dra508; 02-09-2012 at 01:45 PM.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    Tea, from someone who has had a passive-aggressive boss who does things that are purposefully ambiguous to the outside world but is fully intended to harass you in such a way that he/she can get away with it-I can sympathize. Though it sounds like you have it much worse than I did. I'm really sorry to hear you're going through all that. Working at a job you hate or is causing you an enormous amount of stress really, really sucks. I've been there, too. There are a lot of jobs that aren't much fun, but they're jobs and you get through them ok. Then there are places where it gets so awful that you wake up every morning dreading going to work, or spend your nights and weekends with it still hanging out in the back of your mind. I hope you find something else soon and can get the hell out of there. In the meantime, hang in there!
    Thanks for feelin' the pain with me. This job was originally smooth sailing, couldn't have been better- go in at noon, deal with a couple requests, learn about new music, work casually on my massive spreadsheet, be able to surf the web; before I had that spreadsheet, I was even told by the company owner that I am completely fine playing video games when I have no immediate work! Gosh, I wish I could actually have time to open that spreadsheet these days. And this is the quiet-season of music events, most concerts we're getting at the moment are like four months down the road, which means everything is just going to get MUCH worse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Sounds like she feels threatened by you. And she's a middle school mean girl. I agree, get out. No one should have to suffer like that.

    Not that this is good advice, but getting passive aggressive back might make you feel better. Such as "Boss, I wasn't able to take care of that client because you have me doing XYZ" The saddest thing is that someone who has people reporting to them should understand that the people that work for them and their success is a reflection on their management and leadership. By sabotaging you, she's making herself look bad. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work because PEOPLE ARE STUPID.
    If only someone was asking you.

    I just spent the morning surveying three different people in my company on how they handle a particular process. All do it differently, now I have to figure out what's the best way for me. Gah. This thing, I just want to be handed the instructions and do it, but noooo, I have to think about the best way for my situation and I don't think it's what my boss is going to agree with.
    Yeah, I've come to that conclusion as well. Here's the situation- my company is owned/part of another which is also very small. It's been years since they've been "working" on getting a new version out. This isn't just about a new design, it's about making bigger music promoters be able to do a hell of a lot more and therefore want to use our service instead of just getting the smaller indie gigs. I was hired to let my boss have time to work on this new version- but if higher up isn't working on it, she has nothing to do on it. Lately if feels like the possibility of anything happening to it has died due to several factors- so we now have two people to work on the job she was doing fine on her own. But, I've proved myself to be far more tech savvy, and I have graphic skills to boot (which are being utilized). She definitely feels threatened. But, I've done everything in my power to not let her feel that way- I'm very obedient to her requests, I've said repeatedly I don't want more than a part time job (not true, but I don't want to take her job from her) and I'm just super nice in general to her and don't ever ever suck up to the higher up powers.

    I've actually confronted her about several things on the side like that and if anything, it's making it worse. If I say something, she just contradicts her past-self for that special moment to argue against me. She's said things like "well I tried helping you with that" What? How on earth did you try helping? Did you psychically have a conversation with my subconscious and my subconscious told you that it's okay, I'll do all the work? She's just fucking with me about EVERYTHING. No honesty or pity will shine through. This was a conversation we had yesterday- she messages me with "oh i'm so BORED today!" I tell her I could use help if she's not busy and her response was "you can get it done just fine "

    I do want to talk to the company owner. Not to tattle on her to make her behave because our work relationship is far too intertwined (and she's totally the type to poison your food), but to tell him what he's going to be dealing with when I find a new job. He's a super nice guy, and I feel bad for him if she's bringing down his company.

  18. #48
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    Tea: Keep copies of e-mail exchanges like that. Write down conversations that the two of you have. Keep a log of all the work you do each day. Document, document, document.

  19. #49
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    ^^^ Yes! And then you'll have proof when you tell the owner (which you should do).

  20. #50
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    I got tons of downvotes on reddit. =(

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    From what I've gleaned, you've done pretty good! Condolences nonetheless.
    Thanks Fixer808! You always brighten my day!

  22. #52
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    So I got mugged by these two fucking punks. Fuck, I'm such a pussy. I'm still shocked over it, it still hasn't settled in.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by RocketScience View Post
    So I got mugged by these two fucking punks. Fuck, I'm such a pussy. I'm still shocked over it, it still hasn't settled in.
    Not a pussy...a victim. Glad you're OK. It may help to remind yourself of that: you're OK!! Sorry this happened.

  24. #54
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    I do realize this isn't the movies, I can't really go all badass on these fuckers and emerge victorious and shit. I'm still bewildered, was there anything I could've done differently? Something so that I wouldn't have to be a victim. I feel really anxious walking around outside today, I hope this won't last and put me in PTSD mode. Maybe if I had acted differently I wouldn't have to feel this way. Shit, 16 hours later and it still hasnt' settled in.

    Edit: I hope everyone here doesn't mind me venting my shit like this. Y'all seem like smart folk, I think this is a pretty good place to get off of shit.
    Last edited by RocketScience; 02-16-2012 at 05:29 AM.

  25. #55
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    Tea, I was in this exact same situation- an office of around 5 and a boss who was absolute poison. All that happened was that 3 out of the 5 people quit at the same time. Myself included. If you're in a situation in which you're completely vilified, ostracised and treated horribly, sometimes the only way to win is by quitting. You might feel like it's the principle of the thing, or that you don't want to give her the satisfaction, but the truth is that the good people move on to newer pastures, it's the bad apples who are left behind, complaining and whining and wallowing in their own shit.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by RocketScience View Post
    I do realize this isn't the movies, I can't really go all badass on these fuckers and emerge victorious and shit. I'm still bewildered, was there anything I could've done differently? Something so that I wouldn't have to be a victim. I feel really anxious walking around outside today, I hope this won't last and put me in PTSD mode. Maybe if I had acted differently I wouldn't have to feel this way. Shit, 16 hours later and it still hasnt' settled in.

    Edit: I hope everyone here doesn't mind me venting my shit like this. Y'all seem like smart folk, I think this is a pretty good place to get off of shit.
    Of course we don't mind! That is a terrible thing that happened to you, and it wasn't your fault, even if we always think what we could have done differently. It would be only natural to feel bad after this happening. You might want to talk to a counselor. I probably would if it happened to me.

  27. #57
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    Someone my wife knows was recently mugged at a mall. I was like "the mall"??? But it was more like a group of kids who look like your average everyday mallrats followed her friend all the way to the garage and then jumped her there. This stuff happens and you can be sure you'll ask yourself a MILLION times what you could have done differently but really there may be little you could have done. Don't beat yourself up, just be safe and know not everyone is going to be out to get you.

  28. #58
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    Today walking home I was feeling all angsty and frail. Suddenly I hear my name being called. I turned in fear and felt awed for a moment that a good friend from back in high school had called out to me. Instant relief and I could walk home safely.

    When I came home yesterday I immediately went out again to have a smoke. I broke down crying a bit for myself. I didn't know shit could trigger me like that, I thought I'd be more robust after which I felt incredible shame. Today I found myself looking around my shoulder quite a lot. Shit, this shit is leaving scars... everyone's a potential assailant.

    Those eyes man... fuck those eyes. Those eyes were just pure fucking evil. Today I had no thoughts of me torturing him for the mental abuse he caused or any such thing. He was merely born like that. Pure evil. Evil fucking eyes man.

    It's baffling how he decided to go after me. Upon first contact he instantly said I had messed with his sister and that he wanted to fuck me up. Can you fucking imagine that. Hostile fucking intentions, instantly. At least he let his purpose known. I just cannot see how such evil can exist. And I didn't remember this until today but further he grabbed my scarf and clenched his fist against my throat. Shit shit shit, fucking evil. All the while claiming that I had messed with his sister. I ask him to call his fucking sister and let her identify me. He starts dialing, says the cell phone won't call. I decide to call instead. I start calling and he says you're not speaking to my fucking sister. At this point all I want to show these two fuckers is that I didn't mess with anyone's goddamn fucking sister. So I just hand him the phone. Soon I will be proven innoscent. He starts talking, walks away a bit, runs away. And the funny thing is, I'm thinking "oh, they were just stealing my phone, at least I didn't mess with anyone's sister ".

    Pure fucking evil... can't bother with this looking over my shoulders.

    You guys, thanks so much for existing. No one here in Stockholm can't seem to process what I have to tell. Thanks for all your help.
    Last edited by RocketScience; 02-16-2012 at 04:06 PM.

  29. #59
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    Did you go to the police? These guys have your phone, there must be some way of tracking them.

    Best way to start feeling better is to empower yourself, tell the police, try to CATCH the criminals and make them pay society for their crime. They're not "evil" - they're common criminals, thugs. In Chicago, they shoot you or beat the shit out of you for an iPhone. My former stepdaughter's throat was slit while walking from class at school to her car downtown - for her wallet with nothing in it. (She survived.) Stockholm has a LOT less crime than Chicago, though. At least you have a good chance of catching these guys. Before they do it again to somebody else. Empower yourself, and save somebody else. You'll start to feel better a lot faster.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-16-2012 at 08:46 PM.

  30. #60
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    Bad night tonight. All started thanks to my bank fucking up again and not letting me access my funds after banking hours (both ATM and debit) for the second night in a row. I talked to them today about it and they just said sorry bank system "glitch". So of course it happens tonight when I've got $200 worth of groceries at the check-out which I had to leave there. So panic sets in because my wife needed groceries to bake my daughters birthday cupcakes for school tomorrow. We scrap up some cash and I miss the exit on the way to get it at another store. Wife is livid....were basically separated and she is so done with any love or syth b pathy for me so she jumps all over me for this. Then of course when she asks if we have cooking oil at home I guess wrong and am sent back out after that tonight. I feel like I'm having a huge breakdown in my ability to cope..even for basic shit like this. Lonely, panicked and just out of control. Almost made one of those emergency calls to my therapist but writg this rant seems to have calmed me down. No wonder my wife can't stand me.

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