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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #1981
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    I think if I just bandage it up, which I just did, it'll be fine. If I feel like there's an infection or if the wound spreads then yeah, I'll go see a doc

    And no need to be sorry, I laughed my ass off when he said that, and then it was like "what's your Ralphs member number?"

  2. #1982
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    "Dammit! I forgot my cloth bag at home too!"

    Just find some media that gives you perpetual "Butt-Head Face." It just stays motionless, somewhere between disappointment and indifference.

  3. #1983
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I think if I just bandage it up, which I just did, it'll be fine. If I feel like there's an infection or if the wound spreads then yeah, I'll go see a doc

    And no need to be sorry, I laughed my ass off when he said that, and then it was like "what's your Ralphs member number?"
    Right now I’m kinda picturing you as Travis Bickle with a giant gash on your head.

  4. #1984
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  5. #1985
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Yeah, lol, I just went to the grocery store and the checkout clerk was like "how are you doing tonight sir.... holy shit what happened to your face?!"
    It wasn't hurting earlier but now it is. Going to be hard to sleep tonight, but hey, at least I wont mutilate myself in my sleep then

    But seriously wtf... it's been like months of bullshit. There's a lot of personal stuff I don't really wanna share on a public forum, but it just feels like this is like "haha,, and now your face is fucked up"
    I'd say " I got in a fight. You ought to see the OTHER guys. :P

    Hang in there, man.
    Wounds heal.

  6. #1986
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    yeah I think I'll just have a scar, and I have a bottle of Scarguard for when it stops being a giant scab (sorry if that's a gross thing to say).... it's actually not that giant and might kinda look cool, like today, I looked and it looked like I had a second crooked eyebrow above my right eye. I can live with that

    I've got tattoos, I'm not precious, and while I never intended to get a facial tat, this sort is ok with me

    I'm ok with intensity, and I've been told my whole life that I have a very intense thing going on with my face. Well, I guess it just got amped up, and I'm cool with that. I don't work in real estate or advertising.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 09-30-2022 at 10:19 AM.

  7. #1987
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  8. #1988
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    lol, and I actually HATE Harry Potter and His Trip to Wherethefuckever, and I think JK Rowling is an awful person

    But my facial scar is gonna look a lot more hardcore

  9. #1989
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    How fucked was your day?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    <admin edit>.
    I'm also glad to hear about the lawyers. That bitch is nothing but trouble.

    Keep the animal toy and turn it into a voodoo doll.

  10. #1990
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    yeah, I mean, I like ranting on here sometimes because it feels "safer" than places like Twitter and Facebook, but.... I still have to be careful with this situation because I'm pretty easily traceable due to the music promo stuff. Which is a weird thing that kinda sucks, but there's nothing i can do about it. But I sure as shit can't have a rant like I just had (and deleted) on Facebook or something like that.

    It's one of the things I love about this site, but still, I cannot be truly anonymous on here, unless I create a secondary account, which I just realized is probably a great idea

  11. #1991
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    But I sure as shit can't have a rant like I just had (and deleted) on Facebook or something like that.
    If i may offer a suggestion, whenever you feel you're in a rage or really needing to vent you could always pretend you're on ETS or something if it helps but... instead open up notepad or a word processor that you use on your computer.

    Say everything you want to say in there, just keep typing and let it pour out. Get it all out of your system and then exit the program, don't save what you've written this way it's kept locally on your computer and it's not ending up online by impulse. It's probably even better than keeping a written journal because who knows whose hands something like that could someday fall into unless you burn it all away afterward. Just a thought to help channel that energy somewhere that won't come back to bite you in the ass, i know you said you're writing lyrics in your music and i guess you can be cryptic but with something as serious as you've said you might even have to avoid doing that unless you keep it private until this all blows over.

    Hope things start to improve for you!

  12. #1992
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    so this has been weeks of me just lying in bed, pretty much non functional. This kratom stuff has totally messed me up. There's times when my mind works, and then there's these stretches where I feel lobotomized. It's crazy, because I've had my drug days in the past where I tried pretty much everything except crack and heroin, but apparently what I'm going through is similar to heroin withdrawals, just that they go on much longer. I didn't realize I was taking what is basically an opiode every day for months, so now I've been spending every day lying in bed

  13. #1993
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    Just got back from doctor's review of MRI. Looks like i have to do major back surgery, maybe a partial fusion. @ least a few months away. It was pretty much what I expected. I had an operation 5 years ago but this one is more serious. The last one was bad enough. Now to top off the day I'm gonna go get a COVID booster & flu shot. The hits just keep on coming...

  14. #1994
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    I don't even know what day it is, or what counts as a "day" right now, but here goes.

    I guess it...yeah, it's morning, so i guess this was thursday nite, that my wife went to the bathroom to throw up like, quite literally 40 times. When she wasn't puking, or trying to puke, she was softly moaning with every exhalation.

    Now. She HAS that stomach condition wherein she's pretty much SOMEWHAT nauseous at all times, and throws up at least once every 48 hours, the gastroparesis.
    There's no cure, and she has a whole battery of stomach meds that are supposed to help, and i mean, they DO, in that she used to throw up five times a day.

    But i've NEVER seen her like THAT. Every time she tried a pill that night, she'd immediately throw it back up.
    So i was up all night. I had a neurology appointment that morning, but i took her to the ER instead. She was severely dehydrated, of course, and kept throwing up IN the hospital until they gave her a SHOT of promethazine or something...something she didn't have to put in her mouth.

    They prescribed her two non oral medicines, but the pharmacy fucking forgot to deliver one of them.
    The one she DID get is helping, some, but the MAIN thing that's helping is that she took a psychotropic sleep aid that she never takes, so she's been out for a good 24 hours.
    Before we got her knocked out, she'd already thrown up four or five more times.

    HERE is what freaks me out: they gave her iv fluids of course, ran all kinds of tests and even did a CT, and said she's just "right as rain."
    THIS bullshit makes me worry that these fucking redneck doctors up here in the ole' top of texas have somehow misdiagnosed her.
    Gastroparesis is a condition where the food sits in your stomach, and you wind up throwing it back up.
    But the only thing she'd had to eat was a fucking bowl of RICE, like 20 hours before this started.
    So how could this be "just the gastroparesis (which is honestly fucking bad enough)," if there likely wasn't even anything in her stomach?
    Why is it going on and on?
    I've never seen anyone throw up this many times in my fucking LIFE.
    She's had all KINDS of expensive tests and shit, for the condition, and seen a variety of doctors.

    Idk what the fuck could possibly be going on, here, and i don't think we'll have insurance next year.
    This shit is frightening.

    I just hope they aren't missing something.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-22-2022 at 05:59 AM.

  15. #1995
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    Annnnnd, holy fuck. The Mrs. tried a BITE of food, and it all started again.

    Since tuesday morning, she's had a bite of a sonic pretzel, a little bowl of rice, and MAYBE an energy supplement drink.

    Off to the hospital again. I'm letting my mom take her this time, though, because she has a lot more medical knowledge than me: she was an RN and worked as the DON at a couple of places.

    She's also REALLY good at raising hell in goods and services situations, if she doesn't feel like her expectations have been met. This skill is embarrassing at restaurants, but can be quite useful in medical situations.

    I'm scared. How can this be gastroparesis if L.isn't fucking EATING?

  16. #1996
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    That sucks man, hope your wife gets better soon. Good thing you and your mom are there to make sure she's taken care of well. Keep it up and remember, if you doubt something one doc tells you, there's nothing wrong with going somewhere else and getting a second opinion.

  17. #1997
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    @elevenism I hope she feels better soon! And good that your mom is going to raise hell too. I wish I could be that person sometimes.

  18. #1998
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Annnnnd, holy fuck. The Mrs. tried a BITE of food, and it all started again.

    Since tuesday morning, she's had a bite of a sonic pretzel, a little bowl of rice, and MAYBE an energy supplement drink.

    Off to the hospital again. I'm letting my mom take her this time, though, because she has a lot more medical knowledge than me: she was an RN and worked as the DON at a couple of places.

    She's also REALLY good at raising hell in goods and services situations, if she doesn't feel like her expectations have been met. This skill is embarrassing at restaurants, but can be quite useful in medical situations.

    I'm scared. How can this be gastroparesis if L.isn't fucking EATING?
    Hope your wife feels better soon @elevenism

  19. #1999
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    @elevenism hope you wife gets better, take care yourself too!

  20. #2000
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    @elevenism hope you wife gets better, take care yourself too!
    Oh jesus. I thought I'd said something fucked up when I was half asleep, with all those messages

    But thank you guys for thinking of her.

    @ickyvixky my mom DID raise holy hell and talked the hospital into keeping her, but then, brought her discharge papers while my mom went down to get her a phone from the car.

    Well, we're off to a hospital in a bigger city this morning, because she still isn't better.

    And I can raise some useful hell, too, when pushed far enough.
    We weren't RNs, but L was a nurse for ten years, and I was a licensed CNA, so I can damn sure bring THAT up: "I've spent ten years working in skilled nursing, and this doesn't seem right" and such.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-24-2022 at 11:32 AM.

  21. #2001
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    @elevenism she has got to eat something. Try soft foods, like yogurt. If she doesn't get enough calories her potassium levels are going to go all over the place and she's going to be in and out of the hospital forever. If she truly cannot stomach any food, she needs to go to an ER where they can feed her through an IV

    Speaking of which, I just got out of the hospital for whacked out potassium levels because, well, I was taking that Kratom shit and not eating as a result of it when the regulatity settled in. I'm finally feeling ok, but I bashed my hip really hard in one of my fainting episodes, so walking sucks, but not like before.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 10-24-2022 at 12:45 PM.

  22. #2002
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    @Jinsai they gave her like four boluses of potassium.

    She had almost NONE. They also found some sort of bacterial colitis going on.

    And, YEAH, with this whole gastroparesis thing, toddler food, or even baby food, is a good option, as is what what's called a "mechanical soft" diet (no, it isn't a mild industrial album).

    She's known this for a WHILE, but has chosen to mostly, well, not eat hardly at all.

    Hopefully this is a wake up call.

    I mean, if i caught the bacteria (and i probably DID), it wouldn't affect me like it did her, because i eat Matter that's made of Food.

    IDK. we aren't out of the woods, yet, but it's looking like there's a lite at the end of the infinite void or whatever.

    THANK you guys, for being there for me, and for her.

  23. #2003
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    a large part of why I fainted recently was because I wasn't getting enough calories, and it stacks up. I've been taking all the meds, and I'm still all over the place

  24. #2004
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    A few nights ago I woke up with my eye really hurting & it's sticky. Don't think it's pink eye, I've had that before. I think I slept on the hose to my C-path. I'm waving the white flag & going to get it checked out tomorrow as it's not getting better.

  25. #2005
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    How fucked was your day?

    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    A few nights ago I woke up with my eye really hurting & it's sticky. Don't think it's pink eye, I've had that before. I think I slept on the hose to my C-path. I'm waving the white flag & going to get it checked out tomorrow as it's not getting better.
    so sorry to hear. i’ve had tons of eyelid problems over the last few years and it sucks. hope you feel better soon.

  26. #2006
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    @elevenism she has got to eat something. Try soft foods, like yogurt. If she doesn't get enough calories her potassium levels are going to go all over the place and she's going to be in and out of the hospital forever. If she truly cannot stomach any food, she needs to go to an ER where they can feed her through an IV

    Speaking of which, I just got out of the hospital for whacked out potassium levels because, well, I was taking that Kratom shit and not eating as a result of it when the regulatity settled in. I'm finally feeling ok, but I bashed my hip really hard in one of my fainting episodes, so walking sucks, but not like before.
    Did the IV potassium BURN? It burned the shit out of DWI Sheap, until they mixed it with regular fluid.

  27. #2007
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    nothing they threw in my IV hurt, but the potassium horse pills that they had me swallow were the most intense pills I've ever taken. Like, I had a jug of water and still felt like I was choking on them

  28. #2008
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    @chuckrh Hope you feel better!

  29. #2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    @chuckrh Hope you feel better!
    Thank you. Stuff has been piling on the past few weeks. I'm going to try & get some help today. Things are getting uglier. On the brightside, I probably won't need much of an excuse to hide out during the holidays.

  30. #2010
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    Thank you. Stuff has been piling on the past few weeks. I'm going to try & get some help today. Things are getting uglier. On the brightside, I probably won't need much of an excuse to hide out during the holidays.
    Eye infected due to my wack immune system. Pills & drops, yay.

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