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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #2011
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    Eye infected due to my wack immune system. Pills & drops, yay.
    Goddamn man.

    I hope you feel better. Let me know if you want anything on plex.

    Also, all the health shit you makes me think "ah, that's exactly where I'LL be, before I know it."

    Edit: try not to sleep on that C path Horse again.

    You want the A path Horse, and to try to stay awake, next time you ride.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-27-2022 at 07:39 PM.

  2. #2012
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Goddamn man.

    I hope you feel better. Let me know if you want anything on plex.

    Also, all the health shit you makes me think "ah, that's exactly where I'LL be, before I know it."

    Edit: try not to sleep on that C path Horse again.

    You want the A path Horse, and to try to stay awake, next time you ride.

  3. #2013
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    a friend of mine just died. Randomly. Healthy, my age. Heart attack in his sleep.

  4. #2014
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    a friend of mine just died. Randomly. Healthy, my age. Heart attack in his sleep.
    sorry for your loss

  5. #2015
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    My condolences.

  6. #2016
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    I'm sorry for your loss, Jinsai

  7. #2017
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    Cars are such a pain in the ass! You have to deal with a plethora of issues- insurance/maintenance/oil/gas, etc. I understand the OP's struggle with cars. Mom and I have a Honda CRV, and a year or two ago, someone stole our catalytic converter. We got thoroughly bitched out by our upstairs neighbor several times because our car was very loud and noisy after that happened.

    We took care of it this year and got it efficiently fixed, and our neighbors are content now with it- geez.....

    Anyway, OP, I'm sorry you were going through all that, and genuinely hope things have gotten better since.

    Lately, things have been kind of hectic (they usually always are). I've been struggling with my medical health (I have swimmer's ear, vomit daily, and I am covered head to toe with mosquito bites).

    I'm hesitant to see my doctor about any of this, mostly because I think my primary doctor is an arrogant dick who thinks he's the shit just because he's a doctor.

    Any time I've brought up an issue with him- he always blames it on the fact that I am a cigarette smoker, and refuses to acknowledge my health.

    Ok, fuck it, imma rant.

    In the United States, I think it's pretty disgusting and horrendous that one's quality of life/health/healthcare is contingent upon their income- as well as how our society (generally speaking) sees the value of human life based on monetary value (so basically, a byproduct of capitalism).

    I absolutely despise and resent the fact that healthcare in the United States has been privately monopolized by private corporations, as well as the idea that to have good healthcare- or let alone receive it- you must make a certain amount.

    The whole "Well what's the alternative? Socialism?" is a bullshit argument and justification for how shitty it is here.

    Because that argument pretty much is enforcing the whole notion that in order to live/have a decent quality of life/function, you must make a certain amount.

    It's like eugenics sort of- and I'm disgusted by it. The notion that people in poverty don't deserve to have quality of life.

    Factor that in with rampant gentrification/ commercialism/ capitalism- and you have a society that is totally lost.

    I also resent the fact that a lot of the time- consumerism/capitalistic concepts also bleed into the mental health system as well.

    A lot of the time, therapists preach the gospel of "mindfulness" and "self care". I'm not saying those coping mechanisms aren't effective per se, as there's a time and a place for it.

    But the cost of therapy, and the combination of consumerism as an alternative to mental heath challenges (i.e. "Self care" being synonymous with buying products as a means of coping with mental health challenges- especially marketed torwards wome- such as make up/ spa products, etc. etc.) really just honestly feels like a sick form of gaslighting by the healthcare system, and in turn, feels like what's really being said (be it overt or subtly) is going back to the notion that in order to have value/a decent quality of life/be seen as a human being/ receive proper healthcare, etc.- one must have a certain monetary value/ income.

    It's classist. People, for the most part, do not acknowledge that there is in fact a class system in the US.

    This notion of "American exceptionalism" is utter shit.

    I thoroughly resent the blatant classism in the US- as well as the attitudes of the wealthy towards the poor.

    We've failed as a country.

    Eh, well, anyway, that's just my unsolicited opinion.

    Bitch, bitch, bitch, moan, moan, moan, moan, groan, groan, groan.

    I would suggest a revolution to take place- and while such does have a certain appeal of enticement, I can't help but think of George Orwell's "Animal Farm"- that demonstrates that what usually has been historically shown to follow revolutions is usually a regime that is often much worse than the original that often leads to abuses of power/totalitarianism-authoritarianism/ crimes against humanity.

    I don't think with government it is possible to have a 100% perfect utopia- usually "utopias" often lead to dystopias.

    I do think something needs to change in our country, because the current modus operandi isn't functional in the long run.

    I just wish I was clever enough to come up with a viable solution.

    Ah well, c'est la vie, as the French might say.

    Anyway, kudos to the brave soul who read my soap box rant, lol.

  8. #2018
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    Hey there, chin up. Sorry things are crap right now. But things will get better. It’s all good to rant too. Sometimes it’s what we need to do. I totally understand a lot of what you said and your frustrations. Just hang in there and keep plugging along. It will be okay.

  9. #2019
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    After 7 months of chemo the Doctor told my mom he can't operate on her cancer. He referred her to another doc who can. But he gets 1000 requests a day.

    Not having a good time this week.

    Worst year ever.

  10. #2020
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    My wife is back in the hospital again... she's dying. I can't believe I'm posting this inane shit on a message board.

    Kidneys, liver, and pancreas have more or less shut down. You figure when someone close, like your mother, survives lymphoma and being mauled by a dog you're immune to these kinds of sudden events. But such is life, blah blah blah. I'm not sure if this means anything to anyone, but if I disappear for a very long time just know I think about at least one person from here every day.

    So lost. I love you all.

  11. #2021
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    After 7 months of chemo the Doctor told my mom he can't operate on her cancer. He referred her to another doc who can. But he gets 1000 requests a day.

    Not having a good time this week.

    Worst year ever.
    Sorry about your mom. Spend time with her now, you won't regret it.

  12. #2022
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    My wife is back in the hospital again... she's dying. I can't believe I'm posting this inane shit on a message board.

    Kidneys, liver, and pancreas have more or less shut down. You figure when someone close, like your mother, survives lymphoma and being mauled by a dog you're immune to these kinds of sudden events. But such is life, blah blah blah. I'm not sure if this means anything to anyone, but if I disappear for a very long time just know I think about at least one person from here every day.

    So lost. I love you all.
    I'm so sorry @Jon .

  13. #2023
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    So sorry @Jon and @DVYDRNS Spend as much time with them as you can. Sending lots of hugs.

  14. #2024
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    So sorry @Jon and @DVYDRNS Spend as much time with them as you can. Sending lots of hugs.
    yes same. sending big huge internet hugs if you want them.

  15. #2025
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    So sorry @Jon and @DVYDRNS Spend as much time with them as you can. Sending lots of hugs.
    Same here too. Hugs to both of you and all your loved ones.

  16. #2026
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    So, I work at a chemical plant and today they announced they’re shutting the entire site down in a couple months. This time last year we were so busy I was working 70, 80, 90 hour weeks constantly. Now this.
    It’s a real dick punch. I’ve been stressed all day, worrying about providing for my family. I know I’ll be looking at a minimum cut of $10/hr anywhere I go. I’ll have to cash in my 401k and pay off what debts I can. At this point, I know I’ll never retire.
    I’ve had a history of self-destructive thoughts and now I’m having trouble seeing the point of it all.

    I’m just bummed and I don’t have anyone to talk to because everyone looks to me for reassurance so I’m just quietly cracking here.

  17. #2027
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcpunk View Post
    So, I work at a chemical plant and today they announced they’re shutting the entire site down in a couple months. This time last year we were so busy I was working 70, 80, 90 hour weeks constantly. Now this.
    It’s a real dick punch. I’ve been stressed all day, worrying about providing for my family. I know I’ll be looking at a minimum cut of $10/hr anywhere I go. I’ll have to cash in my 401k and pay off what debts I can. At this point, I know I’ll never retire.
    I’ve had a history of self-destructive thoughts and now I’m having trouble seeing the point of it all.

    I’m just bummed and I don’t have anyone to talk to because everyone looks to me for reassurance so I’m just quietly cracking here.
    Hang in there. I've been through similar & made it through. Sadly, there were scarier things waiting in the future. Hold off on cashing in the 401K as long as you can.

  18. #2028
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    @pcpunk I'm sorry to hear that!

  19. #2029
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    Grrreat. After my mother moving half-way across the country two years ago to live in the same street as me, and my father moving half-way across the country last year to live 20 minutes away from me; last week my sister has announced that she will be moving half-way across the country to live two streets away from me.

    My therapist's advice today: move away from them to a different city again.

    Maybe it's serendipitous, because I was already considering quitting my job over ethical concerns.
    Last edited by stankeybearlover; 08-18-2023 at 04:43 AM.

  20. #2030
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    Quote Originally Posted by stankeybearlover View Post
    Grrreat. After my mother moving half-way across the country two years ago to live in the same street as me, and my father moving half-way across the country last year to live 20 minutes away from me; last week my sister has announced that she will be moving half-way across the country to live two streets away from me.

    My therapists' advice today: move away from them to a different city again.
    I got similar professional advice regarding my family. They live close but we don't talk.

  21. #2031
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    Mine regularly try to invade my occupational and social circles with stories of how misunderstood they individually think they are and that I supposedly am just an awful human being for not wanting to hear them out for the brazillionth time or for not feeling obligated to revert back to being their servant/lapdog. They even get their own friends to participate.

    They make it very tempting to chew them out, which ironically would seemingly prove their point. I almost had a meltdown a couple of months ago at a work event when two of my father's friends approached me to publicly chastise me for how I supposedly abandoned my elderly father. The kicker is: one of them had been feuding with my father for decades for reasons similar to why I don't want to have anything to do with my family.

  22. #2032
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    Quote Originally Posted by stankeybearlover View Post
    Mine regularly try to invade my occupational and social circles with stories of how misunderstood they individually think they are and that I supposedly am just an awful human being for not wanting to hear them out for the brazillionth time or for not feeling obligated to revert back to being their servant/lapdog. They even get their own friends to participate.

    They make it very tempting to chew them out, which ironically would seemingly prove their point. I almost had a meltdown a couple of months ago at a work event when two of my father's friends approached me to publicly chastise me for how I supposedly abandoned my elderly father. The kicker is: one of them had been feuding with my father for decades for reasons similar to why I don't want to have anything to do with my family.
    Sounds somewhat familiar. Hang in there.

  23. #2033
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    Without finding an obvious other place without starting a new thread...

    stay safe out there Mexico/California... (and every where else affected)

  24. #2034
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    my dog has been losing it.... shitting and pissing all over the place, and I've been sick as fuck. I gotta take him to the vet but I can't even handle driving a car. Last night I was screaming and I couldn't stop. Everything is pain right now.

  25. #2035
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    Damn, I’m sorry to hear this @Jinsai . I hope both of you feel better soon!

  26. #2036
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Damn, I’m sorry to hear this @Jinsai. I hope both of you feel better soon!
    thanks. me too. no sleep. more screaming. my dog shit my bed so my matress is ruined. He also pissed on my couch so I don't know how to get that out. I'm miserable. My whole apartment reeks and I am in so much pain I don't know what to do about it. I can't even get the energy up to clean up. It's hard to even type right now.

  27. #2037
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    Goddamn it @Jinsai I am so sorry. I don't know what to say. I hope there is someone close to you that can help you.

  28. #2038
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    Now I’m in the hospital waiting for the morphine drip

  29. #2039
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Now I’m in the hospital waiting for the morphine drip
    Get well soon, man.

  30. #2040
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    Sorry, buddy. I hope it helps.

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