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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    My parents have to have their barely 5 year old chocolate lab put down later today. She's lost 15lbs in a week, her liver has failed and toxins are building in her body and brain, so she's having slight seizures. And in typical heartbreaking dog fashion she's still gamely wagging her tail and eating bits of cookie from my grandpa's hand.

    Also, that was MY gorilla when I was a kid! She found it one day and it turned into her favourite.
    It always breaks my heart when people have to put their pets down. So sorry for you, Chris.

  2. #152
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    Thanks <3
    I'm bummed but I'm more concerned about my mom, she's pretty wrecked about it.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    My parents have to have their barely 5 year old chocolate lab put down later today. She's lost 15lbs in a week, her liver has failed and toxins are building in her body and brain, so she's having slight seizures. And in typical heartbreaking dog fashion she's still gamely wagging her tail and eating bits of cookie from my grandpa's hand.

    Also, that was MY gorilla when I was a kid! She found it one day and it turned into her favourite.
    Shit that is just heartbreaking to read. I know what its like to lose a pet, I know it's an extremely cliched thing to say but they really do become a part of the family. My sympathy to you and your family dude

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacob's Ladder View Post
    Sorry to just pop in to vent, but considering I'm up at 7:00 am and completely sober and my social circle is a mess I just NEED to vent.

    Friends relationship drama may lead to someone (who I don't know well, but I don't think is a bad person) losing her job because she's in a fucking relationship triangle. I'm going to have to have a serious talk with a friend tomorrow that may ruin several of my friendships. There is a huge schism in my social circle coming. Also, I was having a great heart to heart with a girl I really like just before shit blew up. Jesus, what a mess.

    There's also a mouse in my apartment.
    Ah I just got out of a giant social mess semi recently so I know the feeling. I pretty much lost all of my friends due to all the crap that went on. To be honest, I didn't care that I lost anyone I was just glad to get out of that shit storm. Besides that, none of them gave much of a crap about me to begin with so it's all good. So yeah, what happens happens, life goes on.

    That mouse could be a blessing in disguise. I moved to Edinburgh recently and the apartment we live in now had mice. One of them was the most awesomely badass little mouse that ever mouse'd. I liked him so much I named him Smudgeon. However, it sucked really bad one day when I was watching TV and he crawled out from under the desk pretty much dead. Some asshole in the block I live in must have poisoned him. Had to bury the little guy and everything. If your mouse is even a fraction as awesome as Smudgeon, you are one lucky SOB

  5. #155
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    Just found out a friend of mine here at the hotel was robbed while she worked the front desk last night. So now we have to go through all kinds of new procedures dealing with our money. From what I heard, the guy who robbed her had a gun on him but there wasn't any violence.

  6. #156
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    My mother's cousin (he was more of an uncle to me than most of my uncles) was gunned down this afternoon. He was always such a nice guy who just made poor decisions sometimes, but he was there when my grandmother died a few years back and even visited my mom in the hospital when she had a stroke two years ago and called her to periodically check up on her. I'm in shock.

  7. #157
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    That's horrible! I'm so sorry for your loss, Josh.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    That's horrible! I'm so sorry for your loss, Josh.
    I'm so sorry kid.

  9. #159
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    Thank you both. On top of that, my car wouldn't start today and I had to get my ignition fixed. So the past 24 hours in the KC household has been under the guise of "REALLY?!?!?". Thank fuck I have the whole weekend off or else I'd lose it. Not looking forward to another funeral this year.

  10. #160
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    Ah dude, I'm sorry. Relax the shit out of this weekend.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post

    My mother's cousin (he was more of an uncle to me than most of my uncles) was gunned down this afternoon. He was always such a nice guy who just made poor decisions sometimes, but he was there when my grandmother died a few years back and even visited my mom in the hospital when she had a stroke two years ago and called her to periodically check up on her. I'm in shock.
    Really, really sorry to hear it.

  12. #162
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    I most likely have breast cancer. Not 100% sure yet, because I have to go to a breast cancer specialist for evaluation and biopsy/surgery/chemo/radiation/etc., but I have this itchy sore on my nipple and my OB-GYN agrees it doesn't look good.

    What am I going to do? My little guy's not even in preschool.
    Last edited by sublimaze; 07-17-2012 at 12:45 AM.

  13. #163
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  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by sublimaze View Post
    I most likely have breast cancer. Not 100% sure yet, because I have to go to a breast cancer specialist for evaluation and biopsy/surgery/chemo/radiation/etc., but I have this itchy sore on my nipple and my OB-GYN agrees it doesn't look good.

    What am I going to do? My little guy's not even in preschool.
    It's amazing that you're considering your child first, you're obviously a great parent. Just try not to drive yourself insane with worry until you've had it conclusively tested.

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by sublimaze View Post
    What am I going to do? My little guy's not even in preschool.
    Don't think like this unless you know you have it, let alone whether you're going to die from it. Right now what you're going to do is go to your appointment and get scanned.
    Last edited by icklekitty; 07-17-2012 at 03:38 AM.

  16. #166
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    Just got a phone call from my fiance at work. He got a text from his little sister's boyfriend that his asshole brother got drunk and beat the shit out of her and his mom (sister is taking mom to ER, as well as herself). This fucking prick, he did unspeakable shit to my fiance all his life, but he made me behave around him because "he's still [his] brother" but after hearing the pain in his voice while he told me what happened, idk if I can keep from doing something stupid next time we drive up home to visit our families.
    He recently divorced his ex wife of less than a year because she was beating him, oh the irony, and his mom moved in because she's on hard times. Since the divorce was because of his ex beating him, he got full custody of their toddler. Can he now lose the kid to CPS?

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by sublimaze View Post
    I most likely have breast cancer. Not 100% sure yet, because I have to go to a breast cancer specialist for evaluation and biopsy/surgery/chemo/radiation/etc., but I have this itchy sore on my nipple and my OB-GYN agrees it doesn't look good.

    What am I going to do? My little guy's not even in preschool.
    My mom had breast cancer when I was a senior in high school. Even if that is what your sore is, modern medicine can work wonders, and more than likely you'll be ok after surgery and therapy. Breast cancer isn't a death sentence anymore, you'll be able to get through it.

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by sublimaze View Post
    Not 100% sure yet,...
    Don't get me wrong, it's okay to worry and panic and get scared, but try to tackle this one step at a time. There's so many possibilities between a dodgy sore and something that will actually kill you, and like sick amongst the pure said, there's so much that can be done these days. I hope you have some support at home, love. You're in my prayers.

  19. #169
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    Yesterday, Jon Lord (71) passed away.
    Deep Purple was my first love and I grew up with his music and he was a gentleman.
    I realize that this means the end of an era to me and I realize that I'm getting old too...

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by sublimaze View Post
    I most likely have breast cancer. Not 100% sure yet, because I have to go to a breast cancer specialist for evaluation and biopsy/surgery/chemo/radiation/etc., but I have this itchy sore on my nipple and my OB-GYN agrees it doesn't look good.

    What am I going to do? My little guy's not even in preschool.
    First, I do hope it isn't so... I know already this must be life-altering... If it is cancer, however, I hope it's not anything but stage 1. My former neighbor was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago, and, while I unfortunately can't say of all the circumstances or details, I know she's just fine right now.

    Secondly and lastly, I just have to say, if it is, please take all the time necessary to look at your alternative options just as well... (Maybe you know already.) There are countless cases of all different severities where survivors felt absolute in that they beat theirs through holistic approaches, some mixing with modern treatment and some nixing modern treatment altogether from the start. I know/hear of people who think it's all a crock (ironic when there are people vehemently against modern treatment with legitimate reason), but I'm mostly talking about diet. Nothing comes of more importance. If a cancer is caught early on, and you make big changes, I do believe it can make a big difference.

    I'm not sure what your view on that all is, but I would feel wrong not expressing.

  21. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by sublimaze View Post
    I most likely have breast cancer. Not 100% sure yet, because I have to go to a breast cancer specialist for evaluation and biopsy/surgery/chemo/radiation/etc., but I have this itchy sore on my nipple and my OB-GYN agrees it doesn't look good.

    What am I going to do? My little guy's not even in preschool.
    Thinking of you. Get the test, make sure, then find out all your options.

  22. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by sublimaze View Post
    I most likely have breast cancer. Not 100% sure yet, because I have to go to a breast cancer specialist for evaluation and biopsy/surgery/chemo/radiation/etc., but I have this itchy sore on my nipple and my OB-GYN agrees it doesn't look good.

    What am I going to do? My little guy's not even in preschool.
    Oh hun! *tons of comforting hugs*

    Like many others have said, right now what's important is that you get a proper diagnosis and a list of available treatments. Consider all you options before you make any decisions. I know it's hard but try not to worry too much before knowing for sure; worrying will eat up your energy and you'll need that energy to fight whatever it is that's wrong with you and for your precious little guy. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. *love you lots and lots*

    Fixer: I'm so very sorry about your parents dog. Losing a pet is heartbreaking. *hugs for them too*

    Kid: My deepest condolences for your loss. It's a terrible tragedy; nobody deserves to die like that. I'll keep all of your family in my thoughts and prayers too. *comforting hugs all around*

    As for my fucked up day (although it now seems like a trifle considering): Loki the cat (of which you can see a pic in the Pictures of your pets thread) like the good Trickster god after which he was named pulled the ultimate joke on us on the night from Sunday to Monday: he died. He seemed fine up until late Sunday afternoon when he became very lethargic after throwing up. We were in the middle of a heat wave so we thought that the heat was to blame; I went to my brother's place to see him and I told my bro to try and keep him cool by passing a wet washcloth over him from time to time (no iced water though) and to try get him to drink a bit of water. We were going to go to the vet first thing yesterday morning but Loki died a bit after midnight. Both my brother and my mom were not able to take care of his body (for all sorts of reasons) so I was the one who had to pick him up yesterday morning and who brought him to the vet to be cremated. The vet told me that he most likely died of urinary track infection and that my brother wasn't able to pick up on on any change in his behavior because he didn't have him long enough to know him well and that sick cats are notorious to hide that they are sick because it's a sign of weakness. I cried all of yesterday because had we known Loki was sick, we would have him treated immediately (I would even have paid for it even if I had to starve to do so) and because my 7 year old nephew (who is with his mother right now; my bro and her are no longer together and my brother gets his kids every two weeks) will be devastated when he'll learn of this; Loki was his birthday gift.

  23. #173
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    Aww, that sucks. That happened to a former roommate, she got up in the morning and out of the blue her cat suddenly crashed and had to be taken to the vet, died in the cab on the way.

    Sublimaze, , like people are saying, diagnosis first! If it does turn out to be cancer, you've got a pre-set support group right here, but until then let's hope it's something trivial.

  24. #174
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    Aw marodi, that's really sad.

  25. #175
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    Thanks, you guys, for all of your thoughts. I'm trying to be a "glass half full" kind of person, which is hit-or-miss right now.

    Fixer/Kid/Marodi, I'm so sorry for your losses. I hope all of you feel better soon.

  26. #176
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    Depression has suddenly hit me out of the blue, and I'm having really bad, constant suicidal thoughts. I have no one to talk to, my friends are busy or just think I'm being a crybaby. I hope I can fall to sleep.

  27. #177
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    Call a suicide hotline to speak to anyone​.

  28. #178
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    ^This x1000

  29. #179
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    I third that. Talk to someone - pretty much anyone. A suicide hotline is a good option, or your GP if that's someone you feel comfortable with. Or rant here.

  30. #180
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    I'm ok now, though I appreciate the concern. I'm seeing a psychiatrist soon, so hopefully things will be better for me. It's weird, one second I can feel very confident, but the next second it's like someone destroyed all of it.

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