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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #211
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    Found out my mom will have to put her Shih Tzu dog to sleep next friday.

  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaned View Post
    That fucking sucks man, there's no way to appeal it or anything?

    Also I finally, after years of saying I would, booked an appointment with a counsellor to start sorting my shit out. Maybe that'll help, but who knows how I'll feel once that comes around.
    Ya I can try as it was, imo, a rather odd set of circumstances and misunderstanding of my academic probation. The probation bit didn't bother but it appears the english class it took through continuing ed, the following term, that i dropped (paid for in cash not financial aid) did count against me, hence my disq. I made the deans list the two semesters before I encountered this shit storm of events so hopefully ill be able to sort it out, that or it will just take me 6 years to finish the 2 of school i have left.

  3. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlemonkey613 View Post
    One of my friends is dying of cancer. We are only 20 . I met him after his diagnosis and I didn't expect to get so close to him so fast but he took me to Coachella and the past few months we've really gotten close. Today his mother (whom is also very sick and dying slowly of MS) sent me a message on facebook asking for my address because apparantly he has written a letter to me in case anything happens to him soon. She said that our friendship has really meant a lot to him. I'm so scared for him and also because my best friend in the whole world is his girlfriend and I'm scared that she will never be the same after this. She is strong and amazing but the idea of her suffering after his death is almost as horrible as the thought of him dying. I've been hanging out with them a whole lot recently and we have sleepovers at his apartment (the 3 of us in one bed like 3 pigs in a blanket haha) I cherish these moments and I don't think I'm ready to let go.

    Turns out her boyfriend is emotionally manipulative and border line abusive. (Their biggest fights are about her not wanting to have sex with him) A lot of random things she would say with months in between that used to strike me as odd all make sense. The fact that I'm so close to him makes me want to kill him even more. She's now having counseling to get the courage to leave him (and get rid of her misplaced guilt). Their romantic relationship basically started because she didn't want to be his girlfriend and HE BLACKMAILED HER. He said if she didnt go out with him hed stop beign friends with her and not tell her the cancer results because he "cares about her too much to be just her friend" FUCK EVERYTHING. (this girl is intellectually against monogamy and relationships in general but is too insecure in her voice and scared to lose friends to say no when a close friend asks her out, although their entitlement and pursuit even tho she DOES say no initially makes them guilty as fuck in my eyes) Everything is so obvious to me now that shes finally being honest. I love this girl more than anything and I've never been affected by a friends suffering as much as this. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU. He's lucky the cancer will be the one to get him. I don't even care about sounding harsh. This basically means she has been having sex with someone out of guilt and manipulation for months. And the fact that they fight about it means her opposition is no secret. Fuck this omg. FUCK HIM OMG. The only thing keeping me from labeling this rape is the fact that I don't want to spend life in prison for killing a cancer patient. omg my anger WHAT DO I DO WITH IT. I feel so betrayed on so many levels. How dare he treat me the way he does and act the way he does when behind closed doors hes arguing about her right to her own fucking body. Omg
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 08-08-2012 at 07:58 PM.

  4. #214
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    been a long time coming, but finally giving up playing music once and for all. far too many disappointments and let downs over the past few years and i just don't have the interest. i was wavering on selling all the gear in case i changed my mind or wanted to record on my own but i think it's just time to ditch it and move on...

  5. #215
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    Have to work a week and a half of dayshift before going on to nights and it is really wiping me out, not good at going to bed or waking up early.

  6. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaned View Post
    Maybe I'll just go in and explain why I booked it and I'll see where it goes from there...
    You answered your own question. No one is going to bite you, just go, one step at a time.

  7. #217
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    I have something to admit that I'm not proud of. Remember that girl I bitched about constantly a while back? Well, admittedly, I made the stupid decision of bringing her back into my life after she told me she was going to go to therapy to help her deal with her problems. That was a lie, and ever since letting back into my life, she's been nothing but hurtful towards me, then quickly apologetic. Today though she went too far. Today, publicly, she started talking shit about me on facebook. How apparently she thinks I'm "creepy." I've been nothing but nice to her, and I've left her alone most of the time unless she'd message me, which would always lead her to asking me the question: "Why is it that you are the only one who talks to me?" I believe now she has her answer as to why no one else will talk to her. Now, she doesn't even have me to talk to. She obviously has mental/emotional problems she needs to deal with before ever having friends, something she refuses to accept. I don't know. I see such good in her heart, but it seems like she's just drenched in negativity and fear. I wish I could help her, but I can't. It's all too much for me to stand. I really hopes she wakes the fuck up from her delusional mindset. As for me though, I no longer wish to be involved. Even if she fixes herself, she doesn't deserve to know me.

    Oh, and I find it funny how her sister apologized on behalf of her. Her sister seems like a cool person, but it's a shame that I don't know if I can even stand to know her.

  8. #218
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    you really wanna stick it to her/make her more crazy? start dating her sister.
    Last edited by frankie teardrop; 08-23-2012 at 11:16 AM. Reason: 100% kidding! sounds like you need to stay away from this bird.

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankieteardrop View Post
    you really wanna stick it to her/make her more crazy? start dating her sister.
    Hah. Unless I become a Woman over night, that'd never happen.

    I'm willing to bet money though as soon as I start dating someone, and she finds out, she'll end up being jealous and try to get back in my life. No way will I ever accept her back. I'm not gonna lie, I have moments where I just want everything ok, but it'll never be ok.

  10. #220
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    well, never is an awfully strong term. people grow and change, so if you can forgive her down the road, you never know. but obviously that will take a while, and it's definitely best to steer clear for an indefinite amount of time.

  11. #221
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    Waiting like a sitting duck for Issac to hit. 3-4 days with no power. And I'm supposed to work tomorrow? Hah! Storm's supposed to hit in the early morning. Can't imagine how busy a restaurant would be right after a hurricane.

  12. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankieteardrop View Post
    well, never is an awfully strong term. people grow and change, so if you can forgive her down the road, you never know. but obviously that will take a while, and it's definitely best to steer clear for an indefinite amount of time.
    People that know her(not friends with her, but friends with her sister) have told me she has always been like this. It's like she's just accepted the way she is and has given up.

  13. #223
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    I just locked myself out of my bathroom, and I can't get the door to unlock. On top of that, my bedroom doorknob broke, like, literally ten minutes after that happened. And it's after hours, so it would cost me $100 to have a maintenance guy come out. I'm not going to do that.

    So, I get to wash myself off at the kitchen sink tomorrow. So I have to run out and get soap and shampoo at the store. And then I have to be up in a little over six hours. Did I mention that I've been dripping in sweat all day, and can now basically just give myself a quick rinse off at the kitchen sink? Did I mention that I've gotten very little sleep the last four or five nights? Did I mention that I moved this weekend and one thing after another after another after another have gone wrong? Inexplicably?

    Oh, well. At least I have to go to work tomorrow. At least there's that.

  14. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I just locked myself out of my bathroom, and I can't get the door to unlock. On top of that, my bedroom doorknob broke, like, literally ten minutes after that happened. And it's after hours, so it would cost me $100 to have a maintenance guy come out. I'm not going to do that.

    So, I get to wash myself off at the kitchen sink tomorrow. So I have to run out and get soap and shampoo at the store. And then I have to be up in a little over six hours. Did I mention that I've been dripping in sweat all day, and can now basically just give myself a quick rinse off at the kitchen sink? Did I mention that I've gotten very little sleep the last four or five nights? Did I mention that I moved this weekend and one thing after another after another after another have gone wrong? Inexplicably?

    Oh, well. At least I have to go to work tomorrow. At least there's that.
    Look on the bright side: no more dick-bag roommate.

  15. #225
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    One of my closest friends just had a second brain aneurysm (first one 20 years ago). Clot was removed and she's in an induced coma. Doctors are 90% sure she's going to be fine but are watching for swelling.

  16. #226
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    I had one of the fucked-est days of my life today... My wife and I recently bought our first home and today we moved in. I was expecting stress, but I wasn't expecting this much.

    Firstly, we got up early to pack as much stuff in the car and get over to the real estate to pick up the keys to our new place by 8:30am. Our new place is a ~20 minute drive from our previous address and we had arranged to have the removalists come at 10am, more than enough time for us to pick up the keys, unload the car at the new place and drive back to our old place to meet the removalists. Well, nothing worked out to plan. My wife was going to drive the car over and I was going to follow behind on my motorcycle. Well, the bloody motorcycle refused to start (hadn't used it in a few days, figure it's a battery issue. So I squeezed myself into the packed car and we set off.

    The real estate didn't have the keys at the office- they were in a lockbox at the address. What's more, the agent who knew the code was stuck in a meeting until 9:45am. Even worse, the removalists decided they'd ignore the 10am agreed time and come instead at 9:40am. So while we were waiting for the keys and unloading the car, the removalist truck was sitting in the driveway at our old place doing nothing but still costing us money. By the time we got back to the old place and let them in our bill was nearing the AU$100 mark with nothing to show for it.

    So the moving got done and we found ourselves half a grand poorer, but stress over. Right? NOPE.

    My wife took our toddler out into the backyard to play and noticed that a few panels were missing off the fence. There are renovations going on either side of our place, so we initially figured the contractors removed the panels for better access next door. We thought nothing more of it until we turned the water on and noticed there was no pressure and a loud gushing noise was coming from around the back. We had a look at where the noise was coming from and saw that the brand new hot water system installed before we bought the place was missing. SOMEONE STOLE OUR FUCKING HOT WATER SYSTEM!!!!!!! We figured the sneaky bastards probably took the panels off the fence to make this task easier. We got onto the real estate straight away about it and they said they'd get something sorted so we could have the water turned on, but after numerous phonecalls no-one turned up. My daughter just vomited all over my wife and I am a sweaty mess but no shower for us until tomorrow when we go back to our old place to finish up the cleaning (JOY! /sarcasm). It's nearing midnight here so I'm going to bed (see: a mattress on the floor because I misplaced my toolbag in the rushed move and can't put the bed together until I find it) and will deal with this shit tomorrow. Not sure if I'll be able to sleep though- paranoid about people breaking in and stealing all of our shit.

    Sorry about the rant but I'm so stressed and an having trouble thinking clearly.

    TLDR: Motorcycle wouldn't start, moving woes, wasted $100 for nothing, hot water system stolen from our new house, I stink.

    PS: This message was bought to you by patchy-and-slow-as-fuck prepaid mobile broadband...

  17. #227
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    ^^^ Good god! At first reading it I was thinking "oh ok yes those typical "best laid plans" but then...jeez dude. Best of luck to all of you. I'm sure once you are moved in and all is set as it should be, this will become your best move in story ever to have a few beers over.

  18. #228
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    No change in my friend's condition. Still in an induced coma.

  19. #229
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    It might not seem like much compared to the things going on between other ETS members.... But I just dropped my iPod Touch on it's screen and now it's pretty cracked. I know I don't have a warranty since it's over the age... Hopefully a rifle that I own will sell and I'll be able to get a new iPod.

  20. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    No change in my friend's condition. Still in an induced coma.
    Any updates?

  21. #231
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    xmd 5a - how awful - this is 5 days later - did you get another hot water system?

    Miss Baphomette how is your friend?

    Replica, have you thought of buying a used part for the ipod touch? There are a lot of videos online about how to replace parts of ipods. I'm not an engineer or anything, but I've managed to replace screens, batteries and headphone jacks. Its kind of picky work and you may need tiny screwdrivers, but it is doable.

  22. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Any updates?
    Quote Originally Posted by redshoewearer View Post
    Miss Baphomette how is your friend?
    Doctors took her off propofol (sp?) on Thursday night and she regained consciousness yesterday morning. She's able to follow commands but she's still intubated. They're putting in an external shunt tomorrow morning at which point they'll remove the breathing tube and we'll find out if her speech has been impaired. Keeping my fingers tightly crossed.

  23. #233
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    All good signs!

  24. #234
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    Can't sleep, treading on old feelings and just feeling deeply depressed as always. Today has been emotionally draining despite nothing actually happening.

  25. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Can't sleep, treading on old feelings and just feeling deeply depressed as always. Today has been emotionally draining despite nothing actually happening.
    Don't go it alone.... Get out, get help.

  26. #236
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    after a fairly good stretch of maintaining the whole sobriety thing, I hit a bad and frustrating day, and wound up getting completely trashed last night. Today, I feel beyond miserable, and I'm pretty sure I'm still drunk. I don't think I've ever felt so trapped and pointless. I feel like I'm on the verge of a complete nervous meltdown.

  27. #237
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    Maybe do some stuff that makes you feel physically better: eat your favourite foods - comfort foods, take a warm shower - that kind of thing.
    For me thc and masturbation (and ice cream) and maybe some coffee do wonders for misery hangovers.

  28. #238
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    Yeah Jinsai, don't beat yourself up too much. Try again.

    Ice cream and masturbation - ahhhhhh.

  29. #239
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    Pizza makes everything better.

    Alcohol withdrawal causes hella anxiety. But pizza fixes it. See above.

  30. #240
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    Just found out my ex-wife has been taking our 3yo son to church (Mormon) for the past 3 months.

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