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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #661
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    I just got linked to a video where a young police officer was pulling some guy over for a speeding violation, and the crazy fucker killed him. The police officer is shrilly screaming in pain and horror while the guy repeatedly shoots him non-lethally over and over again, before finally shooting him in the head. It was one of the most horrible things I've ever seen.

    I'm in a state of shock, and I think I'm going to have nightmares about this forever. Makes it a bit worse to see these fucking youtube comments where people are trolling by gleefully celebrating it. I just... hate the world so much right now.

  2. #662
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    My friend who lives in LA posted this on facebook, and only made it visible to certain people. I was one of them.

    "I think I'm pretty much done with this whole life situation and what little left it has to show me. I'm tired. At least I can go out knowing that I had great hair.
    Here's one last shot of Jack to ya!"

    However, I never saw it until a mutual friend said he got a message from a girl talking about it. He posted this 16 hours ago. The people who saw it from LA just made stupid fucking comments on it, AND NOBODY DID ANYTHING. I got one of his friends out there to call the cops. But his cell phone was linked to his old address. We were able to find his new one. I just passed it on to the girl who initially messaged my other friend. She passed it on to the cops.

    Now we are fucking waiting.

    WHY DID I NOT SEE THAT MESSAGE?! Goddamn it. My heart is fucking pounding out of my chest.

  3. #663
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I just got linked to a video where a young police officer was pulling some guy over for a speeding violation, and the crazy fucker killed him. The police officer is shrilly screaming in pain and horror while the guy repeatedly shoots him non-lethally over and over again, before finally shooting him in the head. It was one of the most horrible things I've ever seen.

    I'm in a state of shock, and I think I'm going to have nightmares about this forever. Makes it a bit worse to see these fucking youtube comments where people are trolling by gleefully celebrating it. I just... hate the world so much right now.
    I think I've seen that video, it was horrific. Was it the one where the guy was loading his rifle and the cop was seemingly too scared to shoot at him while screaming over and over to get out of the car? So fucking hard to watch man.

  4. #664
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    I think I've seen that video, it was horrific. Was it the one where the guy was loading his rifle and the cop was seemingly too scared to shoot at him while screaming over and over to get out of the car? So fucking hard to watch man.
    Yeah, that's the one. Ugh, so awful.

  5. #665
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    So i went and got somethin 'down there' checked out yesterday and was told it was a wart and now the wife is freaking thinking I've cheated or passed it on to her, tried to explain to her what the doc told me but she's not listening which i do understand, I know I've not done while we've been together but this doesn't exactly help things and it's impossible to prove that I have been faithful and must have been in my system for more than 10 years, great start to married life for us

  6. #666
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    I've been selling things/saving up money to fix my car, needing more as things keep going wrong. As of yesterday, I thought I'd just saved enough to finally call the mechanics on Monday.

    Then I got back from the post office today. Smoke was pouring out from under the hood and antifreeze was pouring out onto the driveway. FML

  7. #667
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    I feel like someone has poured gasoline over me and set me on fire. Neuropathy is not a nice thing to have.

  8. #668
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    I agree, @DF118 . What kind of neuropathy do you have? I have peripheral as a result of childhood leukemia treated with chemo and radiation. I take gabapentin and it helps. Hopefully you have something that helps too.

  9. #669
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I agree, @DF118. What kind of neuropathy do you have? I have peripheral as a result of childhood leukemia treated with chemo and radiation. I take gabapentin and it helps. Hopefully you have something that helps too.
    Thanks Swykk. I'm glad it's helping you. I've been recently diagnosed with Small Nerve Fiber Peripheral, following a positive skin biopsy test and 4 years of odd intermittent burning pain, randomly everywhere. It's early days yet and probably idiopathic. I'm on Gabapentin also. I'm very glad it's not MS (this was the first thought). However I spent a large part of the last decade ill with a couple of painful conditions (hence my username), so I have some coping mechanisms. Often involving yelling at people online.

  10. #670
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    Power surge screwed up my tv, again. My ps3 won't show up on screen. My ps4 does...

  11. #671
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Power surge screwed up my tv, again. My ps3 won't show up on screen. My ps4 does...
    If anything it's the HDMI port for the television/PS3 or the PS3 itself.

  12. #672
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    Not so sure. My Xbox won't show up either, and it wasn't even plugged in. Ps4 shows up fine though. Inclined to think it's just the tv.

    Edit: same hdmi cord as ps4. Ps4 works, ps3 doesn't. And I have a surge protector...
    Last edited by Piko; 09-15-2014 at 08:51 PM.

  13. #673
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    Whoops... double post

  14. #674
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    Its a Dillinger Escape Plan turned up to 11 kind of day… 'nuff said.

  15. #675
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    /sucks it up
    Last edited by aggroculture; 10-14-2014 at 11:14 AM.

  16. #676
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    After a shitty day at work, I'm called by my doctor and receive the news that I have high blood pressure. Time to get back on track. Gonna miss my junk food.

  17. #677
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    Quote Originally Posted by owinn View Post
    So today me and my wife have separated after just over two years marriage and roughly 13 years on and off relationship. It's been a very sad day and made even harder because we have a baby on the way in a few weeks. We wanted to stay together for the baby but it's just better this way, we think. There are other complications too but for those who know me well enough I'm just going to ask if you can respect the privacy of all those involved and first and foremost be the kindest friends you can be to us. It's shit but in the long term it is going to be better for the both of us and the baby.

    I have however shut down my Facebook account at this time to limit any mean spirited comments. Those closest to me, including my wife's parents are not angry and understand these things happen but there's always someone who feels the need to stir the pot... if anyone still wants to contact me please use my gmail at

    Very sorry to hear that. How are things now?

  18. #678
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    Yup. No desire to expand further.

  19. #679
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    Made a really big mistake at work that I couldn't have seen coming.

    Basically misread/forgot a date in a contract we had with a hotel to get a really good group rate for our employees staying with us for our winter remote week (we fly our out of state employees into the office for a week twice a year) and I have about 10 people I still need to book with them. The hotel is saying it would be a different rate, and that difference would come out to about 6,000 dollars. So I've been in damage control mode since last night. I don't think I'll be fired, especially since part of my offered "solution" to my employers involves paying that expense by way of giving up my recent raise and paying the rest from my paycheck, but something went wrong, really wrong, without an easy fix.

    I've been having a hard time in general for a while, and things had been going somewhat okay lately, though I was sick over the weekend, and then this happens.

    I really love my job and this really really sucks. Slept horribly.

  20. #680
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    @playwithfire I have worked around 17 years with the company I work for and I can't even count the number of huge mistakes I've made in my job. I suspect some of which I've made cost far more that $6,000. My job is always on edge anyway (I've dodged 6 layoffs and the latest corporate sell out doesn't seem to have had an impact yet) and it's the type of work that easily sets itself up for major mistakes. But for me, I found it easiest to be upfront with admitting fault and getting engaged in making sure it can't happen again. Bosses appreciate that kind of ownership as it speaks to intent and admitting "hey, I'm human but I'm not a jerk". My best to you, this won't be your last mistake but it will for sure be one that won't keep you down.

  21. #681
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    That really, really means a lot. I'm going to have to talk to my supervisor this morning about it and I hope I have some feedback from the hotel to give her by then. Trying.

  22. #682
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    Maybe the hotel can still give you the discounted rate if you explain that that's the usual rate you get with them and you made a mistake etc?

  23. #683
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    I'm pretty much going off the "Your contract is confusing (this is true)." angle along with the "I was out sick with a stomach virus last week and am being held accountable to deliver this rate to my employers." line (I wasn't sick) and am emailing and calling and siiiiigh. This is a boutique hotel, so there's less corporate people to try to appeal to. But like... those 10 people I still need to book are worth about 10k even with the group rate, so you think that would be worth something.

    Growing skeptical that I'll be able to reach her before I talk to my supervisor but I'm probably not fired, which is the part of this I care about. Hell, I'm offering to basically pay them the cost difference, so I don't think it would be fair to fire me.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 11-04-2014 at 08:47 AM.

  24. #684
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    Not really a 'fucked' thing, but I just had one of my best vacations ever out in the middle of nowhere in my family's vacation house. Me and my gf just rode bikes, hiked, painted, watched movies, and I learned how to shoot a bow. No internet, barely any cell reception, and just clear starry skies and nothing important. Aaaannnnd now work is tomorrow. I usually like my job but I just want to continue doing nothing right now.

  25. #685
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I'm pretty much going off the "Your contract is confusing (this is true)." angle along with the "I was out sick with a stomach virus last week and am being held accountable to deliver this rate to my employers." line (I wasn't sick) and am emailing and calling and siiiiigh. This is a boutique hotel, so there's less corporate people to try to appeal to. But like... those 10 people I still need to book are worth about 10k even with the group rate, so you think that would be worth something.

    Growing skeptical that I'll be able to reach her before I talk to my supervisor but I'm probably not fired, which is the part of this I care about. Hell, I'm offering to basically pay them the cost difference, so I don't think it would be fair to fire me.
    Do NOT offer to pay the difference. See if the hotel will honor the rate even though you missed a date. There are so many other hotels too that you can scout for a similar rate. It's a dog eat dog world for group room sales. Even shopping for an equivilant price and telling the first hotel that you really would like to stick with them, but the company can't eat such a big increase. Confess your mistake early just don't pay money for it!

  26. #686
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    This all worked out. Thank you so much for the advice guys.

    I think if I was fired my interactions with my supervisor would be much, much different today and a couple of my coworkers were like "mistakes happen." Obviously I fucked up and she wasn't pleased, but I can live with that.

  27. #687
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    Yay! Awesome.

  28. #688
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    My day today was especially fucked up, as I was haunted in a dream of this particular person. it brought back dead memories.

  29. #689
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    woke up feeling sick to my stomach and overwhelmingly sad, and barely summoned the motivation to leave for work.

    all of the problems i had to solve for my customer were SO STUPID (surround receiver needed a software update, power cord had slipped out of the back of amplifier) so i basically spent more time commuting than working.

    as soon as i got home, i opened the fridge to pour myself a glass of water, and a nalgene bottle fell off the top and hit me in the head, which immediately made me start crying because i'm just feeling so horrible today.

    also, there's nothing to eat here that isn't going to upset my stomach more, and i really don't want to go back out and deal with interacting with people.

  30. #690
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    Kid is sick. It really sucks when your kid feels shitty, because they can't really do anything, they just have to deal with it.

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