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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #691
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    Spent the day lying on my front due to slipped disc. Not a terrifically bad day, but not the best!

  2. #692
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    Today has been not the greatest.

    Saw that a friend of mine had posted some suicidal shit on Facebook on my way to work. Spent the next couple of hours getting ahold of friends, getting them to contact him, contacting him myself on Facebook, calling his parents at an address another friend had tracked down, and coming very close to calling the police before the guy's dad called me back. Thankfully he's alive, but just was in a very depressed spot. I was at work for at least half of that with my phone by me while I put away groceries/went about my tasks.

    So that's what matters. I'm glad he's okay and knows people care about him.

    I also made a couple of mistakes that are by no means the end of the world at work, but blerrrgggh. I just would like to go home and take it easy.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 11-18-2014 at 01:42 PM.

  3. #693
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    My car failed it's MOT big time.
    Now she has until just December 13th before she has to go to the big scrap yard in the sky.

  4. #694
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    So my whatever the fuck we were cheated on me. We weren't exactly a couple, but we'd had a mutual agreement that we'd only sleep with each other because we trusted other enough, actually gave a shit about one another and both weren't exactly into one night stands. She showed up to my house today, uninvited, and basically told me this by offering a hypothetical question : would I be upset if she slept with one of my friends (who she barely fucking knows and himself has told me that he had no interest in her) if I'd be angry. I'd told her I'd be angry if she didn't come to me first, and tell me like an adult that she wanted to sleep with other people. I wouldn't have cared if she did that. But after that, she admitted did that she already did that behind my back. Look, I get it, I have no control what she does with her body because its her body, but I was led to believe that we had a mature, mutual agreement. Apparently we didn't. And apparently my friend lied to me about him being interested in her. I feel hurt, betrayed and pissed. I told her to leave my house and never contact me again. She left trying to assure me it wasn't a bullshit idea, which I quickly called bullshit on. I am so fucking emotionally rollercoasting right now that I'm fucking shacking. I've lost two of my only friends and have nothing to do but sit in my room, fucking seething over this. Why the fuck couldn't she have been an adult in this situation and just tell me beforehand she wanted to sleep with other people? I don't get it.

  5. #695
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    These types of situations tend carry very little reason around in their back pockets. I say that not to make light of your situation, sorry these things suck, but in these matters I find people can at times act at their most base. It is, sexual attraction etc., one of the great equalizers(?) amongst virtually everyone at some point. I'm truly sorry man. Beyond that I don't know what else to say.
    Last edited by Pillfred; 11-28-2014 at 11:49 PM.

  6. #696
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    goddamn last night sucked so much. Today, I think I'm just shell shocked.

  7. #697
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    Long story short, Mini Cooper is totaled but I'm ok and my dog is ok.

    Now the longer version:

    So I was on my way into work (on my day off) for a last minute mandatory meeting. When I came up to the Seneca off ramp in Seattle, it was backed up and at a stand still. I slow down and come to a complete stop and wait for the traffic to start to move. I looked in my review mirror and noticed this POS Saturn was hauling ass towards me and I thought to myself "Hmm...he's going pretty fast......OH FUCK, HE's NOT SLOWING DOW...." - BAM!!! He hits me going over 65 in a 60 zone. The air is instantly knocked out of me, my head hits the part where the roof meets the top of the windshield, my dog flies forward and hits the steering wheel, and my drivers side door is now facing oncoming traffic. I can hear the guy get out of his car and he instantly starts yelling "I TOLD HER TO WEAR HER DAMN SEAT BELT! I TOLD HER! I SWEAR TO GOD I TOLD HER!!" - Not once does he come over to my car to check and see if I was ok (asshole). Turns out his dumbass wife didn't wear her seat belt and she was sitting in the front seat. Her head made contact with the windshield and split her head open. According to my manager who just happened to be driving by and stopped when she noticed my car was involved, it looked like the wife had been scalped clean.

    I get to the hospital and get checked out, nothing is broken or fractured, but I have major lower back pain and my left eye is swollen shut. The officer who was first on the scene showed up at the hospital to drop off my ID and a police report. He told me that he had good news and bad news. Good news was that he found the other driver to be 100% at fault (well duh) and the bad news guessed it, uninsured driver. FML.

    With that being said, I've never been in an accident like this before. What exactly do I have to do now that I'm dealing with someone who doesn't have insurance? My insurance covers uninsured drivers, but what legal actions do I need to take? Do I need to get a lawyer involved at this point? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

  8. #698
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    Well, I know I'm going to miss out on work and I work on hourly + commission. I really worried since I will most likely not be returning to work for at least 10 days which KILLS your commission check.

    This fucking year has sucked balls.....

    - First my fiance and I break up (my heart was crushed)
    - Drive back home to collect myself and to be around family only to have our family dog get hit and killed by a car the day I arrive.
    - Then 5 days later my father dies on the operating table when he's getting a stint replaced while I'm driving back to Seattle.
    - Get stuck in San Francisco for four days due to the cooper overheating. Shell out $800 in labor to replace a $30 sensor. (fucking PISSED at this point)
    - Three weeks after that my grandfather loses his battle with cancer
    - One month later I get side swiped by a fucking Prius.
    - Get my Cooper back a month after the accident, have it for three more weeks and got free racing stripes installed by Seattle Mini (I wrote a long email to the lot manager about my experience with their dealership and she wanted to say thanks for pointing out how they had taken really good care of me) this past thursday, then this fucking train wreck happens.

    Prius accident

    Needless to say 2014 can go fuck itself......

  9. #699
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    Fuck. Sorry to hear about all that. Shouldn't your insurance people know how to proceed?
    Is it even legal to drive without insurance?

  10. #700
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Fuck. Sorry to hear about all that. Shouldn't your insurance people know how to proceed?
    Is it even legal to drive without insurance?
    it is not legal, in any way, to drive without insurance. the other driver is all kinds of fucked.
    the problem is that, although TIMP's insurance will cover him and the fact that the other driver is not insured, it will still probably cause his premium to increase.
    @NotoriousTIMP rest up and feel better, dude. i am so sorry this year has been so horrible to you. the second half 2010 was the shittiest year i've ever had and everything started to turn around midway through 2011. hopefully things will star getting better.

  11. #701
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    With that being said, I've never been in an accident like this before. What exactly do I have to do now that I'm dealing with someone who doesn't have insurance? My insurance covers uninsured drivers, but what legal actions do I need to take? Do I need to get a lawyer involved at this point? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
    You should talk to some personal injury lawyers, yes. Because you'll probably need it to deal with YOUR OWN insurance company to make sure your medical bills get paid, plus even coverage for loss of income, pain and suffering, etc. No, your premiums don't necessarily go up. Plus you can go after the other guy, personally. You can sue him for damages. Right now, I'm glad you're alive, but keep going to the doctor; rear-end accidents often cause a lot more injuries than people realize, including spinal injuries that go undetected. Weird thing but if you were on your way to work, a good lawyer might be able to call this a worker's compensation case if he/she can spin it that you were somehow on the job, not sure of the details related to this particular case (it's not worker's comp if you were simply on your way to work). Consult some lawyers.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-15-2014 at 02:23 PM.

  12. #702
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    christmas was an absolute bust... my grandmother isn't doing well (hot off the heels on my grandfather's death) and to make matters worse, my prick of a father is already getting weird and aggressive about money/inheritance/their house, etc.

    then we got back to a very sick kitty- our cat bruce has had lymphoma for 1 year and 2 months, and finally went downhill. we just got back from the hospital where we had to let him go... we are extremely devastated, and just spent the last hour or two cleaning up his toys, scratching post, disposing of his pills, etc.

  13. #703
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    Today had a miserable start to the day. First, it was near freezing when I left for work on my bike and I’m starting to come down with something. Next, I fricking fall off my bike because of some black (I suppose grey, in this instance) ice on the sidewalk and skinned my knees pretty badly. Then, when I got to work, I couldn’t get in because I didn’t have my key on me and it was at home so I had to go back and forth.

  14. #704
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankie teardrop View Post
    christmas was an absolute bust... my grandmother isn't doing well (hot off the heels on my grandfather's death) and to make matters worse, my prick of a father is already getting weird and aggressive about money/inheritance/their house, etc.

    then we got back to a very sick kitty- our cat bruce has had lymphoma for 1 year and 2 months, and finally went downhill. we just got back from the hospital where we had to let him go... we are extremely devastated, and just spent the last hour or two cleaning up his toys, scratching post, disposing of his pills, etc.
    :: hug hug hug :: i am so sorry

  15. #705
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankie teardrop View Post
    christmas was an absolute bust... my grandmother isn't doing well (hot off the heels on my grandfather's death) and to make matters worse, my prick of a father is already getting weird and aggressive about money/inheritance/their house, etc.

    So sorry. It's not uncommon for one partner to pass not long after the first. I've seen that several times with grandparents. As for inheritance, always gets weird especially if there isn't much of a plan. I hope your grandfather has a will.

  16. #706
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    Our chihuahua got into a fight with the other one we have (they don't get along) and he broke his leg, just got back from the vet. It's New Year's Eve AND it's his birthday on January 13. Really crappy. He's under sedation now getting a splint put in and might need surgery.

  17. #707
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    My blind doggie, Cookie, was put on 1/2 Benedryl yesterday plus a bunch of other stuff by her vet due to allergy issues. This morning, Cookie still seemed groggy from the Benedryl last night, and she got up for breakfast but lied down in her doggy bed in the living room. I was cleaning the kitchen counter, getting ready to take her to the basement to feed the zoo (4 cats and a dog) but Cookie had decided to head downstairs ahead of me (she's paper trained).

    Then I heard the sound of somebody falling down the stairs, and a cat hissed to alert me. I screamed and ran a short distance; Cookie was already walking at the bottom of the stairs and her best friend, big tomcat Sam, was rubbing against her side and smelling her to see if she was okay, while calico Phoebe was yelling at me to do something. I scooped Cookie up and checked her the best I could for injuries; she hid in the basement bathroom for a little while to lick a back paw.

    She slept for about 3 hours in a doggie bed and when she woke up, she would not put any weight on her left hind leg. We took her to the vet; it appears she TORE HER KNEE LIGAMENT. And she can't be on pain Meds because she's on cortisone for Addison's. Ugh, it's killing me. I hate to see her in this pain. I've done some research; vet doesn't think surgery is worth it for this, and research supports it. Physical therapy is good.

    @Ryan , I know what you're going through; hope your dog is okay. Although, now I will never bitch about my cats fighting ever again.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-30-2014 at 10:09 PM.

  18. #708
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    The vet thinks he might be ok without surgery but will consult an orthopaedic surgeon on Monday to get his opinion.

    He now has a long green mast on his left leg, looking like one tenth of him
    magically became The Hulk, lol. Gotta keep him from jumping and have him in our room with towels on the floor so he doesn't slip on the tiles. Their pain threshold is so high, it's amazing. Little trooper.

  19. #709
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    Pretty sure my Mom has been hit with the family's Alzheimer stick. Ugh.

  20. #710
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    The vet thinks he might be ok without surgery but will consult an orthopaedic surgeon on Monday to get his opinion.

    He now has a long green mast on his left leg, looking like one tenth of him
    magically became The Hulk, lol. Gotta keep him from jumping and have him in our room with towels on the floor so he doesn't slip on the tiles. Their pain threshold is so high, it's amazing. Little trooper.

    Looks like he is gonna need surgery after all.

  21. #711
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Looks like he is gonna need surgery after all.
    So he had surgery yesterday and had a plate put in his leg. We pick him up today at 2pm. He came out of the anaesthetic and has eaten some chicken!

  22. #712
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    He's back and well!

  23. #713
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    Poor doggy. Hope he gets well soon!!

  24. #714
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    Found a lump on my testicle, and I can't go to the doctor until monday. Welp, this sucks. Guess I won't be sleeping this weekend.

  25. #715
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Found a lump on my testicle, and I can't go to the doctor until monday. Welp, this sucks. Guess I won't be sleeping this weekend.
    Go to a hospital, it will be agony over the weekend if you are a bad hypochondriac like I am. @ItsJustDave knows a lot about this, I believe.

    On the topic, for years I always had it in my head that something was wrong with one of my testicles, but was afraid to feel there in case there was something, so had to go to a doctor on 4 different occasions and have them feel for me. Each time they said it was all normal - the idea was just so strong in my head that I was feeling phantom symptoms and sensations.

  26. #716
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Go to a hospital, it will be agony over the weekend if you are a bad hypochondriac like I am. @ItsJustDave knows a lot about this, I believe.

    On the topic, for years I always had it in my head that something was wrong with one of my testicles, but was afraid to feel there in case there was something, so had to go to a doctor on 4 different occasions and have them feel for me. Each time they said it was all normal - the idea was just so strong in my head that I was feeling phantom symptoms and sensations.
    Seriously, don't fuck around. If you're concerned, push hard for answers. If they can't give you a definitive answer, push hard for them to do more tests.

    I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in October of 2007. I had chronic pain in my lower back with no clear reason why. Eventually, I ended up at the ER and after numerous tests they eventually discovered a mass the size of an orange on my aorta in the middle of my abdomen (via CT scan). I suspect that the pain I felt in my lower back was due to the mass pushing on a nerve. Thank god for that, I'm not sure I'd be around now if I hadn't had that as an indicator. The mass had started in my testicle, but had primarily grown in my abdomen. T

    About 6 months prior to diagnosis, I had felt a tiny lump with related soreness in my testicle. I went to my doctor, but they indicated it was nothing to worry about. Point being, don't hesitate to get a second opinion. They can do an ultrasound to get a better view of things if need be. Hope you've got decent health insurance. Mine kinda sucked when I was diagnosed. Feel free to PM me with any questions you might have.

  27. #717
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsJustDave View Post
    About 6 months prior to diagnosis, I had felt a tiny lump with related soreness in my testicle. I went to my doctor, but they indicated it was nothing to worry about. Point being, don't hesitate to get a second opinion. They can do an ultrasound to get a better view of things if need be. Hope you've got decent health insurance. Mine kinda sucked when I was diagnosed. Feel free to PM me with any questions you might have.
    That's pathetic that they brushed off the lesion on your testicle so swiftly like that. What kind of doctor did you go to? Really, any sort of lump ought to be examined in depth as soon as possible. It's no wonder that medical malpractice is the biggest killer out there.

    What was your treatment like and how long did you endure it for before you got the all-clear?

  28. #718
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    That's pathetic that they brushed off the lesion on your testicle so swiftly like that. What kind of doctor did you go to? Really, any sort of lump ought to be examined in depth as soon as possible. It's no wonder that medical malpractice is the biggest killer out there.

    What was your treatment like and how long did you endure it for before you got the all-clear?
    That was my PCP. I should have pushed for a specialist.

    -Mid-October 2007: Initial in-patient surgery to remove abdominal mass. Analysis upon removal indicated testicular cancer and they did an ultrasound to check my testicles. Found a tiny mass in right testicle (urologist said they never would have found with a physical exam). I spent about a week in the hospital on heavy pain killers.

    -Late October 2007: Surgery to remove right testicle. Incision at waist and they went in from there to remove testicle.

    -Mid-November 2007: Surgery to install port for administration of chemotherapy. This thing was inside my upper chest wired into my circulatory system near my heart.

    Later that month, chemo started. I went through chemo through February of 2008. It was a 3 week cycle.
    First week, Monday through Friday roughly 4 hours of chemo each day.
    Second week, no chemo, time to recuperate.
    Third week, Neulasta to stimulate white blood cell growth before starting all over again.

    -February 2008: Last chemo session.

    -March 2008: No trace of cancer, clean scans.

    -January 2009: Mediport removed.

  29. #719
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    How are you these days? Did it take getting used to with the missing testicle once they removed it? Any pain down there or is it all good since?

  30. #720
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    I'm going to a doctor tomorrow, one my half brother vouches for. I'll post again in the thread when I find out what's going on.

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