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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #121
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    Changed my job at work after I came back from holiday from a night shift job 10pm to 6am (7 on 7off) to a early shift job 7am to 3pm (usual monday to friday) at work from an internal vacancy only to find myself now with the manager from hell who picks over every little thing and has virtually threatened me with the sack even though I have only been in the position for 2 weeks - but been working at the company for a year and a half. From leaving a position where I felt fairly secure I am now in one where I feel so insecure and stressed that I broke down twice in ten day!. Wish I never left the night shift

  2. #122
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    One of my friends is dying of cancer. We are only 20 . I met him after his diagnosis and I didn't expect to get so close to him so fast but he took me to Coachella and the past few months we've really gotten close. Today his mother (whom is also very sick and dying slowly of MS) sent me a message on facebook asking for my address because apparantly he has written a letter to me in case anything happens to him soon. She said that our friendship has really meant a lot to him. I'm so scared for him and also because my best friend in the whole world is his girlfriend and I'm scared that she will never be the same after this. She is strong and amazing but the idea of her suffering after his death is almost as horrible as the thought of him dying. I've been hanging out with them a whole lot recently and we have sleepovers at his apartment (the 3 of us in one bed like 3 pigs in a blanket haha) I cherish these moments and I don't think I'm ready to let go.
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 06-08-2012 at 12:20 AM.

  3. #123
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    i, for lack of a better term, re-exploded my knee at work, moving boxes of gallon jugs of antifreeze. the clinic gave me vikes, but i dont touch that shit anymore. because my job is TECHNICALLY a deskjob, i didnt get a note, just vikes and a knee brace, that i already have three of. Now im on that whole "if i didnt blow my knee up, i would be playing for [insert big 10 school here]" and its JAWSOME. rabble rabble bitch moan.

    also, i feel like a dick having read littlemonkey613's problems. i should man the fuck up.....

  4. #124
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    littlemonkey, my thoughts are with you. That's some heavy shit to work through.

    My little sad of the day is really no sad at all, compared to that: I had my last class with a group of students I've had with me for four years, and who are the most adorable and sweet and generous and fantastic girls in the world. I've literally watched them grow from kids to adults, and to send them off into the world now is... both amazing and incredibly difficult. I cried at the end of our last class together, but thankfully, so did they.
    I'm going to be a mess at the graduation ceremony.

  5. #125
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    People have been ignoring me a lot recently, and if that didn't make me feel bad enough, I just found out my Grandma has been rushed to the hospital because of chest pains. I honestly fucking hate my life.

  6. #126
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    Sorry to hear what littlemonkey and Frozen Beach are going through.

    I resigned from my job today, a job that makes me break down twice in a week is no good for my mental health. So yes transfered my ass out of a job, sometimes the grass is not greener on the other side.

  7. #127
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    Seems like I have another hernia. A little over two years after surgery for the other one.

  8. #128
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    Good for you, miss k bee. I know how difficult that kind of decision is to make, but you have to choose your own sanity and health first.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss k bee View Post
    I resigned from my job today, a job that makes me break down twice in a week is no good for my mental health.
    I've been there, more than once. It sucks. Good on 'ya for getting out of there.

    littlemonkey, I am so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine how hard that must be. If you ever want to talk/vent, shoot me a PM.

    Frozen Beach, I've got my fingers crossed for your grandmother. Keep us updated, yeah?
    Last edited by theruiner; 06-09-2012 at 05:03 AM.

  10. #130
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    My Dad-in-law has pancreatic cancer. Of course, according to the surgeons, they "got it all," but it's still not a good prognosis, even very early on. My own dad died 3 years ago. I just would like my son to grow up with a Grandpa. I love him so much, this breaks my heart. My husband doesn't seem to understand yet, but he'll be devastated once he does.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by sublimaze View Post
    My Dad-in-law has pancreatic cancer. Of course, according to the surgeons, they "got it all," but it's still not a good prognosis, even very early on. My own dad died 3 years ago. I just would like my son to grow up with a Grandpa. I love him so much, this breaks my heart. My husband doesn't seem to understand yet, but he'll be devastated once he does.
    My father in law died of this about 5 years ago. It wasn't anything operable and he decided to stop treatment a year in. He was good for a couple of years and checked a ton of stuff off his bucket list, but then went down hill very quickly. It was an experience that really showed me how insidious and evil cancer is.... I'm sorry.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    My father in law died of this about 5 years ago. It wasn't anything operable and he decided to stop treatment a year in. He was good for a couple of years and checked a ton of stuff off his bucket list, but then went down hill very quickly. It was an experience that really showed me how insidious and evil cancer is.... I'm sorry.
    my grandfather died of pancreatic cancer. he was given 3 months, but received chemo and lived for 5 months. 5 horrible, sick, painful months. he was 68.

    I hope that your father-in-law doesn't have to go through that suffering, Sublimaze,
    Last edited by allegro; 06-11-2012 at 06:11 AM.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    my grandfather died of pancreatic cancer. he was given 3 months, but received chemo and lived for 5 months. 5 horrible, sick, painful months. he was 68.

    I hope that your father-in-law doesn't have to go through that suffering, Sublimaze,
    Me too. He sees the oncologist on Tuesday. We'll know more then.

  14. #134
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    Lost a friend yesterday. He's a huge basketball fan. So he invites a bunch of people (me included). I opted out because it was a weeknight and a had work in the morning, a few did. He has a fit about people only liking football and no other sports. He goes on and on until he says "it's provably because of all the black people playing". That pissed me and a couple others off, obviously. I opted to the sarcastic approach with "oh, you caught me! I'm a racist! You and your insane psychic abilities".

    That made things worse and the him playing the race card because no one wanted to go to a bar, on a Thursday night, to watch basketball (I watched it at home). He kept whining and rambling on (he's in his early 30s and older than me), so I eventually left the conversation (Facebook) .

    Next few days I hear that convo is still going and all he's done was trash talk me, for THREE DAYS.

    So, I finally message him and give him the generic "hear you've got a problem with me. Why not come at me directly?". He continues to call me a racist. Mind you, my entire family are very Jewish, and very liberal. So after a bit, a few fuck yous were thrown, and that was that.

    Friends for the past 2 or so years, over, because I decided to stay in and watch the game from home. None of this would've happened if I had gone, I bet.

    I left him with "oh BTW, why did you stop going to karma again? Oh yeah! The blacks!". It's a nightclub that became very more rap friendly with a strong demographic. All of my friends stopped going. He said "diversity", I called "hypocrisy". More fuck yous were given and that's that.

    A little bummed to lose a friend on these circumstances, but that's how it has to be I guess...

  15. #135
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    Is the x friend black?

  16. #136
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    Piko, this guy sounds like a psycho. I know it sucks to lose a friend, but you're probably better off not having him in your life.

  17. #137
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    He's Asian. I'm pretty whatever about it at this point. And he's gotten into it and lost friends over fantasy football, so I guess I'm not surprised. My only problem now is thar we're in a group of friends (he's pissed off a few of them as well). So it's going to be weird when it comes to group functions. But I'm done with it. He's in his 30s and having a fit like that? No thanks. I'm far better off without. Just aggravating that someone can ruin a day because of a basketball game. That's true ignorance right there.

  18. #138
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    My sister in law posted on Facebook that her dad died. My soon to be X won't take my call, keeps kicking me to voicemail.

  19. #139
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    I'm having possibly the worst month of my life; my dad has been in and out of hospital; I found out one of my best mates is moving 6 hours away for 18 months due to military training the day before my birthday, meaning I can't spend any time with my two closest friends anymore (the other one now lives ion the other side of the country); I got laid off from my second job which I needed because of the cash; and to cap it off today I had to walk out of the thing I normally enjoy more than anything else in life, playing soccer, which I've done for 16 years non stop, because some of my 'team-mates' decided to abuse me on the field in the middle of a game and have generally made playing less than enjoyable over the past few weeks
    And as an added bonus I also picked up a parking fine this afternoon. yay.

  20. #140
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    Broke my leg in two places. Was meant to be flying to England to see Combichrist today. Fuck everything.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    Broke my leg in two places. Was meant to be flying to England to see Combichrist today. Fuck everything.
    That's awful. So, sorry. Did someone push you into traffic?

  22. #142
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    Brought down by a door frame. A DOOR FRAME. People will not sing of that, ffs.

  23. #143
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    Yesterday I found out that my ex-best friend of 10 years, who sent me death threats and went completely stalker psycho on me for an entire half year after I stopped talking to him, contacted my sister last Friday asking for my number. He said, "I miss my best friend." It's been five years since I've talked to this guy, and I have no inclination whatsoever to resurrect an incredibly damaging friendship. The person that was his friend was an insecure alcoholic with no social life who relied on his friend for 95% of his emotional support; that person no longer exists (thank fuck).

    It's making me paranoid, and I fucking hate it. Fucking move on already!

  24. #144
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    Jesus, that's got bad news written all over it.

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    Broke my leg in two places. Was meant to be flying to England to see Combichrist today. Fuck everything.
    Well, if it's any consolation, an acquaintance of mine broke both​ her legs while dancing in her living room, slightly drunk.

  26. #146
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    THAT'S impressive!

  27. #147
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    My parents have to have their barely 5 year old chocolate lab put down later today. She's lost 15lbs in a week, her liver has failed and toxins are building in her body and brain, so she's having slight seizures. And in typical heartbreaking dog fashion she's still gamely wagging her tail and eating bits of cookie from my grandpa's hand.

    Also, that was MY gorilla when I was a kid! She found it one day and it turned into her favourite.

  28. #148
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    Awww, she looks precious. So sorry for your loss.

    /walks away - I was just going whine about my so-called life..

  29. #149
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    Sorry to just pop in to vent, but considering I'm up at 7:00 am and completely sober and my social circle is a mess I just NEED to vent.

    Friends relationship drama may lead to someone (who I don't know well, but I don't think is a bad person) losing her job because she's in a fucking relationship triangle. I'm going to have to have a serious talk with a friend tomorrow that may ruin several of my friendships. There is a huge schism in my social circle coming. Also, I was having a great heart to heart with a girl I really like just before shit blew up. Jesus, what a mess.

    There's also a mouse in my apartment.

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Awww, she looks precious. So sorry for your loss.

    /walks away - I was just going whine about my so-called life..
    Thanks, she was a sweetie. What makes it even worse is that my parents got her soon (probably TOO soon) after having their PREVIOUS dog put down at 10yrs old, due to cancer and a broken leg. Ugh...

    Also, whine away, that's what the thread is for! Never know, someone might have an answer

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