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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #1321
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    at this point though I’m just glad it’s over. Switching to Lyft
    uber is also a horribly shitty company (sweeping sexual assault reports under the rug repeatedly). as far as i know, lyft hasn't had any of the same issues.

  2. #1322
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    chemo sucks. i'm on a 16 week cycle. i do a 5 hour IV cocktail, then another 2 weeks later. then off for 3.5 months. usually i have recovered some before the second batch. not this time. sorry to whine. feel like death. on the bright side, losing some weight, haha.

  3. #1323
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    Got news this morning that my girlfriend's brother died in a house fire last night... he was only 31.
    Remember to tell your loved ones you love them before they go to bed. Life can be cruel, you never know when it's your time. It's quite eye opening when it starts happening close to home.

    Stay close to friends and family while they're still around.

  4. #1324
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    That sucks, I'm so sorry :-(

  5. #1325
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    Got divorced today. That fuckin sucked.

  6. #1326
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Got divorced today. That fuckin sucked.
    Been there, dude, but you’re already well on your way up again. You might not see it yet but it’s true.

  7. #1327
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Been there, dude, but you’re already well on your way up again. You might not see it yet but it’s true.
    Yeah, my GF did get me Mechanical Animals on vinyl the other day so she's already looking to get wifed.

  8. #1328
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    One of our cats developed heart failure in the past couple of days and was put to sleep to relieve the continued suffering this evening. RIP lil Charlie.

  9. #1329
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    One of our cats developed heart failure in the past couple of days and was put to sleep to relieve the continued suffering this evening. RIP lil Charlie.
    so sorry for your loss

  10. #1330
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    Yesterday a large tree fell directly on both mine and gf's cars. The same tree took down a power line that caused a significant electrical fire inside of our duplex. All humans and cats are fine.. but now we are displaced from our home. Currently staying at my gf's sister's house, thirty-some miles from where I work & neither of us have a car anymore.. Cant wait until we can move into our new place in August. Lucky to be alive. Grateful to have friends & family to help.. hope none of you have to experience this. Love y'all

  11. #1331
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    That sucks, man. Glad you're OK though.

  12. #1332
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    I continue to be singled out, picked on and harassed at work. I’m such a nervous wreck I haven’t been able to eat much the last few days (lost 2.5lbs in that time) because my stomach hurts so badly. My whole body hurts. It’s been a hellish last 2 years there (and in general). It’s become clear they want me gone and I haven’t really done anything wrong. Honestly. It’s all politics and vindictiveness.

    I recently moved from my old problematic house into a nicer condo. Having neuropathy made it hard for me to keep up with my home and yard. The process of selling and buying was not a smooth one. I had to move twice in 3 weeks time.

    I cant lose everything I went through hell to get. I can’t. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it.

  13. #1333
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I continue to be singled out, picked on and harassed at work. I’m such a nervous wreck I haven’t been able to eat much the last few days (lost 2.5lbs in that time) because my stomach hurts so badly. My whole body hurts. It’s been a hellish last 2 years there (and in general). It’s become clear they want me gone and I haven’t really done anything wrong. Honestly. It’s all politics and vindictiveness.

    I recently moved from my old problematic house into a nicer condo. Having neuropathy made it hard for me to keep up with my home and yard. The process of selling and buying was not a smooth one. I had to move twice in 3 weeks time.

    I cant lose everything I went through hell to get. I can’t. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it.
    Please keep your head up. I can tell you that you are definitely not the only one who has felt that way at your job and I also can tell you that it is a difficult situation to be in. Work should be a place that allows you to do the things you do best while simultaneously helping you grow both professionally and personally.

    Have you started looking for jobs? And if so, how seriously are you looking? I would say that the average job search today takes months, and this factors in applying for jobs, having companies get back to you, and even once you interview, that process sometimes takes weeks itself.

    My advice to you would be to start looking seriously if you have not already. If you have, be sure you keep it up and be consistent. There is definitely a difference between passively searching and actively searching. Are you on LinkedIn? If so, be sure you are using it to your advantage. Network and reach out to people.

    Other than that, just try to keep your head up. Are you seeing a counselor or therapist? It may be a good option so that you have an outlet for a lot of these feelings in order to make it a bit easier to make it through your days/weeks.

    Just trying to help.

  14. #1334
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    Thank you. Today I was very nervous all day but I was mostly left alone.

    It just sucks. I’m good at my job; always got fantastic performance reviews for almost 9 years. I want to retire there. My reputation has been under attack for almost 2 years now. Anyone can say anything and then I get pulled into a room and interrogated like I’m already guilty. And I’ve done almost none of it and the shit I did do, EVERYONE there does.

  15. #1335
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    dealing with a car dealer whilst still sick from chemo therapy. on the bright side it was first big step to retire on disability from corporate hell

  16. #1336
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    almost drilled a hole through my left index finger today with a paddle/butterfly bit. i was drilling a hole through a single-gang outdoor plastic box (to house a volume control) and i absolutely should not have been holding the box the way i was. i 100% acknowledge that this was my own fault. when the bit came through, the box slipped in my hand, and one of the "wings" on the bit went right into my finger with my drill going full speed. inside the middle knuckle, ran into bone (but didn't chip), hit a nerve. i have not been able to feel anything on the inner side of my finger past that knuckle since it happened. really, really worried about my ability to play guitar moving forward. but it also could have been way worse and i could be missing a finger, so i'm thankful.

  17. #1337
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    Geez, dude. Hope you heal up and are good to play.

  18. #1338
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    holy shit dude, eek that could have been quite grisly

    I am starting to hate cars. A lot. I literally just paid my car off last month. Been having fan/vent issues in the car, particularly with A/C. Okay, it's hotter than balls lately, so I better take it in to get looked at. Sure enough, a cooling fan has failed and needs to be replaced. Oh, but I also have a coolant leak! The hubby has mentioned smelling coolant for a while now, so that's not incredibly surprising. What is surprising is the oil leaks that I also apparently have. And my brake pads and rotors are "getting bad" - and I'm overdue for a transmission flush. Altogether that comes to $2400. I want to puke. I'm just going ahead with the cooling fan and coolant leak, because those seem like the most pressing (if not believable) issues to me, and that's still running me $1100.

    Glad I'm working overtime all month.

  19. #1339
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    My roommates put down one of their dogs today. They had to put down another one less than a year ago. Fuck cancer.

  20. #1340
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    Broke my dominant arm in the wrist and elbow yesterday on a bike accident. Have a cast on and am pretty useless. Should be off work for a while. In incredible pain. my rib might be cracked too. Urgh. Hasn't been a very good year for me. Probably won't be posting here for a few weeks. Took a lot to write this with one hand on a cell.

  21. #1341
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    I was eating dinner at a Wendy's restaurant when I got harassed by a really aggressive panhandler. He was very abusive and disrespectful, so I reported him to the authorities. I'm still feeling really shaken up by the experience. It's the 3rd time I've been panhandled at that place. Never going there again. It always happens at Wendy's, never McDonald's. What is it about that place???? I should just eat at home or order takeout to eat at home.

  22. #1342
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Broke my dominant arm in the wrist and elbow yesterday on a bike accident. Have a cast on and am pretty useless. Should be off work for a while. In incredible pain. my rib might be cracked too. Urgh. Hasn't been a very good year for me. Probably won't be posting here for a few weeks. Took a lot to write this with one hand on a cell.
    Empathy... ouch.

    I once broke my dominate arm near the elbow doing a "Super-man" off the front of a bike (the front brake gripped a lot more than the rear break, it was a friends bike ...) and they couldn't cast it at all, just a sling. And then for good measure I re-broke a few weeks later when I tripped and put that arm in front of me to brace the fall. I'm a smart monkey...

  23. #1343
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    My grandmother passed away last Friday after a pretty long and painful battle with Alzheimer's that she went through over the last two and a half years. It's been an utterly exhausting experience, emotionally and physically. All the caretaking work primarily fell upon my grandpa, me, and my aunt. She'd been on hospice for the last couple months. Towards the end she couldn't eat, couldn't hardly breathe without struggling. I was feeding her, changing her, trying to treat her bed sores. It was rough.

    There's part of me that's honestly kind of relieved for her sake, because she really had nothing pleasurable or happy in her life at this point. But I feel so incredibly sorry for my grandpa. They got together back when they were young teenagers. Now he'll be turning 80 soon. I think for him this feels like the end of his entire world. Luckily, he just happened to be out at one of his own doctor appointments when she passed away. I was the one who was with her when she finally stopped breathing, and it was a really hard thing to experience because she struggled so much in her final moments. It was not an easy death. I know he's upset that he wasn't there when it actually happened, but I don't care, I'm glad he was out. I think it would have been traumatic for him to see that.

    I lived with my grandparents for a couple years when I was a teenager because I was having a lot of trouble at home, so I've always been very close to them. My grandmother was a kind person who was always good to me, so it was really hard to watch her go through the waking nightmare of dementia. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

    Death is such a strange thing. It's so horrific and sad and yet strangely cathartic and life affirming in the same instance. All in all, this whole thing has been a life altering experience.

  24. #1344
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    @Mantra , my sincerest condolences. Alzheimer’s is awful; your being caregiver to your own grandma, then being there when she experienced a pretty difficult death: that’s really hard. Ugh. But, I know exactly what you mean when you say her death is cathartic. She’s at peace.

    I hope your grandpa can find peace. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-23-2019 at 09:57 PM.

  25. #1345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    @Mantra, my sincerest condolences. Alzheimer’s is awful; your being caregiver to your own grandma, then being there when she experienced a pretty difficult death: that’s really hard. Ugh. But, I know exactly what you mean when you say her death is cathartic. She’s at peace.

    I hope your grandpa can find peace. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  26. #1346
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    At supper time yesterday, Friday, my mom and I went to check on my brother since she had been trying to reach him for several hours ( they were talking several times every day). She had a key to his apartment and I went up alone. I found him dead, on the floor of his living room. Heart attack. He was 48.

    We have a pretty severe family history of heart problems but he wasn't taking care of himself and he was a heavy smoker. Please take care of yourselves, everyone. He leaves behind two teenagers.

  27. #1347
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    Oh, @marodi , I am so sorry. My sincerest condolences. *hugs*

  28. #1348
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    At supper time yesterday, Friday, my mom and I went to check on my brother since she had been trying to reach him for several hours ( they were talking several times every day). She had a key to his apartment and I went up alone. I found him dead, on the floor of his living room. Heart attack. He was 48.

    We have a pretty severe family history of heart problems but he wasn't taking care of himself and he was a heavy smoker. Please take care of yourselves, everyone. He leaves behind two teenagers.
    sorry for your loss

  29. #1349
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    Sorry for the loss of your brother, @marodi .

  30. #1350
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    I’m sorry too, @marodi . Sending love to you and your family.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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