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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #1801
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    You ever see those YT vids of what people say while they’re all doped up after a procedure? Hilarious.
    my son after his wisdom teeth taken out was kind of funny - my wife recorded it - but his reaction watching it later was even better. He was completely dumbfounded because, as he said, "I had a dream about this! you're telling me it was real?"

  2. #1802
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    OMG this last prep made me SO sick, I didn’t even FINISH it like I was supposed to the night before.

    There’s been a national shortage of Trilyte and Golytely, so docs have had to prescribe alternatives.

    The alternative prescribed for me (the only one they could find, at a local Walgreens) was PEG-3350 + Electrolytes. PUKE. I hope they find you a better prep and that you feel better.
    I was actually meant to have this procedure two years ago (when I was 30). I took the picoprep and everything, but chickened out at the last minute the next morning because I had never been anaesthetised before. It didn’t affect me in any way apart from the liquid poo for a little while. I didn’t mind the taste that much either. Just very tangy. I’ve been told most people hate it and I’m one of the few who can tolerate it.

    This second time around (actually going through with everything) I took the exact same picoprep but started feeling nauseous after the second of the three doses. I didn’t vomit, but I sure as hell didn’t feel the best. Took an anti nausea pill and I was fine after that though.

  3. #1803
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    just drove through two hours of Los Angeles traffic to check out an apartment while having multiple anxiety attacks. At one point it got really bad and I had to pull over. I see the apartment and say I like it. Then I have to fill out a cover letter explaining myself, paystubs, bank statements, credit score (which is fine), and submit all this bullshit, and then right after I pay thirty bucks to cover the application fee I'm told "oh someone else just took the spot."

    I hate Los Angeles at this point.

  4. #1804
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    aw that sucks @Jinsai !!

  5. #1805
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    I thought no one can afford to live in Hell-A any longer, anyways?

    I feel for you. Just had to jump through the hoops myself recently and am moving into a nice new place in September.
    It's the same shit here though, housing market is fun in the big cities. I love it how 50 people line up for one viewing and it's basically worse than any assessment/job interview I've ever taken. You need a literal application folder stating how awesome you are to shove into some real estate agents hands when checking a place, doesn't matter if you want to rent or buy.
    Best profile: single, no children, no pets, no friends, nonsmoker, excellent job, even more excellent income, preferably at work 14 hours a day, female (which means landlords just assume you are tidier), best to only live there during the week and commute home on weekends, quiet, no hobbies (god forbid you play a musical instrument), oh, and of course, excellent financial records.

  6. #1806
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    yeah, I'm just done with this town I think. I also like seasons and weather. It's just too bright and sunny and.... I hate this.

    The house/apt lease game out here is borderline sociopathic... and it's not like I'm the sort of person that really loves sunny weather and the beach or waaaaaaaaaaathefuckever.

  7. #1807
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    yeah, I'm just done with this town I think. I also like seasons and weather. It's just too bright and sunny and.... I hate this.

    The house/apt lease game out here is borderline sociopathic... and it's not like I'm the sort of person that really loves sunny weather and the beach or waaaaaaaaaaathefuckever.
    Come to Canada. We have a colder than cold winters, free healthcare and Communism. We also have otters and poutine.

    I'm sorry that things are so shitty for so many of your, my friends. As if the pandemic wasn't enough. *hugs*

  8. #1808
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I also like seasons and weather. It's just too bright and sunny and.... I hate this.

    Haha I get that. Dead people get more tan than I do. I hate too much sun. Half vampire here.
    Love Canada. Pacific Northwest, the winters are actually not bad. If I didn't have to work and deal with all the normal life shit, I'd be living on some remote little patch of land off Vancouver Island, fishing salmon, watching those otters and say the casual 'good mornin, eh?' to my only neighbors, which would probably be two black bears.
    And poutine is pretty awesome. Gotta admit I was like "who the fuck came up with this? first time I heard what it was, but it's tasty. Only thing that makes hell seem like the sub-zero frozen artic is Tim Horton's coffee. I swear the stuff gets served at 266° Fahrenheit. Probably so some dude in Northern Manitoba can enjoy a lukewarm coffee for 20 seconds in Mid-January. Meanwhile I'm sitting there in the Pacific Northwest and have to wait 30 minutes before I even dare to touch the friggin cup without burning my fingers.

  9. #1809
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    Quote Originally Posted by shade View Post
    I thought no one can afford to live in Hell-A any longer, anyways?

    I feel for you. Just had to jump through the hoops myself recently and am moving into a nice new place in September.
    It's the same shit here though, housing market is fun in the big cities. I love it how 50 people line up for one viewing and it's basically worse than any assessment/job interview I've ever taken. You need a literal application folder stating how awesome you are to shove into some real estate agents hands when checking a place, doesn't matter if you want to rent or buy.
    Best profile: single, no children, no pets, no friends, nonsmoker, excellent job, even more excellent income, preferably at work 14 hours a day, female (which means landlords just assume you are tidier), best to only live there during the week and commute home on weekends, quiet, no hobbies (god forbid you play a musical instrument), oh, and of course, excellent financial records.
    *puts notepad and pen away while nodding*

    Well, I’ve entered all that data into the machine, Mister Real Estate Agent. The perfect Android should be ready in about, oooh, 3,000 years. I’ll page you when you can call her to inspect the property.

  10. #1810
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    Quote Originally Posted by shade View Post
    Best profile: single, no children, no pets, no friends, nonsmoker, excellent job, even more excellent income, preferably at work 14 hours a day, female (which means landlords just assume you are tidier), best to only live there during the week and commute home on weekends, quiet, no hobbies (god forbid you play a musical instrument), oh, and of course, excellent financial records.
    Swap single for partner in a COVID locked down country, and I only work 9 hours a day....and, well...that explains why I got my apartment with no deposit required. I have hobbies, but they're quiet.

  11. #1811
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    Follow up to my posts on the previous page about Ruby. She was due to go in for surgery on her broken toe tomorrow, but the vet called this morning and said they had a cancellation for today and offered for her to come in a day early. Everything went well and she's home now.

    This was a few minutes after returning home. I'd say she's doing pretty well, being highly food motivated as always (I live on a farm, and there was an empty chicken feed bag in the kitchen, which dogs love to lick the residue out of). Still pretty out of it, and on lots of meds for a bit. And it'll be several weeks before I get the results of the tests they'll be running on the bone. Hopefully they'll all come back negative, and Ruby can be back to normal after she heals up in a couple weeks.

  12. #1812
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    ^ Wishing you and your companion all the very best. lol at that picture. So adorable.

  13. #1813
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    ^ Wishing you and your companion all the very best. lol at that picture. So adorable.
    Thanks. She's such a loveable goofball. I wish everyone here could meet her because you'd all love her and she'd LOVE all of you. She loves all people so much. I can't wait until I can hopefully let her fully be herself in a couple weeks again.

  14. #1814
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    @otnavuskire Please post a picture of her sweet face? Dogs are the bestest, sweetest companions. (and I love cats, so that's saying something!)
    I'm the weirdo that will gaze adoringly at a neighbors dog when I don't know the neighbor.
    Fingers crossed for everything to be ok for Ruby.

  15. #1815
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    @otnavuskire Please post a picture of her sweet face? Dogs are the bestest, sweetest companions. (and I love cats, so that's saying something!)
    I'm the weirdo that will gaze adoringly at a neighbors dog when I don't know the neighbor.
    Fingers crossed for everything to be ok for Ruby.

    A post shared by on

    Lots more pics on my instagram page as well.

  16. #1816
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    Fingers crossed those tests come back negative!
    Keep us posted.

    Dogs are the best. Like said mine died in 2013 and I don't think I could do it again, although I'd love to have that companionship again. But I work way too much and am home too little for such a commitment.
    I'm a dog-person with a cat personality, if that makes any sense.

  17. #1817
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    Back at the vet this morning as Ruby’s foot is swollen. Hopefully it’s just that her bandage is too tight. Unfortunately I might be waiting a while as they need to fit me in when they can.

    EDIT: It took a never ending stream of treats, but the vet got the bandage changed without much trouble. I'm just glad they're finally letting owners go in with their pets again.
    Last edited by otnavuskire; 06-24-2021 at 10:42 AM.

  18. #1818
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    I spent the late afternoon in a cross-divisional-multiple-sites call and was, of course, the only one attending from my site. Now the Irish have "interesting" (aka time consuming, useless, expensive and inefficient) ideas again and since it's a fucked up very political power game that usually goes by strength in numbers, it escalated quickly and didn't take long until we all started yelling at each other. Yes, we are all grown ups. But usually whoever yells loudest gets a say, so this is how it goes.
    Ah, one really has to love fighting and bitching to do this job. Sometimes I'm so tired of always having to stand my ground. Tomorrow I'll personally kill some people on site for not making time for this. I'll just go to bed now before my anger issues get the better of me.

  19. #1819
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    Ruby's foot was swollen again this morning, even after the vet rewrapping it yesterday. This time they wanted me to drop her off. So sick of all this.

  20. #1820
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    The typical drug for colonoscopy prep didn't work & made me violently ill. Doc prescribed an alternative. Department of nasty surprises: my insurance won't cover the alternative regardless of other issues. My cost = $400. Being retired & on a fixed income this is not a good thing. I don't really have a choice though. It's a good thing that I'm not spending money on food since I haven't really been able to eat for the last month. Still get to basically suffer for another week until the scheduled tests. Sucks to be me the past month. If I were a dog, they would put me to sleep.

  21. #1821
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    That sucks @chuckrh I'm sorry

  22. #1822
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    The typical drug for colonoscopy prep didn't work & made me violently ill. Doc prescribed an alternative. Department of nasty surprises: my insurance won't cover the alternative regardless of other issues. My cost = $400. Being retired & on a fixed income this is not a good thing. I don't really have a choice though. It's a good thing that I'm not spending money on food since I haven't really been able to eat for the last month. Still get to basically suffer for another week until the scheduled tests. Sucks to be me the past month. If I were a dog, they would put me to sleep.
    Can you tell Doc and he/she can fight with your insurance company? They often can do this.

  23. #1823
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Can you tell Doc and he/she can fight with your insurance company? They often can do this.
    thank you both. the doc is a specialist who i have met once. i will be sure to ask.

  24. #1824
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    your insurance company?
    Ah, yes. The fourth circle of hell.

  25. #1825
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    Ah, yes. The fourth circle of hell.
    I always forget how good we have it with "free" healthcare here. Getting ripped off with my paycheck, insurance plus the goddamn taxes, but at least there are no unpleasant surprises.

    Feel better soon, chuckrh.

    And feel better soon, Ruby.

  26. #1826
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    Quote Originally Posted by shade View Post
    I always forget how good we have it with "free" healthcare here. Getting ripped off with my paycheck, insurance plus the goddamn taxes, but at least there are no unpleasant surprises.

    Feel better soon, chuckrh.

    And feel better soon, Ruby.
    thank you

  27. #1827
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    My cost = $400. Being retired & on a fixed income this is not a good thing. I don't really have a choice though. It's a good thing that I'm not spending money on food since I haven't really been able to eat for the last month.
    Most hospitals (here in Vermont, anyway) have financial assistance for low income patients. You have to apply for it, and in my experience a lot of people don't seem to realize it exists. Any time I've had a bill from a hospital, I've applied for it and they've wiped out the majority of what I owed them.

  28. #1828
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    Most hospitals (here in Vermont, anyway) have financial assistance for low income patients. You have to apply for it, and in my experience a lot of people don't seem to realize it exists. Any time I've had a bill from a hospital, I've applied for it and they've wiped out the majority of what I owed them.

  29. #1829
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    i had to leave work today because i couldn't stop crying and feeling like i was going to throw up

    a customer came in high as fuck, was being really creepy to my EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD coworker, and then while i was making his order, kept addressing me with masculine terms. i stayed calm and repeatedly told him "i'm a woman, please stop addressing me with masculine terms" and various iterations of that sentiment, but he wouldn't stop. my coworker grabbed the store manager (who for some reason hadn't intervened yet) who then kicked the customer out of the store. i went in back to cool down for a few minutes, and came back on the floor to keep making drinks. i was mostly ok until i took my break, and then i started bawling and hyperventilating and told my manager that i needed to leave while apologizing profusely. i spent my whole car ride home scream-crying (you know when your body does something of its own accord and you have no control over it?) and blasting some metal. my friend dana told me to come over and seeing her for a bit helped a little. but i'm just feeling really drained and sad and angry.

    i get misgendered at work all the time, and it's never not upsetting or frustrating, but people usually apologize after i correct them. i don't understand because i have tits, i wear a ton of eye makeup, and i even pitch my voice up when i interact with customers, so i have no idea what cues they're using to determine my gender incorrectly, or why they even feel the need to use gendered language.

    but this was different. this wasn't accidental, it was malicious and horrible. i really need to get a job that doesn't require public interface (which sucks because i'm REALLY GOOD with people).

  30. #1830
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i had to leave work today because i couldn't stop crying and feeling like i was going to throw up

    a customer came in high as fuck, was being really creepy to my EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD coworker, and then while i was making his order, kept addressing me with masculine terms. i stayed calm and repeatedly told him "i'm a woman, please stop addressing me with masculine terms" and various iterations of that sentiment, but he wouldn't stop. my coworker grabbed the store manager (who for some reason hadn't intervened yet) who then kicked the customer out of the store. i went in back to cool down for a few minutes, and came back on the floor to keep making drinks. i was mostly ok until i took my break, and then i started bawling and hyperventilating and told my manager that i needed to leave while apologizing profusely. i spent my whole car ride home scream-crying (you know when your body does something of its own accord and you have no control over it?) and blasting some metal. my friend dana told me to come over and seeing her for a bit helped a little. but i'm just feeling really drained and sad and angry.

    i get misgendered at work all the time, and it's never not upsetting or frustrating, but people usually apologize after i correct them. i don't understand because i have tits, i wear a ton of eye makeup, and i even pitch my voice up when i interact with customers, so i have no idea what cues they're using to determine my gender incorrectly, or why they even feel the need to use gendered language.

    but this was different. this wasn't accidental, it was malicious and horrible. i really need to get a job that doesn't require public interface (which sucks because i'm REALLY GOOD with people).
    Pay them no mind, you look great. I know cis women who are gorgeous but just happen to be a bit tall that get misgendered a lot, people are weird with this and there really isn’t any need to use this language anyway when you’re being served by somebody

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