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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #1861
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    So my wife has been throwing up multiple times a day for like a year, and we were worried her hep C had become active, and sure enough: it had. We miraculously managed to.get her the cure, which, yeah, the church literally helped us for part of it.

    Anyway, so: she ostensibly no longer has hep C, but is still throwing up.
    So we took her for an endoscopy, and she has gastroparesis, which is where food just sits in your stomach longer than it should. In SERIOUS cases, it sits there until you throw it back up, which is what appears to be going on, here.

    They took a bunch of biopsies, as it COULD be a virus. That's what we're hoping for.
    It could ALSO be a sign of Parkinson's, Crohn's disease, and all manner of other nasty stuff.
    And, depending on what's causing it, it could require surgery, or a lifelong puree only diet, etc...again, all manner of unpleasant things.

    So, yeah. We should hear back on these biopsies in a couple of days, and, again, whatever it is, hopefully it can be fixed with a medicine or a day surgery, and isn't something worse.

    It's just, FUCK. She's been throwing up EVERY DAY for almost a year. She can barely eat. We thought it was just the hep C, and we pulled SO many strings: it was "once we figure out how to get insurance, get the prescription, figure out how to PAY for it, and then you take it for three months, you'll be better."
    And she isn't better. Hey, I mean, I'm REALLY glad we caught and stopped the liver disease. But it's just hard to watch your spouse just miserable, throwing up every fucking day for a year, and then, think it's finally over, but it isn't.
    Hope all goes well. I have… 3 more days of my eight-tablets-a-day super expensive H. pylori medication left to go, then a follow up breath test in about a month. This has been some intense shit.

  2. #1862
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Hope all goes well. I have… 3 more days of my eight-tablets-a-day super expensive H. pylori medication left to go, then a follow up breath test in about a month. This has been some intense shit.
    I was afraid it would be. That's why I was worried about your crazy ass.

  3. #1863
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    I had gastroparesis, which eventually led to me having to get a hiatal hernia repaired and a Nissen fundoplication. Food sat at the "bend" in my stomach until I vomited it back up. Mine was caused by excessive alcohol abuse.

    This isn't exactly a happy post; I just wanted to let you know there's someone out there that understands having a "shitty" stomach.
    That's rough. How long were you throwing up.before you got treatment?

    It's so weird. L has never excessively abused anything.
    I shot heroin and coke, often with dirty needles for YEARS, and never caught hep C. Lorien never touched that stuff, but got hep C from a tattoo parlor, most likely.
    And now, this gastroparesis: it can be caused by excessive alcohol abuse? I was blackout drunk for a good portion of my twenties. But, my stomach is fine.

    Am I a voodoo doll for her?

    But, yeah @Jon ...even if it requires something like a fundoplication or an endoscopic myotomy, surely we can get that figured out.

    As long as it isn't the first sign of Parkinson's or some god awful shit like that.
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-23-2021 at 12:49 PM.

  4. #1864
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    it can be caused by excessive alcohol abuse?
    It can be caused by many things, or can be of unknown causes.

    See also.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-23-2021 at 02:08 PM.

  5. #1865
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    Yup, and, @allegro , we're currently rooting for virus. They SHOULD be calling us with biopsy results today.

  6. #1866
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Yup, and, @allegro , we're currently rooting for virus. They SHOULD be calling us with biopsy results today.
    She could have giardiasis? Or maybe it's one of her medications, which is mimicking gastroparesis. I'm also hoping they check her thyroid levels.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-23-2021 at 12:58 PM.

  7. #1867
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    She could have giardiasis? Or maybe it's one of her medications, which is mimicking gastroparesis. I'm also hoping they check her thyroid levels.
    They are.
    She doesn't really TAKE any medication anymore, though, so it isn't that. She was on an antidepressant, but she stopped taking it quite some time ago.

    That's what the Dr mentioned: virus and thyroid.

    But you know how much I worry about everything. I spent hours reading all the potential causes once we got home.

  8. #1868
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    That's rough. How long were you throwing up.before you got treatment?
    3 years. I thought I could maintain by using Zofran and not eating 4 hours before bedtime. Pretty sure the Zofran made it worse.

    As far as excessive alcohol abuse causing gastroparesis; probably not. I choose to phrase it that way because it's more the lifestyle I was in during that time that compounded the problem hundred-fold.

  9. #1869
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    3 years. I thought I could maintain by using Zofran and not eating 4 hours before bedtime. Pretty sure the Zofran made it worse.

    As far as excessive alcohol abuse causing gastroparesis; probably not. I choose to phrase it that way because it's more the lifestyle I was in during that time that compounded the problem hundred-fold.
    I'm not gonna press you on what you mean by lifestyle.

    But, I'm SO sorry. I've watched my wife go through this shit for a year, and,'s fucking awful. To be sick to your stomach for a year, or THREE years: I mean, fuck. That's one of the worst feelings in the world. I'm sorry you went through that.

  10. #1870
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I've watched my wife go through this shit for a year, and,'s fucking awful.
    I can't stand puking ONCE, let alone several times for a friggin' YEAR.

    When I was a kid, I'd hold my breath instead of puking. And I still hate puking so much, I'd pretty much rather have a broken arm than puke.

  11. #1871
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I can't stand puking ONCE, let alone several times for a friggin' YEAR.

    When I was a kid, I'd hold my breath instead of puking. And I still hate puking so much, I'd pretty much rather have a broken arm than puke.
    L agrees, as do i. We've had this conversation more than once.

  12. #1872
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    Same here. That shit’s nasty.

  13. #1873
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    Just had to help rescue the favorite cow on the farm I live on. Somehow she had tipped over sideways on a hill, with her feet uphill and her head downhill of her body, which is not a position a cow can get up from. She’d die if left like that. So the roommates, the neighbors and I got some straps around her, my roommate dragged her front end uphill with the tractor to rotate her while the rest of us stood behind her to push and make sure she didn’t roll onto her spine, which can also kill a cow. With the tractor pulling uphill and a little pushing from behind we got her head above her body and managed to roll her onto her chest in a pretty normal cow position. Doesn’t help that it’s super hot today so the whole time she was like that she was baking. And who knows how long it was. The neighbors were the ones that spotted her. After she'd rested for half an hour or so, she managed to get up on her feet, thankfully. She was my roommate's first cow, and is far more personable than cows tend to be as she was bottle fed by humans as a baby. Would have been quite a loss if we hadn't gotten her upright again.

    Oh yeah we also had to keep an eye on the bull and chase him off occasionally as he kept coming over to see what was going on. Was probably his fault in the first place. Bet he was trying to mount.

  14. #1874
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    Oh my god... anyone ever had a day when everything fails on a technical end, in a consistent way... like “ok ok ok I finally fixed the problem” and then you suddenly find yourself begging to get tech support on the phone and nobody will pick up?

    if there really is a god, he has a really lame sense of humor sometimes

  15. #1875
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    Sadly Rezzy (the cow from my story a couple posts up) has gotten worse and worse since her fall a couple days ago. The vet came to the conclusion that she's got a pretty bad spinal injury, and there's nothing that can be done. He's coming back either later today or tomorrow to put her down. Sucks.

  16. #1876
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    oh no i'm so sorry @otnavuskire :-(

  17. #1877
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    oh no i'm so sorry @otnavuskire :-(
    I intentionally make a point not to become emotionally attached to any of the farm animals. Might sound a bit messed up to some, but otherwise I couldn't live on a farm. But it’s a bummer on an emotional level for my roommate, as she was her first cow and so friendly (most cows are pretty scared of humans but not her). But also on a monetary level. She would have probably produced at least 5 or 6 more calves, some of whom would have had calves themselves. That’s a lot of lost money there. And she can’t be beefed so she’s useless dead. So she’s gotta either find someone to haul her away to deal with the body, or someone to come dig a hole here to compost her.

    I know some of that may be upsetting for some to read, but such is the reality of farm animals.

    That being said it is a little sad, as like I said, she was very personable. And she's the only cow I've ever milked myself.

    Only did it once, just to be able to say I'd milked a cow.

  18. #1878
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    Ok so, this has been the past SEVERAL days. I'm not going to get into all the details, but, remember how I mentioned that my godmother moved in with us?
    WELL. What we DIDN'T know is that she's been descending into DEMENTIA. She started saying more and more incoherent shit, and randomly assaulted my mom. There's been police and hospitals, and, ultimately, her just leaving the fucking house on foot with NOTHING, which involved MORE police. She has an actual son and sister, and in laws. They KNEW about this shit. They just don't CARE, and they wanted to pawn her off on US. Last week they sent a moving truck to move ALL her shit here.
    So, this is someone we love very much. But we can't take care of a violent dementia patient.
    So she's back in the hospital AGAIN, and has been for a couple of days. And her family is telling us "she's YOUR problem."
    Of course, legally, she is NOT our responsibility. But her family just does NOT care about her AT ALL.

    This is just SO fucked up and heartbreaking.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-31-2021 at 06:06 AM.

  19. #1879
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    ugh that totally sucks @elevenism that is very heartbreaking

  20. #1880
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    pretty fucked. got Moderna shot #3 yesterday. today is just like post-chemo. better than getting COVID though.

  21. #1881
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    Respect and best wishes to you, @chuckrh . You’re setting a hell of an example.

  22. #1882
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    a friend of mine has just died from cancer.

  23. #1883
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    a friend of mine has just died from cancer.

  24. #1884
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Respect and best wishes to you, @chuckrh. You’re setting a hell of an example.
    thank you

  25. #1885
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    a friend of mine has just died from cancer.
    sorry for your loss

  26. #1886
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    @Jinsai Very sorry to hear this.

  27. #1887
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    So sorry, @Jinsai . <3

  28. #1888
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    My first experience as a landlord has ended today with me having the police escort an angry aggressive addict out of my home.

    I didn't even know he was an addict until he left and told me to just throw out all of his things, and I started going through it and found 6 empty bottles of methadone.

    This man lived in my house for 2 months, with myself and my children and I had no idea until after I had him removed. I knew something was off, but I didn't know what.

    Up until this weekend he was really quiet, and I barely even knew he was there, but as of this weekend he started sending me very aggressive and hostile text messages, so it became clear he needed to go. This is not at all what I was expecting.

  29. #1889
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    This is a weird kind of fucked. In 45 minutes I had to call nine one one twice, for separate incidents of people either unconscious or bent over on a park bench with just breathing.

    I hope they're both all right. Just surreal... I think I've phoned emergency two times in my 40 years. This doubled it.

  30. #1890
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    Well I don’t always fall down stairs but when I do I do it well. Couple vertebrae fractures non spinal, some other thing and 5 ribs. This was the other night. I have to say everyone and there’s been quite ac few people in and out, has been pretty good.

    Happy Turkey all the same.

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