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Thread: The Netflix Thread

  1. #541
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    I didn't know.

  2. #542
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    I just hope Netflix doesn't pull some crap where they spread episodes out instead of just releasing the entire season at once.

  3. #543
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    I'm 7 episodes into The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and it's fantastic! Perfect Thanksgiving marathon...

  4. #544
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    I'm 7 episodes into The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and it's fantastic! Perfect Thanksgiving marathon...
    Really? Were you a fan of the old show? Do I need to watch the old show to enjoy the new one? And finally, what is so fantastic about it?

  5. #545
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Really? Were you a fan of the old show? Do I need to watch the old show to enjoy the new one? And finally, what is so fantastic about it?
    I wa definitely not a fan of the old show, but this new incarnation has a very different tone -and stands on its own. It has a pretty strong take on satanism/withcraft, the cast is great... I don't know, it really clicked with me!
    Last edited by hellospaceboy; 11-22-2018 at 11:32 PM.

  6. #546
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    I wa definitely not a fan of the old show, but this new incarnation has a very different tone -and stands on its own. It has a pretty strong take on satanism/withcraft, the cast is great... I don't know, it really clicked with me!
    Interesting. Thx. I will give it a whirl.

  7. #547
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    ^^I would be more excited if season 4 wasn't such a huge letdown.

    I'll still end up watching it, though. Hope it's good.

  8. #548
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    ^^I would be more excited if season 4 wasn't such a huge letdown.

    I'll still end up watching it, though. Hope it's good.
    Season...season 4? I'm confused. Is it season 4 of the OG? Was the OG picked up by NetFling?

  9. #549
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    Quote Originally Posted by Findus View Post
    The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.

    It's the Coen brothers' latest. 10 out of 10, in my book.

    It's on Netflix, and also in select theaters.

    Getting primed to watch this tonight. Pretty big Coen brothers fan. There is always something at least interesting in their work.

  10. #550
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    Sorry for double post, but @hellospaceboy (and anyone else interested in such things,) did you catch wind of this? :

    The Temple of Satan (not to be confused with the LeVayan CHURCH of Satan) sued Netflix for $50 million dollars for using their Baphomet statue in Sabrina. They settled, apparently, for acknowledgement in the show's credits, which makes me feel like their motives were pure.

    I felt like their co-founder's statement regarding why they sued was pretty damn cool, too:
    "I'm amazed that anybody is confused as to why we would seek legal remedy over Sabrina using our monument. Would they be as understanding of a fictional show that used a real mosque as the HQ of a terrorist cell? A fictional Blood Libel tale implicating real world Jews?"

    Also, just by the bye-
    the Church of Satan, to me, is a LOT like Ayn Rand and the ideas of a FUCKTON of republicans these days.

    But this TEMPLE of Satan group, they're pretty damn cool. They are much like leftists with a libertarian streak, much like myself. They are trying to spread compassion and empathy, while also placing emphasis on personal freedom.

    They AREN'T theistic Satanists, and if I didn't identify as a Christian, I would join. Oddly enough, if you read their tenets and look at their actions, they seem closer to REAL Christian philosophy than a WHOLE hell of a lot of today's "Christians."

    I just wouldn't feel comfortable calling myself a Satanist under any circumstances, even though I myself don't believe in satan and I DO understand what the ToS is getting at.

    But, damn! Most people tell me that I CAN'T be an altruist/socialist/leftist with a libertarian streak, and here is a group that is exactly that.

    OK. Sorry post is so fucking long; I hope SOMEONE enjoyed reading it

  11. #551
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Sorry for double post, but @hellospaceboy (and anyone else interested in such things,) did you catch wind of this? :

    The Temple of Satan (not to be confused with the LeVayan CHURCH of Satan) sued Netflix for $50 million dollars for using their Baphomet statue in Sabrina. They settled, apparently, for acknowledgement in the show's credits, which makes me feel like their motives were pure.

    I felt like their co-founder's statement regarding why they sued was pretty damn cool, too:
    "I'm amazed that anybody is confused as to why we would seek legal remedy over Sabrina using our monument. Would they be as understanding of a fictional show that used a real mosque as the HQ of a terrorist cell? A fictional Blood Libel tale implicating real world Jews?"

    Also, just by the bye-
    the Church of Satan, to me, is a LOT like Ayn Rand and the ideas of a FUCKTON of republicans these days.

    But this TEMPLE of Satan group, they're pretty damn cool. They are much like leftists with a libertarian streak, much like myself. They are trying to spread compassion and empathy, while also placing emphasis on personal freedom.

    They AREN'T theistic Satanists, and if I didn't identify as a Christian, I would join. Oddly enough, if you read their tenets and look at their actions, they seem closer to REAL Christian philosophy than a WHOLE hell of a lot of today's "Christians."

    I just wouldn't feel comfortable calling myself a Satanist under any circumstances, even though I myself don't believe in satan and I DO understand what the ToS is getting at.

    But, damn! Most people tell me that I CAN'T be an altruist/socialist/leftist with a libertarian streak, and here is a group that is exactly that.

    OK. Sorry post is so fucking long; I hope SOMEONE enjoyed reading it
    "Satanists" being hypocritical and petty over free property usage? They advocated the right to allow it on property of Arkansas's State Capitol Building and own no rights to Baphomet as a deity or an idea. I suppose its intellectual property since they constructed it but the statue in question is not something they pioneered. The thought of Baphomet as a deity and figure have been around way longer.

    Anyways, nothing shocking here. Just as dismissible and awful as their christian contemporaries they despise. A fat paycheck was the outcome though, which was the entire point all along.

    On topic, I've been watching that documentary series called The Nineties this week. Pretty cool stuff for the world when I was a bit younger and some of it was foggy for my memory.

  12. #552
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    @elevenism I heard about that, I'm curious If the production team had kept off the children at the base of the statue would there be much issue? They can't seriously be the first group to have ever made a statue depiction of Baphomet and they can't claim ownership of a deity that's been around for centuries and depicted since at least the late 1800s can they? I would have figured something like that would be public domain.

  13. #553
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    @thelastdisciple , idk. The statue is pretty much exactly like the ToS statue, which I GUESS is intellectual copyright infringement.
    @Space Suicide , idk man. I understand your cynicism, but who would you consider their counterparts? Like Westboro?

    The Temple of Satan is more of an activist group, and I agree with a whole hell of a lot of their platform. It's NOT the same as the Church of Satan.

    ALso, yeah, that Nineties doc was the SHIT.

    As for me, I've been watching Lockup:Raw . It's sort of mindless, and, furthermore, this "collection" is mostly oldfootage stitched together, along with B reel and updates, but hell if I don't like it.

    All told, I've spent about a year of my life in jail, and it just fascinates me in general.

  14. #554
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Also, just by the bye-
    the Church of Satan, to me, is a LOT like Ayn Rand and the ideas of a FUCKTON of republicans these days.
    I quite like the Church of Satan, and I don't get the republican thing...

    I think suing Sabrina was a dick move, although I'm glad they settled for credit. I get the copyright issue (the show did copy their statue pretty much exactly), but the 50 million was insane for "damages"... Especially that the show - when the High Priest is trying to sway Sabrina- did a pretty good job describing the religion! Not the worst representation in pop culture by far!

  15. #555
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I suppose its intellectual property since they constructed it but the statue in question is not something they pioneered. The thought of Baphomet as a deity and figure have been around way longer.
    They have copyright of the statue itself, not the deity. The statue is an expression in fixed form (not just a vague idea), and like any other piece of art, the artist (or copyright owner, if it was work for hire) has control over it...
    The show could've made a different statue of Baphomet, but what they did was almost an exact copy of the ToS statue.

  16. #556
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    Wow, Atlantic Rim was so terrible. Being a modern movie makes it even worse. The acting/characters/story... it is just so terrible! lol

    Chicken Jim?
    Last edited by neorev; 11-25-2018 at 01:49 AM.

  17. #557
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    Apple, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie

  18. #558
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    @hellospaceboy , I don't want to drift too much, but if you're interested in what I'm getting at, this quote will point you in the right direction.

    "I give people Ayn Rand, with trappings." - Anton LaVey

    It's about selfishness vs altruism. And I'm not uninformed here; when I was young, i read both everything Rand ever published and everything I could get my hands on regarding the CoS.
    And Rand is a fucking saint to a lot of these neoconservatives: her philosophy is consistently praised by Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, etc

    No offense. And there are certainly SOME things I dig about the CoS.
    Last edited by elevenism; 11-25-2018 at 03:35 AM.

  19. #559
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    I thought The Ballad of Buster Scruggs was utterly amazing.

    The theme, metaphor, symbolism and allusions blew my fucking mind.

  20. #560
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    Did I catch a reference to a riff from the This Island Earth MST3K movie in The Gauntlet episode for The Day Time Ended? Anyone else catch that?

  21. #561
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    Watching Haunted since I need my ghost and horror fix.

  22. #562
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    on episode 11/16 of Stranger
    and it's fucking fantastic!
    definitely one of the best TV dramas I've ever seen, it's so well made, great writing, awesome acting, especially the protagonist

  23. #563
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    For context to all you non anime fans, Evangelion is widely considered an absolute classic anime show and a game changer when it was released in the mid 90's. This is really big news mainly as there has been no legal way to watch or buy the original series or End of Eva film for over a decade in the west! It's also one of my all time favourite shows ever (despite it's head fucker of an ending) and i have only been able to watch the End of Eva DVD that is notoriously bad for the DVD being made to poor quality compared to the Japanese versions, and the original show i only have on i am all kinds of HYPED!

  24. #564
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    started Narcos Mexico. This season has some heavyweights, as Diego Luna & Michael Pena are the leads. Liking it so far, and despite the different cast/story/time shift/location shift, it still feels very much like Narcos. If you liked it before, don't see why you wouldn't like this.

  25. #565
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post


    For context to all you non anime fans, Evangelion is widely considered an absolute classic anime show and a game changer when it was released in the mid 90's. This is really big news mainly as there has been no legal way to watch or buy the original series or End of Eva film for over a decade in the west! It's also one of my all time favourite shows ever (despite it's head fucker of an ending) and i have only been able to watch the End of Eva DVD that is notoriously bad for the DVD being made to poor quality compared to the Japanese versions, and the original show i only have on i am all kinds of HYPED!
    Yeah, holy shit. Evangelion was (and still is) a massive fucking deal to me and pretty much everyone I know. Like hell, I used to pass the VHS tapes around my class in junior high and the series went through nearly every student (some more than once).

    Having it accessible again this easily is damn golden. This is gonna really fuck some unsuspecting people up too and it's going to be amazing.

  26. #566
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    And from the Eva announcement yesterday to...

    Netflix Produces Live-Action Cowboy Bebop Series...oh...oh no, oh no no no!

  27. #567
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    And from the Eva announcement yesterday to...

    Netflix Produces Live-Action Cowboy Bebop Series...oh...oh no, oh no no no!
    It's like they HAD to go out of their way to balance joy with sadness.


  28. #568
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tabris View Post
    It's like they HAD to go out of their way to balance joy with sadness.

    Yeah sadly. I have no faith in anime adaptions. They are made to cash in on the "brand" of whatever title they are doing to appeal to the anime fans, but they change so much they always end up just pissing us off. Then to the casual viewer all the bits they did keep from the anime won't make sense to them, so they just fail on every level (that and they have all been so far average films at best!)

    I just wish they'd stop trying to cash in on making anime live action, the good anime shows are fine stories in their own right, they don't need a live action version!

  29. #569
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    I just wish they'd stop trying to cash in on making anime live action, the good anime shows are fine stories in their own right, they don't need a live action version!
    So much this. I'd be less annoyed if they respected the source material and what makes them special but that is evidently way to much to ask.

    Last hope might be Battle Angel in this regard. I grew up with Alita and fucking love it. And yet I sense an impending sadness in the air come February.


  30. #570
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    And from the Eva announcement yesterday to...

    Netflix Produces Live-Action Cowboy Bebop Series...oh...oh no, oh no no no!
    A buddy of mine is excited and hopes they do a slow-burn series that lasts 8 seasons and introduces like one character per season.

    Nothing sounds MORE shitty than dragging a 26-episode show into 8 seasons with 10 episodes a piece. I would want it to be a slow-burning show, sure, but...I’m talking like, two lean-ass seasons at MOST. But even then, there’s absolutely no precedent set that would make me think that this might be good. I desperately wanna have faith in it, and I just don’t at this point. Even after we get a trailer or anything, I’ll still hold my optimism fucking TIGHT until we get a full episode.

    Death Note was a nail in the coffin for my faith in live-action anime adaptations, so I hope they know what they’re getting into by taking this on.

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