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Thread: The Netflix Thread

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    It wasn't until I started reading the plot summary that I realized I had just seen that a couple months ago...and didn't find it funny. I seem to recall one or two of the sketches being somewhat humorous, but the rest just seemed to be "hey, we can be inappropriate and everyone will automatically laugh" kind of humor.

    edit: oh, I'm supposed to tell you what's good on Netflix now. Uhhhhhhh...The Naked Gun?
    yeah, i was surprised i found it so funny. i am not much for movie or tv. but i haven't laughed so hard in a while...i would blame it on the dope, but my friend wasn't stoned and she found it just as funny. shout outs for: gotham speed dating, the homeschooled teenager, the blind date and iBabe.

  2. #32
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    so we just watched a flick called 'the joneses" (david duchovny and demi moore)...first off, yes i watched this because david duchovny starred. yes. i. did. wasn't a bad movie at all.
    the only thing that fucks me off is that the consumer gets off the hook in the storyline.
    where in the hellz did personal responsibility go? no matter what context we are referring to, it seems to be dead in the modern world.
    i really like netflix, particularly for series...anyone recommend one? the first, and last, i watched was breaking bad.
    started watching xfiles over again, and will continue to off and on, but i want something either truly funny or seriously thought provoking.
    any suggestions?
    Last edited by Lew; 03-21-2014 at 05:24 PM.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Orange is the new black is awesome but it kinda had to grow on me.
    What's cool about this is what you guys are listing, i havent watched.
    so...hell yes, and thank you for the suggestions.

    I'm a doc nut too...i kinda lean towards the political.

    Ethos, Patriocracy...those are the only two i can think of off the top of my head. oh, and Selling God is a fucking riot.
    Conversely, Who Was Jesus is pretty damned interesting.

    If you like docs, and you haven't checked out Ken Burns. He's one of the best documentarians of our time, i think. He has a newish on called The Dust Bowl (which may interest me extra because i live in the texas part of the dust bowl,) and also a pretty hot one about Prohibition.

    There's also a sprawling one called The West...and the weirdest thing....his docs are SOOOO relaxing...i don't understand why they are so soothing but the just are.

    I'll check out y'alls picks, and come with a better list later.

    Oh. and Lost, Lost, Lost.
    ok, going to check out selling god and who was jesus. brother inhaled the series but i am hesitant because i watched the last 15 minutes of the last show with him. lol. having seen that, iyo, should i still give it a whirl?

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    well i haven't kept this thread rolling, but i saw something that i really wanted to share.
    It's a biopic about JD Salinger, and i believe it's just called Salinger.
    He is a fucking ENIGMA like no one else. He hasn't published since 1965, has only done like one or two interviews since writing The Catcher in the Rye, but i guess the crazy fucker has been WRITING this whole time. he died in 2010 and he has shit scheduled to be released in in 2015 and 2020.
    If you ever read catcher in the rye and or franny and zooey, this shit will blow your mind.

    I also saw a great one about Levon Helms of The Band...i believe it was called "Ain't in it for my Health." it was very endearing to see this guy still playing shows and smoking kush in his seventies.

    So what's up, y'all, what have you seen that's good? Let me know. im fucking BORED.

    Eleveno over and out.
    franny and zooey was one of my fave books back in the day, so thanks for the salinger info...going to find that biopic.

  5. #35
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    i have been trying, over the last year, to force myself to watch some movies and some tv series (hence watching breaking bad and then movie43 and the joneses), and this is why i love netflix.
    thanks for this thread, i am looking forward to viewing a couple of the suggestions.

  6. #36
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    I highly suggest Top Gear U.K.(The best one, forget about the other top gears), Luthor, Sherlock Holmes (BBC), Archer, and Futurama.

  7. #37
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    Been digging The Borgias while I wait for the next season of House Of Cards.

  8. #38
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    I've been watching How I Met Your Mother, and I have to say I really love it! I'm up to season 6 or 7 now, and the quality of the writing is constantly very high, the self-references and in jokes are very enjoyable. It's funny as hell, and the 20 minute/episode running time keeps it pretty fresh.

    Highly recommended.

  9. #39
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    Antichrist is honestly the most fucked up thing i have ever seen. i mean REALLY. i dont get disturbed easily.
    And it's not a horror movie...more of an art film.
    Watch it at your own risk, but i thought it was amazing.
    Insanely disturbing, but SO smart too.
    I go for the disturbing and the artsy fartsy, so it was definitely my cup of tea.
    And HEY YALL its been awhile.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    ok, going to check out selling god and who was jesus. brother inhaled the series but i am hesitant because i watched the last 15 minutes of the last show with him. lol. having seen that, iyo, should i still give it a whirl?
    yeah, definitely. lost is amazing and to me the ending is ended anyway. it's very much subject to interpretation.
    my girl the other day put it best when telling someone "we like...wish we hadn't seen lost so we could see it again."

  11. #41
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    ok i just saw another good one...Red White and Blue i think it was.
    It reminded me of Kids or Gummo.

    And i finally got into House of Cards. It's GREAT!

    Man, i wish we could get more people to contribute to this thread. Tell yer friends.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by cynicmuse View Post
    Yes, the movie comes after the series to tie up the loose ends since it got cancelled mid season. Both are excellent.

    I like Luther.
    Luther is great. The character is so dark, but I always end up rooting for him. There's a third season which (I think) is the last. but it's not been put on Netflix yet.

    There's a load of great recommendations in this thread, but hardly any of them are available to watch the UK. I don't quite understand why the US have so many more serials of 'classic' Doctor Who than we do, considering we made it. [/grumble]

    Here's what I'm digging:

    House of Cards
    Louis Theroux
    The Thick of It

  13. #43
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    Blue Is The Warmest Color has just been added to instant watch.

  14. #44
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    I have to recommend "A Late Quartet" on Netflix. It stars the late Philip Seymour Hoffman (in a typically excellent performance), Catherine Keener, and Christopher Walken. I didn't even know it existed until my friend recommended it to me a week or two ago. Very enjoyable and very well acted.

    "The Hunt" (starring Mads Mikkelsen) was also added recently which I've been meaning to see for a while and can't wait to watch - t'was nominated for an Oscar this year. Gonna have to set aside 3 hours to eventually absorb "Blue is the Warmest Color" too. Malick's "To The Wonder" was added as well which I haven't seen in months and I'm looking forward to seeing again. It's narratively abstract as usual but I found it deeply moving. Nobody does it like Malick.

  15. #45
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    Not only am i an NIN geek, i'm a rush geek too. Somebody finally did them justice...there is a Rush documentary on Netflix now.
    And i'm sure this was mentioned in NIN spotting, but the very first person talking about rush in the documentary is good old Trent.
    It made me feel a little less geeky to hear trent, billy corgan, vinnie paul, les claypool, etc...talking about how bad ass rush is.
    If you have a little, or a lot, of rush geek in you, you will LOVE this shit.

    Also, Carlos (the miniseries) is fucking AWESOME. It's about a militant leftist, and it kind of reminds me of dexter in that i found myself rooting for the terrorist anti-hero.

  16. #46
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    Dirty Wars is pretty fucking's about drone strikes and pretty much illegal covert ops the US carries out. Watching it timed with the headline about reducing the size of the conventional military was eye-opening.

    And Lillyhammer is the shit. It might as well be a sopranos spinoff...but it's really funny.

  17. #47
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    Update: is superb. Essential viewing if you're a Mads Mikkelsen fan.

    I loved how balanced and realistic it felt: for a movie about a well-meaning guy who has to deal with an entire town (including his best friend) turning on him, the main character still had people fighting for him, but not at the expense of diminished drama. In lesser hands, it easily could have turned into EVERYBODY turning against this guy. Aside from the emotional toll, there was also enough direct conflict to keep things interesting and propulsive for the film's duration. Highly recommended.

  18. #48
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    @orestes , why Blue is the Warmest Color?

    I just watched a show called Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in Our Times.
    It was really awesome for a leftist like me. Noam believes that the US is the biggest terrorist organization in the world, and i tend to agree.

    Lovely Molly was pretty good for a horror movie.

    Same goes for House of the Devil, which had a great 1980s period vibe to it.

    Haunter was pretty damn good too,

    Has anyone checked out Antichrist yet?

  19. #49
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    I just posted this in the Documentaries thread, and i thought i would post it here too.
    The Impostor was fucking riveting.

    The Big Fix is great's about the BP oil spill. I suspected some fucked up things were going on in this case, and this doc exposes those things. My fears, and worse, are true.

    Blackfish is great's about how at seaworld, the people have abused the animals and the animals have gored and eaten the people all along.

    Oh yeah, Smash and Grab is a's about an international ring of diamond thieves...and what's great about this one is that many of the interviews are with group members who have yet to be caught! Their voices and faces are hidden.

    Y'all, i want this thread to be the place we come to decide what to watch on netflix.
    Don't be shy!
    For instance, @Miss Baphomette , i just added ALL of your recs to my watch list!
    If you see something good, and are here every day like i am,

    Who's with me?!
    Last edited by elevenism; 03-14-2014 at 02:54 AM.

  20. #50
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    Thanks for the recommendations. I share my account and what Netflix gives for recommendations are all wrong for me. I dread hunting around so I'll cue a couple of these up especially the one on Noam.

  21. #51
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    Last night, I showed my mom 2 of my favorite movies: and - both of which she liked.

    The Messenger features what's easily one of Woody Harrelson's finest performances (Oscar nominated) -- one of Ben Foster's too. If you're a fan of either of those actors and haven't seen this movie, you need to. The whole concept of following 2 Casualty Notification Officers is absolutely fascinating to me, and it's remarkably well executed.

    My Left Foot is a great story as it is, but Daniel Day-Lewis's performance is completely next-level and essential. Between his posture/body language, his accent, and his emotional intensity, it's amazing how high a level he's operating at in each of these categories simultaneously.

  22. #52
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    i've been meaning to watch my left foot.

    adding the messenger now.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @orestes, why Blue is the Warmest Color?

    I just watched a show called Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in Our Times.
    It was really awesome for a leftist like me. Noam believes that the US is the biggest terrorist organization in the world, and i tend to agree.

    Lovely Molly was pretty good for a horror movie.

    Same goes for House of the Devil, which had a great 1980s period vibe to it.

    Haunter was pretty damn good too,

    Has anyone checked out Antichrist yet?
    Actually haven't seen Blue Is The Warmest Color. I just thought it was interesting it was added to instant watch so soon after the dvd release.

  24. #54
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    Right on, and thank you for participating in this thread, @orestes

  25. #55
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    I just finished House of Cards (lol awesome) and am now watching Orange is the New Black, not bad at all.

    Will probably at some point watch the BBC original HOC, Lilyhammer, and Breaking Bad (finally)

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Blue Is The Warmest Color has just been added to instant watch.
    I watched that movie a while back, and although I didn't hate it, I'm really not sure why it's being talked about as such a big deal. It seemed rather uneventful and plain to me. Is it just because it involves a female, female relationship, or was it the raunchy sex scenes (which didn't add at all to the story)? Don't get me wrong, they were enjoyable to look at, but the whole thing kinda felt like, "Okay. And?" to me.

    In fact, now that I think about that movie a little more, it's pretty insulting to the viewer. It does a great job of assuming you're too stupid to get it, and proceeds to beat you over the head with the same information again and again. It's three hours, most of it banal and repetitive, that could have easily been done in an hour and a half.

  27. #57
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    Yeah, I have no real desire to watch a simulated sex scene between two women for twenty minutes. Tis why I watch porn. But I have to wonder if this movie would have all the buzz if it was about two young men?

  28. #58
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    One exceptional documentary I highly suggest watching is: The House I Live In. It features an interview with David Simon from the creator of The Wire (Which is my favorite show ever created).

    Why We Fight director Eugene Jarecki shifts his focus from the military industrial complex to the War on Drugs in this documentary exploring the risks that prohibition poses to freedom, and the tragedy of addicts being treated as criminals. In the four decades since the War on Drugs commenced, over 45 millions of addicts have been arrested - and for each one jailed, another family is destroyed. Meanwhile, the prisons in America are growing overcrowded with non-violent criminals, and illegal drugs are still being sold in schoolyards. By examining just where it all went wrong, Jarecki reveals that a solution is possible if we can just find it in ourselves to be compassionate, and see past the decades of paranoia and propaganda. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

    Another great documentary is Senna, even if your not a fan of F1 racing it is definitely worth checking out.
    Last edited by ziltoid; 03-18-2014 at 03:47 AM.

  29. #59
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    The Impostor is a great, CRAZY doc.
    Tabloid is a damn good one.
    Sons of Perdition was so absorbing that i didn't want for it to be over: it's about people trying to escape Warren Jeff's Mormon splinter cult.
    Talhotblond was another great, off the wall doc.
    Eyes of the Mothman is an extremely engaging doc about the titular's REALLY long and i didn't even realize 2.5 hours had gone by.
    The Woman Who Wasn't There is a fucking TRIP...about the woman who claimed to be a 9/11 survivor but wasn't!
    Fall From Grace is about the Westboro Baptist know, the sick fucks who picket with the God Hates Fags and God Loves Dead Soldiers because the military enable fags or whatever? It's a stunning look at these BIZARRE people who have boiled the Bible down to three words (god hates fags.) My favorite sign they hold up says "God Hates YOU!" LOL! These fucks make me embarrassed to admit to being a christian!
    A great way to follow this up is with Kevin Smith's Red State: The plot of which is basically what if these fuckers turned violent?
    For MORE fun, watch Kevin Smith Burn in Hell, aQ and A he did after a red state screening, which is HILARIOUS.If i haven't mentioned it before, DEXTER, DEXTER, DEXTER!!!!

  30. #60
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    Oh yeah, and i second @ziltoid on "The House I Live In."
    And thanks for answering my question about Senna, as i'm not an F1 fan

    Thanks for participating in the thread, @ziltoid
    @Dra508 , please to give us some recommendations?

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