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Thread: Negative enounters with Nine Inch Nails fans.

  1. #1
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    Negative enounters with Nine Inch Nails fans.

    I suppose this will be my first thread, as I just experienced one.

    Have you had any negative encounters with NIN fans? I have found most of them to be cool. Most of my friends aren't big fans. Casual fans at most. However, today, no more than an hour ago, I had an encounter I will call negative.

    I was on lunch for work, and I decide to hit Taco Bell. Doritos Locos taco with Lava sauce added. Can't beat it. It's a nice day, so my window is down, and I'm blasting Hesitation Marks to the fullest extent my factory speakers can handle, which, honestly ain't bad. A guy stops right in front of my car and says "Oh shit, is that the new Nails?"

    "Oh, haha, yeah. Sure is."

    The guy then starts doing air guitar and head banging in what might be the furthest distance he could possibly get from the rhythm of the song playing.

    I stared blankly and drove away. I don't really even want my taco anymore.

  2. #2
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    I don't think YOU'RE the one who just had a negative experience with a NIN fan.

  3. #3
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    seriously? you're wasting a whole new thread on this? it's not like the guy was a jerk, or rude to you, or did anything unsavory. he was rocking out in his own way to new music, and he was excited about it.

    how is any of that negative?

  4. #4
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    @Joshua Lami

    You're an asshole. This is a joke.

    Hope that's negative enough.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by OSLIN View Post
    @Joshua Lami

    You're an asshole. This is a joke.

    Hope that's negative enough.
    *arythmic air guitar playing*

  6. #6
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    About 1/3 of the people who show up at NIN shows in the midwestern US make me cringe in various ways.

    People who immediately assume I am not a "real" fan because I wear a Cornhuskers t-shirt, baseball cap, and black shorts to a NIN show.

    Sort of revelevent, I cannot tell you how many times someone has asked me what I think of the Johnny Cash version of Hurt.

    Oh, and that guy all of us know who upon finding out about our NIN fandom they decide to "educate" us about how TR stole everything from the American industrial movement and sold out.

  7. #7
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    Maybe you had to be there. It was a bit weird.

    What do you mean waste a thread? Is there a limit or something?

  8. #8
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    Hahaha. To be fair, he DID tell a story about a negative encounter with a NIN fan, that delightful Taco Bell employee definitely just had one.

    I think my most negative experience with NIN fans was with two girls who absolutely ruined the first HTDA show. Screaming for Trent, telling them to "open the screens" as if we weren't watching one of the best visual performance art shows of the year, and finally culminating with chants for them to play Terrible Lie. I'm shocked they got out of that show unmurdered.

  9. #9
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    One time I met Trent Reznor and he smiled at me. Ugh. Noooo thank you. Some tormented soul YOU are, buddy. I flipped my hair over the other side of my head and went "tch" and walked away.

    ^ OP

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paper Street View Post
    About 1/3 of the people who show up at NIN shows in the midwestern US make me cringe in various ways.

    People who immediately assume I am not a "real" fan because I wear a Cornhuskers t-shirt, baseball cap, and black shorts to a NIN show.

    Sort of revelevent, I cannot tell you how many times someone has asked me what I think of the Johnny Cash version of Hurt.

    Oh, and that guy all of us know who upon finding out about our NIN fandom they decide to "educate" us about how TR stole everything from the American industrial movement and sold out.
    If I somehow win tix to this troubador show, my radio thank you message is going to be "OMFG THANK YOU! I hope they play that "f you like an animal" song and that johnny cash cover. That would be great!"
    Last edited by TheRealNs1; 08-28-2013 at 03:02 PM.

  11. #11
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    I accidentally facepalmed the OP as I'd barely started reading, and then I was all "Probably for the best."
    Last edited by Amaro; 08-28-2013 at 03:17 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua Lami View Post
    Maybe you had to be there. It was a bit weird.

    What do you mean waste a thread? Is there a limit or something?
    i mean i think it's ridiculous that you bothered to post a whole thread about this (that's bullshit in the first place) instead of putting it in "random NIN thoughts" or something. there's no real deep discussion to be had here other than trying to understand your intent, which isn't going to last very long.

  13. #13
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    I will agree on one thing, I am kind of an asshole.

  14. #14
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    Maybe you, uh, expressed it wrong. Do you think the guy was making fun of "Nails"? If I ran into someone in the wild who likes NIN, I would be pretty excited, regardless of how dopey that person may be.

  15. #15
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    But who was taco?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by chroipahtz View Post
    Maybe you, uh, expressed it wrong. Do you think the guy was making fun of "Nails"? If I ran into someone in the wild who likes NIN, I would be pretty excited, regardless of how dopey that person may be.
    Prooobably wouldn't. I mean, see how we fight among ourselves to define what NIN is and means ? Chances are, your shared interest for the same band is coincidental. What I mean is that fundamentally, you have no more reason to be excited by that guy than to be thrilled if someone's wearing blue just like you.
    When I went to Rock En Seine I was pretty happy to see that cute girl wearing a NIN shirt in the subway. Then I arrived and realized, when I saw all the NIN shirts :"Fuck, that's right : we're a fucking army, each one a merc."

  17. #17
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    I honestly was just caught off guard. I was literally about to turn it down and be like "if you're looking for it...." and he just started acting baffoonish. Also, I live in the south. There's a ton of people who hear the words Nine Inch Nails and immediately want to have a metal discussion with me. I guess I just thought we were about to have some kind of mildly engaging discussion and he went all Bill and Ted on me. The only logical conclusion was to leave.

    But I fully get if everyone hates me. I relate to Larry David on so many levels. I have a way of pissing off both sides of the spectrum, so at this point I'm not offended. I'll just take my asshole stamp and walk away.

  18. #18
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    I'll just take my asshole stamp and walk away.
    that's the spirit :thumbsup;

  19. #19
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    Hmmm. Negative encounters with Nine Inch Nails fans, eh? Let me count the ways.


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua Lami View Post
    I suppose this will be my first thread, as I just experienced one.

    Have you had any negative encounters with NIN fans? I have found most of them to be cool. Most of my friends aren't big fans. Casual fans at most. However, today, no more than an hour ago, I had an encounter I will call negative.

    I was on lunch for work, and I decide to hit Taco Bell. Doritos Locos taco with Lava sauce added. Can't beat it. It's a nice day, so my window is down, and I'm blasting Hesitation Marks to the fullest extent my factory speakers can handle, which, honestly ain't bad. A guy stops right in front of my car and says "Oh shit, is that the new Nails?"

    "Oh, haha, yeah. Sure is."

    The guy then starts doing air guitar and head banging in what might be the furthest distance he could possibly get from the rhythm of the song playing.

    I stared blankly and drove away. I don't really even want my taco anymore.
    haha, thats basically the negative experience i had at Pukkelpop. and i was that enthousiastic guy without rythm...nice to see the view from the otherside

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Hmmm. Negative encounters with Nine Inch Nails fans, eh? Let me count the ways.


    Sorry, couldn't resist.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Prooobably wouldn't. I mean, see how we fight among ourselves to define what NIN is and means ? Chances are, your shared interest for the same band is coincidental. What I mean is that fundamentally, you have no more reason to be excited by that guy than to be thrilled if someone's wearing blue just like you.
    When I went to Rock En Seine I was pretty happy to see that cute girl wearing a NIN shirt in the subway. Then I arrived and realized, when I saw all the NIN shirts :"Fuck, that's right : we're a fucking army, each one a merc."
    Nah, whatever. I don't care if his/her only exposure was Closer, or if they think Broken is the pinnacle of the catalog, or if they thought With Teeth was the only album that was worth a damn. It's still a cool, semi-rare thing these days.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua Lami View Post
    I honestly was just caught off guard. I was literally about to turn it down and be like "if you're looking for it...." and he just started acting baffoonish. Also, I live in the south. There's a ton of people who hear the words Nine Inch Nails and immediately want to have a metal discussion with me. I guess I just thought we were about to have some kind of mildly engaging discussion and he went all Bill and Ted on me. The only logical conclusion was to leave.

    But I fully get if everyone hates me. I relate to Larry David on so many levels. I have a way of pissing off both sides of the spectrum, so at this point I'm not offended. I'll just take my asshole stamp and walk away.
    shit happens man
    once, someone facepalmed my post

  24. #24
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    i think i can get the picture though.. and i see what u mean. you brought it in a way that you seem the douchebag, and not the other way around. too funny not to facepalm ;-) and OT: i had more bad than good. one angsty bold hermaphrodite bodybuilder outside a gay sexclub (didnt know, it was next to a rock bar) in Berlin who totally freaked out on me after i thumbed up his NIN shirt, wins it for me here.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    once, someone facepalmed my post
    Damn, dude. You ok? I'll be thinking about you.

  26. #26
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    Nah. I won't tell that story.

  27. #27
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    Aww come on, you looked old enough back then ! Seriously, so much drama after all those years ? Grow up !

  28. #28
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    Hey remember that time Trent wrote Black Bomb

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  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua Lami View Post
    "Oh shit, is that the new Nails?"
    See, that's the real reason that guy was an asshole. No true fan calls the band "nails".


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