@allegate good GOD, I love Dracula. It's so...well, there's no other way to say it: the thinly veiled sexual metaphors are unreal.

Ok so, everyone should have, at least, The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide for.When Help.ISN'T on the way...and that shit is good to have in GENERAL, especially if you're rural.

When All Hell Breaks Loose by Lundin is at the top of my list for an all around guide. Godfrey's Store This, Not That! is the best food buying/storing book I've found.

I've also been reading (again) the Tao, the few Steinbeck books I somehow managed to miss, some Marcus Aurelius, some Camus essays.because of @burnmotherfucker! , Dark Psychology Secrets (from Tower's Manipulation and Mind Control.series: he's mostly just aping Greene's Amoral Trilogy, but, it's fun).

I've ALSO been trying to work my way through the Nag Hammadi Library.The Collected Works of St John of the Cross, and, of course, as ever, the bible.

Sadly, bits and pieces has been the order of the day for.me, lately, because I am SO FUCKING TERMINALLY ONLINE. Fucking youtube.