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Thread: cant put ETS down? - Support Group

  1. #1
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    cant put ETS down? - Support Group

    Seriously, for like the last week, its been like refresh the new posts page over and over and over and over and over and over and over....Is it like this whenever new material comes out? Its hard to look at anything else on the internet, with so much going on here!
    Last edited by SM Rollinger; 08-30-2013 at 07:17 PM.

  2. #2
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    I'll keep you in my prayers.

  3. #3
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    I've sort of been doing that since 2004, and yes, I think you're just about right with that. The same thing happened to me since the With Teeth era and beyond, and not to mention all the enormous discussions to lurk around in, that is, also including the ones that aren't NIN-related.

  4. #4
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    I used to lurk now i post. and its not even good posting, im shitposting constantly. what have i become?

  5. #5
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    I know how you feel.

  6. #6
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    It's actually nuts. I'm taking online classes for the first time in my life but if I'm on the internet, I'm on ETS. Can't stop. Can't focus on anything else. If I just owned the damn album already it probably wouldn't be this bad, but noooo...

  7. #7
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    The key is to build up an international network of people that intermittently update you when you have to do annoying things like go to work and have a social life.

    This + tabbed browsing + knowing which posts to skim = ETS is your bitch.

  8. #8
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    cant put ETS down? - Support Group

    If you really want to ruin it follow ETS ppl on twitter. That's really destroyed my time management ability.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  9. #9
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    Yeah if you wanna move on to a more "productive" addiction, like Twitter, I'm botleysmith and keep things regularly updated there should you wish to stay afloat without constantly refreshing the forum here.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Fat Matt View Post
    what have i become?
    My sweetest friend. Everything I know goes away in the end...

    On a more serious note, I know how y'all feel.

  11. #11
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    I just remembered to say that it's actually this very topic that hasn't made me succumb to making goodbye threads or making any actually claims to leave any Internet forum for good, as opposed to just leaving. (I'm also aware that goodbye threads are generally unacceptable though, no matter what the forum.)

    And you just never know when the urge to lurk or post will resurface. It just reminded me yet again as to why I find that so entertaining and intriguing sometimes. But yeah, you can say that I've also spent numerous hours lurking here before, especially when a new Nine Inch Nails album was about to come out, or came out. I've been doing that more and more as the release date to Hesitation Marks draws closer and closer.

    Oh yes, and I can see why it would be sometimes important to put Internet forums and social networking sites down for things that aren't work, school, or social life related, such as "Me Time". "Me Time" can be just as important.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 08-31-2013 at 06:19 PM. Reason: "Me Time" also counts. =P

  12. #12
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    Having not had internets since for coming up on two years i've greatly streamlined and or just plain forgot what i used to do online all the time besides gaming. And even before that these forums were what i would generally scour anyhow, and i rarely delve into the NIN section. Can only imagine how much of a waste i would be if i did. But like the op said ever since i got teh tapatalk on my phone and don't have to use shitty browser i find myself checking in more than just when i have my lappy at teh coffee shop or here at work. However i don't have a problem, no really im fine.

  13. #13
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    I still feel like I should really take it easy on ETS from time to time, but the hype and excitement over the new album and tour has inevitably sucked me in, considering how NIN is my favorite musician, and how fun it is to discuss NIN with other NIN fans. (See: South Park - You Have 0 Friends)

    Oh well, I guess whenever I'm not on here, I'd hope to promote ETS to more NIN fans that haven't heard of ETS and The NIN Hotline in real life, and if they end up in this thread, I suppose that's great sign for ETS anyway. (And NIN too, since The NIN Hotline and ETS are among the best ways to promote NIN, ever.)

  14. #14
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    I'm doing it again. I not only say more than I originally intend to say, but I also happen stay much longer than I originally intended to stay too. With that being said, I suppose it shows how much I've enjoyed ETS after being gone from it March 19, 2013 to August 20, 2013. And then there's my other gap from January 26, 2012 to March 9, 2013. I still feel like I should take it easy on my post frequency, but this place had been so much fun and it was nice getting to know more of you little by little. And no, I'm not leaving, but I think I should take it bit easier. My latest thread looks like word vomit again, but at least I didn't mean any harm. When it comes to writing, I tend to ramble as you can see.

    But yeah, this year has been treating me very well as both a NIN fan and ETS member. And yes, ETS is like a very good book that's hard to put down sometimes. It really is.

  15. #15
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    If I've found this sooner, I would've posted it ASAP. I'd have to admit that one, especially myself, would think it's common sense, but addiction can be that blinding. Even if you don't mean to leave altogether, this advice can certainly help you scale down your posting while minimizing your overall addiction. It was from The Admin Zone. It's also been a while since I've brought this up, and thought it would've been very helpful and useful advice.



    Quote Originally Posted by hari
    I've seen a lot of tips from members on how to grow and manage a community. At the same time many of us are also members at other communities and aren't always in a position to control our posting habits. Sometimes we want to leave a forum and yet we find it so difficult to break away because there is something that keeps pulling us back there. Here are some of my tips on how to avoid getting trapped in a community you no longer enjoy or wish to participate in. I hope this helps all of you!

    Tip 1: Break away in stages

    A lot of the time, people expect to stop visiting a forum or a community almost immediately. Completely break away ties. This rarely works out. You will be driven back from time to time because you will experience withdrawal symptons particularly if you have been very active in that community. The best advice I can give you is to try and reduce your participation in stages. If you have been posting 40 messages a day, try and bring it down to 30, 20 and then one or two. You can almost never completely withdraw from a forum you've been very active on.

    Tip 2: Don't leave farewell messages

    Much as you might be tempted to leave a farewell message either out of anger or any other reason, this gives you another reason NOT to leave. Apart from other members who might want you to stay, you will also be taunted mercilessly by hostile members and forced to make a reply which will just make the situation worse. If you don't like how a community is run, try and leave as quietly as possible. Leaving farewell messages could be more harmful to your reputation and would make you look like a fool if you continue posting.

    Tip 3: Try to leave during a quiet period

    Most communities go through stages of quiet and intense activity. On larger forums this might not be too visible, but you yourself can see when a forum looks less active by experience. There might be a fall in new topics created and new members registered. There might be a reduction in controversial and flame war type posts. These are the best stages to cut down your activity.

    Much as many of us are against controversy and flame wars, nobody can resist a troll. If you are trying to leave a community during an extreme phase of discussion or activity in which you have involved yourself, you will find it very difficult to leave. It will lead to frustration if you try to cut off at that point. Rather, wait for the storm to die down, start reducing your involvement in active topics and just withdraw. That will be much more effective.

    Tip 4: Unsubscribe and remove your e-mail ID if necessary

    If you are subscribed to forum topics, unsubscribe. Stop receiving notifications in your e-mail. Out of sight is out of mind. If the admin keeps sending out email newsletters to members, then log in to your account, change your email ID to an invalid ID or check whether there's an option not to receive any mails.

    Tip 5: Don't ask for account deletion/ban or behave badly just to get banned

    As I said before, if you want to leave a community, be quiet about it. Asking for an account deletion or behaving in a manner that might get you banned are not ways to leave a community gracefully. Apart from that it completely spoils your chances of returning even if you wish to later on.

    Always leave the doors open, even if you are sure you might never visit. Try and leave without anybody else noticing it and leave in as good grace as possible. If you are actively against the way the forum is run or the admin policies, don't open a debate on that. That kind of thing rarely works and might actually get you heated and more emotionally involved. The trick is to just be a silent protester. The best way to show your disapproval is to stop posting and stop visiting the forum - not by being a nuisance.

    Tip 6: Write down your resolve and give yourself a positive reason why you're not part of the community any longer

    I cannot emphasize the importance of this. Writing down such things always clarifies your thoughts. Put it away in a private place and remind yourself why you're not part of the community. Let it be a positive reason - for example making time for other healthier activities in life. Don't remind yourself of the negative factors that led you to leave a community - like animosity or hostility. You will only be stressed out more.

    Final thoughts

    Breaking away from a forum is never easy particularly when you have many friends there and you've been actively involved. Forums can be like a drug habit - easy to get into but hard to break out of.

    Three golden rules:
    1. Online communities are like real life relationships. Don't pretend that you don't care because you do.
    2. Out of sight is out of mind. Stop going back there. Resist the temptation to be a "passive member" by going back there to read other stuff. That will surely draw you back into the fold.
    3. Try and find an alternative forum or even do something else in real life to take your mind off the community. Find positive reasons not to be involved rather than keeping the negativity alive.
    Oh, and as for the rest of The Admin Zone forums, this is it right here.

    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-07-2013 at 12:04 PM.

  16. #16
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    I'm doing it again. It seems to happen every time Nine Inch Nails releases a new album, or makes a big appearance. I still need to work on this. I suppose I'll really take it easy when it settles down again, but I really got caught up with the topic about Nine Inch Nails performing at The Grammy Awards. After that happened, it just occurred to me that I posted and lurked far more than I normally should've/would've, and then it sort of caused me to be more post-happy than usual.

    Dear goodness. But like the advice I've posted a lot earlier, perhaps the only way to do that is to gradually scale down your posts, instead of trying to stop altogether, even if you're just going to take a hiatus as opposed to making a permanent exit from the forum. Those withdrawal symptoms are all far too real. No kidding though, as I could still use the break from time to time.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-28-2014 at 05:01 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    I'm doing it again. It seems to happen every time Nine Inch Nails releases a new album, or makes a big appearance. I still need to work on this. I suppose I'll really take it easy when it settles down again, but I really got caught up with the topic about Nine Inch Nails performing at The Grammy Awards. After that happened, it just occurred to me that I posted and lurked far more than I normally should've/would've, and then it sort of caused me to be more post-happy than usual.

    Dear goodness. But like the advice I've posted a lot earlier, perhaps the only way to do that is to gradually scale down your posts, instead of trying to stop altogether, even if you're just going to take a hiatus as opposed to making a permanent exit from the forum. Those withdrawal symptoms are all far too real. No kidding though, as I could still use the break from time to time.
    Dude, you said there you've been doing this on and off since 2004, you should really get on sorting this out once and for all, cuz' that's just not healthy. And I don't mean sitting in front of the computer, cuz' I couldn't care less, there are a million things you can do there, but if you do 1 thing a million times, even though you'd like to not to, then that's called addiction. I know you said you like the PHM-Broken-TDS trio because many songs there, or even the albums's vibe just resonates well with bad human relationships or other fucked up things in life, but Trent's songs about addiction should've been an eye-opener for you. It was 2013 when he released songs like VMOE and In Two, when he's been already sober for ~10 years. That's pretty fucked up, if you still feel you can write such emotional songs about. It was understandable that the entirety of the With Teeth album was about his addiction and recovery, but this is just scary.

    You quoted there some X steps solution to get away from your addiction, and etc, but really, it all comes down to personal will. Two of friends started smoking in early high-school admittedly because it was cool and they were curious. The stronger willed guy could put it down anytime he wanted to - he said it sucked, and sometimes he had to smoke 1 occasionally at the early stages -, the other one will never ever ever ever skip a day without smoking. Sure, he doesn't even want to, but let me not start a topic about how fucking retarded (unless you are rich) everyone who smokes, and how it's the most pathetic addiction among all. Granted, no-one calls it addiction, it's for the stress and whatnot. Sure.

    Anyway, you really have to make up your mind about it, because getting away for some days, weeks, or maybe a month, then coming back again is just an endless circle. I'm not talking about leaving ETS, I'm talking about getting to a state where you don't feel bad/sick about yourself for what you're doing. I can guarantee you one thing though: if you are sitting home, you will nver ever ever ... ever ever break away from it, even if you spend most of your time thinking about how you should do it, and experimenting with things like "I'm gonna post no more than 8 this week/day!". Go out, get tired OR/AND channel your energy into other things. If you have the time to refresh ETS a 1000 times a day, I'm pretty sure you can do some productive work, even NIN-related stuff.

    There's nothing wrong with spending your time on a community website, socializing with people, but if you just get sick if you can't post for a day, then you should think about when was the last time when you went crazy if you hadn't talked 0-24 with your friends a day. Probably never. I wouldn't

    "However, at least the addiction hasn't taken over to the point that it's doing anything seriously damaging to my life in general[...]" vs. "But like the advice I've posted a lot earlier, perhaps the only way to do that is to gradually scale down your posts, instead of trying to stop altogether, even if you're just going to take a hiatus as opposed to making a permanent exit from the forum. Those withdrawal symptoms are all far too real. No kidding though, as I could still use the break from time to time."

    This makes 0 sense at all, one of those quotes is just plain wrong. It's time to take a big breath and bleed through it - with teeth, if you'd prefer - one way or another. And not like "okay, yeah, you are right, I guess I'll try", but getting dirty and suffering through it.

  18. #18
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    I love this place and browse/post every day but if I can't or don't have the time I don't get upset. It's just a website. To be honest, I know that NIN united us all but I come here for the Music Revolution sub forum, the wrestling discussion thread and the video game sub forum.

  19. #19
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    Since I deactivated and deleted my Facebook I come here to get all of my music news. Well, most of it anyway, hence why I'm on here a lot.

    i.e. I wouldn't have known about the meet & greet with Rob Zombie in the RZ thread yesterday if I didn't come here and wouldn't be meeting him next month.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by howdidislipinto View Post
    It's actually nuts. I'm taking online classes for the first time in my life but if I'm on the internet, I'm on ETS. Can't stop. Can't focus on anything else. If I just owned the damn album already it probably wouldn't be this bad, but noooo...
    I'm in class right now. I've been on ETS every time whilst I've been in class. Go me.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Dude, you said there you've been doing this on and off since 2004, you should really get on sorting this out once and for all, cuz' that's just not healthy. And I don't mean sitting in front of the computer, cuz' I couldn't care less, there are a million things you can do there, but if you do 1 thing a million times, even though you'd like to not to, then that's called addiction. I know you said you like the PHM-Broken-TDS trio because many songs there, or even the albums's vibe just resonates well with bad human relationships or other fucked up things in life, but Trent's songs about addiction should've been an eye-opener for you. It was 2013 when he released songs like VMOE and In Two, when he's been already sober for ~10 years. That's pretty fucked up, if you still feel you can write such emotional songs about. It was understandable that the entirety of the With Teeth album was about his addiction and recovery, but this is just scary.
    I've also been this way with video games. The Fragile was also included with that trio a lot of times as well. And yes, I can't deny that either nor should I, and it's why I've been trying to slowly but surely take the advice of that thread in The Admin Zone. It has worked for two other Internet forums I've frequented.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    You quoted there some X steps solution to get away from your addiction, and etc, but really, it all comes down to personal will.
    Yes, that's also undeniably true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Two of friends started smoking in early high-school admittedly because it was cool and they were curious. The stronger willed guy could put it down anytime he wanted to - he said it sucked, and sometimes he had to smoke 1 occasionally at the early stages -, the other one will never ever ever ever skip a day without smoking. Sure, he doesn't even want to, but let me not start a topic about how fucking retarded (unless you are rich) everyone who smokes, and how it's the most pathetic addiction among all. Granted, no-one calls it addiction, it's for the stress and whatnot. Sure.
    Yeah, not that I intended to go their either, but it is a good analogy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Anyway, you really have to make up your mind about it, because getting away for some days, weeks, or maybe a month, then coming back again is just an endless circle.
    My longest absence from ETS since re-opening in 2011 was for around 7 months straight, but I still ended up lurking out of curiosity. And yes, I know, it's just repeating that same cycle over and over again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I'm not talking about leaving ETS, I'm talking about getting to a state where you don't feel bad/sick about yourself for what you're doing. I can guarantee you one thing though: if you are sitting home, you will nver ever ever ... ever ever break away from it, even if you spend most of your time thinking about how you should do it, and experimenting with things like "I'm gonna post no more than 8 this week/day!".
    I'm actually trying that experiment, and I still believe in it because it worked for two other Internet forums I went to. This isn't to say that I disagree with your point at all, as getting involved in other tasks and interests also helps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Go out, get tired OR/AND channel your energy into other things. If you have the time to refresh ETS a 1000 times a day, I'm pretty sure you can do some productive work, even NIN-related stuff.
    I'd have to completely agree with that. Yes, that's also correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    There's nothing wrong with spending your time on a community website, socializing with people, but if you just get sick if you can't post for a day, then you should think about when was the last time when you went crazy if you hadn't talked 0-24 with your friends a day. Probably never. I wouldn't
    I'm actually not sick for not posting, as unbelievable as that might seem. I actually have a stronger addiction for lurking, but yes, focusing on other things has helped me curb it. That's also another very good way to put it. I really should consider that analogy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    This makes 0 sense at all, one of those quotes is just plain wrong. It's time to take a big breath and bleed through it - with teeth, if you'd prefer - one way or another. And not like "okay, yeah, you are right, I guess I'll try", but getting dirty and suffering through it.
    Perhaps I should've worded this better, but I meant not damaging in the same way it would literally kill me. You know, like those PC gamers that have been reported to have literally starved themselves to death, but on the other hand, I know I should also take into account that there's more to it than those dangers. Overall, I definitely get what you're saying. It's good to see that your post has made it to this thread as it is very much needed and appreciated. (And should be.) Thank you for your advice/reminders. Oh okay, now I'm done. That is all.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-31-2014 at 08:12 AM.

  22. #22
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    Wait, if those video gamers were not to die, but live 50 more miserable years, that's cool? Also, when you measure something with "well it's not killing me. yet. not literally, at least.", then something's fucked up.

    There are levels of addiction. Everyone overdo stuff, it's natural. No one should freak out if he/she likes to lurk ETS way too much, like what the hell, it's her/his time. But when you don't want to and want to at the same time, that's just not normal. Videogame addiction is a fine example for this.

    1. You play 5-6 hours a day and have fun? Yayayayaya not healthy etc, but really, it's your choice. If you enjoy it, then do it; if you find something else to do, you can cut back on it, but until you have nothing else to do, who cares.
    2. You play 5-6 hours a day to grind every gear you don't even need, while rarely enjoying the game itself? We've got a problem!

    Edit: I could've said 12 hours as well, doesn't matter.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Wait, if those video gamers were not to die, but live 50 more miserable years, that's cool? Also, when you measure something with "well it's not killing me. yet. not literally, at least.", then something's fucked up.
    That doesn't automatically mean that I'm ever assuming or thinking that such a thing is cool, but I see where I've failed to word it better yet again. I really wasn't trying to say that at all, or even imply that in any way, shape, or form at the slightest, as I still completely agree that it should still be worked on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    There are levels of addiction. Everyone overdo stuff, it's natural. No one should freak out if he/she likes to lurk ETS way too much, like what the hell, it's her/his time. But when you don't want to and want to at the same time, that's just not normal. Videogame addiction is a fine example for this.

    1. You play 5-6 hours a day and have fun? Yayayayaya not healthy etc, but really, it's your choice. If you enjoy it, then do it; if you find something else to do, you can cut back on it, but until you have nothing else to do, who cares.
    2. You play 5-6 hours a day to grind every gear you don't even need, while rarely enjoying the game itself? We've got a problem!

    Edit: I could've said 12 hours as well, doesn't matter.
    I definitely see what you mean there, as I've also considered that.


    Oh, and it's definitely not Echoing the Sound's fault, and there's nothing wrong with using an Internet forum or a social networking site as long as you're not ruining your own life. And but of course, it still wouldn't be ETS's fault, just like how any other self-inflicted problems on the Internet wouldn't be Facebook's fault or Twitter's fault either.


    I can't believe that I forgot to mention this, and this might not also make any sense at all, but it's sometimes worked wonders for me.

    Pretend that you're banned.

    And hey, at least it's funny in a way, because you actually wouldn't be banned, and you'd still be in good standing with whatever online community/communities that you took a break from.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 06-15-2014 at 02:30 AM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Yeah if you wanna move on to a more "productive" addiction, like Twitter, I'm botleysmith and keep things regularly updated there should you wish to stay afloat without constantly refreshing the forum here.
    LOL J/K deleted my account years ago

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