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Thread: Geopolitical Conflict News

  1. #511
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    And he doesn't talk about the lady blinking? I get that the mic is more obvious and the blink is literally "blink and you'll miss it" but it's just as funny.

  2. #512
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    Russia Says Ukraine Has Mutant Soldiers Created In A Lab

    According to a report by The Daily Beast, Russia claims that Ukraine has been able to stave off its advances because Ukraine has created mutant soldiers to fight for their country. Apparently, Russia’s claims are founded on the belief that Ukrainian troops were at one point transformed using “secret experiments” that the United States assisted with in biological laboratories. As ridiculous of an assertion as it is, News Nation has also confirmed that Russian lawmakers have made this claim, something they have been doing since 2015 to help justify their need for war. So far, there has been no verifiable proof that mutant soldiers exist in the real world, even if Russia is losing the major ground game to Ukraine daily.

  3. #513
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  4. #514
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    Just make sure you're inside. You'll be fine.

  5. #515
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    Oh... that's bad.

  6. #516
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    Y'all, I'm afraid we're closer than ever. I'm looking at all these things going on, one after the other, and starting to worry a bit. It REALLY looks like countries are sort of choosing sides, with the new Axis obviously being China, Russia, Iran, and NK, but ALSO, possibly India. Here are a few things I've noticed:

    We've DEFINITELY entered a new COLD war, at least, with both China AND Russia.

    Putin is fucking nuts, and just might attack a NATO country, which, that would be that, right?

    Putin has pledged to "stand strong with North Korea."
    SOUTH Korea says that Russian fighter jets entered SK airspace/buffer zone, and were chased out, a day after the biggest joint military exercises between US and SK forces in a LONG time.

    Japan issued a statement regarding the possibility of world war, and spoke about reevaluating their various security pacts amid growing threats from Iran, NK, Russia and China.

    Russia blocked a UN agreement aimed at helping to strengthen the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. And although Putin walked back some of the nuclear threat stuff, current Ukrainian gains could back him into a corner. I do NOT think he plans on losing.

    China is eying Taiwan, and remarked, regarding Pelosi's visit, that "those who play with fire will perish in fire" or some shit?

    China is ALSO having serious economic trouble, which could destabilize the global economy and, NEED for a good relationship with the US.

    There have been, i THINK, war games near Taiwan, who is actively PREPARING for war, supposedly. I BELIEVE they started on the 1st.

    Iraq is in a veritable state of civil war.

    Iran just attempted to steal a goddamn American drone in the Persian Gulf.

    UK Soldiers have been told to prepare for deployment to fight Russia, and to prepare their loved ones, turning families on to counseling programs and such.

    Meanwhile, we're over here with our heads up our asses,
    more divided than we've been since the civil war, fighting each other.

    We've experienced a GLOBAL pressure cooker starting with the pandemic, leading to civil unrest, and economic woes. Historically, such things can lead to large scale wars and realignment: a New World Order, but not the vaguely entertaining old school conspiracy theory kind.

    I HOPE the shit doesn't hit the fan, and I'm not saying it WILL. It just looks, looks to me like the possibility is more realistic now than at any point since I made this goofily titled thread 9 years ago.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-02-2022 at 04:52 AM.

  7. #517
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    Oh... that's bad.
    Those things fell outside the city and there's most likely no casualties or any notable damage to anything, otherwise there would've been much more footage/news reports.
    I just want to say that it's not surprising at all and also 99% happened before. The state of russian weaponry is a joke, they just have a fuckton of it. But lots of their weapons are very old, having been slowly decaying in the hangars since the Soviet days. No wonder it fails from time to time.

  8. #518
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    Those things fell outside the city and there's most likely no casualties or any notable damage to anything, otherwise there would've been much more footage/news reports.
    I just want to say that it's not surprising at all and also 99% happened before. The state of russian weaponry is a joke, they just have a fuckton of it. But lots of their weapons are very old, having been slowly decaying in the hangars since the Soviet days. No wonder it fails from time to time.
    What do y'all think of this? This glitchy fucking tablet won't let me just share the goddamn article, so I'll copypaste some of it.

    Express.UK , Friday Sept 2
    Lukashenko's troops prepare to seize 'lost territory' in military drills with Russia

    BELARUSIAN military drills could be aimed at "liberating" Ukrainian territory regained from Lukashenko's troops, the Ukrainian General Staff spokesman said.

    Alexander Lukashenko's troops will conduct the drills between September 8 and 14 and will simulate the liberation of captured territory.
    Mr Hromov (Ukraine) said: “This particular exercise will for the first time cover liberating territory captured by the enemy, and reaching the border in a counter-offensive.
    “It’s possible that by ‘lost territory’ they could mean Ukrainian borderlands in Volyn, Rivne, and Zhytomyr oblasts."
    Moscow announced in late July that it would hold the "Vostok" (East) exercise in the east of the country, despite waging a six-month-long war in Ukraine, where it has suffered heavy losses of personnel and equipment.
    Last month, President Lukashenko said that his military's SU-24 warplanes had been modified to carry nuclear weapons and that Minsk would react immediately if the West caused it any problems.
    Lukashenko said he had agreed to the move to modernise Belarusian warplanes with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Belta news agency reported.

    So yeah. Also, China is involved in these drills, that MIGHT not be drills?

    The reason this surprised me @fillow ,is that the military strategists I'VE seem recently, have said that they didn't think this would happen.

    Edit: also, this could go right along with my list of weird shit:

    Chinese soldiers participating in war games with Belarusian/Lukashenko soldiers, aimed at Ukraine.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-02-2022 at 07:42 AM.

  9. #519
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    WW3 is totally coming and it's going to be insane, and it could have been avoided, but there's this one motherfucker who just let it happen in the laziest way

  10. #520
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    this one motherfucker who just let it happen in the laziest way

  11. #521
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    I was wondering about those new ads from NY and now it's hard to not seem them for what they are now.

  12. #522
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    What do y'all think of this? This glitchy fucking tablet won't let me just share the goddamn article, so I'll copypaste some of it.

    Alexander Lukashenko's troops will conduct the drills between September 8 and 14 and will simulate the liberation of captured territory.

    So yeah. Also, China is involved in these drills, that MIGHT not be drills?

    The reason this surprised me @fillow ,is that the military strategists I'VE seem recently, have said that they didn't think this would happen.

    Edit: also, this could go right along with my list of weird shit:

    Chinese soldiers participating in war games with Belarusian/Lukashenko soldiers, aimed at Ukraine.
    Belarusian troops are having drills pretty much non-stop since April. The specifics are most often not disclosed.
    It doesn't mean anything. Like I said before, Lukashenko's army is a joke even compared to Putin's, so any attempt to enter the active battlefield will result in pretty much instant wipeout and humiliation. Lukashenko's all talk, but he's a coward who'll never walk the walk.

    China and Russia are not really friends and I don't see any sort of axis there. They are only making it look like they embracing each other because they have nowhere to go, but really they only care about themselves and they keep the fingers crossed behind their backs. No one is taking a bullet for the other here. And with Winnie's term's ending next year, who the fuck knows what China does next.

  13. #523
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    Belarusian troops are having drills pretty much non-stop since April. The specifics are most often not disclosed.
    It doesn't mean anything. Like I said before, Lukashenko's army is a joke even compared to Putin's, so any attempt to enter the active battlefield will result in pretty much instant wipeout and humiliation. Lukashenko's all talk, but he's a coward who'll never walk the walk.

    China and Russia are not really friends and I don't see any sort of axis there. They are only making it look like they embracing each other because they have nowhere to go, but really they only care about themselves and they keep the fingers crossed behind their backs. No one is taking a bullet for the other here. And with Winnie's term's ending next year, who the fuck knows what China does next.
    I hope you're right about China and Russia. And you certainly may be right.

    China seems to aspire to be a superpower, but they are ALSO the "workshop of the world."

    They NEED the west to buy their products to ensure a decent economy, and WE DO benefit from the fruits of their labor.

    There's been this whole "buy American" crowd for a WHILE, but people don't seem to understand that the US is in NO WAY in a position to be independent in terms of production of goods, and any attempt to create such a situation would be utterly catastrophic.

    That's a dirty secret: the rivets on my $30 jeans were likely applied by a Chinese teenager living and working in a sweatshop, earning a few dollars a week.

    I still worry about a Russia/China/NK/Iran axis, but they'd be on a fucking suicide mission.

    That's just the way it is. The us is always outnumbered but never outgunned.

    Yeah, Russia or China could get a shot off, but they'd be like Post-Iran from Year Zero before the end of the day, I think.

  14. #524
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    The least of my worries is China.

    I say this as someone who took a course in grad school taught by a professor who is a Harvard Phd who was born and reared in China and was in Tiananmen Square in 1989.

    In this class, we learned the Chinese concept of Tianxia (TEE en shah) which roughly translates to “all under heaven” coexisting harmoniously.

    "Heaven" being China.

    Or Tian Xia Wei Gong" ("天下爲公") (TEE en shah way gong) which means "What is under heaven is for all."

    The Mandate of Heaven is part of Confucianism.

    The concept basically means, for Chinese, that everything in China is already mandated by Heaven; that they don't need or want anything outside of that, that anything outside of that isn't the center of the world, and they already have Heaven so why would they go outside of Heaven? They also greatly protect China because it’s already everything.

    So China, due to this ancient concept, has never been imperialistic. They're fairly nationalistic, but it's rare that you see them get involved in other conflicts. They just don't want to bother. Sure, they were involved in the Korean conflict, but it's believed that this was largely for self-defense / border protection. There’s also the issue of Tibet in 1949, but that’s a whole other topic.

    Taiwan was always part of China, and still is. Those opposed to communist policies fled to Taiwan, but that didn't make Taiwan NOT part of China. That would be like people opposing U.S. policies fleeing to Hawaii and taking it over and declaring it "not the U.S."

    China's goal is to be the absolute BEST it can possibly be, for China. If it rules the world, it will be for China's sake, alone. Its goal would never be to take over other countries physically; that would not be logical or practical, and it defies tianxia. The size or type of China's armed forces is designed strictly to defend China's land and global financial position.

    Also, we need to look at how much U.S. debt the Japanese and Chinese have purchased.

    The Chinese are astute investors; this isn't an act of hostility; it’s just smart investing.

    Edit: This isn’t me saying I love China; this is just saying I’m not fearing a traditional WW3 war with China.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-10-2022 at 04:26 PM.

  15. #525
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    I feel you @allegro . I'm aware of these concepts.

    HOWEVER, the DPRK began as an autarky, following a set of principles called Juche: basically a self sustaining utopian worker's paradise that would be the envy of the world.
    Personally, I see parallels in both regimes: they both began with noble plans, which obviously failed, for various reasons.
    And, yeah. NOW, Russia is buying ammo from NK, and China is closing down factories to keep the power on: these nations, even in a worst case scenario, likely don't have the MONEY.

    We're facing a GLOBAL recession.
    NATO is stockpiling supplies for a winter war.
    Russia has stopped gas supplies to Europe until the end of all Western/NATO sanctions.
    US is flying nuclear bombers over middle eastern countries.
    Japan is aiming their missiles at China, and is openly preparing for war.
    German forces have arrived in Lithuania.
    Greece and Turkey are on the brink.
    NK is ramping up their nuclear rhetoric, more than I can remember.
    One of the world's largest nuclear power plants is in a fucking war zone, and...yeah. I could go on and on.

    You mention TRADITIONAL WW3: I don't think the impending conflict/s will be anything like previous wars.

    I'm thinking more like EMP weapons: turning the internet off, for instance. I HOPE nobody flings a nuke, but I mean, fuck: cyber attacks could turn a hot shit westernized country into The Walking Dead in a big ass hurry,.and that's ALMOST as bad, possibly.

    Edit: also, we're on the fucking verge of attacking each other in the US over comparatively meaningless culture wars.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-10-2022 at 05:17 PM.

  16. #526
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I feel you @allegro . I'm aware of these concepts.

    HOWEVER, the DPRK began as an autarky, following a set of principles called Juche: basically a self sustaining utopian worker's paradise that would be the envy of the world.
    Personally, I see parallels in both regimes: they both began with noble plans, which obviously failed, for various reasons.
    And, yeah. NOW, Russia is buying ammo from NK, and China is closing down factories to keep the power on: these nations, even in a worst case scenario, likely don't have the MONEY.

    We're facing a GLOBAL recession.
    NATO is stockpiling supplies for a winter war.
    Russia has stopped gas supplies to Europe until the end of all Western/NATO sanctions.
    US is flying nuclear bombers over middle eastern countries.
    Japan is aiming their missiles at China, and is openly preparing for war.
    German forces have arrived in Lithuania.
    Greece and Turkey are on the brink.
    NK is ramping up their nuclear rhetoric, more than I can remember.
    One of the world's largest nuclear power plants is in a fucking war zone, and...yeah. I could go on and on.

    You mention TRADITIONAL WW3: I don't think the impending conflict/s will be anything like previous wars.

    I'm thinking more like EMP weapons: turning the internet off, for instance. I HOPE nobody flings a nuke, but I mean, fuck: cyber attacks could turn a hot shit westernized country into The Walking Dead in a big ass hurry,.and that's ALMOST as bad, possibly.

    Edit: also, we're on the fucking verge of attacking each other in the US over comparatively meaningless culture wars.
    Jesus, all that makes me want to invest in a bomb shelter and start doomsday prepping. But I don't have the funds for it. I'm just fucked, aren't I?

  17. #527
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    Jesus, all that makes me want to invest in a bomb shelter and start doomsday prepping. But I don't have the funds for it. I'm just fucked, aren't I?
    God knows how all this insanity ultimately turns out: hell, maybe it's solved diplomatically, against the odds.
    But we know ONE thing: experts KEEP warning of continuing inflation.This is a global economy, of course, and we're seeing energy crises all over the place. Electric bills have been going up, and are projected to KEEP going up.
    So we can deduce that food and power will be MORE expensive in '23.

    Therefore, we've been buying more canned goods than usual: if the "best by" date is a year off, and 99% of that stuff will hold up a hell of a lot longer than that, we're basically investing a little bit into the future with every can.
    I'm no doomsday prepper, but I've kept about 150 packs of ramen noodles on deck for the past few years: those things seem to last forever.
    I've got a fuckton of pasta, too, and off brand macaroni and cheese that's quite a bit more valuable/expensive NOW than when I bought it.

    There are a lot of LITTLE things you can do to prepare financially, at the very least.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-11-2022 at 02:58 AM.

  18. #528
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    God knows how all this insanity ultimately turns out: hell, maybe it's solved diplomatically, against the odds.
    But we know ONE thing: experts KEEP warning of continuing inflation.This is a global economy, of course, and we're seeing energy crises all over the place. Electric bills have been going up, and are projected to KEEP going up.
    So we can deduce that food and power will be MORE expensive in '23.

    Therefore, we've been buying more canned goods than usual: if the "best by" date is a year off, and 99% of that stuff will hold up a hell of a lot longer than that, we're basically investing a little bit into the future with every can.
    I'm no doomsday prepper, but I've kept about 150 packs of ramen noodles on deck for the past few years: those things seem to last forever.
    I've got a fuckton of pasta, too, and off brand macaroni and cheese that's quite a bit more valuable/expensive NOW than when I bought it.

    There are a lot of LITTLE things you can do to prepare financially, at the very least.
    Yeah, inflation is already out of control. My electricity bill was higher this AUg even though I used LESS kwh than last Aug. I've definitely changed my diet considerably since 2020. Used to eat only whole foods and now there's a lot of processed shit in my diet basically out of necessity. For what it's worth though, most economists predicted that the two years that followed the pandemic would be the toughest financially. All the shifting landscapes just make it impossible for the economy to recover on a dime. But in theory, it should begin to return to normal after those initial two years. The economy always recovers in the long run. Problem is, in the long run we're also all dead.

    But if nukes start going off? It's over, whoever survives will be back in the dark ages. I sometimes wonder if it'd even be worth surviving such an event. And if it gets bad enough, radiation pollution pretty much means anyone who does survive is going to have a very painful death.
    I don't have any hope of any of it REALLY being solved. Rainwater isn't safe to drink already anywhere on earth. Young people are getting cancer at a higher clip than the pervious generations, most likely due to pollutants in, well, everything. Even people who "live off the land" are still fucked because the soil itself is polluted in most places. We're fucked. That's for sure. I don't know if it will be politics, nukes, climate change, failing economies, or another, worse, pandemic that takes it all down but it is definitely going to happen at some point. I just hope it's in about 100 years instead of 20-40.

    But ultimately, there's nothing to even be done about it anymore. The answer is in not dwelling on it and living in the moment I think. But if it all does go down, my plan is basically to drive (because no phones) to everyone's house I know and hope they have a good plan haha. Even if they don't I figure it'd be a decent farewell tour.

  19. #529
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    You definitely don't want to survive a nuclear war. It wouldn't be like a cool post-apocalyptic movie. It would just be a lot of protracted suffering, either from radiation, disease, or the dog-eat-dog nature of survival. Better to just hope you get taken out quick, or take matters into your own hands. I'm sure that sounds morbid, but that's the way I feel about it. There's no sense in living in a world that would do that to itself.

  20. #530
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    I've got a friend who's a career Air force guy; he once "wherever you THINK we are in terms of weapons and defense, imagine where we could be 25 or 30 years in the future, and you'll have an idea off where we ACTUALLY are."
    So hell: we might have some insanity to glitch a country or region out of existence. The whole point of the Manhattan Project was never before seen bat shit crazy shock, destruction and devastation, and I'd imagine the US has been preparing increasingly crazier, more decisive technology for a WHILE.
    I've always figured that say, Russia, or NK, might get a shot off, but they'd look like Post Iran from YZ about 30 minutes later...not that that would be GOOD for HUMANITY in any way.

    But even if I'm right about that, well, they don't call Amarillo, Tx Bomb City for.nothing: that's where they (officially) assemble/dismantle OUR nukes. That'd make a GREAT fucking target.
    And it's about 80 miles due south of me
    (edit: make that 63. I can't find a fucking exact ADDRESS for Pantex, but i did learn thayt it's apparently 17 miles CLOSER to my fucking house than I realized.)

    But I'm not scared, or dwelling on it or any of that shit. This may be perverse, but watching the world come to.the brink of it all is...well, at least it's fucking INTERESTING, right?

    As far as CIVIL unrest, or if there ever IS any sort of conventional bombing here, we've got one thing: when my grandfather had this house built, he included a basement DEEP underground. It's finished, 1000 plus square feet, and even has two rooms.
    We've been cleaning that shit out and, you know...well, you can imagine, in the face of all.this turbulence.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-11-2022 at 06:04 PM.

  21. #531
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    My gf's mom, who was in the Air Force (and worked in weapon control) said the same thing about the weapon technology actually.

  22. #532
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    Lots of technology exists in many different areas, not just military, which is still years away from being anywhere close to progressing from a lab prototype to ready-to-use finished product. Chill.

  23. #533
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    Lots of technology exists in many different areas, not just military, which is still years away from being anywhere close to progressing from a lab prototype to ready-to-use finished product. Chill.

    You're in the big ass middle of this. I HIGHLY respect your spirit and attitude. But remember, I live in a country that's barely ever been touched, like, AT ALL, in modern history. I'm not USED to this shit.

    And i, for one...I AM chilled, 100%.
    But I also see.the writing.on the wall, regarding the.strong probabilities of a GLOBAL depression, worsening supply.chain issues, massive civil unrest in dozens of.countries, (including the US), and the possibility of further military conflict.

    Again, I'm not some lunatic prepper. But I mean, fuck: if my family a really comfortable underground shelter 50 years ago, and we've a LITTLE money to spend due to farming, why not.make sure that shelter has sleeping arrangements, food, water, candles, entertainment, etc. ?

    As far as secret American military tech, though? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
    Keeping the true extent of military capabilities secret is an INSANELY important, not to mention ANCIENT, war tactic, right?
    So the US is the world's only true superpower, and we've been spending spending more money on defense than the next eight countries combined, for a WHILE.

    When i look at THAT shit, alongside a history of US military secrecy ranging from the Manhattan Project, to U2s, to the entire stealth program, to directed energy weapons, to attempts at fucking MIND CONTROL and BLACK MAGIC, AND, think of the proven existence of "black money" which is used for "black/special access projects," ostensibly on a continuous basis, well...yeah.

    It does to believe that we likely have some unimaginable shit.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-11-2022 at 06:00 PM.

  24. #534
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    It does to believe that we likely have some unimaginable shit.
    I'm sure we have a plan to annihilate the entire world in the event nukes start going off over here. But sometimes I'm skeptical we're really all that advanced. I mean our complete failure in Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't really lead to a lot of military confidence. The thing is, it's actually easier to blow up the planet than it is to be tactical and precise. And the thing about blowing up shit with nukes is that it doesn't leave anything behind worth ruling over, so countries have a built in disincentive.

    But yeah, nothing wrong with stocking the basement. If nothing else you get a few more days/weeks with your family in the event everything goes to shit in a hurry.

  25. #535
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    I'm sure we have a plan to annihilate the entire world in the event nukes start going off over here. But sometimes I'm skeptical we're really all that advanced. I mean our complete failure in Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't really lead to a lot of military confidence. The thing is, it's actually easier to blow up the planet than it is to be tactical and precise. And the thing about blowing up shit with nukes is that it doesn't leave anything behind worth ruling over, so countries have a built in disincentive.

    But yeah, nothing wrong with stocking the basement. If nothing else you get a few more days/weeks with your family in the event everything goes to shit in a hurry.
    I mean, where I live, the shelter SHOULD be stocked, even in the event of a tornado.

    On the weapons side of things? I think there's a damn fine chance we have NON nuclear options that are likely as deadly, and INSANELY precise.
    Without getting TOO far into the weeds, we've been working on directed energy weapons of varying types BUT IT'S NON LETHAL or JUST FOR DEFENSE.
    I call bullshit.

    Also, look into kinetic bombardment. With shit like THAT, when it's known that we've "considered" building such a device? I think there's a good chance we DID build it.

    I don't think there's been a call for such weaponry yet, but I'd bet money that the trillions we've spent on defense have gone towards cleaner, more effective killing machines.

  26. #536
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    Iran commits ANOTHER cyber attack against Albanian gvmt, like a WEEK after Biden admin vows to "hold Iran accountable for actions that threaten the security of a US ally and NATO member," regarding the July attack.
    And the Albanian PM said something about making military arrangements with western allies.

    THIS is where shit gets interesting: should a cyber attack set off Article 5? I think it should, technically, but I highly doubt it will.

    Also, though, I see this as a proxy thing: Biden JUST got finished condemning Tehran for the OTHER cyber attack.
    And Iran is like "lol, you guys didn't like that?" and fucking did it again.
    (Says man with dark sense of humor)

    Oh. ALSO, if I understand correctly, Russia has fully taken control of that nuclear plant in Ukraine, which happens to be the BIGGEST NUCLEAR PLANT in Europe.

    Last edited by elevenism; 09-12-2022 at 10:10 PM.

  27. #537
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    Ok so , as of today, if you're keeping score:

    Kurdistan vs Tajikistan. Armenia vs Azerbaijan. Greece vs that Turkey that's always in the news (I assume it's a VERY large, self aware turkey).
    China/Taiwan. Russia/Ukraine.
    Not to mention Iran and NK, and the PROXY aspects (russia/NATO led by US).

    The next five years could be pretty intense. This number of DISCLOSED conflicts is unprecedented in my lifetime.

    Personally, I'm not exactly scared of a nuclear war. I'M more worried about inflation in food and energy.

    Peep game:
    All along, I've heard economists say "this won't be like the late SEVENTIES, at least."
    The problem is that, well, it kind of IS, now.
    Per the latest CPI report, from may '21 to may '22,.among other things, the price of eggs, potatoes, rice, bread, milk, and baby food went up in double digits (percentage wise) .
    I'm not entirely sure why Biden took that recent victory lap: it could be pure politics, or it could be an economic strategy.
    But heavy hitters like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are predicting that next year will be worse.

    SO. A couple of people were talking about feeling helpless. We AREN'T helpless, though. It's about doing what you CAN. If you ARE keeping tabs, like we are, DON'T feel helpless. We in the ideological "west" have survived a LOT.

    Our big purchases next month will likely be a 25lb bag of rice, and a whole gang of oatmeal. We're also pricing like a camping style.water filter, or, better yet, a way to store ten or fifteen fuckgallons (akin to fuucktons) of current tap water.
    If WE can afford it, there's a good chance you can, too.

    Another good idea, for instance, concerns Gease. Instead of buying a processed Gease meal, or Gease cold cuts, or EVEN packaged, pre cut Gease from.the meat aisle, look for a WHOLE Gease, and do a Gease Freeze. It's cheaper, and lasts a long time. (Same with chicken or a Roast Beast).
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-16-2022 at 10:57 AM.

  28. #538
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    They don’t even SELL geese up here except maybe at Christmas.

  29. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    They don’t even SELL geese up here except maybe at Christmas.
    GEASE. Not geese. One goose is a Gease. I thought you had an English degree! :P
    I've not seen a Roast Beast for sale since I was a kid.

    Jokes aside, i'm giving legitimate tips on how to survive the impending global financial crisis.
    Economists are saying that this inflation AIN'T SHIT compared to what's coming next year.

    Furthermore, I was lucky enough to have great grandparents who lived through the depression, and spent the rest of their lives as though another depression was impending. 99% of my food tips come from them.
    They were also young during WW2, hence our kickass basement.
    They laid several metric fucktons of tips onto us, if it ever looked like the shit might hit the fan again.

    And here we are. Here it is.
    But everyone seems to be asleep.
    Did you guys SEE Biden warn Putin against using tactical nukes?
    I doubt he takes such words lightly, I'd I'd GODDAMN sure imagine that there's a reason behind his statement.

    Is anyone paying attention to the unprecedented (in my lifetime) inflation, in terms of food and energy? Were you comforted by Biden's victory lap speech?
    I damn sure wasn't.

    What about the inevitable domestic social unrest in the US?

    I feel like I'm just screaming into a void, here.

    This is REALLY happening.

    Water, food, projectiles. This is what we may SERIOUSLY need ,.to. be prepared for the rest of this decade.

    Edit: keep in mind, Biden straight up committed to war with China over Taiwan yesterday.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-19-2022 at 05:04 PM.

  30. #540
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    We’ve been on that shit since Reagan and the Six Assurances.

    We've seen worse in your lifetime. See Early-1980s Recession. Inflation was WAY higher than today. "By 1979, inflation reached a startling 11.3% and in 1980, it soared to 13.5%."

    Interest was as high as 18.53% in 1981. My generation lived through an oil embargo. Then an oil crisis.

    Pretty much all of us have parents and grandparents and great grandparents that lived through the depression. Grandma used Pet Milk in coffee. Yuck. She could make donuts last for a week. They had a huge freezer and bought a half a COW and stored it. They NEVER bought stock; didn’t trust it. They only bought the real estate they lived in, and whole life insurance policies. They sold their real estate on land contract. They died wealthy.

    Everyone I know who survived the depression (including my Mom) tell stories of no butter, and making margarine “yellow” by stirring this yellow food coloring into it, bleh. And saving gum wrappers. Had meat rations. And Spam. And no milk (powdered). And literal stamps for food. But all that was caused by a stock market crash.

    Up here in the Midwest, we have big basements because of tornadoes (and for extra living space). Mine is poured concrete, 1400 square feet, and fully finished. With 200-amp power, a living room area with a 75” TV, office, music area, walk-in pantry, bathroom, refrigerator, a wet bar with granite countertops and oven, a laundry room and a small gym. I can work out on the treadmill while hiding out from Russians. Na Zdorovie.

    Texas can’t dig basements like we can up here.

    This property has a basketball court in the basement (the photos you see with dropped ceiling = basement. See pool table and everything after it):

    (BTW: That’s Scotty Pippen’s house LOL)

    This one has a full-size theater, a gym with a locker room, a living room (basement pics start at 30):

    As has been pointed out: If there’s a thermonuclear war, we are best off DEAD.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-20-2022 at 11:40 PM.

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