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Thread: Geopolitical Conflict News

  1. #601
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    Iirc, what put an end to those negotiations was discovering the scale of Russian warcrimes.

  2. #602
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    Quote Originally Posted by r_z View Post
    Iirc, what put an end to those negotiations was discovering the scale of Russian warcrimes.
    Idk. I'm honestly not so sure about that, man.

    Is it really about the gold ole' heart of gold Western bloc preventing war crimes, because, damnit, we just won't stand for war crimes?

    Why haven't we intervened in Ethiopia.and the Tigray war, then?
    Here's a whole Wikipedia page regarding the war crimes in THAT ongoing conflict.
    What about Azerbaijan vs Armenia?
    How come we've never intervened in the Ugandan conflict, which includes CANNIBALISM?
    Lebanon? Sri Lanka? Algeria?
    Where were we during the Rwandan genocide?
    And this is a SHORT list.

    Do you REALLY think the US/UK gvmts give a fuck about Ukrainian people?

    Call me cynical, but I don't think our leaders give MUCH of fuck about US, much less a non NATO state.

    I'm pretty sure @botley answered the question in a more exhaustive manner, but basically, it just boils down to good old fashioned Western imperialism.

    That's just my humble opinion.

  3. #603
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    What's at display here with this war is a fight over the future international order. And of course western states have stakes in that. Also states that don't want to be attacked by a bigger state with imperialistic phantom pains in the future have a stake in this. So those are supporting Ukraine by delivering weapons, health goods and other stuff. Not by dictating a certain outcome once negotiations are taking place.

  4. #604
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    Yeah, anyone who’s ever played a lot of Risk sees what’s going on, here.

    You don’t spend all your time on the Risk board taking over other countries; you spend most of your time strategically placing your men in other countries to defend your country.

    I see the U.S. and its NATO allies providing arms as an advance defense of NATO countries.

    Because if we don’t do that, it signals to Putin that he can not only take back Ukraine, he can also take back Poland, or Moldova, or Georgia, or any other former Soviet country that Putin still considers Soviet.

    The U.S. was not and is not going to get involved in negotiations, because that brings the U.S. into the conflict and oversteps its boundaries with Zelenskyy. Providing arms upon request is one thing; that’s as far as the U.S. is going to go. It’s going to recognize Zelenskyy as the elected head of Ukraine.

    @r_z is correct: The negotiations between Russia and Ukraine broke down upon discovery of massive torture, etc.

    Which had NOTHING to do with the United States.

    That was Zelenskyy’s decision. He was largely backed by his people in that decision.

    The U.S. is not the world’s daddy. It isn’t coming to the rescue, here. It’s covering its own ass to try to keep ITSELF out of a worldwide conflict. It only cares about its own self. If Ukraine loses, and Russia advances into NATO countries, all your kids will go die in World War 3. That’s the situation.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-06-2022 at 12:37 AM.

  5. #605
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Why haven't we intervened in Ethiopia.and the Tigray war, then?
    Here's a whole Wikipedia page regarding the war crimes in THAT ongoing conflict.
    What about Azerbaijan vs Armenia?
    How come we've never intervened in the Ugandan conflict, which includes CANNIBALISM?
    Lebanon? Sri Lanka? Algeria?
    Where were we during the Rwandan genocide?
    The difference is that stuff wasn't happening right at the EU and NATO borders and wasn't livestreamed through millions of smartphones pretty much immediately. For one.

  6. #606
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    The difference is that stuff wasn't happening right at the EU and NATO borders and wasn't livestreamed through millions of smartphones pretty much immediately. For one.
    AND, we aren’t in defense agreements with any of these countries that requires us to defend them.

    There are STILL people in this country who are pissed that we got involved in Bosnia, despite ethnic cleansing (rape) and genocide.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-05-2022 at 02:49 PM.

  7. #607
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    If anyone isn’t watching the Ken Burns documentary on the Holocaust on PBS, I highly recommend it.

    We ain’t saviors.

  8. #608
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    The difference is that stuff wasn't happening right at the EU and NATO borders and wasn't livestreamed through millions of smartphones pretty much immediately. For one.
    True, especially the part about NATO borders.

    BUT, plenty of ongoing war crimes in other parts of the world ARE being filmed: they just aren't being broadcast on Western media.

    @allegro I agree that the US/UK is protecting itself, here.

    Yes, Ukraine wanted to fight, but let's not act as if they did it on their own.
    Honestly, had the US denied military aid and intelligence, well...I'm not sure WHAT would have happened, exactly, but it likely would have been over by March.

    I personally don't think Russia would have steamrolled through Europe.
    Had they tried, Russia wouldn't currently exist.

    I still think my points stand, and I've also gotta say that the idea that the US has some big problem with war crimes is ironic, at best.
    We've been COMMITTING war crimes for decades, and we know exactly what's going on in the rest of the world.

    Edit: also, we weren't in a defense agreement with Ukraine, either, obviously.

    This IS just like a game of Risk.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-05-2022 at 04:29 PM.

  9. #609
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    We aren’t defending Ukraine, technically. We are sending arms so they can defend themselves.

    If Russia had already taken over all of Ukraine, every actual expert has said they truly believe that Putin would not have stopped with Ukraine; that he won’t stop NOW with Ukraine. He’s sending out blackmail threats of nuclear strikes against NATO because he’s AFRAID of NATO. He is no match against NATO, and he knows this.

    ADD to this the further complication by a former orange U.S. President who enabled and adored Putin, and was possibly compromised by Putin.

    Ukraine “wanted to fight” because they were INVADED.

    No, we are not in a defense agreement with Ukraine which is why we aren’t attacking Russia. If Ukraine was in NATO, NATO would be collectively attacking Russia right now.

    I don’t know why you’re bringing up U.S. war crimes into this discussion. It’s irrelevant, as the U.S. was not involved in peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, at all.

    Further, the war crimes seen in Ukraine? Right out of the Nazi playbooks.

    But Americans go ahead and use irrelevant whataboutism, just like during the Holocaust.

    During Hitler’s murderous reign, the U.S. largely looked away, didn’t want to get involved. Eleanor Roosevelt pleaded with her husband to do something, while literally millions of Jews and political prisoners were murdered, but it fell on deaf ears. The head of U.S. immigration denied hundreds of thousands of visa requests from European Jews, effectively signing their death warrants. It wasn’t until Pearl Harbor that we entered WW2.

    The end result?
    Last edited by allegro; 10-05-2022 at 06:13 PM.

  10. #610
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    @allegro my continued point is that we (NATO with US/UK unofficially at the helm) didn't decide to fund (and strategize with) Ukraine on the sole basis of Russian war crimes, as if we're policing war crimes worldwide.

    And I didn't bring up American war crimes for the reasons you're suggesting
    I'm not that guy. (That being said, I'm not a big fan of the us gvmt, as you well know, but that wasn't my point).

    Also, i,, too, think Russia doesn't plan to stop NOW, But I do think diplomacy might have been an option in feb, although I'm not sure. It looks like it was to me, tho.
    but like I said: had they tried advancing into western Europe, they wouldn't exist.

    I'd LOVE to talk and discuss more with you guys, (especially since I spend hours digging for news pieces regarding this thing daily) but I've got one of those fucking flares going right now and can barely type.

    Hopefully tis better tomorrow, and hopefully nothing too fucked up happens tonight on this perilous world stage.

    Edit: fuck me for editing this Jesus god my fucking hands hurt
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-05-2022 at 07:15 PM.

  11. #611
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @allegro my continued point is that we (NATO with US/UK unofficially at the helm) didn't decide to fund (and strategize with) Ukraine on the sole basis of Russian war crimes, as if we're policing war crimes worldwide.

    And I didn't bring up American war crimes for the reasons you're suggesting
    I'm not that guy. (That being said, I'm not a big fan of the us gvmt, as you well know, but that wasn't my point).
    The whole reason Russian war crimes came up, here, was related to Ukraine’s stopping peace talks. No other reason.

    We started providing arms the moment Russia attacked Ukraine.

    I haven’t seen anyone say that the U.S. began sending Ukraine arms due to Russian war crimes. Because that’s incorrect.

    Russia can’t “advance into Europe” until it’s advanced past Ukraine. Because geography. The U.S. and/or any NATO ally isn’t directly involved in the fighting in Ukraine, but the allies ARE trying to keep Russia from taking too much of Ukraine because that would mean Russia now fully bordering these ally NATO countries. The U.S. isn’t NEARLY as worried as countries who have Russia in their back yards.

    You’re storing canned goods but we aren’t Russia’s prime target. Europe is in FAR more danger. And now NK is sending missiles over Japan.

    Look at the southern border of Ukraine. All Black Sea and Sea of Azov. This is very important in a war. It’s the FIRST area that Russia aimed to secure when they attacked Ukraine. Because ports.

    Edit: My hands don’t hurt but my throat is killing me. I’m scheduled for tonsil removal gah. Hope you feel better.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-06-2022 at 12:32 AM.

  12. #612
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The whole reason Russian war crimes came up, here, was related to Ukraine’s stopping peace talks. No other reason.

    We started providing arms the moment Russia attacked Ukraine.

    I haven’t seen anyone say that the U.S. began sending Ukraine arms due to war Russian crimes. Because that’s incorrect.

    Russia can’t “advance into Europe” until it’s advanced past Ukraine. Because geography. The U.S. and/or any NATO ally isn’t directly involved in the fighting in Ukraine, but the allies ARE trying to keep Russia from taking too much of Ukraine because that would mean Russia now fully bordering these ally NATO countries. The U.S. isn’t NEARLY as worried as countries who have Russia in their back yards.

    You’re storing canned goods but we aren’t Russia’s prime target. Europe is in FAR more danger. And now NK is sending missiles over Japan.

    Look at the southern border of Ukraine. All Black Sea and Sea of Azov. This is very important in a war. It’s the FIRST area that Russia aimed to secure when they attacked Ukraine. Because ports.

    Edit: My hands don’t hurt but my throat is killing me. I’m scheduled for tonsil removal gah. Hope you feel better.
    Word. But Ukraine stopped peace talks after a visit from Boris Johnson, who TOLD them to stop peace talks, ACCORDING to Ukraine. Look into it if you like.
    I've been following it since April, and there was a bit of a bombshell in September (no pun intended).
    They don't put a lot of this shit on the front page, I've realized, but it's certainly there.
    I feel like we're talking in circles on that subject, though.

    Wah, why did you quote me

    This hurts.

    Anyway, secondly, i spend about 4 hours a day digging through news and rumors (which I rarely bring up, the rumors) on this conflict, from dozens of GOOD sources, and have been doing so for months.
    So like, yes, i understand that NATO troops aren't fighting on the ground, for instance.
    I feel like you're sort of underestimating how much attention I'm paying, here.

    I don't mean that all of my OPINIONS are correct, as they're opinions.
    But regarding dates and funding and alliances and facts and movement on the ground and speeches, I'm OBSESSIVELY informed.
    I'm KIND of more up-to-the-minute with all of this than I SHOULD be, in terms of mental health. Hell, I caught the "nuclear capable missile fired over japan" story from Bloomberg, literally one minute after it broke, and before we were sure exactly what had happened, when it was " breaking news: northern Japanese prefectures told to seek shelter (developing story) " or whatever. That's WHAT I DO: sit here in pain spending half my time studying esoteric theology, and the other half sifting through news on the Russia/Ukraine/NATO/Armenia/Azerbaijan/Iran/NK/Global financial outlook/+ situation.

    And, finally, we aren't buying canned goods and water and such for an impending nuclear strike.
    The preparation is for, what appears to be, inevitable ECONOMIC calamity, per an alarming number of FRIGHTENINGLY trustworthy sources.

    Likely expansion of European war with an emphasis on ENERGY, god knows what sort of sanctions and from where, plus near guaranteed civil unrest, here, and in a slew of other countries, is...well, it's gonna put a LOT of stress on an ALREADY failing GLOBAL economy that's only predicted to worsen

    THAT'S why I keep telling YOU guys to buy long lasting food and such, and to do what you can with what you have.
    If you buy food that will last awhile at today's price, you're making an investment because those prices WILL go up, as will the cost of energy. But we can't control the energy issue. So, you know, food. Double your money, perhaps, in one area, to help cover another.

    At any rate, I'm sorry about your tonsils. They give you ice cream, though! :/

    Good luck and hang in there.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-05-2022 at 09:46 PM.

  13. #613
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    Tonsil surgery is outpatient, so I’ll be leaving within an hour after surgery.

    I don’t believe that Zelenskyy was taking advice from Boris Johnson. The problem is Johnson insisting that Putin can’t be trusted. And Johnson is right.

    I’m on Twitter so, yeah, you get news within seconds on Twitter. Immediate news is the only useful aspect of Twitter.

    Putin is sinking himself right now.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-05-2022 at 10:10 PM.

  14. #614
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    I don’t believe that Zelenskyy was taking advice from Boris Johnson...

    I’m on Twitter so, yeah, you get news within seconds on Twitter. Immediate news is the only useful aspect of Twitter
    The whole thing started with an article in Ukrayinska Pravda.
    Remember Johnson's surprise Kyiv visit in April?

    THAT's the publication (UP) that reported that the POINT of Johnson's visit was to pressure Mr. VZ to cut of peace talks, even after progress had been made.
    Of course, I'm no expert on whether/which Ukrainian news outlets are trustworthy.

    But then, last month, Fiona Hill of the NSC accidentally corroborated it in a Foreign Affairs piece.

    SO, the visit DID happen, and that WAS, ostensibly, the point of the visit. It's nothing more than an interesting look into the highest levels of power, and will likely become a historical footnote.
    It's nothing to argue about here
    Edit: and fuck me, I'd no intent of starting an argument.

    I'm not saying that's WHY no agreement was reached: I just found it to be thought provoking, especially in terms of the position and strategy of the west as, I don't think they too much CARE about Ukraine or the Baltic states. I don't think they care about their OWN citizens.

    Anyway, Twitter: I was actually fucking with it yesterday, but I can't remember how to search for what to follow. I made a new one that's 1 my name 1 some months back, because the other one was made with a sock email and the apps on this tablet are all connected to my main email.

    Right NOW, my current news set up is a YouTube profile with dozens of news channels and live streams, both corporate and independent.

    And then, I use my tablet to corroborate anything I see, and...I need a life.
    But I mean, fuck. I can't work, and these are proverbial interesting times

    A lot of what I wind up with is Twitter by proxy, as you can imagine, which is what had me trying to figure it out (again), yesterday.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-06-2022 at 08:31 AM.

  15. #615
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    Per The Washington Post:

    "The US and its Western allies need to pay attention. For the first time in recent energy history, Washington, London, Paris and Berlin don't have a single ally inside the OPEC± group."
    Biden's urgent calls to Riyadh, Kuwait City and Abu Dhabi have apparently gone unanswered.
    This is after OPEC+'s Wednesday statement that they're cutting crude oil production by 2 million barrels a day.
    The reason I think that this belongs here, is that it's fucking economic warfare, and countries choosing sides.
    I mean, good god. Et tu, Kuwait and.Saudi Arabia?

    Per WTO, "the picture for 2023 has darkened considerably; global trade will decrease sharply next year due to multi pronged crisis."

    Fed says that, as interest rates rise, there will be losses and failures in the global economy, that there is no evidence of peak inflation, and that we're "quite always away" from a pause (in rate hikes)."
    Inflation Reduction Act is NOT expected to reduce inflation within the next two years.

    US Dept of Help and Human Circuses is ordering $300 million dollars worth of NPlate, a radiation sickness drug.

    Per NYT, US aims to build giant weapons stockpile in Taiwan. The idea is to turn it into a "porcupine," like, bristling with war machines to defend itself (which is a funny way of putting it, at least).

    From Minsk, "we have a definite assessment that NATO formations deployed in neighboring countries will become the basis for strike.groups against the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus."
    (From defense minister).

    There was ONE more thing in today's doom scrolling. Fuck.

    OH YEAH. Sweden says that they are now.certain that the Nord Pipeline was subject to "gross sabotage," and that there are "gonna be some motherfucking consequences and repercussions." (Something like that. My Swedish is rusty).

    Anyway, that's my doom report from the past 24 hours or so.

    What can we do?
    Can Meat. Can VeGe-ta-ble.. Can Fish. Can Roast Beast. Can Soop. Maruchan Instant Launch.

    Don't worry be happy. Eat, drink, and be merry...
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-07-2022 at 09:23 AM.

  16. #616
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    Biden needs to dump Jerome Powell.


    I’m not eating a bunch of junk and cutting years off my life, no thanks. We have local produce farms and agriculture. We don’t have to rely on overseas food in the Midwest. We have a giant source of fish right down the street.

    We survived MUCH worse in the late-70s and 80s; except there was horrible unemployment, then. And OPEC shut down the oil supply. It KILLED the auto industry.

    Except now, there already are no cars. You have to wait a year for a car, because no chips. This will smack OPEC in the ass. Mark my words.

    Sweden has moved increasingly to biomass. This will only hasten that endeavor.

    You can get a huge tax rebate if you buy a biomass stove in the next few years. Like, 25% credit. One small super efficient biomass stove can heat over 1500 square feet. And cost you like 5 bucks.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-07-2022 at 04:32 PM.

  17. #617
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Biden needs to dump Jerome Powell.


    I’m not eating a bunch of junk and cutting years off my life, no thanks. We have local produce farms and agriculture. We don’t have to rely on overseas food in the Midwest. We have a giant source of fish right down the street.

    We survived MUCH worse in the late-70s and 80s; except there was horrible unemployment, then. And OPEC shut down the oil supply. It KILLED the auto industry.

    Except now, there already are no cars. You have to wait a year for a car, because no chips. This will smack OPEC in the ass. Mark my words.

    Sweden has moved increasingly to biomass. This will only hasten that endeavor.

    You can get a huge tax rebate if you buy a biomass stove in the next few years. Like, 25% credit. One small super efficient biomass stove can heat over 1500 square feet. And cost you like 5 bucks.
    I think Powell's big mistake was leaving interest rates so low for so long. Back during the first signs of inflation the Fed said week after week that it wasn't that bad. Meanwhile my grocery bill kept going up up up. For what it's worth they are doing the right thing now. But there's no easy fix, both raising and lowering the interest rates have consequences. And this isn't the same as a theoretical economics class. The sweet spot is hard to find in the real world because there are more variables than are known. The higher rates should dampen inflation but it will come at the cost of less business. But not doing this would lead to even higher inflation and end up strangling average people. But it will take time. Probably 2024 before stabilization begins and that's only if it all goes to plan. And it almost never all goes by the plan. The stuff elevenism is bringing up in this thread. Nukes or an energy crisis of some sort. That could put us in a no win situation that would take longer than the rest of our lives to recover from. Those are the biggest variables right now. But the fucked up thing about the global economy is those things don't even have to happen. All that really has to happen is for people to believe they will happen and the economy will be affected. We like to pretend otherwise. But we really are just a planet full of 8 billion dumb apes. Our tools are better but we are the same. Maybe we should be rooting for the nukes, idk?
    Last edited by burnmotherfucker!; 10-07-2022 at 06:17 PM.

  18. #618
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    I think Powell's big mistake was leaving interest rates so low for so long.
    As mentioned in the above article:

    “Why was he buying mortgage-backed securities for so long? Had they stopped doing that early on we wouldn’t be in the situation we are in.”

    The Federal Reserve declined to comment, but Powell has previously conceded that in hindsight the Fed should have shifted into inflation-fighting mode sooner. “Hindsight says we should have moved earlier,” Powell told lawmakers in March.
    See “Jerome Powell and the Fed Are Still Struggling to Understand a Crazy Economy Hit by the Pandemic and War”

    This isn’t typical “inflation.” Powell is using old-fashioned methods to tackle this, but it makes no sense.

    Costs go up because the supply is lower than demand. But, in the past, the demand was higher due to more expendable cash or consumers pouring more money into the system.

    This isn’t the case, now. A global pandemic fucked up the supply chain, worldwide. This created lower supplies. So, lower supplies, higher demand because … duh … no supplies.

    Interest rates? Wtf is he doing? This won’t do shit.

    He artificially bolstered the economy by making it look like it was doing way better than it was for far too long then pulls the rug out then uses a method from fucking REAGAN to fix it.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-07-2022 at 08:53 PM.

  19. #619
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    Interest rates? Wtf is he doing? This won’t do shit.
    Honestly I think you are exactly right about this being a unique situation in regards to the supply chain. But that is also a problem that, in theory, fixes itself as the economy slowly wakes up from the pandemic. Things will shift, sure, but a pandemic is basically a forced shutdown of the economy. There was no real loss in terms of the means of supply. So in time supply shouldn't be what drives inflation.

    The fed basically uses two main tools to control inflation/deflation/growth. One is the buying and selling of securities and bonds. Buying bonds increases the money in supply and leads to inflation. When things are normal, this is actually a good thing and you want about 2% inflation for the economy to grow. Selling securities and bonds decreases the money supply and increases the value of the dollar. The second tool is the interest rates. When rates are low, big banks, then small banks and businesses take out more loans and use those loans for more spending (cost of borrowing low, spending high, reduced supply etc.). This in tern spurs business growth but increases the supply of circulating money and inflates the dollar. To curb this, raising interest rates has the opposite effect. Banks borrow less and so do businesses, decreasing spending and therefore the reduction in the supply of money leads to an increase in the value of the dollar.

    At least that's how I learned it about 10 years ago if memory serves me. But you are also right that these tools are antiquated. But what other playbook is there? They kept rates too low and bought securities for too long, probably in the hope it would spur business. And now they are reacting to the outcome of that.

    I don't disagree with you and I'd be fine if they moved on from Powell. He got it wrong for too long. But the interest rate changes and security market really are the feds main weapons and have been for some time.

    I honestly don't follow this stuff on the daily and haven't for quite some time. So I'm sure there's a ton I'm missing. But if you want inflation to steady itself, you need the interest rate hike now that that's the boat we are in. At least that's what I'm pulling from my failing memory, it's very possible there's much I am forgetting.

    I just checked and Khanna actually has the same undergraduate degree that I do. I trust he's kept more up to speed than I am, to say the least. And he is 100% right that if they were to continue the current policy for too long it could very well end up with people out of work. Fix inflation only to spur unemployment. Fix unemployment only to create inflation. That is the balancing act they are playing and it isn't an exact science.

  20. #620
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    Inexplicable urge to listen to this song the whole day. Not sure what happened. Anyone?

    In other news, congratulations to Ales Bialiatski, Memorial and Centre for Civil Liberties on Peace Novel Prize. It's sad that there's even a need for these organizations, but recognition and publicity are well deserved. Especially for Memorial.

  21. #621
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    Interest rates? Wtf is he doing? This won’t do shit.
    Oh, it's gonna do SOME shit :

    Crash the housing market, put millions of people out of work, but hey... As long as the stock market looks pretty, RIGHT?

    Couple of bits and bobs I just picked up:

    -Sabre rattling between Israel and Lebanon: France has told its citizens to leave Lebanon

    -USAF UAVs headed to Japan this month

    -US State Dept approves sale of surface to air missile systems to Kuwait: maybe this regains us a damn ally in OPEC?

    -Zelenskyy calls for preventative (i read that as preemptive) NATO strikes, Moscow Spokesman says this is "nothing else but a call to start a World War."
    THEN, Zelenskyy spokesman says "no no no, he meant SANCTIONS."
    (This one might actually HAVE been an error on the part of the interprteter; I damn sure wouldn't know, but it speaks to the continuing fragility of all this shit.)

    -Oh, yeah: fucking CDC EBOLA warning. Travelers from certain African countries are to be routed to certain airports for screening.

    @allegro I SURE hope you're right about OPEC being bit in the ass.

    And I hear you about food.
    Generators and candles and solar panels are a good idea, too: there are rumblings of impending...rolling blackouts?
    I'm not SURE that's exactly what that means, but like, ok: the idea that energy companies in Europe and US/Canada may have to turn the power off for hours at a time this winter, to deal with the energy crisis, is what I mean.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-08-2022 at 03:58 AM.

  22. #622
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    so... that bridge and fuel train incident, coupled with the Nordgas thing is... interesting.

    some are saying it's the same "team" behind both operations.

  23. #623
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    so... that bridge and fuel train incident, coupled with the Nordgas thing is... interesting.

    some are saying it's the same "team" behind both operations.
    Word, and I'm very careful not to traffic in conspiracy theories in this thread, BUT...

    It's interesting that Joe Biden said he would "end Nord Stream" if Russia invaded Ukraine, and told people who called bullshit "we WILL. I promise you. We'll be able to do it."
    I've also seen reports of US aircraft in the area some days before the explosion, but I consider it unconfirmed.
    (Edit: due to the sources. They aren't conspiracy theory articles, but this information comes from...I don't know how trustworthy these news sites are. They're kind of new to me).
    PLUS there was that weird ass tweet from the former Polish MEP: the "THANK YOU, USA!" tweet?
    On the OTHER hand, this could certainly be a Russian false flag: they're getting a lot of fine propaganda from it, I think.

    And then, with the bridge, did you see the stuff Ukrainian officials were posting on social media? They aren't taking responsibility DIRECTLY, but they sure seem happy about it. One of VZ's advisors posted something like "this is just the beginning," iirc?

    Fog of war, man. Fuck me. At least it's interesting. We're damn sure living through the proverbial "interesting times."
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-08-2022 at 08:08 AM.

  24. #624
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    @wizfan , since you're here, how is the mood in Greece?

    For decades, I've heard tales of this Mediterranean turkey. It's always in the news, this turkey, and is apparently able to speak and command armies.

    We don't have that type of sentient animal in the US. I'm always amazed, reading headlines like "turkey will help US in Afghanistan" or "turkey occupy parts of Cyprus."
    How does the turkey make itself understood? Why would men take orders from a turkey?

    Ok, so...animal jokes aside, what are you hearing in Greece?

    I keep reading things about Turkey violating Grecian airspace.
    Turkey has also dropped bombs on Iraq and Syria, and they're obviously no strangers to "ethnic cleansing." They love to fuck with Armenia, too.

    A Turkey vs Greece conflict would be a nato member vs a strong nato ally.

    So, again...what's the word in Greece? Is there anything on the news regarding a potential conflict, brother?

  25. #625
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    I'm pretty sure it's gonna happen... the nukes are gonna fly, and since I'm in Los Angeles, I'm gonna die. Fuck you Putin, you evil fuck. Why are you even doing this? What would you accomplish? Because America will fuck you back, and millions of innocent people will die, and then the rest of the world will split into warring factions, and none of this needs to happen, but China has been holding to North Korea for a reason, and if you don't think it's to make them launch their nukes and then throw them under the bus... things are ready to BURN

    And Putin is threatening to light the fuse. I hate this guy, and his BFF Donald Trump. What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!?!??!?!

    I think a lot of younger people are unaware of how dangerous these bombs are. Like, it would wipe out New York, and everyone who lives there will DIE
    And that is just one bomb. And they have a LOT more.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 10-08-2022 at 03:23 PM.

  26. #626
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    @elevenism - rolling blackouts aren’t unusual, it happens when power grids are overtaxed or when some parts of the grid are compromised; like when a transformer is hit during an ice or wind storm, or by lightning or when it blows by being overwhelmed, or whatever. It’s “rolling” in a wave, grid by grid, rather than shutting all consumers down. This vs. a “brown out” where everyone’s power drops to much lower levels, which won’t run your AC and can damage equipment.

    A TON of power consumers up here have purchased natural gas backup systems (like Generac) that connect right into a portion of your circuit panel, that backs up whatever you choose in the event of an electric outage. It can back up your entire house. There’s issues with the regulator possibly freezing up in certain sub-zero temps, allegedly. That’s why people are buying wood stoves, and gasoline generators, too. We’ve had significant storms up here, that take out power. The backup generators are also good for your sump pumps to prevent flooding when we get hit with these massive storms that take out electricity but also bring massive flooding and we still need our pumps running. We have a second backup sump pump with a big battery that can run the sump or backup pump for at least 18 hours, PLUS we have a Honda gas generator in the garage, plus a portable sump pump. We plan to get an additional gasoline generator that can run one of the refrigerators.

    Climate change has required us to have redundancies and protections that are bonuses in “other” situations.

    Edit: Note that everyone I know who lives in hurricane-prone areas also own gas-powered generators.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-08-2022 at 02:54 PM.

  27. #627
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    @elevenism - rolling blackouts aren’t unusual, it happens when power grids are overtaxed or when some parts of the grid are compromised; like when a transformer is hit during an ice or wind storm, or by lightning or when it blows by being overwhelmed, or whatever. It’s “rolling” in a wave, grid by grid, rather than shutting all consumers down.

    A TON of power consumers up here have purchased natural gas backup systems (like Generac) that connect right into a portion of your circuit panel, that backs up whatever you choose in the event of an electric outage. It can back up your entire house. There’s issues with the regulator possibly freezing up in certain sub-zero temps, allegedly. That’s why people are buying wood stoves, and gasoline generators, too. We’ve had significant ice storms up here. The backup generators are also good for your sump pumps to prevent flooding when we get hit with these massive storms that take out electricity but also bring massive flooding and we still need our pumps running.

    Climate change has required us to have redundancies and protections that are bonuses in “other” situations.
    Say less.

    Turn me on to some of these solutions.

    Idk if we can afford a full house generator for right now, but something that could power the living room, at least, would be lovely

    We could camp out in there and play video games and such.

    We just don't know what to buy.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-08-2022 at 12:41 PM.

  28. #628
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    also, we're all about to die because of Putin. One person on this earth is gonna kill us all. I wish somebody would do something about that because I'm not going to, but how fucking hard is it to fucking kill Vladamir already. Why hasb't the US sent in snipers and shit like and just ended this bullshit. Trump is handing him soccor balls already. Just pull out your sniper rifle already, nobody else in the world would have a problem with it, they'll probably throw you a parade.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 10-08-2022 at 01:06 PM.

  29. #629
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    also, we're all about to die because of Putin. One person on this earth is gonna kill us all. I wish somebody would do something about that because I'm not going to, but how fucking hard is it to fucking kill Vladamir already. Why hasb't the US sent in snipers and shit like and just ended this bullshit. Trump is handing him soccor balls already. Just pull out your sniper rifle already, nobody else in the world would have a problem with it, they'll probably throw you a parade.
    I can pretty much promise you that we aren't all about to die.

    If there's one thing I DO know, it's that the US has the most hardcore, batshit crazy weapons, both offensive and defensive.
    Our military has shit we can barely imagine. (look into kinetic bombardment and directed energy weapons).
    And THAT'S just stuff they decided to share.

    I continue to maintain that OUR issues will be FINANCIAL, here in the US of A, and in the West.

    I can dig your idea of an assassination. But, the thing is, as much as the media wants to paint this as one man, it isn't.
    Putin isn't the only war hawk in Russia's Kleptocratic Oligarchy.

    If you're really THAT scared, though, and you have the money, there ARE still places you can go and live like a king.
    Shit. Head for Nepal or Vietnam.
    A few of my friends did that a long ass time ago.
    And I'm not even mentioning Polynesia and Micronesia.
    There are tiny tropical paradise spots like Tuvalu, where you'd be the fucking King of the island if you could work remotely.

    We CAN'T leave, for a couple of reasons: one being that my bro DWI Aztech and his wife DWI Geisha, and their kids, are happy in Colorado, and the other being that my fam's money is tied up in this house and some farms, and it takes 2 to turn the key.

    But if you've got the bread, by all means, bounce, to a place that will be forgotten in a world war.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-08-2022 at 02:15 PM.

  30. #630
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    also, we're all about to die because of Putin. One person on this earth is gonna kill us all. I wish somebody would do something about that because I'm not going to, but how fucking hard is it to fucking kill Vladamir already. Why hasb't the US sent in snipers and shit like and just ended this bullshit. Trump is handing him soccor balls already. Just pull out your sniper rifle already, nobody else in the world would have a problem with it, they'll probably throw you a parade.

    Yeah I watched this about that:

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