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Thread: Fringe

  1. #121
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    Spoiler: Wait no, the plan is on a piece of paper that Walter stashed somewhere but he can't read it. And I know I was supposed to care when Etta died but I didn't...at all

    Fuck this season

  2. #122
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    Indeed, this season is going everywhere and nowhere. The premiere was promising, but everything afterwards was lacklustre at best.

  3. #123
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    I love Fringe but I have a feeling it's another JJ Abrams show that's going to get a finale made of "meh" and "wtf" and "oh no you didn't".

  4. #124
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    I felt that last night's episode was the strongest of the new season so far, and the end definitely set up something that (I hope) leads to some serious shit about to go down. I'm with all of you though, what's up with this last season? Dang...

  5. #125
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    Peter's Matrix moment(s) ftw! Also, way to shoehorn the Fringe symbols in the story...
    Last edited by Alexandros; 11-10-2012 at 04:05 AM.

  6. #126
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    I will watch the series until the end, but this season is disappointing. The writing and the whole concept is bad. Find the missing pieces.... people die and introspection follows, because CHARACTER GROWTH! Is this still necessary? The supposedly omnipotent observers are completely oblivious to illoyal subjects, they don't secure Etta's apartment after her death, so Peter can stay there. There is no surveillance in Walter's old lab, even though they all know that he's there... Also, they circumvented the whole how-does-it-all-fit-together problem with introducing a completely different storyline. Does the other universe still matter? Does Olivia still have supernatural powers? What do the observers really want to do? I suspect that this is all a consequence of not knowing whether there would be a fifth season at all. The result is that they had to set up a possible series finale in the 4th season, but then were told that it wasn't necessary, so they closed the whole parallel universe storyline (the thing that was supposedly creating the FRINGE events in the first place!) and left it unresolved. Wel'll get some answers at the end of the fifth season, but the original storyline is already over, and everything that happens now is a forced aftermath.

  7. #127
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    Yes, that's totally right I'm afraid. It feels like they skipped a chapter of the story and like almost everything that happened before is void. It's kinda sad really.

  8. #128
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    "Find the missing pieces.... people die and introspection follows, because CHARACTER GROWTH! Is this still necessary?"

    The original theme of the first few seasons was the bad decisions Walter makes after suffering the loss of a child. Now that Peter and Olivia face the same problem they choose not to make the same mistake. I was surprised to have that as the end of the Etta story and it was a much better conclusion than I could have predicted.

    "Also, they circumvented the whole how-does-it-all-fit-together problem with introducing a completely different storyline."

    It all fit together because David Robert Jones was responsible for a lot of the fringe events and he stole Walter and William Bell's research when he worked for Massive Dynamic.

    "Does the other universe still matter?"

    The other universe was healed when Peter was removed from the timeline by the machine.

    "Does Olivia still have supernatural powers?"

    The powers are gone because she was shot in the head in last seasons finale.

    "What do the observers really want to do? I suspect that this is all a consequence of not knowing whether there would be a fifth season at all."

    I suspect it's just because we're halfway through the season and haven't found out yet.

    "The result is that they had to set up a possible series finale in the 4th season, but then were told that it wasn't necessary, so they closed the whole parallel universe storyline (the thing that was supposedly creating the FRINGE events in the first place!) and left it unresolved. Wel'll get some answers at the end of the fifth season, but the original storyline is already over, and everything that happens now is a forced aftermath."

    I think they always planned it this way and you can really tell that by the number of years of events they skipped over between season four and five. When they knew they were being renewed for one more season they simply skipped to the final season.

    Also I'm only answering your questions after having watched through all of Fringe once as it aired over the years. I'm sure there are a lot more details I'm forgetting.

    This season needs more Nina in her ridiculous white wig.

  9. #129
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    @ Lutz:

    The death of Etta as a parable to the death of the original Peter is a good observation. But of course, Peter and Olivia cannot make Walter's mistake even if they wanted to. It was Walter's selfishness that damaged the universe. Peter and Olivia cannot repeat that. They are in a different time, cut off from everything they knew. I have to admit that I'm tired of these introspective episodes. This shortened, final season is not the time for that.

    I agree with you that many things fit together until season 4. Season 5 however, feels a little superfluous. That's what I said. And still there are so many loose ends. Wasn't William Bell also in amber when Etta and Desmond from Lost found him? Once again, I don't think it's illogical that the other universe is gone now, I just think that Season four wrapped it up pretty well. But what we're seeing now is not really related to the previous episodes. I find that I'm not really caring about these events.
    Regarding the observers, I can only guess that they try to manufacture a timeline that ensures their existence. However, the present timeline also only exists because of them, because September distracted Walter and condemned original Peter to death etc....

    It reminds of me of what Hulk, the film critic said about the ending of Lost: It was a good ending, but not an ending for a show like this. Lost was all about mystery and science vs religion. The message "It was about the people you were with" was wrong-headed. I'm afraid we will get a similar ending here. And we'll be left wondering why we cared about the cortexophan children and the parallel universe.
    I find it interesting that there are some complex shows around like Lost or Fringe whose authors claim that they planned it all from the very beginning, yet the narrative falls apart. One loses sight of the important things. The ending is unsatisfying. Yet, there is a show like Arrested Development that REALLY had it all planned and people still find prove of that years after cancellation.

  10. #130
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    Even if this season is struggling to keep itself together, I must say I'm liking Peter's Observerisation.

  11. #131
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    Best episode of the season, in my opinion. It felt sort of focused.

  12. #132
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    Agreed, I've also been kinda ho-hum about the season thus far but last night was great. Seems they're going to finally just get down to the big showdown sooner than later. Makes sense considering there's what, 6 episodes left?

  13. #133
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    Re: Fringe

    Yeah, it was a good episode. Things are starting to shake up and getting a tad more dark. Somethings gonna give towards the end, that's the feeling I got from this episode.

  14. #134
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    I too liked last nights episode. Walter has always been my favourite character. His interactions with Nina were what made the episode for me (although Peter's scheming was quite awesome). I'm still bummed that John Nobel has never and probably will never recieve any awards for his portrayal of Walter. He's had a couple Satellite and Academy of Sci Fi nominations but IMO he stands equal or above the nominees for best supporting male in the last 4 emmy awards.

  15. #135
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    So I only read the last page of this thread....I'm considering watching it from the start as it is being shown from the begining on the science channel starting tonight. Is it worth the investment of time...or are you (any of you) regretting watching it for the last however many years you have been? Of course maybe you won't know until the final episode.
    Sometimes the journey is better than the destination. Seems that way with most JJA shows

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jan View Post
    So I only read the last page of this thread....I'm considering watching it from the start as it is being shown from the begining on the science channel starting tonight. Is it worth the investment of time...or are you (any of you) regretting watching it for the last however many years you have been? Of course maybe you won't know until the final episode.
    Sometimes the journey is better than the destination. Seems that way with most JJA shows
    watch it. it's fantastic. for all of the little bits of complaining we've all done, it's a fantastic show that will suck you in and won't let you go.

  17. #137
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    I haven't seen the very latest episode, but I feel like this final season is garbage. It's a completely different show, with very different (and less likable) characters, and it's disappointing. The narration and plot have been on par with a video game. The managed to squeak out funding for one more season, and we get a weepy Olivia and Peter murders dudes with his own bare hands all the time? And the Observers, which were initially disaffected dudes who showed up to watch historic disasters, are now evil Agents from the Matrix, but with hats instead of sunglasses.

    I'll watch the final season through, but each week I ask my wife, "What kind of shark will they jump this episode?"

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    I haven't seen the very latest episode, but I feel like this final season is garbage. It's a completely different show, with very different (and less likable) characters, and it's disappointing. The narration and plot have been on par with a video game. The managed to squeak out funding for one more season, and we get a weepy Olivia and Peter murders dudes with his own bare hands all the time? And the Observers, which were initially disaffected dudes who showed up to watch historic disasters, are now evil Agents from the Matrix, but with hats instead of sunglasses.

    I'll watch the final season through, but each week I ask my wife, "What kind of shark will they jump this episode?"
    I agree, but I try to look less at the setting and more at the characters. For a sci fi show Fringe has some of the deepest most layered characters, especially Walter, but Peter too.

    And the show is always evolving. Sure this season is different, but season 3 and 4 were completely different to season 1 and most of season 2. When the show started it was basically Law and Order: Fringe Event, with a crazy scientist killing ppl each week. It took ages to become the show most of us love (the season 2/3 arch)

  19. #139
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    I actually quite like this season. I would rather them skip a couple chapters to try and wrap things up, then be left in the dark and have the series come to an abrupt end without any episodes left.

  20. #140
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    Re: Fringe

    Ah man, what are they doing?

  21. #141
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    as much as i, personally, don't like (or do) drugs, it seems my favourite episodes of this show revolve around walter being really high (brown betty, the black blotter).

    i loved this episode. Spoiler: particularly the monty python part.
    Last edited by eversonpoe; 12-16-2012 at 11:12 AM.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i loved this episode. Spoiler: particularly the monty python part.
    Hahaa, man that was so random! But I loved it.

  23. #143
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    So.... the revelation at the end of this episode fits perfectly into this theory on the IMDB board:


    which is even more amazing if you consider that this theory was written BEFORE the last episode. So I am willing to accept this as the explanation. Also, I am 'pleased' that finally someone important died. I think they should have killed off Broyles in that one episode. They should have killed off someone important in the first episode of the season already, because that would have made the Observers much more menacing.

  24. #144
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    That's a pretty good read.

  25. #145
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    So, wouldn't the plan to get wonderboy to the future so that humanity doesn't go down the Observer path actually negate the existence of wonderboy, since he was created in the Observer society?

    Also, are there no women Observers?!

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandros View Post
    So, wouldn't the plan to get wonderboy to the future so that humanity doesn't go down the Observer path actually negate the existence of wonderboy, since he was created in the Observer society?

    Also, are there no women Observers?!
    I thought that as well. The writers of Fringe were previously aware of all these time travel paradoxies but now that doesn't seem to matter. Also, when Olivia said that they could get Etta back because of all of this, I thought, 'Yeah well, but you will not remember it because it's a completely different timeline and you will not exist'. Also, without the Observer society, there will be no September and the five years of Fringe will not exist at all.... We need some further explanation along the lines of the IMDB thread I linked to earlier, otherwise the whole plot of the show was nothing but a mistake by someone who shouldn't have existed in the first place....
    About the all-male observers.... Bene Tleilax...

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by ambergris View Post
    Also, without the Observer society, there will be no September and the five years of Fringe will not exist at all....
    I thought of this too, but I assume that a reset timeline with no Observers is the primary goal, so all else is secondary, even if it means a different world with different lives for the Fringe team (which, as you said, Olivia and Peter both seem to ignore). With wonderboy however, it is different as I see it: He is supposed to be the one and only reason that will force future scientists to re-evaluate the separation of emotions from intelligence. But if those future scientists do decide to take a different route, then the kid is erased from the timeline, which in turn (as Fringe has shown us before with Peter) will erase him and everything that has to do with him from their memory, thus erasing the reason why scientists would change their course of action in the first place. It's sort of a vicious circle. Of course I may be missing something or I may be entirely wrong (time travel is, as always, a bitch), but this is how I see it at first glance.

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandros View Post
    I thought of this too, but I assume that a reset timeline with no Observers is the primary goal, so all else is secondary, even if it means a different world with different lives for the Fringe team (which, as you said, Olivia and Peter both seem to ignore). With wonderboy however, it is different as I see it: He is supposed to be the one and only reason that will force future scientists to re-evaluate the separation of emotions from intelligence. But if those future scientists do decide to take a different route, then the kid is erased from the timeline, which in turn (as Fringe has shown us before with Peter) will erase him and everything that has to do with him from their memory, thus erasing the reason why scientists would change their course of action in the first place. It's sort of a vicious circle. Of course I may be missing something or I may be entirely wrong (time travel is, as always, a bitch), but this is how I see it at first glance.
    One thing gives me hope though. Windmark's boss said that there was a reason why they chose that time to invade. So I hope that we will get to know why. Also, the Fringe team is deemed 'unimportant', or was it 'inconsequential'? Anyway, we will also get to know the observer's goal and why the Fringe team is supposedly unimportant. Though it is a bit lame that September said that the observers travel back in time to study early human behavior. There 'should' be more to it, or? Anyway though, the end is near and either we will know or we won't, speculation time is over. But I have to say that I enjoyed the last couple of episodes. I really liked how the team had to hide and cover every move in that last episode. And Windmark's connection to 2600-something and his ability to escape the imploding flat via teleporting was great. That sense of dread and a powerful enemy was what was missing in the previous episodes. The contrast to Astrid still looking for tapes in the old lab was almost comical. Like whenever Olivia et al. are out there, Astrid is just like 'I'm going to get more tapes, see you later!' That plot device was really, really lame.

  29. #149
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    Me when Asrid mentioned having some strawberry milkshakes...

  30. #150
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    Fantastic finale. Emotional, powerful...touched upon a lot of elements from past episodes. Loved the way the ending lets us ponder what their next adventure will be to get in to the future.

    Spoiler: After Peter gets the white tulip, we know the first thing he's going to do is go to the lab to look for Walter, find the tape, and say 'Oh hell no, we're coming after you.'

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