Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
@sentient02970 Thank you! It is helpful to read that. One thing that I envision when I'm feeling low like I did when I posted that, is the moment I step off the plane and am greeted by my sister and mother, I'm sure I'm going to feel elation during that time. I realize that it's the anticipation of the day of goodbyes that is freaking me out more than anything. I manage to let it out of my mind for about three days at a time until it hits me again full force.
If the "goodbyes" is freaking you out, don't look at it that way; you have Skype, Facetime, all kinds of ways to keep in touch with the people you care about and love. Don't say "goodbye" to them (way too permanent, like a death); just agree that you won't say "goodbye" but that you'll all have some silly replacement word, instead, like "cha-cha!!" and that you will all keep in touch; I still keep in touch with my friends and family in Michigan mostly via texting and computer; I don't SEE them very often, but it's pretty easy to keep in touch with them these days via several forms of electronic communication. Remember, LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE. Yes, part of the adventure is the unknown, but that's why it's an adventure.

You're right, keep that picture in your mind of the minute you step off that plane and your mom and sister there to greet you with warm loving arms, and everything will be okay.