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Thread: The Mental Health thread - depression, bipolar, ADHD, you name it

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Northwest Indiana
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    I don't have the thing inside most humans that creates confidence so I put way too much into what other people think about me. Maybe I used to have it and it got worn away until it just stopped functioning? I don't know. I do have some pride. I like who I am inside and wonder why some people don't....but I second guess myself way too much.
    Not sure how to beat this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Highland Park, IL
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I like who I am inside and wonder why some people don't.
    This is partly good, partly not good. It's good to wonder why some people don't like you, and consider if your own view of yourself is flawed (ego, rose-colored glasses, too much pride, etc.) Sometimes we can learn to temper portions of our personalities that might be offputting to others but not noticed by us. This is useful. Self-reflection and reflection via others is important data. We don't live in a bubble, and unless we are total narcissists, how others think of us is important data.

    But, we also can't live our lives by what we PERCEIVE of people's views of us. Sometimes we get false vibes, false information, what we perceive as people not liking us but is actually false data. We can walk around thinking that people don't like us, but in reality our radar may be affected by our own insecurities and mistrust and prejudices etc. We need to consider all of this and filter all of it when assessing this information.

    In other words, when you say "some people don't," are you 100% certain that they don't like you? Have they SAID this? Or are your own insecurities thinking this? Or, maybe they are assholes which has nothing to do with you.

    Sometimes it's good to just think "fuck what people think about me" and live your life, dude. I mean, as long as you are reasonably sure that you're not an arrogant abusive prick and are kind and nice, then fuck people, just live with your personal power and fuck everybody else and live your own life. We have one life to live: OURS. Let them worry about their own lives, you worry about yours.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-20-2016 at 09:56 AM.

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