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Thread: Sons of the Sea (Brandon Boyd)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sons of the Sea (Brandon Boyd)

    So the one and only Brandon Boyd has finally released a date for his upcoming LP from side project "Sons of the Sea". The album will be released September 24th and will include the tracks that were offered to us earlier this year on the "Compass EP". Really liking the sound of this band and I don't feel like I am listening to an Incubus song which is a great thing. "Come Together" is an amazing and catchy song, so I cannot wait to sink my teeth into the rest of the material.

  2. #2
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    I have so much ambivalence regarding this, but I do enjoy 'Where All The Songs Come From' and 'Lady Black'

    I've been a longtime fan of Incubus and the steady decline of their music has been painful, still waiting on them to get together and put everything into the sprawling epic album I know they are capable of, not just a Mike and Brandon project like the last album.

    I will buy this album but ultimately I see it as Brandon getting all his lovey dover mushy lyrical stuff out before the next Incubus CD. I am a massive fan of 'The Wild Trapeze', Brandon's first solo album, it was a stroke of genius, the underproduction suited it and half of the tracks were superior to the majority of the Incubus album that followed it.

    Ultimately I guess the point that I am trying to put across is, Brandon took a turn with this music that I hoped he wouldn't, whereas I hoped for a progression on The Wild Trapeze, he's created a totally Pop, Radio-Friendly album that sounds like the cheesiest parts of many boy band/generic rock radio songs thrown together, and it hurts me to say it.

  3. #3
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    Sounds about right. Brandon and his shirtless romanticism, oooohing and aaaaaahing to any woman that will listen.

    Not to turn this into a incubus discussion BUT I dont know what's wrong with those guys.

    Listen to the 4 movements of The Odyssey that they recorded for the Halo 2 soundtrack... That level of epic is in them but never utilized for actual albums.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Bang on. There's a track on the Look Alive soundtrack cd (Pathogens of Wormy Interludes), it's around 13 minutes long and blows my mind. It stands as further evidence of the genius that they can create, but is just left as b-side or filler material.

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