Quote Originally Posted by Mark Fraser View Post
Love the show. One MINOR issue with the music samples.

To me at least, it sounded like the volume of the music stayed the same throughout the entire sample. If you are going to take through the latter portion of the sample, I think it would be a good idea to drastically reduce the volume once talking comes in. I found the loud music to be a bit distracting.

Other than that, the show was fucking tits. I would love to be on the fragile or with teeth episode whenever that comes to fruition.
it definitely DOES NOT stay the same during the entire sample. i made sure to very carefully automate level changes, especially if there's a part where the music gets even louder. i'll even post a screen-cap of my ProTools session if you don't believe me

but i guess i'll scale it back for next time. you're the first person (that i know of) who has said that, but i definitely want the music clips to enhance the podcast, not detract from it.